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._'� <br /> ,a <br /> �;� ��yr. ' . . . ...,.... .. ... __i..... . : , . , . .. '�� - <br /> - �rr�.. „, .� . .. . _ . . .. � .. .. . , n��a <br /> 'S� _ <br /> vr': <br /> �� / <br /> �x-o7-19a8 � �r Y � QEED OF TRUST: 9$"' 11.i�ri�� PApe s ��'_��.:M;:� <br /> . Lo�n No - (Continued) . �"�=�- <br /> i. .. . ' 6 '=fiLf�.�Qi- <br /> i� . • �A�iR�. <br /> r{pht lo exerci�the powN ot a�la; '�"� '� ]_. <br /> (b) Commence�n actlon lo laeclose this Deed ol Trust as�mortpape,eppoint a receiver or speciflcelly enforce any of the covenants �',"�"r'' <br /> ;�„�;. <br /> � h�fA01�lfld `���T�4�:�% <br /> (c) DMiwr tp Truat�e 4 wdtten deckrati�n of defpult end demand for sde and a written nol�e of default�nd electlon ro c�use Trustor's ;� ,,;_ <br /> ' , Int�rKt in the Proporty to ba sdd,which nptice Trustee shall Caus�to be cluty flled for recard in IM�pproprlat�oMkos of fM County In �-.,:�:�_, <br /> whbh Ih�Proparty Is IocUed:Ind �.�.:. <br /> } (d) With rsspect lo dl or�ny part of the Peroonal Property,Lender shall h�ve all Ihe rlyhts end remediq of�s�cured party unde the �=v"-- <br /> . Nebnsk�Uniform CommercialCode. !-;,��,;,i;,_g <br /> J Fw�clowrs by Paw�r of SaN, 11 Lendx elects to foreclose by exercise ol ihe Power ol Salo hareln contalned,Lender shell nollly 7rusles and <br /> ,�prM+�' ehau d�poslt with TrustN lhle Dsed of Trust�nd the Note and such receipfs and evid�nce of sxpsnditures m�de and eecured by Ihls Oeed ol —_ <br /> �. .,,,,.«�p�tl Trusl�a Trustee rru�y nqWrs. =: <br /> � (a) Upon rac�lpt ol euch notla from Lender,Trustee shall cause to be recorded,published and delivered to Trustor such Notks of Detault — <br /> and Not�e of Sale as then requlred by law and by thls Deed of TrusL Trustee shell,without demand on Trusta,stter such time�s may <br /> then be requirad by law�nd eAer recordetlon ol such Not�e of De(ault and atter Not�e of Sale h�viny been plven as requlrad by i�w,sell <br /> • � the Property at the time�nd place of s�le flxed by it In suoh Not�e o}Sale,elther 4s e whole,or in separate lob or parcels or items as e <br /> Trust�s shall dsem expadNnt,and In such order es il may detarmine,at pubtiC auctlon b the hiqhest bidder tor cash in lawful money of _ -------- <br /> tFw United States p�yRbN�t th�t{rtr of sale, Trustee shall deliver to such purchaser or purcFulsers theraof Its qood and suMclant deed or <br /> b. dwds conveyirp Ihe property so sdd,but wilhout�ny covenant or warranty,express or Implied. The recitais in such deed of any m�Hsrs = <br /> � or Mcts shell be conClusive proof ol the truthtuiness Ihereol. Any person,including without Iimiteflon Trustor,Trustee, or Lender,may <br /> ;� purCh�se at BuCh SeW. <br /> � (b) As may be permitted by aw,eAer deducting all costs,fees snd expenses of Trustee snd o1 this Trust,InCludinp costs ol evidence ol <br /> title In connection w(lh s�le, Trustee shall apply the proceeds of sale ta payment of (i)all sums expended under the twms of this De6d of <br /> � Trust or under the terma ot the Note not then repald,Includinq but nof Iimited to acCrued Intere5t and tate ch�rpes, (il)�II other sums ihen <br /> secured heraby,and (ilq lhe remeinder,if any,to the person a persons lepally enUtled thereto. �_ _ <br /> � (c) Trustae meiy in the rrunner proNded by law postpane sale ot all or any porllon of the Properly. <br /> Remedlei Not Exclu�ive. Trustee and Lender,and each of them,shdl be entHled to enforce psyment and perfartunce ot any Indebl�dness <br /> a oblipatlons secured by thls Daed o}Trusl end to exercise all riphts and powers under thi9 Dead o(Trust,under the Note, under any of the <br /> � Rsllted Dxumante,or under�ny olher agreoment or any laws now or fwreeltar In tora;notwithatandinq,some or all ot such Indebtedr►�ss <br /> and oblip�tlons secured by this Deed ol T�ust may now or here�tlar bs otherwise secured,whetMr by mortpaqo, dMd al trust,plsdpe,Ibri, <br /> easlpnmant or otherwlse. Neilhar the sxepance ol this Deed of Trust nor Its onfacoment,whether by court�ctton or purownt to the