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� <br /> ,,� <br /> wMM�� . ., .,. . .`', " _ <br /> � .,,� <br /> �i�lii�i+q"r,,, , .,. <br /> �.r.rwwl . • .. <br /> . .� ..:� ., <br /> � • � 18, Borrawer'� Rl�ht to Relnst�te. If Borrower meete cert�h condNbn�, BorrowK ahtM h�w th� riphl ta haw ..':':'i-' <br /> enlorcement ol this Socurity Inttrument disoomhued at �ny tkrw prWr to 1h� wrlNr ol: (i) 6 dliy� (or �uah othe parbd �1 applfC�bM � ,�:�:. <br /> law mAy spacify for relntt�tan�nq b�lon •�M of th� Prop�rty purcu�nt to �ny powar ol NM cont�ln�d in thb S�CUrRy InitrumM�t; a � r"•�.� <br /> (b)entry of a Judyment enforchy thlu Saaurity Inetrumsnt. Thoa�condRbns w th�t Borrow�r: (�) p�ys L�nd�r �N �ums whbh th�n '"t`�'- <br /> woukJ be due under this Security Instrument and the Note as M no accebretbn h�d oCCUrrod; (b) Cun1 �ny d�huk af �ny Oth�r � •'��'°"'t. <br /> covenam or egreements; (c) pays ell expenses Incurred In enlorCh thh SscurR In�trum�nt, inoludln but not NmkW to, rM�on�by >-+��- ' - <br /> G Y 0� � '3�;-,n.' <br /> attorneys'fees; and(d)takes such ectlon pe Lender may roa6onebly rrquks to ossur�thst th� IIMi ol thls S�CUrRy In�lrummt, L�ndM'� <br /> riqhls in Ihe Pro pert y and Borrower'e oblfp�tbn to pay th� eume e�cund by thls S�eurky In�trummt �hall ContYw� unohanpW. Upon ,.;'.', <br /> relnstatement by Borrower, this SecurRy inatrument�nd lh• oblp�tbns n�cund hKeby eh�ll nm�fn fuly �fl�ctlw ae R np �CC�Nr�tbn <br /> .� nad occurred. Howwor,this rpht to roinstat�s ha N not�pp y 1� t h�ce a�o f �c c a M r a t bn un d�r p�r�pn ph 17, � �"'�=�`'`'� <br /> 19.Ssle of Note; Chanqe oi Loen Servicer. Tha Noa or a paA41 htenst In th� Noa (�opo�n.r wkh thlt SaCUrky '��•�i=`". <br /> � Inspumenl) may bo eold one or mon tfinet wRhout prior not►ee to Borrnwsr.A s�N m�y roeuR h� dh�np�h lha onpty (known es tho -P.__`�� <br /> ,.r��'��� "Loan Se�vicer") thet collects monthly payments due undw th� Not� and thie S�curRy Inslrum�nt. ThK�also mAy b� on• or mon __-'- <br /> - �''''�'� chnnpes of the Loon Servfcer unrelated to a sAle ol the Note. If there is A ch�npe of lhe Loen SMVbsr, 8orcow�r wiN b�ph»n wrkt�n <br /> ! nol�e ol the chanpe in accordsnce with panpraph 14 �bove pnd �ppl�cobw kw. Tha notba wlll 6t�t� th�n�m� and addnss of th� �'����� <br /> � � new Loan Servber end tha eddress to whfch payments should be mode. Th�notice will also contah �ny oth�r Inlorm�tlon nquind by ,�., <br /> . ePP�icable lew. _ <br /> � � 20. Hezerdous Substencea. Borrower shall not cause ar permN the presence, use, dlspoaal, stor�pe, or release o} �ny f= <br /> Hezardaus Substences on or In the Property. Bottower ehall not do, nor albw onyona eke to do, �nythlnp afhntfnp th�PropKty that <br /> is h vblation of eny Envkonmenul Law. The precadinp two asntenc�s ahall n�t �ppN to th� pns�nc�, us�, or stony� on th� <br /> Property of small quantRfes of Hazardous Substances thet are pensralty reoopnized to ba approprl�te to nomul rs�idmtl�l u��� �nd to <br /> '� maintenence of the Property. <br /> s:. <br /> 0orr�wer shall promptly pke LendS+wrRten notbe af eny tnvestipatbn, clakn,demand, lewsuk or other�ctbn by�ny povsmmonta <br /> q• or reguiatory agency or prNate party invoNfnp the Pr�perty end any Hazsrdoue Suhatance or EnvNnnrr»�t�l Law of whbh 8orrowK h�s <br /> i actual knowledge. If Borrower laams, or is notHbd by eny puvemmental or regulntory authorky, that eny removal Or Other rertNdMltbn ` <br /> � of any Hazerdous Substance aftecthp the Property Is necessnry, Borcowa shell promptly teke aN neCOSSary ra�dkl aclbns In - <br /> �:: acCOrdance wRh Envkonmental Law. � <br /> As used in lhls paragreph 20, "He:ardous Substances" ero ihose substances detined ae toxb or hanrdout subtt�nC�s by _ <br /> f�• Environmental Law and the followinp substances: pflsolhe, kerosene, other Ilflmmable or toxb petrol9um praduCt6, toxb p�atbld�s �nd <br /> herblcides, volatife soNents, materiels containhg asbestos or formaldehyde, and radbectNe mnterials. AS used In thNs p�r�pr�ph 20, <br /> . "Env(ronmental Law' means (ederal laws nnd laws of the jurisdbtbn where the Property IS IOCated thflt relate to heakh, Saf�ty o� � <br /> � environmentfll proteCtion. <br /> � NON-UNIFQRM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and spree as folbws: <br /> 21, Acceleretlon; Aemedles. Lender shell give notice to Borrower prlor to ecceleratlan followinp <br /> eorrower's breach of any covenent or epreement In this Security Instrument (but not prior to <br /> acceleration under peraqreph 17 unlea sppllceble Isw provldea otherwise). The notice th�ll �peclty: <br /> (e) the