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.."J:;.;..� . . ., .. ..-. .. <br /> � ry� , t� .. . • ' . � � .. .. �'iNIL•�k�.��. <br /> F FFR���' . � _—___ "`_,r,,.,.,�-=.u✓_� ___ ... _—_ _ _ _ ..,._� . `.�vr��•_. <br /> — � —_ —_ —— _———. M7.�' _ . a_.a..�-._- <br /> ... 4 . ' .. . _ . . . .. . . . . . ��. <br /> . . . .. .•.�u � <br /> �Ma�� � �. <br /> ' �� �r • 9orrower's escrow account under lha fodual Haal Ectato 5attqmont ProcWuras Act of 1974 as emw�dod kom tkn�ta tkn�, 12 U.S,C. <br /> • � , n� 2601 et Req.("RESPA'), unkfa�nolhar kw that�ppll�s ta Ihe Fund� at�R Mes�r amount. If so, Under mny,�t�ny tlm�,oolMct�nd � <br /> w. :�, .� hold Funds In sn nmount not to exaed thm kseK�mount. Lendsr rru�y estkruts ths unount of lunda du�on th�buk of cumnt dafa � _ <br /> � and reasono6la ostlmu�s of�xpendRurea of(utun Escrow Items or oth�rwlso In �CCOrd�nc�wkh�pplfcabM law. , _ _ <br /> . A f•... <br /> � The Funcls �hall b� hNd fn �n In�tkutbn whoas dpo�lt an Ineund by � ied�rnl �p�ncy, h�trum�ntANty, or �ntky (inelud <br />-' . � Lender, N Lender Ia such an hstNutbn) or In �ny Fedenl Home Lo�n B�nk. Lender sh�ll apply the Funds t� paY the Escrow It�m�. � <br /> �.' .'•;; Lender may not charpo Borrowar for hoWhg �nd �ppylnp thi Funds, tnnuQly on�yzhp ths escrow account, or wrilyinQ th�E�Crow � <br /> •� � � Ilem6,unless Lender pwys Borrower hterest on the funds ond eppllCllble law permN6 Lender to make such a ohups, HowwM,L�nder <br /> " "`' ' � may requre Bonower lo pay a one•tkne charge tor an independent real estate tex reportiny servfce used by L�nd�r In conn�ctbn wMh <br /> ""''°` thl� loan, unless applicabb law provides otherwise. Unless an egrearnAnt Is made or applfCable law requkes interest to be pald,I.endsr � � <br /> ` r F shrll not be rsquPOd to p11y Bonow�r any f ntens t or sam i nps on t h�F u n d s. B o rc o w a�nd Lsndsr ma y �p r w In wrkh0� hoW�wr� �h�� � _ <br /> o:�• _ <br /> ��•. <br /> Interest shall be pakl on th• Fund�. lender ehaN phro tn Borcower, wNhout cn�rpe, an annusl �ccounthp of the Funda, showlnp <br /> �L• credRs end debRl ta th�Funds and tha purposs for whbh e�ch cNbk ro tha Funds was made. Tha Funds ars pMdped ae addkbnal <br /> �' securRy for�II surr.s�ecursd by thb Sscurky Inatrum�nt. <br /> - " n the Funds held by Lander axceed the arr�ounts p�rmkted to bs held by�ppucable kw, Lender shaM account to Borrowsr for th� <br /> excess Funds In accordance wRh the raqukerrwnts of applic�bla Ww. II tha �mount o} the Funds hskl by Under at any tYn�k not <br /> =LF•"� — <br /> ;;,.y��w:,;:. � suHbient to pay the Escrow Itams when dus,Lend�r rtuy eo notMy Bortower In wrlthp,and, in such case Borrow�r shall p�y ta Lend�r <br /> :?::�;:t,>•{' .� the emount necessary to make up the delfCfency.Borrower sh�ll make up the del�leacy fn no moro than twshre monthy p�ymM►ts,1�t <br /> .�:' ...�. ,t•' Lender's solB di5cretbn. <br />.,���:�. Upon payment In tull of au sums secured by this Security Instrumsnt, Lender shau promptly rofund to Bortowsr�ny Funds hsld by <br /> ��a'�.'„';:;.'r Lender. If, under pu4proph 21, Lender shall acquke or seU lhe Property, Lender,prbr to the YcqufsRbn or sile of th� PropeAy, •haM <br />_: .r.�;..� <br /> �•"%";,N�•�'" opply eny Funds beld by Lender at tha thw ot acquiskbn or ale na a crsdk apafmt tha sumc c�aund by thb 3ocurky Instrumm. <br /> �. .�.