pow�r of <br /> sel�or other powsro contaln�d in thle Deed o}Trust,shall preJudlce a In eny rru�nrNr athct Truateo's w Lendere riqht to rs�Nxu upon a <br /> . enfac�ony other secudty now or hereoRer held by Trustae a Lender,It belnp apreed that Trustae and Lender,and each of thYm,sluiA be <br /> enBHad to enforce this Deed M Trust and any other security now a here�Rer held by Lender or Trustee in such orda and mann�r as ttwy or <br /> elther of Ihem m�y In lhelr �bsolule discretion determina. No remedy conferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lendar,is Intended to be <br /> exclusive of�ny other remedy In Ihis Deed of Trust or by law provlded or permitted,but each shall be cumulative�nd sluN be In addHion to <br /> every other remedy piven In tNe Deed ol Trust or naw or hereafter existlnp at law or In equlty or by stntute. Every power or remedy piv�n by tM <br /> Nole or eny of the Related Documenb to Trustee or Lender a ta wh�h either of them may be otherwise endtbd, may be exxcMjad, <br /> --=_-�•=_- -" �a;„-,uraruy o;�r��p�rdanµ,!rca^!!r.:e!���!.^.L 3n�?t n}�al� �1R TAY hA damm�d axnedient by Trustee or Lendar,and eithsr of tMm mey <br /> . puraue Inconslstent remedles. Nothinp in Ihis Deed of Trust shell be construed as prohihitlnp Lender hom seelcirp a d�Ncisncy Judprt►snt <br /> �painst the Trustor to th6 ext�nl such acUon is pennitted hy law. <br />�� R�quest For Notic�. Trustur,on beheM of Trusta�nd Lander,hereby requests lhat a copy o1 any NOtk:e of Dehult�nd a copy of any Notla <br /> of S�b under thW Deed of Trust be mefled to them at the addresses set torih In the Brst p�raynph ot Ihis Deed ot Truet. <br /> • WMver; Election of Remedb�. A weiver by any party ot a breach of a provislon of thls Deed of Trust shall not constitute n walver of a <br /> � prejudice the perty's riqhts olner�vfse to demand sh�t compllance with Ihet provislon or any other provislon. Election by Lender to pursue�ny <br /> � remedy provlded In this Deed of Trust,the Note,in any Helated DoCUment,a proWded by I�w shaN not exclude pursult of�ny otl►er remYdy, <br /> and an electlon to make expmdilurea a to lake ectlon to perform nn obligation ot Trustor under Ihls Deed o}7rust attar f�llure of Trusta to <br /> perform theA not aMect Len Wi'e ripht to declare n defaull and to exerciso any of its rarnedles. <br /> � " Atlomey�'Fa�s;Expen�ss.II Lender Insfllutes any suit or actlon to enforco any of the terms of lhis Deod of Trust,Lender shaA be anGlkd to <br /> recover suCh sum as the court mny ed�udpe reeson�ble es attaneys'fees at trl�l and on any appeal, Whether a not any cou�t�cdon h <br />- Involved,�II raesonable expense�incurred by Lender whbh In Lenders opinion are necessary at any Ilme fer the proteclion of Ib Intetat or tM <br /> ..,,,., ' enlorcement of It9 riphts shaM b�come o parl ot the Indebtedness payeble on demend and shall beu Interest�t the Note nta hom ttN dnte of <br /> - . � :,� axpanditure until repald. Expm�es covared by thls parapraph Include,without limitatlon,however subJect to any Ilmils under applkabN law, <br /> � ; Lender's ottorneys'fees whelher a nol there is a Iawsuit, Includinq attaneye'fees for bankrupfcy proceedinps(includlnq eMorts to modMy or <br /> , t ,� • vacate any automatic stey a InJunctlon), eppeals and any antkipated post-Judflment cdloctlon servlces, the cost of seerchinfl recorde, <br />- obtelnlnp title reports(includlrp taeclosure reports),surveyors'reporis,apprslsal tees,title Insunnce,and less ta ths Truste�,to the ext�nt <br /> {, permlttad by eppl�able law.Trusta also wul pay�ny court costs,In additlon to eN oiher sums provlded by lew. <br /> _„ Rlpht�of Trustee. TNStee shaU hnvA�n o}the rlyhts end duties ol Lender ee set forth In thla sectlon. <br />- . POWERS AND OBLIOATIONS OF TiiUSTEE. The lollowlnp provlsions relntinfl to Ihe powers end oblip�tlons of Trustao�re pa�t of lhl�Desd ol <br /> �--� Trusf. <br /> .