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�.� . <br /> ,,f <br /> G._ , . � ., `t4� ,.. <br /> � �� ��7-n i:Jt,�wCnr . ... . ....... _ .. . . .� .,. . i ......«�..:.-�..�.�.RL.� <br /> �. <br /> . , � . �_. <br /> "� 12-0�-�998 �$"� g1�s4 DEEQ OF TRUST P�� 4 �'- <br /> � Laan No iContlnu�d) � � �: <br /> � �. , �. <br /> t rrusta, <br /> . Z 6utlaqwnt T�x�s. It any tax lo wf�fch Ihl�Nctlon�ppliN I��n�ct�d�ubNqu�n!to Ih�drl�at Ihi�uMrt ot'fru�i,Ihi��V�nl�h1111 h�w1 Ilf� �'_ <br /> NrrN Nhcl as�n Ewnl ol O�huM(u Wlln�d bNowl,�nd l�nd�r rrwy�KMCEN�ny a I1N�I Ih 11vAN�bN r�rt»dNf IM�n fv�nl of pN11uH�� �,_ <br /> ' U�in�f�cflob na d dapoNh wifh�l��cih or'�uffieNnl ea ah s�ur�ry�bo d a ott»r�isci iI 1Y1�1�►►�c�aY lorl����haw in ttN 7��N�nd .. <br /> 4 <br /> B�Clxi1TY AqRlEMENTi FINANCINO sTATlMENTd. Th�folowinp provhlon�i14�flnp le thN lMM ul Tru�l���I�ounty�{KMrn�nl�r��put ol �.. <br /> ..� tha DNd of Trtnl. --- <br /> .:1 B�curlty Apr�ant. Thh ImlrurrHnl �hall ConslNuN e �ecurlly�pr�m�nl lo Ih��rt�nl �ny ol IrM �'�r��Mty r,ontli►u1M 11xlu��s a olh�r �'" <br /> �} pM'sOnlll prop�rty,�nd L�ndK Ilyll haw�M M tlt�rqhis d• Ncund pllrty unWr Itw Ihnlwm Ca+u�w+�.µl Gwk�ac Wr�wntlad'rrom llm6 to = <br /> .•:.�Mw��E► tlm�, <br /> ,�,,,M,,,,;p�. B�tu�ity IntK�W. Upon r�qu�st by L�ncNr,7ru�ta�h�M���cuN Mmrklrtp IAI�rMnb�nd IIIk�wh�l�wr nlMr�r.MOn i�i�qu�11M by l.�ndK <br /> � . lo pMHC11nd conllnu�UndK'�Neurity In1�Nt In tM R1nls �nd Pwaon�l Prop�rty. In Ilddlion lo�+�:cxd�n{�IIMn tH�l ol T�u�l In IM rMl — <br /> ' propKty ncordl,L�ntMr m�y,e�1ny Nr»��nd wfihout lu�thl�11u1hoHntlon hom 7ru11a,IN���ouMd caunlMp�ib,cbp1M W r�NRduCMOM 01 <br /> � Ihh DNd ol Trl»I�f�Il+wr►cirq�t�Nr►wnL Truftor�tw�N rNmbun�L�nd�r lor NN�xp�r�InoWrM In p�rMcN�q a eonNnulnp thN Meurlly <br /> Inl�rat. Upon d�f�ull,7ruttor�h�ll�tMmbN Ihe P�non�i Propaty In�rtunr��nd�I�pt�c�r�wn�t�y r.anwnNnl lo Tnnla�nd L�ndM <br /> '� �nd mak�11 rvaNabk lo Ltnder wilhin thrM(3)Mys dIK r�CNpl of wrlH�n d�m�nd kom l�ndn. <br /> " Addn��. Th� rtMWrq�ddraMS ol TruNa(d�bla) �nd L�nd�r(Neur�d p�rt►r1,kom wh�ch inlanwNon coneMnrq IM weu�lry inMrMt <br /> pnnNd by Ihfs OMd of Tru�t rtwy W obt�IMd(MCh u r�qukrd by tM Unitam Comm�rcw�Cod�),������MM►�1 on�►�Iks�pWo ol�IN�OMd <br /> of Tru�t. <br /> . FURTHER ASWIiAtICES;ATTORMEII-IN-FACT. TM Idluwlnp proNS►orn rM�Mrp to fu�1Mr�WUr�noN�nd�Man�y-In�l�t.�1�n�pa1 0l IhM <br /> DMd of Tru�t. <br /> Fur1hK ANUr�nc��. At�ny MnN� �nd kom pn»lo qn��uPon hQuMl of Undw�Yrwla wIN nMM���CUM�nd tMNVM�w wIN o�uN fo M <br /> mad�, �xr:ulod a d�MwrW. lo L�ncMr a lo I.