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yui. . . . . . . • .,.,,n^rw.+i-.�II!r°.j,__. <br /> .. . . ... ... . .�., .��rk.�' ��1Kn�' <br /> .. . ��i-��f � .../J . .. , , _ �a.Y..��l.. <br /> ., ' <br /> . <br /> i. .. . . . .. ."F <br /> . ��ti a;,,�'r,A4•�+,r,.nx,:..ti�.. �l��ra � —--- _ __-- � - _. <br /> •.ri:�° '�4�iy�s'�a,ht,. .��t - -��t.�i��- ��� '`'— <br /> :t_,s�' -- - --- - •-�..3.,. _ _ �, T._._. -- <br /> 1 � � <br /> 2 „ <br /> � � � � � Cl� c7 tn <br /> (?U r� �.� <br /> � n � ■ '� `� ; r <br /> tT , O -, CO <br /> ;.� at � ��'' !;� �, �*� �7 •� <br /> � ` • r � <br /> (, I\J �i � D <br /> � ' '' �v � <br /> � `'� ` • J, ~ � <br /> � � \ —w • n� �—+ JJ <br /> � �.� . . <br /> � ' ..� i• � ✓) <br /> �•'� -� r' �. N � <br /> � , 4,� �.... ��� � �' <br /> lr r" 4 : <br /> �, _ ca <br /> � NJ � :D <br /> N � <br /> �1. <br /> a <br /> �ep�c�AEOV�Thl�Lln�Fo�Mcoralnp D�Iq <br /> � <br /> 98- ��2s90 -J <br /> DEED OF TRUST <br /> �� <br /> THIS DEED OF TRUST("Securky Inawmont' Is mad�on De�4�� 1 1 �—• TM��t� <br /> �s ANTHONY LYNN MFYER AND STAC�Y I.EE M <br /> (•Bartow�r'). <br /> Th�trust�e�c UNi A A K 700 , EBRASKA 6a603 <br /> -- (�TnneM'� <br /> rn•b.n�IfcYry ia l N A • <br /> whlch fs orp�nixrd�nd exietin9 und�r th�kwi of _� and whoN�ddrM� <br /> �s 7'00 .WEBB RD. GRAND ISLAND N 6e 03 ��'���' <br /> Borrow�r owss Lond�r tM pnc�lp�l wm of v n n v n r <br /> Dolyn(U.S.' 6 . Thk tMbt k widMtCad by Borrow�s noM d�Md tM <br /> samr dat��s thfs S�curky Instrummt ("NoN'), whbh provid�s for monthy paymmts, wkh th� fuN d�bt, M not pdd MrM►. dw �r►d <br /> payabw on Januarv 1. 2029 . Thia S�curky Inswmmt s�cuns to Under. (R)ths np�ynrnt ot th� d�bt�vld�nc�d <br /> by th� NoN, wkh InbrKt, I�nd �M r�wak, WMnsbns�nd modMic�tbns of tl»Nob; (b) th�paym�nt of�M oN� wms,wkh hMrMt. <br /> advuicsd unct�r pu�pnph 7 to prot�ct th� c�curky of thb S�curRy Inshum�nt; �nd (o)th�pKiomwnc�of Barow�s cov�nrib +�nd <br /> apreert�ts. For thls purpos�, BOROWK IffYVOC�CIy QfNt6 lfltl COflV�y6 IO TNS�,in Wet,wkh powK of eaM,th�foNOwirp dacrbsd <br /> prop�rty loc�ted h HALL County,N�bnska: <br /> THE SOUTHERI.Y FIFTEEN FEET SIX INCHES(S15'6")OF LOT EIOHT(9),LOT TEN(10),AND THF NORTHEF�.Y SIXTEEN FEET NINE <br /> INCHES (16'9")OF LAT TWEWE(12)ALL IN BLOCK NINETEEN (19) IN UNIVERSITY PLACE,AN ADD1710N TO THE CRY OF OR/1P1D <br /> ISLAND, HNl COUNTY,NEBRASKA. <br /> wn�ch has tha 4ddress ot 201b N SHERIDAN ,C,�RAND ISI.AND � <br /> su..i a`Y <br /> Nebnska 68803 ("Proporty Address"); <br /> 21p Cotl� <br /> TOGEfHER WITH �u knprovwnents now or heroaRer erocted on the proparty, �nd�N eas�tc,�ppurt�nlncn,�►nd fbctura now <br /> or hereafler a part of th� property. AN rdplaeanents ond addkbns shoN b�cowrad by thM S�curky Inatrum�nl. AM of tIN forpOWG N <br /> rofarad ta h this Socurity Instniment ns tha 'Proparty." <br /> BORROWER COVENANTS thnt 8onower b kwluly seised of the estata hersby convey�d and h�s th� ►Ipht to pn�t and cunwy <br /> the Propaty and th�t ths Prop�rty Is une�cumbMW, �xcapt for oneumbnncoa of ncord. Bortow�r wamnts u�d wp c1Nmd pM��n1y <br /> tho tkle tu tho Prop�rty aqalnst�11 ckYna and dwn�nda,subj�ct to�ny sncumbrances of ncord. <br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT comb4ies unMOrm covenants lor natbn�l uae and non-unYortn coven�nts wkh Nnk�d v�rhlbns bY <br /> Jurisdfctbn to constkute a unBortn security inawment covwln0 real propsrty. <br /> " UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bunower end Lender covenant and apree as folbwS: <br /> - 1_ Pavmant of Principal end Intereat; Prepaymtnt end Late Chary�s. Bortower shaN promp�y pay wMn d�a <br /> � the prfnclpal of end fnterest on thn de6t evldenced by the Note ana eny prep�yment snd iata cnary�3 u'u�uiiiw�.��.�•..•-, <br />.� 2. Fund�for 7axes and Insurence. :wb�c� ro applbabk bw or co s wr�nen wewer by �+nd«� earowar•haN pay �o - <br /> Lender on the day monthy payments ara dw under the Note, untN the Not� h pald fn fuW, � aum ('Funds")lor: (�) y�ulY W�s end <br /> essosaments whtch may attah prbricy over thh Security Inatrumw�t as � Ilen on th� Prop�rty; (b)y�uly M�s�hofd pryrrnntt or pround _ <br /> rents on the Property, M eny; (c) yeary hazard or property hsur�ncs premfuma; (d) yMry tlood inuurana pnmlumt, M�ny: (�)yMr►f� _ <br /> mortpal�e fnsurance premfums, M any; and (f)�ny suma psyabie by Bortower to I.e�idar, fn �cCOrdance wkh tha provkbn�o( pinpnph = <br /> 8, hi Ifeu nl the paymsnt of mortQope hsurancs prembma. Thesa Rana �ro caN�d "Escrow Itame." LondK may.�t any time,colbct = <br /> and hold Funds h an amount not lo oxc�ed th� m�xYnum smount � lender tor a IecNr��ty roMted mortpaps � �FOrm�t�Ni0 t <br /> NEBfU9KA•&npl�F�mlly�F�nnl�M��/Fn0d1�M�c UNIFORM IN9TRUMENT _ <br /> Fi029.LM0(10/�7) Fhp�1 of 6 i� <br /> , .. <br /> � - <br /> �57 -- <br />