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�':�� <br /> �`�tf - :i� ' . . <br /> �� .�r ' r,l ,:�.;,'� -'.. , - . . . ,,,:.7'�4c.�.��.. <br /> ". �' �t'. . ' . �1wr'1..Xi�'W ..wilw•YnViw':f. . •� . . - <br /> � __ ....., .. . �l. . .. ..... . .. �' <br /> � <br /> � <br /> ' •18. BOffOWel''s Rlght t0 Relnatate. If Borrower meets certsfn condkbne, Borrowsr ehaN haw th� rlpht ta 1►�w �_ <br /> � e�forcement of this SecurRy Instrument dlscontlnued ot eny tkne wior to the eadfer of: (a) b days (or wch oth�r pKbd R��ppNCWN �,., <br /> � • law may specNy for rehsfatement) before aale of the Property punuanl to �ny power of a�M oon�aln�d in thb 3oourNy InNrum�nl; a <br />_ � (b)entry of a)udflment enforcfnfl lhis Security Instrument. Those condRbns are that Bonowu: (�) pay�l.�ndK �N wm� whbh tMn (d �a <br /> wouW be due under thls SecurRy Instrument and the Note as Y �o accebratbn had occurc�d; (b) cunf� �ny dMWN of Iu�y othM (� � <br /> r � — <br /> � • covenant or apreements; (c) peys all oxpenses hcurred fn enforchp this SecurRy Inetrum�nt, hcludhp, but not NmR�d ta, rM�Onabl� <br /> i nttomeys'(ees;and (d)takas such actbn os Lender may rensornby nquY�to auun th�t th�INn ol thb S�curky In�Wm�nt, Lmd�� � _ <br /> ' r rfphle fn the Property and Borrowers obllpatbn to pey the sums secured by thf� Securky Instrummt eh�N conthw unohanp�d. Upon __ <br /> ,.# reinstatement by Borrower, thls SecurBy Instrument end tha obl�tbne securod hersby �hall nrtwh lully lfhotN��s N no 11cc�Nr�lbn � __ <br /> # had occurrsd. However,this riphtgto rehstats shall not appy h Ihe c�ss of accaleratlon und�r pulpr�ph 17. � <br /> .. 1 19. Sl110 Of NOtC; Chan e of l.oen Servicer. Th1 Note ar a pirtlal hterest In ths NON (toq�thM wAh thN S�DU►ky <br /> Inatmment) rru�y b� eold one or more tknes wRhout prbr notke lo Borrow�r.A enM may nsuR In s ahanp� in th�ontRy(known a4 lha O <br /> w�+�ti�!� � "Loen Servber') that collects monthy peyments due under the Nota�nd thla Sr.urky Instrummt. Th�n aMO rM�y b� orN or mor� <br /> �`"�`i changes af the Loen Serv�er unrelated to a sale of lhe Note. If lhero fs e chanpe of the Lo�n Servber,Borraw�r wIN b� Olwn wrNt�n <br /> �� : �� �ot@e af the chanpa in accordance wkh parapraph 14 above and epplbabb law. Tha notfco wiY stata lha nurN and addnst of th� <br /> new Loan Servicer and the address to wh�h psymenls should b�made. Ths notfce will alao conufn any othK Inlorm�tbn nqulnd by <br /> .i.; aPPl�able Iaw. <br /> F <br /> � 20. Hezardoue Subetnncea. Borrower shall not cause or pemik thA prosonca, ue�, dfapol�l, �tonp�, or nhaf�of any <br /> Ha�erdous Substances on or h the Froperty. 8ortower shell nol do,nor Qibw anyone olca to do, �nythhp tM�cthp lh� Prop«ty t at <br /> Is h vblatbn of any Envkanmental Law. The prececlinp two aentences sh411 not nppy to th� pr�smc�, use, or �tonp� on lh� <br /> Property of small quentkles af Hazardous Subetonces that ere generaly recopnlzed to be approprkt� to normd ntfd�ntl�l u��s�nd to <br /> mehtenance o}the Properly. <br /> Borrower shall promptly qHe Lender wrftten notf�o of sny {nvestbetlon,cieNn, demand, lewsult or othK �ctbn by �ny powmmmta� <br /> r or ropulatory apency or prNata party hvalvinp tha Property and �ny Haurdous Subst�nca or Envkonm�nul law of whbh Borrow�r hu <br /> aclual knowledpe. It Borrower leams, or Is notNied by any govKnr.�ental or repuiatory authorky, that any r�moval or olhw ran�dMtbn <br /> of �ny Hazerdous Substance aHecthp the Property Is necess�ry, Bortower shall prompty taks aii n�csftary r�rtwdlat actbnf in — <br /> . eccordance with Envkonmentel Lsw. <br /> ' As used h thls parepreph 20, "Harurdous Substances" ue those substancea derined as toxb or huudou� �ubst�ncM by <br /> EnvYonmantal Law and the (olbwlnq subst4nces: flasaline, keroa�na,other I►arnmabb or toxb palrolwm produots,toxb psatbldN Nnd <br /> � herbfcides, volatile 601V6l1►6, materials co�talnhy aabestos or formaldahyd�, and radbeCtiw mat�rlrk. AI uNd In thk p�npnph 20, <br /> "Environmental Law' means feder¢I laws and laws of the jurisdfction whera the Property Is locatad th�t nkt� to hMkh, s�hty or <br /> . ' envPOnmentol protectWn. <br /> � NON•UNIFORM COVENANT�. Borrawer and l.aider furtharcovenant tnd �pree as folbw�: <br /> ' 21. Acceleretlon; Remedlea. Lender shall qive notice to Borrower prlqr to �eceleratlon tollowinp <br /> ' '� Borrower'a brasch of eny covenant or aqreeme�t In thi� Security InaVurnent (but not prlor W <br /> " ' acceleration under paraqraph 17 unles� spplicsble lew provlder otherwlse). Ths notice �hall �p�city: <br /> (�) the deteult; (b) the sctlon requlred to cure the default; (c) • d�te, not les�than 30 d�ya from th� <br />�ti•� .