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."..�� .�...> ,_ - <br /> .w ,. - . � _ ,. . ,... . - - <br /> �t ���'�' . . -.:.: . . _n�. . , ','�c.:;;-x�i'tAlk;`-- <br /> , <br /> r.•� � <br /> . . . . .` - <br /> .. .-. <br /> . . <br /> .:.- - •-........�._�._.�...._ <br /> .. ._..__y <br /> . .. . �-_,._��,..�rit�ic ... �'S��+a� <br /> . .«...,.... �..,_�..�_::--°°_'"`°-- — <br /> � (r ,_. . . _ ..�ao,.�w+panr-Pr.,�T•.�..__-C••,s_: --°.. <br /> }�.� � .....�.. - . - . . - . - . _'_" —. <br /> _:�z���� � . 98- is�s�s R <br /> _,_..�-.:1,,,; . <br />,i.��.;, � Lmd�r rtuy,�t �ny tkrw, colisct �nd hold �mounls for Eacrow Itema In an �yprp�t��mount not to �xceld the muclmum <br /> �'�' ;���� - �rnounl thtl mliy b�nquind for BnrtowM's��crow �ccount undsr tha Rwl Eetat�S�nNm�nl Pcx�duna Act of�974, 12 U.S.C, _ <br /> ` �•' �2601�j � and hipbrtier►tlnp rpuMtbn�, 24 CFR P�rt 3500, ee they may be�mended kom tkn�to tkn� ("RESPA"), except <br />-.4"'"° th�t th1 Cuthbn or ntiww p�rmkt�d by RESPA lor un�ntfclpat�d ditbur��mmts or d'eburt�tc bNon ths Borrowor's "�- <br /> T M`� . p�ym�nls �n�wll�bw h lhe aCaount rtury not b�b�s�d on smaunts du�for the moriWOe hwr�nce pnmlum. -__ <br /> :� . � If lh�omounle h�fd by L�ndar lor Escrow Il1ms exc�su ths umounte pKmRted to be hNd by RESPA, L�nder aheu wccount -._ <br /> ~ ���jjj to Bortow�r lor th� �zc�s�fund� ��requk�d by RESFA. II the amountc of funds hsld by L�nd�r at Qny tkn�an not auNbhnt to ___ <br /> �'f�tr...�.:'� __ <br /> � p�y th�Etcrow It�n�wh�n dw, LontNr rru�y nolYy th� Bortow�r�nd rpuln Borcower ta m1k1 up th��horl�Q�1s p�rmitt�d by <br /> RF.SPA. �_ <br /> - TIN E�crow Fundt u� pNdp�d�f addkbn�l s�curRy for �II sum� sacund by thb SuurRy Instrum�nt.If Borrowar tanders <br /> � to L�ndK th� fuN p�yment of �! suoh tum�, BorrowK's �ccount ehall b� cndk�d wNh th1 balencs nmalninp lor all hstelMSnt <br /> � „ Rems p). (b), and (o) and eny mortQ�ps inaunnce premium Inatelknent lh4t Londer hna not become oblipated to pay to the <br /> ' ,;"�: S�croUry, end LNid�r ahdl prompty rdlund�ny exces�fund6 to Borrow�r. Immedkley prior to �foncbsun s8b of the Property - <br /> °''• • or Ra �oquhkbn by Lender, 8orrowws�ccount ehall be credksd wRh eny belanCe remdninp for nll instelfinents lor kems (�), (b), - <br /> ��rf� '�'`^' and {c). <br /> �.�.���:: <br /> .- �;'�`�: <br />__.y,�.� „^ 3, Appllc�tlon ot Payments. AH paym�nta under Panpraphs 1 end 2 shull be �pplied by Lender�s folbws: <br />-- -`°��'• Fl�et,to th� mortp�y� fneurana pnmlum to be paid by Lender to the Secretary or to lhe monthy chupe by the Secret�ry <br />;��•�;;���..F. <br /> "�;'�;'t�t±�;" Instsad of lhe monthy mortpape k►turancs prsmlum; <br /> � .._;,.,.,.�;. <br />=�.�_R,� :t, Second, to any t�ucea, 6per,i�l asssssments, IeasehoW payments or pround renb, end fYe, tlaod end olher hazard <br />_'�ri r��:�t'�y: <br />_ ���,+����'�r insuranc�prem�ms,�e nquk�d; <br /> :_=`;?�!!�"���: Third,to Inl�r�st dus undK ths Not�; <br />-""'�° '� '",�- FOUfth, to amortlzetbrt� ol the prhafpd of thn Note;and <br />-�:*�r;��` Fifth,to I�te ch�rp�s du�under the Note, <br />:_.