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PrAt�ctlon ot L�nd�r'• Rlphta In th• P�ap�rty, u �orraw.r hu� ia p«tarm tr+� aownan�� �nd �orNn+w+h = <br />� y � cont�in�d �n Ihls S�curNy MltrumMit, or Ih�r�i� �Mp�l proc�sdlnp th�t m�y sqnNkNtFy�fFrnl l.�ndK'�rlphb h th�PropwtJr(�uoh aA � _ <br /> d �prooMdhp In wnkruptoy,prob�l�, lo�oondMrx��lbn or IorfNtun a to�nlarc� I�w� or rpuMtbn�), Ih�n L�ndw m�y do �nd p�Y fo► <br /> � +� whn�wr Ia n�ca��ry lo proMOt Ih� vrlw ol lh� Prop�ty �nd L�ndu'� rph11 In tM Prop�rtY, L�ndM'� �otbm may hobd� Wyln9 � �- <br />�* � �ny sum� t�curW by� IMn which h�� prbrNy ovK lhM S�curNy In�trumant, spprarnp h aourt, p�►yhp raeors�bM�ttom�y'o fwi�n�i �- <br /> .. enllrfnp on Ih� PropMty to mak�r�p�M�, ANhouph L�nd�r may t�k��olbn und�r 1hM pu�praph 7,L�nd�r doN �ot h�v�to do to, M __ <br /> {. Any �mount� dlsbura�d by UndM undu thN par�prapN 7 •h�N brconu add�bn�l dWt ol BonowK ��ound by thk Soourky � <br /> Inslrumont. Unbsa Borrower �nd L�ntf�r �prN la olhsr tsrm6 of A�Yrns�l, ihae �mounls eh�ll bwir fnten�t hom th� dnt� ol _ <br /> , f� disburaamanl at tha Not� rol�and�hall b� p�y�bN,wRh IntKatt, upon notfc� from Und�r tu Borrow�r nqu�sthp plymMit. - <br /> ��F $. Mortgaye Inwr�nce. If L�nd�r requfr�d mortpa� Insuru�c�Rs �condkbn of rr�klnp th� ban ��CUr�d by thla 3�CU�ky � <br /> .M R Inslrument, 9orrowor sh411 pfly tho promfuma requked to melntefn tha mortgag� inwrqnce in eflsCt. If, fqr any rMaon, th� mortp�p� �.► _ <br /> � �: <br />_ � ,''��y���••� insurance coverape requked by Under Mpeos or caas�a to bs fn efl�ct, Borrowor�hRll poy the prerhluma rsquk�d to obUln oownp� w <br />- substantinlly equNabnt to ths mortp�pe hsur�nce prevbuey h efhct, at a cost substantyly �quNalent to the co�t to Bonow�r ot tfw <br /> ` mortflapa Inauranca prevbusy In �Hoct, hom an �k�rnat� mortpaps haurer approvM by Lander. If eubctantlaly�qulralmt mortpap� <br />'4'� !� � innurance covanps le not avaflabla, 8orrowK shaN pay to L�ndK Noh month �wm squd to onrtw�Mth of th� yMry mortp�p� <br /> �� insurance premium behp pald by Borrower when the ineunnc�ooverape I�psed or aased to be In oM�ct. I.ander wIW�cc�pt, ua and <br /> retein these payments as e bss reserve In Ifeu of mortpape haurance. Loas reserve payments may no bnq�r be nquk�d, at th� <br />_ opt!on of Lender, M martWige hsurance coveraye (In the amount and for the perbd thet lendar rsqukea) providod by an Intunr _ <br /> approved by Lender apafn bvcomes avaflebk and Is obtAfn�d. Bortower chall pay tha pramlums raquk�d to rtu�intaln morlp�p� <br />� ' � insurance h eHect, or to provide a bea reaerve, unt{I th• requlr�t for mort�p� inaunncs ends M a000rdancs wkh �ny wrkNn <br />- ° , ayreement between Borrower and Lendx or applfcable I�w. <br />_ :� 9. Inspectlon. Lender or Rs apent may make reasonable entrles upon Nd Inspectbne of the Praperty. Under eh�N piw <br /> �."'1 �_�� 8orrower notice at the tkne of or prior to an hspoctbn specMyinp reasonable causelor the Inspeotbn. <br /> ' ''' � ' ' 10. COndE11111at10f1. The prxeeds ot any awerd or clnim for damaqas, dkect or cona�qumtkl, In conn�otbn wkh �ny <br />�,. . - <br /> ' condemnation or other taklnp ot any pert of the Propsrty,or for conveyance In Iiau of condemnatbn, are hsrWy �ttlpn�d uld �h�M M <br /> _,,.. : <br /> pald to Lender. <br />-� In the event of a tatal takfnp of the Property, the proceeds shaA be appl{ed to tha iums eicurad by tfiN S�ourky In�tn►m�nt, <br /> " whether or not then due, with eny excess peld