�ndws dMlpnN, �nd wMn r�quMbd by L�nd�r� auN b b�M�d,noad�d,rMMd, a <br /> nncacMd�af th�c�w m�y tw��t tuch qrr��nJ In tuch ofFa�Rnd pl�oN w Lw+dir mrly da+m�►roPriaN,�ny�nd�II wch mor�� - <br /> dwd�of kwt,Mcu�iry dNds,Ncu�iy�prwnwnb,Ilmndrq s4Mm�nl�,Ca�MnwNon�qMrn�nb,IMkum�nh o11viMMr�tur�na,arMllaMr, <br /> `� �nd olhK dxurn�nb��m�y,In tfN wN opldon ol Unda,M n�oM�ry a tfNk�bM In qrdM to MMc1wM,oornpMiM,p�rl�ci,caiMnw,a <br /> pr�rw+ (�)tM obHp�Mons of Trusta und�r tM Nob,thh ONd of Truft,�nd th�RWMd Oacum�nll,�nd (b)fhN M��nd Mo�M►«M <br /> cr�Md by thls DMd ot Trwt a Ikit�nd prior M�ns cn Ih�kop�rry,whNhK now owiwd a MnNNr�oqukrd by Trwlor. UnMM pr bY <br /> ' I�w a�prnd lo tF»conhiuy by L�nd�r Irt wrNinp,Tru�tor�h�N rMmburN LMd�r la�M ao�b�nd�t�M Inourr�d M con►�oMon wNh th� <br /> mafNrs nNrnd t01n thl�p�r�pr�ph. <br /> .. , Attorn�y-�n-�Faet. If Trwtor hb to do�ny d fM tNnps nF�rtW to M ttN pr�np p�np�+h�Lsndn rt►q do w fa�nd M IM^�rM a <br /> Truslor�nd af Trustor'��xp�ns�. Fa suoh purposM,Trwta MnbY krwowbly�ppdnb L�nd�r�o Trwlcfr's eltan�Wrt-hof 1or�hn purpoM <br /> � . of mdclnp��oacudn0�tMNwr1�G�flllnq� ncordirp. �nQ dde0 �N Ot11�f IMrtq1 N rtM1y M rNOMMrY Or dMfr�bM�In Untl�r'��oM oplrqon�b <br /> � �pCpmpNth tM mattMt nNnrd io in tM pno�dlnp pu�pr�ph. <br /> FIXL PlAFORMANCE. If Tru�tw plys�N fM Indlbt�dn�ss wh�n du�,I�rmirnlls tM AM of en1dM,�nd othMwiM P�rlo�rrM NI Ih�obMWMOns <br /> ImpaWd upon Trinta und�r thta DMd ol Trwt,Und�r�h�q �x�cut��nd dMfwr lo Tru�N��r�quwt fa fuN nconwy�na�nd aMN�wruM�nd <br /> ddiv�► to Tnnta euitabh ttaNm�nb of IKmlrwdon of�ny flnlnCirq�fabrtNnl On fiN wldOndnp L�ndn'�MeurNy IMrrNI M tfN fiM�l1�nd tIN <br /> - __ �--_= p�pn�l ProMrly. My nCOnwyana IM r�iukW by tRw 1haN D1 palC by Trtnta�n pumnna Dy�PPi�oi�i�w. <br /> . DEfAI�.T. E�ch of Ih�foMOwirp,al lh�apqon of L�ndK,�haM�onaqluM�n�wni d dM�ult('Ewnt o}DMwfl')und�r tMh DMd ol TruN; <br /> � �..;`a.:-i.;��,^ p�hull Ofl IndWNdMS�. F�NUn d Trtntor to mak��nY p�Ym�nt wMn dw on IM Ind�bl�dnM�. <br /> • . QN�ult on OtMr Phrm�nts. F�NUn of Tru�ta wilhln th�Yrr►�rpulnd by thk DNd d Tru�l to m�k��nY p�YmN►t la I�aa a Irnwma,a <br /> '�>,,•. �ny otMr PaymMt MCMwry to pr�wnl ANnp of or to�M�Ct dtscMrp�of�ny MM. <br /> •.::�c�� Cqnpllino�DM�ult. F�NUr�dTru�ta to comply wHh any otMr t�rm,obNqNOn,cAwn�nl a condMon conylnrd In thb DMd of TruN,Ih� <br /> �;.