• d�les ihe notice is qiven io norrower, uy ini���i:1� uic i�ci&iii► iiii::.: .�3C �:!!��i «•^•=� i��fFuf fA�l_y►A �O CUf� <br />�i� . 1he default on or before the date specHted In the nodce may reautt In ecceleraUon of the �umt <br />-�,�. ,,•, • secured by this Security Instrument and aale ot the Property. The noUce shall further Inform <br /> Borrower of the right to reinstate aiter ecceleratbn end the rl�ht to brinp a court�ctbn to �twrt th� <br />- - � non-exlstence of a deteult or any other defense of Borrower to acceleretlon end sele. Ii ths dshult i� <br /> �..���,�.,�. .. ,,. not cured on or before the date specitled in the notice, Lender at Its optlon may roqutre Immedlate <br />_�.�''` � � .. p�yment In full of ell sums secured by this Securlty Instrument W��csb er aw. dLender�sh�ll b <br />�-•;�� � ��� Invoke the pAwer of sale end eny other remedles permitted by app <br /> ���r^•A �° enhtled xo collect ell expenses incurred U purwiny tha �emedlea provided in thi• p�rayr�ph �1, <br /> �_�_i.µ.M � Inoludin�,but not Ilmlted to, ree�onable ettorney�' tees �nd cosb of tiUe evidence. <br />=�y�,,:�F . If the power af saie Is Invoked, Truatee shell record a notice of defeult in eech county In whlch <br /> �.;.;,�,,','4� any p�rt of the Property is tocated and shall metl coples oi such noUce In the m�nner prescrlbed by <br />���-,;w' �ppllcable lew to eorrower and to the other per�on� preacribad by spplice�ble lew. Aftor th� time <br />-�"'T";:° r�qulred by epplicable law, Truatee ahell qive public nodce of ate to the perwni�nd In th� m�nner <br /> =_;.;;,,, , <br />_`�'y;y�.,,.,._j prescribed by epplicable lew. Truatee,without de�nend on Borrower, shall sell the Property �t pu c <br /> __,,,. � auction to the hlyheat biddar et the time and pl�ce end under the terms deslpnated in the notice of <br /> -' � . � sds In one or more percels end In any order Truatee determines. Trustee mey postpone wte of �II <br /> „„:�.�. �A: or any percel of the Property by public ennouncement et the time end plsce of any prevloudy <br /> acheduled sele. Lender or Ita desiynee may purchaae the Property at eny a�le. <br /> "''"'� Upon recetpt of peyment of the prlce bid� Truatee ahall deliver to the purchaaer Trustee's deed <br /> •'+--� .;,., conveyinq the Praperty. The recitela In the Tru�tee's deed ahell be prlm� tecle evidanc• of fhe truth <br /> :�" . <br /> ,,:.;r�;�,r o1 the at�tementa mede thereln. Truatee ahall epply the proceeds of the sale In the followinp order: <br /> , (e) to ell costs and expenses af exercitinq the power�of sale, end the sele, includin� the peyment of <br /> � `` the Trustee'a fees eGtuelly Incurred, not to exceed 3 % of the princlpal smount oi the note <br /> �t th� tlms of the decleration of detsult, end reuoneble ettorney'e fees as permitted by lew; (b)to �II <br /> wm• itecured by thlo Security Initrument; end (c) any excess to the perwn or perwns lepally <br /> entltled to It. <br /> � 22. Reconveyencc. Upon payment of all sums secured by this SeCUrRy Instrument, Lender 9ha1) request Tru6tee to nCOnvey <br /> r th� Proparty�nd shall surrender this SecurRy Instrument end el notes evidencinp debt secured by this SeCUrRy Inctrumont to Trustw. <br /> � Tiustw�hau roconwy the Property wRhout werranty and withnut cherpe to the person or persons leflaly enlRbd to k. Such pKton or = <br /> ' pKaone eh�N psy�ny recordatbn costs. <br /> 23. Subititute Trustee. Lender, at fts option, may hom tkne to tYne remov� Trusteo and oppoht o succassor truttso to <br /> ony Tru4taa eppofnteci hereunder by en {nstrument reCOrded in the county in wlifch this Securky Inatrument Is nCOrded. �NRhout <br /> � conv�y�nc• ol Ih� Property, successor trustee shall succead Io all the tkie, power and duties conterted upon Trualee hxeh�nd by <br /> opplbobh) liw. <br /> ' —1 e• O�w����� fn� 6lnflnan Flnrrnwnr .anupara that cooias of the not�es ot delauk end sale be si�t to Borrow�t's addret� <br /> ------._— ��. ..�.�..��. .�. .-_^---' --"- - -• - <br /> whVCh IB tha PropYrty Address. � <br /> , 25. Rlder� to thia Security Instrument. If one or more riders ero executed by Bonower and recorded topelh�r wkh <br /> � Inls Security mstroment, the covenants end aqreoments of each such rider shell be hcorporeted into and shflll emend and supplemsnt <br /> Ihe covenontB and apreements ol this 5ecurity Instrument es if lha rider(s)were e part of this SeCUrRy Inetrument. <br /> � Form 802e Y/o0 <br /> 1107YLMU��ON/) P�p��ol 5 � <br /> � <br /> � I G59 <br /> { _ _ _ <br />