{•�' . <br /> '�:, :�.,;�, , Powers of Trusts�. In adWtlon to all powers of Trust�e arising as a maNer of Iaw,Trustee�hall have the power to teke the}dlowlnq�cdons <br /> . with resp�ct to the Property upon the wdtten request of Lender end Trustor: (a)joln In propulnp and tllinp a map or plat of the Real Proparty, <br /> � ' Includlnp the ded�ation of slreets a other�Iphts to the publlc; (b)Join tn prantiny eny easement or creeflny any rastr�Hon on the Rwl F4oparty; <br />-- ' ,, and (c)jdn in any subordinallon a other eproement aHOCting this Deed of Trust or Ihe interest of Lender under thls Desd of Trust. <br /> Tru�tee. Trustee shall meetell qunliHctflons required tor Trustee under appl�eble law. In edditlon to the riqhts and remedlea sel forih above, <br /> � with respeCt to all or eny pad of the Property,the Trustee shall have the dghf to foreclose by notlCe and sale,end Lender shall heve tM ripht to -- <br /> toreclose by Jud�lal forectosure, In elther case In accordance with end to the full extent provided by appllcable law. <br /> ; Successor Trustea, Lender,et Lender's option,may trom time to time appolnt a successor Trustee to any Trustee eppolnted hereunder by en <br /> • Instrument executed and acknowladged by Lender end recorded in the ottice of the recorder of Hall County,Nebreska. The instrument sluill =_ <br /> conteln,in additlon to all other m4Ners required by state law,the names of the oripinel Lender,Trustee,and Trustor,the book�nd pafle(a — - <br /> computer system refarence)whare this Oeed oi Trust Is recorded,and the neme and eddress ot the successor trustee,and the instrument shell =--' <br /> be executed and acknowledqed by all the beneficiarles under the Deed of Trust or thelr successors in Interest. 7he successor trustee,wlthout �'"""' <br /> �� conveyance of the Property,shall succeed lo ell Ihe title,power,end duties conterred upon ihe Trustee In this Deed o}Trust and by eppliCable "•'a'�• <br /> . law. This procedure fa subst0utlon of Irustee shell govern to the exclusion of all other provisions for substitution. <br /> •:'ti.. <br /> NOTICES TO TRUSTOR AND OTHER PARTIES. Any notiCe under Ihis Deed of Trust shall be in writing, may bo sonl bi tolotncsimiio(unloss <br /> othenvlso roquired by Isw),and shall be eBeCtive when actually delivered,or when deposited with a natlonelly recognized overniflht courier,pr,i} � <br /> melled,shall be deemed eMective when deposlled fn the United States mail Ilrst ctass,certifred a regi5tered mall,posteqe prepatd,d�reCled to the <br /> addresses shown near the bepinning ol thls Deed ot 7rust. Any party may chanpe Its eddress for notices under this Deed of Trust by pivirp formnl <br /> written notice to the other perties,speclyinq that Ihe purpose of tha notico is to chenge the party's address. All copies of notices of toreclosure hom <br /> _ _� �tin h��inr nl�nv Iion whlr.h haa ndnrlN nvar Ihls Dt�ed of Trust shell be Senl t0 Lender'S flddre55,as shown near thg beginning ol this Deed Of Trust. <br /> _, ..._..-•--• -•--• ._......._ — . . <br /> : I For r.oHCe purpnses,Trustor aprees to knep Lender and 7rustee informed al ail times ot Trustor's current eddress. <br /> - i <br />— MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS.The followinp miscelleneous provislons are a pert ot ihis Daed of Trusl: <br /> Ameildmettts. This DOed olTrusl,topotherwith any Related DoCUments,consiilutes the ent�ro understandinp end egreement of Ihe partios as <br /> 1 to the malters set lorlh In this Deed ol Trust. No alteretion ot or emendment to Ihis Deed ot Trust shall be eNective unless given In wrflinq and <br /> signed by Ihe pflrly or parties sought to be charged or bound by Iha alteration or emendment. <br /> Annual Reporte, If the Property is used for purposes other than 1'rusfor's residence,Trustor shall turnish to Lender,upon request,a certitied , <br /> sletemenl ot net operetinA income recefvod from the Property during Trustor's prevlous lisCal year In such form end detail as Lender shall <br /> require. "Net opereting Income"shell mean ell cash rczceipts�rom Ihe Prope�ty less all Casn ex�endflures made In connection with the operatlon <br /> ol the Property. <br /> � , <br /> _ ' <br /> ., ��c_- — -- <br />