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, . _-w..�-„,,. <br /> • .ti-a..,,.r�a�r+�,+vza�,,. .,,_ .,a�^x��.�,�,,.- __._ ...__._. <br /> .� '�a-a•4�sa��S.�yi �� b'r''�R-+r.a. �M. 1 Y - _ _— "__' <br /> �y • �v- <br /> -..���.4i....�8d� ��rwr�.LU\i1�1 ` .�` i_tr__' .. _ <br /> ��...�. �'�'. <br /> . ... __—_ Im�r�.r.,wSi.(1-.w^� _"L.�1...n�"��..��'� ��Jl�l.`�lmsl�w�:�u«ri¢a�mwra.wu.wr- <br /> • _ _. . . _ ...•����-�•���•� <br /> .__ ._ __._ .__ " ._ —. ..._ <br /> _ _ 98--�x.2ss� <br /> ��p�_�� , � . ' DEED OF TRUS? paW 6 <br /> �„p��� (ConUnued) ' •• <br /> �e.a.i..w. rni.o..a a Tna�i,..e.«�d.wv«.d�,�.«►a.r.�,a ar und.r in m.stM•w N.brwu, �n�,aw a Trua <br /> �IwM b�por�nMd b9r�nd oon�trwd M�ceord�na wlth q+�bw•a th��tN�of N�bnNu, <br /> Cahllpn►i1�tlNt�, Gpqon t�dlnps In thb D�ad d Trutl�n fa conwrM�na purpos«only�nd�n noi lo b�uNd to Int�rprN a'dMn�Ilw <br /> provblon�of tha DMd of 7nn1. <br /> MKpw, ThKa sh�ll b�no rr�p�r of fh�InNrat a Mt�M aMhd by thb DMd W Trusl wHh�ny othK Inl�nsi or Mtaf�In tFN Propaty at any <br /> drrN hNd by a for IM b�r►�At of L�nd�r In�ny c�p�dty,without�h�w�ti�n corndnl of L�ndK. <br /> MWNpM pwthl�;CotpqrrM/,uthorlty, NI obMp�llons of Trutta und�r Ihls DMd of Trust thall b�Jdnt�nd�wMal,�nd�M rN�nno�to <br /> Trusla sh�p rt►Mn Mch Rnd�wry Truela. fib mwm tfuit Mch of fh�p�wns dpnlrW bNon�h rapon�IbN for rl obliptlians In thl�D»d d <br /> Truii. ' - <br /> dhMrM�Mllp. If�cour!ol cort�{�Mnt JurfsdlCMon Ilnds Rny ProvM�lon of thfl DMd of Tnnl to b�InwNd or un�nforc�abb as to any p�rton or <br /> draurrutana,tuch tlndnp shtN not r�nd�r thal provblon InvaNd a un�nfar�wbN�!a�ny oth�r p�reons or dreums4ncM. It hatlbN,any <br /> such r�fhndirp provhlon sh�N bw dNm�d to bs modllfad lo M wlthin fM Nmfh ol�nforaablNly u wlidiy;how�wr,If IM olkndlnp proviNon <br /> annd b�a mafllhd�It sMM b��trldc�n�nd aM otMr provhlam of thb DNd of Tnnl In d oth�r rnp�cb�h�q nm�ln wMd and�MacwbM. <br /> sucpl��orf MM Aalpnf. 3ubj�ct to tM MmMatlon�tkMd In thi�[�d d 7tutt on tnn�hr o1 Ttutlor'�Inl�t,fhfa DMd of Trwt th�M!� <br /> blrxNnp upon and Inun to th�b�nMt d tM putl�s,thNr�uocsswrs 4nd�stfpm. If ownaship of the Prop�rty WcornM vabd In a pnson <br /> otMr tfuin Tnnta, Und�r, wtthoul nodce to Trueta, rrwy dMl wNh Trustor'a tuoaaors wfth rN��na to thl� DNd of 7rut1 and fh� <br /> Ind�4Mdn�s by way of labMr�na or�xMralon wNhout rM�a�irq Truttor kom th� obllWtlons of thb Dwd d Trt�t or 14iMNly undK tM <br /> IncNbbdn�as. <br /> TkM i�pf qN l�w�a. 