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�' _-� ._..�:.. , i .�,. ... . .. . .cv-� <br /> _ . . . . . . .f•�vf-__- <br /> - . . - . .. .R.`l:�- � ' _ - • .,_....a.�.� ..._�., -�. <br /> ' � " - ... �°ai:�_-rr-_'=� - <br /> ., , . � <br /> .... <br /> �. . � _..t'__.�:....,w <br /> .�,�_. ' . ".s�. '.. <br /> . ..'"' __"___ _ ....." <br /> . • ;Y' _ <br /> ...,-,.�..,....__".�'..._—__. <br />_ _ . ._V .? ... - . . -. _ . . . . . . _ <br />_,�.AW lt�f+�r�A� <br />.��� � � 98 iszs�rs <br /> _.`,,;,..;r:,,.'" • ri. r' <br /> .•,��5� � � My �mount� dhburtlW by UncNr undK thfa P�r�qr�pn ahall becorr� an �ddRbn�l dsbt o1 Borcower �nd bs secund by <br />.:'t�i. ;,,;,.1f <br /> ,,,'_��t.AI�. thls S�curky Imtrum�nt. Th�ss emounle ahdl teer Intereat hom the dnte of dfsbursement at the Note r�te, �nd �t ths optbn of <br /> L�ndw,sh��l d�Imm�dktey dua�nd p�y�bw. <br />-r��V�'�"*• Borrow�r •h�N prompty dbch�►p�ny If�n whbh h�e prbrky ovsr this S�curky InatrumM�t unMae Bartow�r: (�) �pr«e In <br />-' wrkinp lo ih� p�ym�nt of Ih� obNpatbn seCUr�d by th� IMn h �rru�nner�ccept�bw to L�nd�r; (b)cont�stt In pood hBh th�IIM� <br /> -�,::. , - by, or d�hnde �painit �nforc�rn�nt of th� 8�n in, kp�l prx�edhpa wh�h In th� L�nWr's ophbn opa�b to prsvent th• <br /> ���� �nforc�t of th� Il�n; or(c) McurN trom the hokNr of tho N�n an aprNmont aatlahctory to Lender wbordlnathp the 14n to _ <br /> _ •,"�'~� this S�curky Inftrum�nt. If L�nd�r debrmina lh�t any pnrt of the Property Ia eubjsat to e Ibn wh�h may atwh prbrRy ovx thls <br />,:�= Sacurily In.trumont, Londer may pNo Borrower a notfcs Identl(ylnp tho Ilen. Borrawor shall snlisfy the I�en or teke one or more of , <br /> -v_ • °��`� ih� �ctbm��t foAh�bow wRhin 10 d�ys of th�pNhy of not��. <br /> � e. Feea. Lender may colNct f«f and ch�rp�a authorized by the Secretary, <br /> `�'`- 9, Grounds for Accelerstlon of Debt. <br />°``:�."°s� (e� DeMUl1. Lsnder rrry, acept as limked by repulatbna Issued by lhe Secretary in the cacs of p�ymenl delwks, <br /> -��:i4e�4..' <br /> ,�� requke knmsdfats psyment In full ol all auma secured by thls Securlty Instrument M: <br />— --__ (q Bortower defauks by AYhp to p�y in lull any moMhty payment requtred by this Securky Instrument pr(or to or on <br /> ------- the due dat�ot tha next monthy payment, or <br /> -=-�'��� (Iq Bonawer defauks by fUlinp,}or�pxbd of thkty dsys, to periorm any other oblfpalbns cont�hed in thls S�curRy <br /> - �M-e.,ace�� <br />.. .•���_� IIISIN�1'Nfl�. <br /> _ (b) Sale Without Credlt Approvel. Lender shall, N permkted by applfcable law (fncludinp s�Ctbn 341(d) of the <br /> _�"��:� O�m�St Germ�in DoposNory instkutbna Act o} 1982, 12 U.S.C. 1701J-3(d)) nnd wkh the prbr apprav�l of the Secretary, <br /> -. ;-t,�n_�— requfre Imrt�edlata payment in full of all the sums secured by thls Securky Instrument B: <br /> _,,i:;�'� (I) All or part of the Property, or a benefbfal fnternst in a trust ownfnp all or part of the Prop�rty, Is sokl or - <br /> :+„�� othsrwis�trana(erred(oth�r than by devk�or descent),end <br /> .,;,�;�;;.`�� (Iq The Property Is not xcupied by the purcheser or prentee as h(s or her principal residonco,or the purchRSK or <br /> v`u� yrant�s doss so xcupy tho Property, but hfs or hx crsdk haa not been aFproved in accord�ncs wNh th� <br /> requfrert�ents Ot the SeCrllary. <br /> - (C) NO WQfV�R If circumctancos occur that wouid parmk Landar to roquPa knmadkt� paymont fn 1uY, 6ut Und�r <br /> _ daa not nquks suoh p�ym�nls, Und�r dooa not waNs Rs riphts wRh reapeot to subaequ�nt w�nts. <br /> _--�-�=�'� (d) REQUIeL10Di O} HUD S�C�C�y. In many circumstances repuwtbns Issued by th• SeCnt�ry w� �mK <br /> ----- Lenders riphts, In tho caso of payrtwnt datxuks, to raquka knttwdkts p�ymmt fn full and foncbt� N not pald,Thk <br /> —� S�curky Inatrummt does not wthorina�ccskratbn or forecbsure N not pertnilt�d by requktbn+t ot th�S�cntary. <br /> '�?