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-"� <br /> „ 4 ,, ' . .►:..��,- , <br /> ti� .. �(�� ���� �.. <br /> .. ! � 1 i�—. ' ,�....i'w .i.'s����.1L.- •.�J..�f... . �:_ _ -.- � _ <br /> rj��1n�'t����R�����rrrr� � _ <br /> � d(1 .. �f'' <br /> , . ���- . . ;; 98�- �tizs�� =�.. <br /> • conflbt� wkh applfc�bl� Mw, �uch conlll�t ehell not afUct otha provinkns of this S�curRy Inotrumsnt or the Note whbh c�n be �,-: <br /> '� plven �fl�ct wNhout Ih• conllbtlnq pravlsk�n. To thb �nd th� provitbnl of this S�curRy Inntrum�nt�nd th� Note are decynd to — <br /> °" <br /> "•0 b�sw�rebM. Y <br /> E�:. <br /> , �`� 16. 80►�OWQ�'• COpy. Borrow�r�hall bo piwn qn�conform�d copy of Ih� Not��nd of thle S�curRy In�trument. _` <br /> �.� 18. Hu�doua Sub�t�nces. Borrow�r�haN no! c�ua�or pamN th• pns�nc�, us�, dhposel, �tor�Qe, or nw�e� o� <br /> S �ny Hwrdou• Sub1t11nCas on or In th• PrOpwty BorrowM th�ll nol dq, nor �Ibw �nyon� �lae to �o, anythhp aHectfnp Ihs -. <br /> �' 6.. : Prop�rty th�t b in vbMtbn ol ony Envkonm�ntel L�w. Th� pnca�lhfl two i�ntmc�s th1111 not �ppiy to th� pn�a�c�, u1�, or <br /> - �� stornqe on the Property ol sm�A queniRf�o ol H�zardous Subelanaa Ihtt u� p�n�r�lly recop�ilxed to be �pproprl�te to normal ` <br /> ' 'j"'!''`�� � neld�nt�l ut�s and to m�fnlen�nc� of th�Property. c <br /> }yie�e� — <br /> BorcowK eh�ll prompty piva Lender wrNten notbs ol any hvestpatbn, c4fm, demand, ywsuR or other actbn dy any <br /> .,,�, �. powmm�ntAl oi rspul�tory �pency or prN�t�party hvaHlnp the Property and any Haz�rdous Substence or Environment�l L�w ol <br /> ��• whbh BorrowM h�6 actual knowbdp�. 11 Borrowv barns, or Is notMlW by eny povanment�l or reyulntory authorNy, lh�t �ny <br /> �. ramoval or otha• remediatbn of any Hezardous Substances affecthq the Property Is ne�:essary, Borrower shall promptly t�ke all <br /> � nsceaeery nmedlal ictbns h accord�nce wkh Envkonmental Law. <br /> ' � Aa ussd tn thh pareqnph 16, "Haurdous Substnncas' are those substancea delhad �s toxb or hazardous subsnnces by <br /> F.nvkonmenril Law ind the folbwing substances: p4solhe, kerosen�, other flemmable or tox� petroleum producte, toxfc <br /> pestbides �nd herbbides, volntib solvente, rrwUerkls contafninp asbsstos or fomuldehyde, and radbactNe m�lterials. As uaed In <br />� the parapreph 16, 'Environmuntal Law' means federal lews end laws ot the Jurisdbtbn where the Praperty Is located that relate <br /> ��� , to heakh, sefsty or environmental protection. <br /> � NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. 8orrower and Lender (urther covenant end aprea as tolbws: <br />- � 17. Assl�nment of Rents� Bortower uncondkionaly aseqns and trensfers to Lender a11 the rents antl revenues ot the <br />.;:��� ' ',,;'`' Property. Borcower authorizes Lender or Under's apents to colleat the rsnte and revenues and hx�by �3incts each te��nt of th� <br /> � Property ta pay the rents to Lender or Lenders epunts. However,priar to Lendw's notlee to Borrower o1 Borrowers breach of <br />---'!���'� .�. any covenant or epreement in the Securily Instrument, Borrower shall collect and recelve ell rents end revmues of the Propxrty <br /> i� • • r <br /> as trustee for the benefR of Len�ar nnd 8orrower. This assipnmont of rents constkutes en absolute asslpnment nnd not en <br /> �,-��'�` sssignmsnt lor addkbnel securRy ony. <br />=�1•y;�'j.•+4•4 If Lender pNes notfce of breach ta Borrower: (a) all rents received by Borrower shall be held by Borrower es trustee for <br />_,:,�,;'." t benefit of Lender only, to be epplled to the sums sacured by the 5ecurky Instrument;(b) Lender shall be entklsd to coNect and <br /> �t?'=::�'-'�� receNs all of tha rents ot the Property; end (o)eech tenant o} the Property shall pey all rents due end unpafd to Lender or <br />"r�K;'��.� �:� Lenders a9ent on Lenders wr�ten demand to the tennnt. <br /> �. � <br />_�°_,;�.A J..�;�-�� has r.o! s��tied eny nrinr n5a�onment o} the rents and has not and wili not perfortn any aCt that would preve�t <br />�_,�„;,�,_<,,�... LentNr hom exsralsinp ks rlphts untkr thfs Parqproph 17. <br />-_ �?'��zi�•`�1'� Lender sh411 not be requked to enter upon,t�ke control of or mafntafn the Property before or aftK pivinp notfce of broach to <br /> `.