-r n: :"t � NoM Or U�ny M tM RM�Md Daum�nb. <br />''J • • �� Fa1N SiMNMnt�. Any warr�nty,r�pr�nt�Non a�t�tfmMt rtwd�W Iurn4Md lo L�ndM by tx on b�lf d TrutlOr uMfM Ih1�QMd 01 TrIMt, <br /> �*.:.r ..,,,t tlw Nob a tM RN�1W Doaum�nts b fal�cx mlel�adinq in�ny rrKf�rkl nspal,NtMr now or�I tM tlrrw rryd�a hxnkh�d, <br /> ';�=, � ' ' D�Neflv�CoNMKMI=Mlon. Thh DNd of Trutl or�ny of Ih�R�t�d Docum�nb owisM to W In fuN laa�nd MMot(IndudM+p I�YUr�ol�ry <br /> ��.'`�� : cdkMral docurn�nb fo cnat��wNd and p«1�cfW wcu�iry IntK»I a N�n)et�ny qrr��nd for�ny n�uon. <br /> .,,W: :..r,wr,�i' <br /> {t ���,�. In�olv�r�r. TM dfudulbn or Mrmin�Mon of Tnnta'��tMna a�OdnO 6usln�u,Ih�Imolwnoy of Tnxta,lln�PP�nw�t ol�no�iwr <br /> `- '� �'' }or lny MA of Tru�tor�Pto�MtY� �ny�etfOnrr�nt tor tfw b�MAf d Cr�tNlort� anY h�P�of C�JIIOr workoul�or MM Comn�nOMnMd ul�ny <br /> ."•=�.`••,, • proe�stJirq undK any b�nkrupby or Insolwnoy lawf by a qalrat Truttor. <br /> - :.:.v� Fonclown,FaNlture,�fc. Comrrwnar►Mnt of fa�closun a lorhllun prawdlrqf,whNMr by Judicyl prac�Nrq,NIE-h�p,r�Mbn <br /> 'l a�ny oth�r rtNthod,by�ny cndlta of Trusta or by�ny powrnm�nul�rxy�{�imt�ny ol tM Prop�rfy. How�wr,IhN wb»oMon N�M nol <br /> � appy in fh��wnt of�pood hllh dbpub by Trusta�s to IF►�wNdNy or nuornbNr�of Ih�dNm whlCh M tM ba�k ol fM Ionola�unl a <br /> — faMNtun proo»dlnp,provid�d thtl Trwtor plws Und�r writhn nolio�of�uch diJm�nd hKnbhM r�rvM or r wrNy bond fa Ifw ddm <br /> - �. . satlaf�ctory to UndK. <br /> -''-' BrMCh of OtMr Aprs�m�nt. Any brMCh by 7rusta uncNr tt►�Nrms of any Mh�r�qr�nt b�fwNn Tru�ta�nd L�nd�r 11+�1 f�nol nrr�IMd <br /> ��"»��-'-� withln any pr�a pKlod provid�d th�rWn,Indudnp wllhout Mmitttlon�ny aprNrtwnt cono�rnlnp�ny Ind�bNdn�u w o1Mr obNp�MOn pl TruNa <br /> � - . to L�nd�r,whNhsr oxhHnp now a laler, <br /> � �`� Evmts AM�ctlnp fiwr�nter. Any ol fM prscMinp wunb occuro wllh'r�sp�ct to eny Ou�nnlw of�ny of th�Ind�bl�dMU or�ny Owr�Mq <br /> dl�s a b�com�s incompotent,a r�vokh or dlsputq Ihe vUldlry of,a Ii�bfllry und�r,�ny awr�nty ol ll+�IncNbtWr�. L�nd�r,�1 Ib opMOn, <br /> � � may, but ah�ll noi b�requlrad to, psrmlt tM Ouanntor9�aul�to aaurrn uixondiMOn�lly ItN obllp�tlone uhinq und�r fM pwrinfy In• <br /> ' ; manner uthf�ctory to Lender,�nd,In ddnp so,cur�tha Event ol DNeult, <br /> x <br /> AdwrM Chanp�. A m�t�l adwrx� ch�rq� oocun in Truttor'� flnandal condidon, a L�ndK bN1�wf tM prap�ci ol p�yrtNnt a <br /> Y pertormanca ol th�IndabtW n�n is imp�lnd. <br /> •��� InMCUNty. Lender In pood t�lth dNms Itwl1 ins�cun. <br /> Rlpht to Cure. If such�fallun fs cunbl�and if Truslor h�s nol bwn qlvsn a notla of�brMCh of tM urn�provhlon W Ihk ONd d T�uN <br /> withln the pracedinp MrNw (t2)months,It m�y b�curod(Rnd no F.wnt d D�f�ult wIN