�a� (e) Mort�sye Not Insured. Bonower eprues thet H this SeCUrky Instrument and the Nota an nOt tl�NrmiMd to <br /> --M ba ollpble tor Inaurance untl�r the NRtbnal Houslnp Act wkhh 9QdeVi hom th� dat� h�nof, UnWr <br /> --_— may, at ka optbn rsquP�knrMdkte payment in full o}all sums secured by thfs Securky Inatrum�nt. A wrkh►n at�t«nant <br /> ol ony authorized�flent of the Secretary datsd aubsequent to 90 d�y� hom th� d�t� h�nuf, d�cYnin9 <br /> to Ineura thls Socurky Inatrument�nd Ihe Note, shall be deenwd conclu5hre proof o} such fnNfpbility. NotwRhaUndinq <br />_ _� tha}orepolny, thls optbn may not be oxerclsed by Lencbr when the unevalMblNty of Insurancs la soNly dus to Uncfsr'e <br /> f�lluro to remk a mortyape fnsurancs premlum to the Secretery. <br /> 10. Relnatatement. eortower has a rqht to be relnstated M Lender has requlred Ynmsdkte paymMit fn full b�caus� of <br /> __- Borcoww's fafluro to pay on amount duo under the Note or this SecurRy InstrumenG This ripht appli�s w�n altar foncbsun <br /> proce�dlnqa ers Inatkutsd, Tn nhs4te tlw Securky Inatrument, 8ortow�r shall tenWr fn a lump 6um aM �mounta rsqulrW to <br /> brinq Borcowsr's �ccount ourtent hCludlnp, to the extent thay ara obNpatbns of Bortower undsr thls S�curky Inatrument, <br /> foncbsun cotts �nd rwson�bta �nd customary attomey's lsoa snd wcpanaes propwly aaaxMt�d wkh th� foncbaure <br /> proc�sdinp. Upon relnetatwnent by 8orrawn, this SecurNy Instrument and the oblipatbns thit k sacuros shel nrtu�h h �fNct rs <br /> if Lender had not required {mmediate payment h full. However, Lender is not requked to permR relnstatsment H: (I) Lender has <br /> °�-°� accepted rohstatertbnt �fter the commencement ot forecbaura proceedinps wkhh two yeus knrt�dMtsly prec�dhp th� <br /> _ - = conmencwnent o} s curcent forecbsure prxeediny, (Ip reinstetertient wiM preclude forecbsuro on diHerent prounds in the Ntun, <br /> �.� or (W)roinstatement wfll edversey aflect the prbrRy of the Ilen created by thls Security Instrument. <br /> ----:---"'-�� 11. Borrawer Not Released; ForbearAnce By Lender fVot e Weiver.Extensbn of the tkne of p�ymint or <br /> modMfcatbn of amortlutbn of Ih� sums s�curod by this SecurRy Instrument prantsd by Lend�r to any succsasor fn inbnst of <br /> '"°""°"� Bortowsr sha0 not opernte to release the I�bllAy of the or{ginal 8ortower or Bortower's succsssor fn interssL Lender shaM not be <br /> ---�_„�� requlr�d to commenco proceedinps apain6t any suCCes6or In Interest cr refuse to ext�nd tfine tor paymsnt or othsrwls�modMy <br /> ' '""�-'��■ omortizatbn o} ths suma secured by thy SocurRy Instrument by reason ot any demand rr�de by the orfpinal Bonow�r or <br /> ---�,:a.mF+r,. <br /> ��,,.:� Bortowers suCCessors fn fntenst. Any forbearence by Lender in exerclsinq eny rqht or rernedy shall not be a wahrsr o} or <br />_-..==:m� <br /> -:-:��:�r. preclude the ex�ralse ot eny ripht orremedy. <br /> =ir=��:r::: <br /> --^�:����;::' 12. Successors end Astign• Bound; Jolnt and Severai Llebllity; Co-siqners. Tne co�enan�s and <br />- ���`�:.;'""" nynsnwnts of thls 5ecurRy Inslrument shoN hhd and benefk the successors and assfpns ot Lender and Borroww,subjoct to tha <br /> ,,�,:.� . provbbns of Peraflraph 9(b). Borrower's covenents and epreements shnll be Joht and severat. My Borcower who co•slpns this <br />__;� � ,�. SecurRy Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a) Is co-sfpninp this Securily Instrument ony to mort9aqa, prant and convey <br /> th4t Bortower'6 Interest in the Property under the tertns of this Securky Instrument; (b) is not personflliy oblpated lo p4y the <br /> � sums secured by this Securky Instrument; end (c) aprees that Lender and any other Borrower mey agree to extend, modHy, <br /> (otbeQr or make any acccmmodations with repard to the term of this SeCUrity Instrument or the Note wNhout that Bortower's <br />� a'+ � consent. <br /> ..,�� „ ; <br /> _ ° ' <br /> 13. Noticea. Any notfce to Eorrower provided for h this Security Instrument shall be pNen by dellvering k or by rruYwig k <br /> ' by f'rst cless mail un{ess applfc4ble lew requkes use of another method.The notfce shall be directed to the Propaty na<xoss or <br /> any other address Borrower despnales by not�Ce to Lender. Any notfce to Londer shnil be ptven by first cWSS rrail to LindGr's <br /> address steted herefn or any address Lender deslqnetes by notice to Bortower. Any notlCe prpvided for fn thl� Security <br /> Instrument shall be deemed to have been gNen to Borrower or Lender when gNen es provWed in :his parapreph. <br /> ' 1 d. Governi�g Lew; Severability. Thfs SocurRy Instrument shell be povemed by Federnl lew fl�d the lew of the <br /> Jurisd�tlon h whlch the Property IS located. In the event that any provfsbn or clause ol this SecurHy Instrumw�t or th� Note <br />- � Fse�altito�+o;oe� N�a. a oi s <br /> I <br /> � oezss <br /> � _ _ <br />