default; (b) the actlon requlred to cure the detault; (e) a dste, not less thsn 30 d�y►a from the <br /> --:-- date the notice ia given io borrower, oy ti�tii�i :i'v MaiS:::: ::ilK �J� CL!ed; wr�e1 �rl� th�t f�llure te cure <br /> the default on or before the dete speclfied in the notice mey result In acceferatlon of the iums <br /> _ secured by thia Security Instrument snd sale of the Property. The noUce shall further Inform <br /> Borrower oi the right to reinstate eHer acceleretlon and the rl{�ht to brinp s cour! acUon to as�ert th� <br /> non-exfatence of e defeult or eny other defenae of Borrower to acceleraUon and Mle. If the dshult Is <br /> not cured on or before the dste �pecified In the notice� Lender et It� optlon m�y requlre Immedl�te <br /> peyment In full of all aums secured by thia Security Instrument wlthout iurther dem�nd �nd m�y <br /> Invoke the power of �ale end any other romedlea permitted by �pplic�bls I�w. Lendar �hall b� <br />- -- entitled to collect ali exqensea Incurred In purwinq the remedles provld�d In thl� pK�qraph �1, <br /> - �•�° including, bn�t not Ilmlted to, reesonable attorneya' fees end cost�of title evidance. <br />- � If the power ot sele la invoked� Trustee ahsll record e noticd of defwlt In eech aounty in whlch <br /> any pert oi the Property la located and ahell meil copies of wch noUce in ths m�nner pre�crib�d by <br />"'^v = � appllceble Isw to Borrower and to the other perwns prescribed by �ppllc�ble law. After th� tlm� <br />- ' " �' required by appllcsble Iew, Trustee ahell give public notice of sele to the per�on� �nd In the m�nnsr <br /> , ,k � prescribed by eppliceble lew. Truatee, without demend on Borrower, ehall e�ell the P�operty et publlc <br /> auction to the hlyhest bidder et the time end place and under the terms deslqnated In the notlae of <br />� aale In one or more percels and In any order 7rustee determines. Truatee may pott�one al• of dl <br /> . or any parcel of the Property by public anROUncemtnt et the time end place of any prevbuNy <br /> . scheduled sale. Lender or its deaignee mey purchaae the Property et eny aale. <br />��� Upon recelpt of peyment of the prtce bid, Trustee ahell deliver to the purchaaer Tru�tes's deed <br />�.• •j:_��;, � conveyinq the Property. The recitals ln the Trustee'a deed shall be prime facle evidence of the truth <br /> of the at�temcnte made therein. Truatee shall spply the proceeda of the sale In the folbwlna order: <br />_ . " � (e) to etl cosu and expensea of exerclsinQ the power ot aale, and the sele, includlnp the p�yment of <br /> the Trustee's feea actueily Incurred, not to exceed 3 96 of the psinclpel amaunt of the note <br /> � et the time o}the declsretion of Jefaul4, and reasoneble attorney's feea as permitted by Isw; (b) to dl <br /> i aurne aecured by thia Securlty InsVument; end (c) eny exceas W the person or persons le�ally �- <br /> • ,� entitled to it. _ <br /> - . 22. Reconveyence. Upon payment ot ell sums secured by this Security Instrument. Lender shall request Trustee to reconvey =_ <br /> , the Property end shall surrender this Security Instrument and all notes evidenoinp debt secured by this SeCUrRy Inatrument to Tru6te6. -__�- <br /> Trustee shell reconvey the Property without warrenty and wkhout Charge to the person or persons legally entkled to k. Such per6on or �:;�-c___- <br /> � <br /> persons shall pay any reCOrdatlo�costs. - <br /> � <br /> � <br /> 13. Substitute Truatee. Lender, at its optfon, may from tfine to tkne remove Trustee and appolnt a succesaor truetM to <br /> any Trostee eppointed hereunder by an Instrument recorded in tho county in whfch ihls SeCUrfty Instrumont is reCOrdsd. WRhout � � <br /> - conveyance of the Property, successor trustee shall succeed to all the tkle, power and dutfes conferred upon Trustee hereln and by <br /> applfcable law. <br /> __ o� oen.�..* inr Nntle�wa. pnrrnwar rnouasts thet co�les of thB notlCes 01 deffluR dnd Sflb b9 SB�II t0 BOROw9rb lddroSE <br /> � �, I .�. .._�,.._-- •-• -------- <br /> — . . . __ -- <br /> whiCh Is the Pro�+erty Address. <br /> 'I 25. Rfdera to thle Security InaVument. i� one o� more riders are executed by Borrower and reCOrded topelher wRh <br /> -` i this Security Instmment, the covenants and egreemonts of each such rider shell be incorporeted Into and sliall amend and suppl6ment <br /> ' Ihe cavennnts and agroert�ents of this SHCUrdy Instrument as it the rider(s) were a part of this 5ecurky InsiNment. <br /> � Form 3025 O/BO <br /> _. � F�070.1MO p0/a7) P�ps 4 0l G <br /> ' � 00� <br /> � <br /> � . . _ -. - . _ _. . . __ . . __ _ . _ . ._. .. <br />