�,,:.;s��. <br />-;�,r,•- 4. Firo, Flood and Other Hezard Ineurance. eorrower snau r,sure eii improvements on ►no rrop.rty, wnemer <br /> =;�.: now in exist�nc� or suba�quently xected, �painet �ny huards, casuaRks, an� conthpenclea, fncludinp ne. lor whbh Lendor <br /> ii', '.'1r:_.� <br /> �rx:t,�•• requkes insuranco. Thls Insurence sholl be malnlained fn the amounts wnd for the pxlods th�t Lender req�kes. Borcower shall <br /> ---v��' also Inaun all Improvsments on th• Propsrty, whsthK now fn existe�ce or subsequenty Kact�d, �p�lnst bss by Ibods to the <br /> --;•z'�,r` <br /> - eztent requPad by the Secretary. All Inauranae shall he cerrfed with companles npproved by Lender.The Insurance polfcfes an <br /> �v=!��•� � � any ronew�b shUl be hetd by Lender and ehall InaOude loes payabb clauses h favor of, and in o(ortn acceptabk to,Lender. <br /> =-�:"..���- In the went of bss, Bortowsr shall pNa Lend�r knmsdl�te not�e by mall, Lender miy make proof of baa N not made <br /> _`�`+���j promply by Borcower. EaCh Insunncs compnny Concemed is hereby euthorized and dinctad to m�ke ptyment Por such loss <br /> ��.,��� _� i�,nL+�. �;gt�� Q} �� �II1I(lfy�M AfIfI IO Lender IolntN. All Of 9ny pflrt of the fnsurance proCHeds ritly bY npplled by <br /> -r�'�+"�,s;�����`+ LsncNr, at ka oplbn, sRh�r (a) to ths nductbn of the Indebtednesa under thn Note and thb Securky Instrument, fkst to ��y <br /> —.:..ic��_i-'��'�� <br /> ----_—_ � delhqusrri amounts rpplbd in the order h Parapnph 3, and then to prspeyment of princtpU, or(b)to the nstontbn or repaP of <br /> �.�r��,=� ths d�m�p�d Property. My �Pp�batbn ot the prqcesds to the princip�l shall not uctaid w postpone ►he dua data of tho <br /> —_�-,� monthy p�yments whbh are referrsd ta h Puaflnph 2, or chanqe ths amount of such p�ym�nls. My excess Insuranc� <br /> -L_�"!�'�■ proceeds owr an amount requYed to pay ell outstandhe hdebtedness under the Note and Ih�is SecurRy Instrumw�t shell be paid <br /> -=-===�_-�� t0 th�entRy IaytNy e�tRled tharoto. <br /> L-_.� In the event of foraobauro of this Securky Inetrument or other tr�n6br of Idle lo th� PropKty that enthpuiahea tho <br /> == r;�s� Indeb(eAness, aY right, lkla and fntereet of Borrower In and ro hsurance polbles In force sh�N p�ss to ths purcluser. <br /> �'� 6. Occupency, Pretervatlon, Malntenance a�d Protectlon of the Property; Borrower's Loan <br /> __ — AppllcaUon; Leesehoid�. Borcower shall occupy, estnbnsh, and usa tha Propaty �s Borrowwo princlp�l rotldanco wkhln <br /> sbcty days�fte►lhe�xecutbn of this Securky Instrument (or wkhh sbRy days of a latK saY or traneter of th� Propaty)and ahoY <br /> """°° conthue to occupy the Property es Borrowor's princlpal residence tor at feast one yeu after the date of acup�ncy, unless <br /> -- Lendly dehrtninrs th�t requkanent wiu cause undue hnrdship tor Bortower, or unless ext�nuatinp CfrCUm3tlnce�exist whlCh qre <br />--- '^�� <br /> „�.,� beyond Borcowe's cnntrol. Bortower shaH notMy Lender of any extenuating cirCUmstu�cea.BoROw�r shaN not commR weste or <br /> -°.`�"�'� destroy, d�maqe nr subaWntklly chenpe the Property or albw the Property to detabrau, reatona6b weu and te�r sxceptod. <br /> _��.�»��a <br />--%"�'#�� LoncNr nwy Inspect the Property M the Prope�ty Is vacant or ebendoned or the ban Is N ckfwk.Lender may toka reasonnbk <br /> ���'in�.