'Ti�Is oi th��s�w�In 1M pMforrt�na d this Owd ol Trusl, <br /> WMwn�rW Can�nq. UndK�haN not h�d�rnd to haw w�fwd�ny rfphb und�r Ihis D»d of Tnal(a undK tM Fi�kMd Docum�nb) <br /> ur�such walwr b In wriqnp and sqn�d by L�nda. No dMtY or anh�lon on th�p1r1 d L�nd�r in�twCbfnp�nY dpht�Iwll op�rab aa� <br /> w�lv�r of tuch rlpht or any oltwr rlpht. A w�by dny p�rty of�provklon d tl�t DMd d Tnxt sh�N not conatituM�wdvK d or(xyudla ih� <br /> I�N��OM otMrwfM lo dMnand thticl compM�na�+Ath Mat provNlon ar�ny dMr provblon. No prior wdwr by L�nd1r. nor Rny cou��of <br /> daaMnp botwwn I.�ndor and Tnntor�sl��tul� •waNer ol nnY d L�nd�r's rf�hts a�rry of Trudor'� obNp�tlo�u to�ny hrtun <br /> trnnMCtlorq. Wh�n�wr cone�nt by I.�nd�r I�nqulnd In tMs D»d d Tnxt,tt�prnnqnp of woh ca�nt by L�nd�K In u�y Intfana shM not <br /> �uM pontlnulrq cons�nt to subMqwnt InafRncM wh�n such conMr�t M nqulnd. <br /> WMVw Of HOnI��lMd ExMnptforl,Tnntor hsr�bY►N�a�s Rnd w�fws 11N r1Ghh�nd bM»lih of th�hotr�tMRd�nPllon Nw�of th�StaM ol <br /> N�bn�ica as b tll Ind�bb�dnass Mcund by tMs DMd of Trust. <br /> EACH TRUBTQR ApCNOWLEDdE8 HAVINO READ AlL TF�PROVISIONS OF THIS DEED OF TRUBT,AND EACH TRUSTOFI AGREEB 70 ITd <br /> Tl�RIAd. <br /> TRU6TOR: <br /> �� <br /> �� <br /> D�vW L. �P►�MAMIt <br /> CORpORATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT <br /> STAT!OF NQ�dR/!s'tA-� _, 1 <br /> 1� <br /> COIa1TY OF__���,�, . 1 <br /> On thh�` d�y ot �R���a�I�. , to� bNor� rn�� Ms undealp�d NahrY PubNc� P«w�►�M �PPM►�d Wivkl L. <br /> LMton�PhMd�nt of I.u�on f.on�tnutio��InC.��nd krawn to me to b��n lutharlx�d�p�nt of th�oapordbn th�f�fh�DMd of Tnnt <br /> ub Ilda�oMMdp�d th�DMd d Trust b b�tfM IrN and voluMuY�ct�nd dNd d tM corpa�llon,by�uthaRY of Ib ByUw1 r.r by nsdutlon of Ib <br /> bo�rd of t�nlolor�.fOr tM tNM u1d purPoeM thMNn mNtYOMd�and on O�th taNd thlt h� M R auMqrizld fo�oaeuM tM1 OMd of Tnut�nd In <br /> f�cf pacuMd fh�Q»d ol Tn�tt on b�hUf of Ih�oaPoratlon. <br /> �Y <br /> GEMERAL NOiART•Si�te ot Nebr�s�� �� � � (���5� � <br /> KERAY K.RONQUILLO ��n� <br /> Aly Conn.E�p.ApM 27,1001 My Mfon sxpirN <br /> 1 <br /> : <br /> 1 <br /> 1 <br /> . ..._ , . ........ . . : .. ._„.�� . . ... -.� ._ . . _-- ..-------�.._....._ <br />