to Bortower. In the event of� putial takfnp of ths Property k� whbh th�hk muk�t <br /> ';� <<� ,r � vaUe of the Property fmmediatey before ths tekinq Is squal to or prsaWr than Ihe amount of the eums ��cund by thh SecurUy <br /> Instrument knmediatey before lhe takhp, unless Borrower end Lender othenvisa �pree In wrRhp, the eums sscurW by thf� 3�CUrky <br /> � Instrument shall be reducad by the omount of lhe proceeds muRi�lied by the tobwlnp hactbn: (a) th• total unount of th� �um� <br />��`� ��� secured Immediately before ihe t�kinp, dlvkSed by (b) the fpir mukat velue ot the Property Imm�dkt�y b�fon th�taklnq• My b�ync� <br />- • •���• shall be paid to Borrower. In the event of Q partisl takhp of the Property In whkh the fak rruukst vduo ot th�PropKty Imm�dM►tsy <br />�` � be�ore the takhp fs less then the amount of the sums secured Ynmediately before the taklnp, unlesa Borrowsr �nd Und�r otMrwlq <br />'�� � j�+, eyree In writinp or unless epplicable Isw otherwVSe provides, the proceeds shatl be appibd to the sums tecund by thM S�CUrky <br />�t °"' Instrument whether or not the sums are thon due. <br /> �` ••�• �::� <br />"� ' If the Property Is abandoned bY �lorrower, or R, eRer notba by Lender to Borrow�that the condemnor oMKS to m�k�Iu�awud a <br />.a,6`�;'`�,=,;j. � seltle e clakn lor damapes, Borcower 1�f15 to respond to Lender wRhin 30 days atlK the Oate the not�e is y'n�,i.i��uw p auihori� <br />;.,�:;,•,t t= ' ' to collect ond apply the proceeds, at ks optbn, eRher to restoratbn or repak of tFa Property or to tha 6um� sscur�d by thk S�curky <br />_�..�. :: t'3� <br /> Instrument,whether or not then due. <br />��;�`:�";, �• Uniess Lender end Bortower otherwfsa�pree h wrRinfl, any�ppl�atbn of pra�eda to prholpal •h�A not eocand a po�tpon�tM <br /> '`?����� due date of the monthly prymenls relernd to h paraprpphs 1 and 2 or chtnp�th�unount of such p�ymw�tt. <br />-�.i!�'1���: <br /> �1�=� 11. Bo�rower Not Relessed: Forbearance By Lender Not e WUver. Extantbn of tn� ►�me ror p�ymen or <br />�'��� mod'Aicetbn ot�mortisatbn ot the sume secund by thb Security Instrum�nt qnnbd by UncMr ta�ny wcc��or h Inbnst o}garovwr <br /> -=°��r#'� shRll not o��a to nlws� th�II�bNky of th� o�qhal BorrowK or Borcoww�sucassors In Int�nst. L�ncNr sh�N no!b�nqulnd 40 <br />=-i`"`='°^='�s commencs procesdfnps �pahst�ny succsssor In Intsrsst or rofus�to uctend tlme br p�ymmt w othorwk�modNy�maHntWn of tM <br />--�'';_','� sums securad by thls Socurity Instrum�nt by rwson �f any darwnd mado by Ihw oripind BorrOwrr or Borrow�� suCC�s�on In <br /> �'""�;,'-,;;�� hta�at. My forbNnnc�by L�nd�r in�x�rclehp�ny rlpht or rwrNdy fh�H not W� w�lv�r of or pnclud�th� �oarcia of�ny rlpht or <br /> ._�:�_� rMMdy. <br />-;M�_+:�� 12. Successors and Aaslpns Bound; Jolnt and Sever�l Lldalllty; Co-sipner�. rn• cownaea and <br /> :'�.,�:�� ayre�rnents of thfs Security InsWr►Nnt shtN bind �nd 6�n�fR tha succ�tson and astfpn• of Land�r and Bortow�, subj�ct to tM <br /> __ ' provkbns of perayraph 17. Borrow�6 covenanti�nd aprasn'Mnts �h�M b� Jolnt �nd awKal. My BorrCwer who co-tlpns thk S�curky <br />� uY.F, <br /> Instrument but does not execute th� Not�: (s) fs Co•sfpnhq this SeCUrity Inewrr�ent ony to mortp�pe, pnnt, md conwy th�l <br /> �""'�"�•' Bortower's hterest in tha Proparty und�r tha tartns of thk SocurRy InstrumM'�t;(b)b �ot p�eonaMy obNpabd to p�y th�wms t�curod <br /> ---�•.�. . <br /> - ,.;t�c;,;,;.�,+�. hy this Securrty Instrument; and (c) �praos that Lend�r �nd any othar Bortowor may�Sne to wR�nd, modMy,IorbM► or • �Y <br /> �""i���:;.