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��..��' ' i� .. ' - . ' .. .�.. ,) ,L:.����. <br /> . I:'-. . . . - . , . ,. . .• r,.:fiYk�.11.';'_KJ.\� - './.i��:'�e3:'r.•.1I�'SA{7..Y._..�..'-. <br /> ... � " , - . _1-Shiir'-.r'r�tra�'�.t;.,.,.�.•r...a.., <br /> �� , . . . �?I!^- .^_T+.��__— <br /> _ ..if�.+!w..� . <br />..` � . .r�i . . <br /> -`•''��°�� Bonowsr'e escrow accounl und�r Ih�Hd�nl Ral E�taN SMtl�rrwnt Proc�durw/1ct of 1A74 u�d�d kom tkn�lo tlrrN, 12 U�B.C. <br /> -�,�;�r... <br /> . :y � 2601 at��q, ("RESF'A'), unb�t�noth�r I�w th�t�pplfn to Ih� Funds�MS�Ms��r unount, If�o, L�nd�r may,at�ny tY�n�, colMot hd � <br />;``�'41,.`.j;. • hold Fund� h an uraunt not ta axcwd th�I���N 1lrtwunt. L�nd�r m1y stllm�b th��mount of lunds dua on th�b��b of ourc�nt d1ta� <br /> 'F^� �� and raatonabM a�tkrwt�s af�xpandkun� ol futun E�crow It�ms or oth�rwb� fn�ccord�nce wkh applb�blo kw, � <br /> ,-:::�;�y:s s, � <br /> ., � Tho Funds chaY be hoid In �n hetkutbn whos� depoaRs are haured by • hder�l �q�noy, fnslrum�ntal�y, or �ntky (hcludhp <br /> '•"��`�� .R'" Ltrndor, B Lw�d�r Is auch 4n hstkutbn) or fn any F�dual HorrN Loan Bank. Lmd�r�h�.M appy th• Fund� to pay th� Escrow IUms. � <br /> _l:='';t���.,'�, Land�r m�y not chup� Bortowar lor hoWlny and �ppylnp lh• Funds,�nnu�Ny �n�ynnp th� �scrpw �coount, or nrifylnp th� Escrow � <br /> �L�^�' '� Itom6, unkas Lender pnys Horrower fntx�sl on ths Funds�nd ylplb�bw yw pKmke L�nd�r to mak� tuoh �cha►p�. Howw�r, tandK � <br /> 'rr�;;!+).'` rtwy raquln BorrowK to p�y� on�tkn� chup�for �n Ind�pand�nt rwl��uh luc r�porthp �t�rvk� utW by I.�nd�r In conn�clbn wk!^i <br /> ` � f � thh ban,unbss�pp�Cnbw kw p�ovid�s othorwh�. Unkss�n �prowfNnt M mad�or appNcabls kw nyulr��int�rNt to b�p�ld, L�nd�► <br />-,���� shell not be requirad ro p4y Borrowor any htereal or earnfnps on the Funds, Borrowor and Londor may aprp�In wrfthp,h�wavor,lh�t .�'+i - <br /> , htares! shRll be pald on th� Funds. Landw ihaN piva to BorcowK, wMhout ohap�, �n �nnud acoounthp of th� Funda, �howhp <br /> — `'�� credks end deblta to the Funds �nd the purpone for whbh usch dei�k to the Funda waa made, The Fund� u� pMdp�d as�ddMbn�l <br /> �� ��'�� secudty for 411 sums securad by this Securky Instrument. <br />--�` `-�� If tho Funds hoW by Lsndor axcMld th�amount�p�rmkbd to b�haM by �pplb�ble�w, LsndK sh�N �ccount to BorcowK fath• <br />,,: -��::'.,. <br /> �_.�.r�., � excees Funds In �ccordanca wkh th� rpuirsmenta of appNO�bM faw, If th� �mount o} ths Funda h�ld by Und�r at �ny tlm� h n�t <br /> •.���.-:. <br /> suHbient to puy lha Escrow Ilams wha� duo, Londor rtwy so notNy Bortowx In writNtp, and, fn such ctbe BorrGwx shaH pay to LendsK <br />-�;:;--�;,�'�-_= th�amount necacsary to mak� up th� dafbfanoy. 8orrowa ihaN mak�up lho cktbknoy in no mon thui lw�lw monthy paym�ntl,at <br />-_,��:1,'q:��,� Lender's aole discrotbn. <br /> ----�-v�=�� Upon payment In full of all aumY secured by thb 5�curky Inotrummt,Und�r sh�N prompty rafund to BortowK�ny Fundf h�ld by <br /> �.'"�` " Lendsr. li, under pu�flr�ph 21, Lender chall �cqufra or sdl th�PropKty.Undx, prbr to th� �cqu�skbn or�af� o}th�PropKty.thail <br /> ����A"?`-�� '�� eppy any Funds hald by Lender at the tfine ot acquiskbn or saN aa�cndk rAahst ths sums s�cured by lhfs S�curky Inatrum�nt. <br /> s,i4� 3. Applicetlon Qf Payments. Unless applfcabk law provfd�a olhenvlse,�N peymenta receHed by l.enda under pu�pnpha <br /> �r,��.r.u�n 1 and 2 shall ba applkd: tPst, to any prep+tyniant oharysa du�undar tho Noto; asoond,to amounts paya6M undw pu�pr�ph �;ihird <br />""'F;Jat�4�i1 <br />--- -- to htare4t dua; fourth,to prinoip�l due;�nd last,to eny kb chup�s dus under the Note. <br /> -�_x�,-� 4. Chsryes; Lleltl. Bortower nhall pay �N taxo�, ast�tsm�n[s,Charpoe, fhas and Mposkluns attrbufa6M b th�Proplrty <br /> � ���'���! whbh nuy �ttah prbrky over thb Securi�/ Inatrument, and fsl6bhold p�ymenle or pround rents, N �ny. BonowM �h�N p�y tMs� <br /> �"_°"'"� obllpatbna In tha rtunner provided in pu�prtph 2, or M not pald In th�t rtunner,Borrower ehaM pey th�n on tim�dincty to tM pmor� <br /> ��'�'� owW paym�nt. 8ortaww shaU prompty lumkh to Lw�dw�aA not�os of amounl�to b� pdd und�r thh p�npreph. If BortowK rnkts <br />---"'— thea� p�ymK►ts d�acty, Borroww ehall prompty fumish tn Londw reapta wkl�ncfnp th�paymmts. <br /> - tl�p� Borcow�r shdl prompty dlsch�rp�any lien whbh has prbrky owr thb Socurity Instrum�nt unl��s Bonow�r:(a)�s In wrklrp to <br /> �'=� <br /> - th�paymw►t of lhe oblipatbn a�curad by th� lien fn a mann�r �ccoptibl�to l.�ndw; (b)conte�t� In pood hkh th�IMn by, or doNnds <br /> - <br />