•��.. <br /> ^ 3. Appticetlon oi Payments. Unbss appllcnbb lew provMlee otherwise, eA payments roCehrod by L�nder undM pRnpraP s _ <br /> � �• t end 2 shall be epplfed: tYSt, to nny prepaymeat charpos duo under the Note; second,to amounts pay�bb undK pvapnph 2; thtd <br />_'�_,w�r'� a <br />-_- :•.�' to Interest dua;fouAh, to principal due; �nd last,to any kt� charpes due undsr the Note. <br /> _x_,;�� 4. Ch0�gE8;Llens. Bortower shall pay aN tax�s. �eseesments, charpes, fines end Mposkbns attrbutabN to lh� PropKty <br /> �=�*F��'�r� whfch may attain prbrriy over this S�CUrky Inatrument, �nd paphold paym�ntz or pround ronts, N any. Borrow�r sh�Y p�y tMt� <br />-`P;��_;"u�7;�' oblipatbns h the rrwnner provided h panyreph 2,or if not p�kl in that mannx, Borrower ahall pay thsm on tim� dHcty to th�p�rton <br /> --="''g� owed payment. Bortower shall prompty fumish to Lendar al notVices ot amounls to b9 paid under thls puaynph. II BonOww m�ka <br />_::::��',�;��..; <br /> --T����� these payments dkecly,Bonower shsll prompty fumish lo Lender recelpts evidenehy the payments. <br />:',�i�'_:.w: ' Borrower snall promptly dlscharge any Ifen which hos prarky over thls SecurAy Instrument unless Borto+asr: (�)�prMS h wrkinq to <br /> �..r:.ti•��. <br />--:R?;�.>'�, the payment of the oblpetlon secured by tha Ifen in a menner acceptable to Lender, (b)Contests fn yood(1�Mh ihe Nen by,or dsfMi s <br /> J+.°:ss� � a9ainst enforcement of the lien h,lepal proceedfnps wh�ch in Ihe Lender's aphbn a{wrate to prevsnt tha entorcerr�nt ot th�N�n; or(o) <br /> `�v"`�-� �.w. fAG �.. nn hn�ax of the uen an acxeert�nt satfshctory to Lsnder subordinatiny th� N�n to thls S�curky In�Wmsnt. If L�nd�r <br /> u.__ N_m t <br />�-�----��;�:� determines that any paR of thA Property �s sub�ct to a 1bn whbh mty attaln prbrky owr thk Sscurky Inabum�nt, I.�nOrr maY Q�w <br /> _ _-=;�..� Borcower a notke fd�ntNyhp thv �ien. Borrower shaM wtBfy the Ikn or take one or more of the�ctbns s�t fodh abow wkhN 10 days <br /> � ol the gNfnp ol notk�. <br /> �'::�:�� <br /> �—�i�� 5. Hezard or Property Inaursnce. eorroww sn.0 k�ep ths tmprovemonts now ox�ctiq or n.n.n�r .r.cad on t►» <br /> w�.uer+�� <br />__�j�,�� Property Insured aqahst bss by tirs, hwrds hcluded w�hin lhe term"extend6d Coverape' and luiy othef henrds,InCludfny fb0 Or <br /> ----•--- floodiny, far which Lendar raqufra inaur�nca. Th{s InEUranc� �haA b� mllht�in�d Y1 th� amounts and for !M p�rbds tl►n! L�nd�r <br /> --���� requPes. The hsunnce cartier providinQ the fnsuranG ehal bai choa�n by Borrower subJ�ct to UntNf��pprowl whbh �h�l not b� <br /> —�"���� unreasonaby wRhh�ld. II sorrowK laus to mafnafn covarap� d�scrb�d abow, Lendor may,at Unders optbn, obtain cowr�to <br />--=--�a�!� <br /> °°= protect Lendar'e rphts in th�PropKty In�cCOrdance wih parlpr�ph 7. <br /> r�� AO hsurance policks and rentw�ls shall be�ccspt�bl� to L�nd�r�nd shaM Nclud��atandad mort0lp�arua. UndK�h��w <br /> the ri�ht to hold th� QoliCkrs and ran�w�16. If Loncl�r r�quYK, 8orrow�r thaN prompty 9iw lo l.wid�r�M nCSlptt ot pald prMnlutns <br /> —='��`� and rwiawal notfcos. In tha ewnt ot b�s, BortowK ahaU pN� prompl nolk� lo th� Intunna c�rtNr md Und�r. I.