haw xcurnd)H Trufta,�M�r L�nWr Nnd�wrllMn _ <br /> � t noNCe demendlny cun of auch faflure: (�)cuns tM t�Ya� withln Attwn(t6) d�yr, or (b)If tlM cun nqulr�ma�th�n MIMn(16)WW, _. <br /> Immedlately Initlatss stepa sufAcNnt lo cun tM fallun��d Ih�rNItM continuK�nd c�mpbta�A ra�on�bN�nd r►�c�as�ry sleps tuMownl to <br /> produce compllance�+�a soon a�nason�bly pncHcal. <br /> RIQHTB AND REMEOIE8 ON DEFAU..T, Upon tho ocxurrena of iny Ewnt of D�tault�ntl�t�ny flrrN thsrMN�r,lruftN a LNiwr,�1 iu op�ro��, - <br /> may exercise any one or more of the followirq riphb�nd nmsdl�s,In�dditlon to�ny olhx riphh a rsmWNt provld�d by I�w: <br /> Accelentlon upon Detwlt; Addltlonal Remedlei. II eny svanl of daf�ull OcCUre�s p�r tIN t�rm�of thx Nol�s�cur�d INrWy,LM�d�r rrwy <br /> declere ell Indebtedness secureG by Ihis Deed of Trust to be dw snd payabM�nd Ihe eama ehaN ihanupon b�cort»due�nd p�y�bM wllhput _ <br /> -7 anypresenimeni,oemand,proiusi a nviice vi�ny wi�iu. iiarei�ivi,i.i�id�i��:�: _ <br /> 1 (a) Elther In person or by apenf,wlth or wlthout bdnpl��q�ny�ctlon a procMdlnq, or by�ncNwr�ppWnl�d by e cowt�nd withuul <br /> reflerd to Ihe adequacy of Its sxurily,enter upon and lak�poss�selon ol IFN Prop�rly,or�ny part th�raal,In It�own n�rr�or in Ilw iuim� <br /> of Trustee,and do ony ach whk:h II deeme nec�ssary or de�lr�bl�lo pnserw the vdus,mark�t�bllily a r�nlabAity of Ih�Prop�rly,or pa�l _ <br /> ot the Properly or Intnrest In Ih�Property;Incre�s�th�IncorrN Irom the Prop�rty or protecl lh�t�curlly ol lh�Propnrty;�nd,�+nth a wllnout - <br /> � taklrq possesslon of t��e Propsrty,eus la w olMrw��cdNCt th�r�nb,fsfuN�nd proMls ol IM ProPorty,Includlrp Ihos�pa�l d�N�nd <br /> i unpald,and epply fhe same, less Cost��nd exp�nsa of op�nMOn and colNCtlon,Includlny�tlanA}n fN�,tq�ny Ind�bl�dnNt t1CUr�t1 <br /> by thls Oeed of Truel,all In euCh orde!se Lerider mey d�t�rmine. Th�ent�rinp upon�nd taklnp pos�wtlOn qf th�Fropwry,tM cdMctl�n <br /> � oi such rents,Is9uee and profit�,end the�ppllcUlon Ih�raol shail not cun or w�Ivs�ny def�ull or not�C�ol cNl�ull undN thy UMd 0�T�usl <br /> or Invelldate eny act done In response lo suCh dtll�ult a pureu�nt lo euch nolks of d�lault; �nd, nohvlthsl�ndinp Ih�r.ontlnwnc�In <br /> possesslon o} Ihe Properly or Ihe collecllon, ncsfpl end appllcatlon ol �enb, leeurs or profils, Tru�te� o: l.sncl�r �Iwll b� �nlltwd to � <br /> exerclse overy rlght provlcled}or In Ihe Nole or Ihe Rel�ted Docum�nts a by I�w upon Ih�occurronc�o��ny svenl ol def�ull,InCludiny IM I <br />_ � � <br />=� � � <br /> _ , <br /> � _ � <br />