`.� eccommodetbns wtlh reyerd to tenns of thb Security Instrument or the Nota withoul th�t Borrower's consent. <br /> a�,.s�....s� <br /> - 13. Loan Charqea. If the b�n sotured by thfs SecurRy Instrurtw�l fs wbjeCt t0 1� law whbh s�t� mucYtwm btn C � <br /> _-__�;�;:., � end that law is f'naly interprelad so that the htxeet or othK ban charpes coWctad or ro ba colMabd in conn�ctlon wkh th� kw� <br /> - ezceed the pemiitted limks, then; (s)eny such bon charpes shaN be reducW by the�mount necssauy to ndua th�chups fo tM <br />�i�.-';'�"�""' permRted link; and(b) eny sums already colleCted from Borcower wh�h sxceeded permkted limks wiA b�rMuntfod to Borrov+K. Undlr <br /> =. ... <br />-� - •°r� d may choose to make this relund by reducinp tho pnc�ipal owed under the Nole or by mskinq a diroct paymmt to Bortow�r. �f a <br />-'_ ` . ' refund reduces prfncipal,the reductbn will be treated es e partlal prepsyme�t wRhwt any prepayment charQ�und�r the NoN. <br /> � � 14. NOtICCB. Any notiCe to Borrower provided tor fn this SeCUrity InstrumEnt shaM be plven by d�W�rinp k or by maYhO k by <br /> list class mail unless applbable tew requfros use of aaother method. Tho notko shiA ba dlrocted to tha PropMty Addhss or �ny <br />_ othar address Borrower designotes by not�ce to Lender. Any notfce to Le�der shill be pNan by firat cksa m�Y to Undlrs addrNs <br /> �� slated herein or any other address Lender deslgnates by not�Ce to Borrower. Any notfce provlded tor fn this 5ecurky Insaum�nt shaN <br /> ' � be deemed to have been pNen to Borrower or Lender when pNen as provlded h Ihk perapreph. <br /> 15. Governiny Lew; Severebility. Thls Security Instrumont shnll be povemsd by fedaral I�w ond tho rw of ths <br /> � jurisdiction in whfch the Property fs located. In the event that any prOVfsbn or cYuse ol thls Sscurfty Instrument or th� Nob confNats <br /> - - with epplicable lew, such conflict shell not atfect other provfsbns of thk Securiry Instrummt or tha Note whfch can b�phhn eM�ct <br /> - � without the contlicCnq provision. To this end the provisions ot thk Security Instrume�t end the Note are dec�red to b�sev�6b. <br /> 16. BOffOWCf'a COpy. Borrower shall be qiven one conto�med copY a�Ihe Note and of thfs SaCUrRy InstrumMt. <br /> 17. Tranafer of the Property or e Beneticle! Intereat in �orrower. u an or any pan oi tne PropeRy or sny <br /> _. <br /> L�`j nI6t05� if1 it iS SOW O� 1f8f15}BffBd (Of H 8 bBflBfiCi81 iflf@f65� kl BOROW@f IS SOICJ 0� tf911519ffBd Qnp tfoROwer is noi G i�iiu�ii pe.oG��� <br /> � w��thout Lender's prlor written consenl, Lender may, at its oplion, require Immedtale payment h fuA of aN sums seCUred by this S�CUrily <br /> • ( Instrument. However, this option shall not be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibked by federal lew as o} the dl�to of this S�curity <br /> � Instrument. <br /> It Lendor exerctsos this optio�� Lender shall givo Borrower notfce of eccelenlbn. 7ho not�Ce shnll provide a period o} not less <br /> than 30 days Irom the date tho notice is deiivered or mailed wRhin whbh lhe BoROwer must pay all sums 56CUr�d by thls SeCUrity <br /> instrument. If Borrower fails to pay these sums prbr to the expkatbn of this period, Lender mfly hvoke any remedies permRted by thb <br /> Security Instrument without further notfce or demand on Borrower. Form soz�woo <br /> F1019LM0(�0/9/) Pap�7 ot 5 <br /> —1 I 98t <br /> _ <br /> f . . . . .. .._. . .._ _. . _ - <br />