�ndM m�Y rt�YC� <br />—� prool ol bss M not mada prompty by Barow�r. <br /> ���, Unless Lander u�d Borcoww othMwka aqraa h writhp.Insunnc�prxMds chaN W�ppWd to nstontbn or npak of t,M Propwty <br /> __�`"'s�r��� damapad� Y tt»restontbn or npalr fs�conomkaNy fMfbM and Under6 acurity k nOt Mss�n�d. tl IM nstontbn a npdr it nOt <br /> :��f�� economfcaly Iwsi�N or Lendsr'a security would be lesssn�d, tM fnsunnt� procMds shaN W c�pFlMd to tM swni Ncund�Y thk <br /> �=;;s;i�bt,;x;'� uecurity Instrument, whetha or not than dw, wRh any excoss p��d to Borrow�r. II Hortoww abar+dons ttN PropwtY� a doM �� <br /> �;�`:,� answa wAhin 30 d�YS a nolba hom L�nd�r that the hsunnc� c�rri�r has oMerW to settM � crSm, th�n Unda may coN�ct tM <br /> _V�±�!�'� in5uranCe proceeds. Lender maY u58 the proCeeds lo repaV or rsstore tIN Proparty or to poy sums s�cund by thb S�CUrky <br /> --_•�_°"''�..�_�'��= Instrumeot, whelher or not then due.The 30�day period wNl beyin when,the notke is p'iven. <br /> . .-S_l1')- <br /> ._„i���•:K Unless l.endqr ind Borrower otnerwise syree h wr�n9,�ny nppk�tbn of proce�ds to pr'nctpal sh�N not�aUnd or poslporN tM <br /> tlue date of tne monthy payments referred to h paraqnphs t and 2 or ch�npl the�mount of th� paym�nta• II und�r pvrprRph 21 <br /> -s�V"-� ` the Prape�ty fs acWred by Lender, Bortowers rpht to�ny Insuronce policies�nd procMds rosukhp from d�nyW�o tlw Pto�ty prior <br /> . �S».�_ <br /> � to the ocquislion shaN pass to Lendsr to tha sxtuit ol the sums sacursd by thfs Srcuricy Instrurr�r+t Ynrt»df�ENy p�br to th� <br /> acqu�sRion. <br /> � 6. Occup�ncy, Preservation, Malnten�nce snd Protectlon of the Property; Borrower'� Lwn <br /> � � AppliCAtiOn; Lesseholds. Borrower shaM xcupy,asublish, �nd uss th�Prop�rty as Bortow�r's prinelpa�ra�d�nc� wk�+h �� <br /> �, days aRer the executan of thts Securky Instrument and stul continue to occupy the Property�s Borrowe�'s princtp�l reskl�nc�lor�t <br /> t least one yeu elter i�e date o1 oc:cup�ncy, unless LencNr otherwise �yrses h w�it„fl� which ;onsent shaN not bs unrNSOn�by <br /> v:�ihheld,or unless extenwting circumstancss exist which an beyond Borrowars aonMol. BortowK shal not deaVoy,d�nrp�e►Mrt�lr <br /> , the Property.Ubw the Property to dete�Wrete, or commil waste on the Property 6oROwer shaN bo in defauR if�ny Iorlek�n�clfon a <br /> •i' i proceeding, wnether civil or crimnal, is begun tl+at in Lenders good fadh judprt�ent Could resuN in fo�ts�tur�of th�Prop�rty a otMrwis� <br /> mate�any impa� tne I'�en c�eated by this Security InsWrrxnt o� Lenders seCUrity hterest. BortOwe►maY Cure such ■ dMauk and <br /> - . _ ..-� '- -------. .c �.. ........:... •we��„v� nr nmr.mciina to be diSm°S56d with a rukK� th11t. Gl L6rtd�t QOOd fafth <br /> _ -_-�_._.-- —r- �en,siata� na {nvv�wv .� Nn�.y.oN.. ...�..� ���..-.a ,._�.� _ � _.. _ <br /> determinat�on,preCludrts fo�fe�ture of lhe Borrower's hteresl h the F'roperly a othe� mate�M� hKsairmint al tM Iisn crMlt�d by tl�is <br /> Sacurity �nstrument or Lender's security interest. Borrower shall als� be h default H Bortower, duriny th� loan applic+�tion proeess, <br /> gave materiely tal�e or inaccuraro irttormatian or statar�er�ls M Le+ider (or fa�led to provkie Lend�r wih �nY m�bria� tnlorm�tb^1 h _ <br /> i cannectfon wdh the taan evide�ced by tRe Nate, hcludny�,Out not IinRed tn,represenUtio�s concsmfnp Borroww's xcup�ncy of tfie <br /> � Property es a pnc�lpol residence. If thfs SeCUrity In3trurnent Fs an a leasehald. BortOw�er Sh�N compy with aM the provisfo�S of the <br /> � I�ase. II Bor�ower acquires fee t�t�e ta tne Property,Ihe fe�sehokl and the lee tRb ShyN not rt�e unless the Londer Wriss to th� <br /> � ' I merger in writng. Form 9ox�Y/vo <br /> ' � F�OiYLMG 1�0.97) Pay�i ot 5 <br />– � <br /> i 96i <br /> � <br /> I _ . . _ _. . . .. . __ . _ . <br />