�r�_•.::.�:.: <br /> -�`"����`�.� Borro�wr. However,Lender or a judbinlly appolnted receNer may do so at any tYne then Is a bre�ch. My �pplfcatbn of rents <br /> �4���''"'' shall not cura or waNa any defauk or {nvalidate any other ripht �r �emedy uf Lender. Thls assipnment of rents of the Property <br /> �„�. <br /> _�,�;t.:;,... <br />��-_.�y,;;;_.. shaA ienninete when the debt secured by the Securky Instrument is poid in lull. <br /> °�-`=�f'` � 18. ForeClowre Procedure. If Lender requlrea Irnmedlete psyment In full under Paraqreph 9, <br />__..,-,,:_�,,, <br /> _;a�f,w,o,� Lender may Invoke the power of �ele end any other remedies permltted by epplicable law. <br /> �'�"`�=--��- Lender shall be entttled to collect all expenaes incurred In pursulnq the rcmedles provided In <br />__._r;-::,,;r1`:'Z� � <br /> �;-,�f �.. thls Psreyraph 18, Including, but not Iimited to, re�sonable attorneys fees snd costs of title <br /> -"- i'.eam.• <br /> _�-,�� avidence. <br /> -----•�__.�,� If the power of eale fs Invoked, Trustee siudl recard e notice of defsult In eech county in <br /> "'i�'�'`-�-`.'".-� which any p�t of the Properly is loceted end shsll msll copies of such notice in the menner <br />---'',�j�'�i�•'��� preacrlbed by epplicable law ta Borrower and to the other persons preacribed by applic�eble law. <br />—� �nr_.�... <br /> �_r�:��;;:l After the time requlred by sppliceble law, Trustee shell yfve publlc noUce of sale to the peraons <br /> -- end in the menner prescribed by epplicable Iew. Truttee, wtthout demend on Borrower, ahsll sell <br /> _�,;:,�;`�°.: , the Property et publlc euction to the hlyheat bidder s3 the time and place ei�d under the terma <br /> ° =��`� deslansted In the notice of sale In one or more percels end In any order 7rustee determinea. <br /> �-� Trustee m�y postpone aale of all or eny peucel of the Property by pubilc announcement at the <br /> •M�4�'.. tlme snd place of any previously �cheduled sale. Lender or ita deaiqnee mey purchaae the <br /> __�;�""_`'�" � Property et any sele. <br />- -�'`"'="s� � Upon recelpt of payment of the price bld, Trustee shall delfver to the purchaser Trustee's <br /> '' deed conveying the Property. The reeitala in the Trustee'a deed shall be prime fecle evidence of <br /> • the buth of the statements mede thereln. Truatee sha11 apply the proceeda of the sale In the <br /> �. followiny order: (e) to ell costa end enpensea ot exercisiny the power of sale� and the sale, <br /> � Includinp the payment of the Trustee's feea ectuelly Incurred, not to exceed three 96 <br /> �� of the principsl emount of the note at 1he time ol the declaratlon of defeult, and reasonable <br /> ;� ettorneys' teei aa permlttad by lew; (b) to ell aums er-cured by thia SeCUrity InsVument; end (c) <br /> . any excess to the perann or persona legelly entitled lo it. _ <br /> If the Lender's intereat in this Security Instrument is held by the Secretery and the Secretery = <br /> rrqulres Immediate payment in full under Paragreph 9, the Secretsry mey invoke the nonJudlctel - <br /> � power of aele provided In the Sinq�le Femlly Mortgege Foreclosure Act of 1994 ("Act") (12 U.S.C. � <br /> 3751 gs�q.)by requesting a foreclosure commlasloner designeted under the Act to commence � <br /> toreclosure end to sell the Property as provided In the Act. Nothing In the preceding aentence � <br /> . .—' " " " ' " � ' ' ''"' _'�'_"'�" '.._���L�_ � � � �.�J�� ..�J�r �1.t� ��.�..rawM y0 <br /> -� - 6M111 QCPf1YC LflC .�CCfCia�l DT anr rlgnis vu�orvv�x aranou�c w o �cnvc� �....c. ...�o . .....y..y... ... ` <br /> � ar appllcable law. t. <br /> 19. Reconveyance. Upon peyment of all sum5 Secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall requost Trustee to E <br /> rflconvey the Property end shell surrender this SeCUrity Instrument an�l ell noted ev�denCiny debt secured hy thfs S: ..ity � <br /> �. <br /> Instniment to Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey the Property without wertanty and wRhout charga to the pe�son or persons legally _ <br /> entRled to d.Such person or porsons shall pay eny recordalbn cost5. ' <br /> Fse�a�Mo t�oieel Pap• �o� s � <br /> I � <br />_, i r <br /> oeaae � <br /> t <br />