�„�, ectbn to protect and preserve such vacent or ebandoned Property. Borrower shall also bi In defauR M BoROwx, durinp the ben <br /> -- epplic�'bn process,pave materlally false or fnaccurAts Informetbn or staternents to Lendu(or fafled to proviW Lender wkh eny <br /> ��^�^_-��� materf�l Informatbn)h connectbn with the ben evidenced by the Note, fncludfnp, 6ut not IimAed to,roprosanutbna concsminp <br /> -- �-:��,s� <br /> _-`�--��-- Borrower's occupancy ot the Prop�rty as a pnc�ipal resldence. If thls SecurRy Inslrument h on e IBes�hoid, Bonow�r a e <br />-'= �},i�;���` Compy wkh the provlsbns ol the lease. It 8orrower acqukes fee tkle to the Property. Ihe leesehokl nnd fee titte shall not be <br />:-;;Xf= <br />�=<.,r���d^ msrped unbsa Le�der aqnes to the merper in wrRln9• <br /> : t i,..�. <br /> _ •; �a <br /> • , B. Condemn�tl0�. The proceeds af any ew4rd or clakn tor damapes, dkect or consequentlal, fn connectbn wkh eny <br /> - condemnatbn or other teking of any part of the Property, or lor conveyonce h placo of condemnatbn, are henby asslpned end <br /> �" , shall be peid ro Lender to the extent o1 the lull emount of the hdebtedness thol rem�fns unpnkl under the Note and thfs <br /> Security Instrument.Lender shall eppy such proceeds to the reductbn of the hdebtedness under the Note end this SecurNy <br />,� " �' Instrument, fkst to eny delinquent amounts applied h the order provlded h Peragrnph 3,and then to prepayment of pnc�lpal. _ <br /> � Any epptication oi lhe proceeds to the principel shall not extend ar postpene the due dele of the monthty payments, whfch are _ <br />, � referted to In Parapreph 2, or chanpe the omount of such payments. Any excess proceeds over an amount requked to pey ell � <br /> ' outstendinp Indebtedness undor the Note and this SecurRy Insfrument shall be pald to the entily {eqaly entrtled thereto. <br /> ��.: <br /> ' � 7. Charqea to Borrower end Protectlon ot Lender'a Righta in the Property. Bortower shall pay au ' <br /> • qovemmental or municipal charpes, Iines end knposRans that are not Included h Perapreph 2. Bortower shnll pay these - <br /> ..d..� ..ww...A. ..IM..� Ien.W'e h/uael h -� <br />.______ ________ __ ___.__ .. . . . ..' "..�__. u ���..� •.. ..... ..' �...... .�...�. �..��.� ....�'__' " <br /> o6lqatSons on dma tlwecty to tne ennty wnrC�rs owea mn Nuru�mn• �� �o���o ... rv -••-^- -•v _ <br /> the Property, upon Lender's request Borrower shall prompty fumish to Lender receipts evldenchg these peyments. _ <br /> ' It Bo7ower fails to make these payments or the payments requked by Parayreph 2,ar feils to periorm any other covenants _ <br /> end agreemerits Contained In lhis SecurRy Instrument, or there is a legal proceedfne that may sqnMfc�ntly eMecl Lenders rfphts fn <br /> the Property (such ns e proCeftdinp h benkruptcy, �or condemneNon or to enforce lews a repulations), ihen LenrJer may do and = <br /> pay whetever Is necessery to protect the value of the Property end Lender's rqhts h the Property,hcludhq DaYment o� texes, _ <br /> hazard fnsurance end cther items mentioned h Purepraph 2. _ <br /> Fse+a�rno�io,�Ae� <br /> Noo•z oi s <br /> � ees�c <br /> ' ' <br /> I _ <br />