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.. . �. . . ., . - ..__ . - -- _.__---- <br /> � � :�:. �— - <br /> ::us,�_� - <br /> _ ___ -- _ _-_ ---_ ____ _. _. _ <br /> ��f� r7�' 11��r� <br /> f�i, <br /> i3orrowcr shnll promptiy give [.cnder wriucn iwticc of uny invcstigatinn, claim, dcnwnd, luwtiult or�>thcr �ctiun I�y nny <br /> gc►vernmcntul or regulatoryngency��r privatc purty invalving�hc Property unJ any Hu�,�rduus Sul�+tuncc or Gnvirunmcntul l.uw <br /> of which Barrowcr ha�:acwul knuwlcdgc. If Borrowcr Icarns, or is notificd by ;sny govcrnmcnttil or rcgulntury uuth�►rity, �hnt <br /> any rcmoval or other remediution �if nny Naznrdous Substuncc affccting the Propcny is ncressury,fiormwcr shnll pr��mpNy tuke <br /> all necessaiy renxclial aations in accordunce w1►h Envimnmentul Luw. <br /> AS used in thiti parugraph 20, "Huzardouti Substances" ure thrne suhstnnces defncd as Ioxic ur hazardous suhsttmces by <br /> Environmcntul Law and ihc following substunccs: ga,olinc, kcr<iscnc, othcr tlammablc or tcixir pctrolcum prcxlucts, toxic <br /> pcsticides und herbiciJeti,vola�ile solvents, materiuls contuining u�bestos or fnrmiddchydc, und radioactivc m.ucnuls. As usMl in <br /> this paragraph 20, "tnvironrnental Luw" means federul InHS s�nd L•iws of the,jurisdictiu�i whcre thc Propcny is locatcd thut <br /> rclate ta health, suietyor environn�entul prutecliun. <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Bormwer and Lendcr further cuvcnant iuid agrcc us f�llows; <br /> Z1. Accelerationti Remedlex.l.ender sh�ll glve noNce to Aormwer prior to acceler�tlon followinR Borrower's breach <br /> of any covenAnt or wgreement in thls Securlty Instrurnent (but not prlar to accelerwllon under p�rugrsph 17 unlecs <br /> appltcable law provldes dherwise). The notke shull speclfy: (a)the def�ult; (b) the Actlnn reyuired to cure the defWUlt; <br /> (c)w dAte, not le.s.c thwn 30 dwys frorri the date the notice is glven to Rorrower, by which the defWUlt must be cured;�nd <br /> (d) tiu�t [wilure to cure the defxult on or Ixfare the d�►te specitled in the notice mpy rccult In acceleratlan of the sums <br /> securcd by thiy Secudty In�trument Qnd sale ot the Property� The notice shall turthcr intorm Borrnwer of the right to <br /> relnstate after acorlenxtbn And tMe rlght to bring a court Action to +�ssert the non-existencr of a defAUlt or any other <br /> de[ense o[ Borrower to acceleradon and s�le. It the de[ault is not cured on or before the dAte speclfled in the notice, <br /> Lender, at Its optlon, rn�y requlre immedlpte payment In full of all yums secured by thls Security Instn�ment wtthuut <br /> further demwnd a��d may Invnk�the power at sale nnd eny other rrmedles permitted by applicxblc law.l.ender sh�ll be <br /> enNtled to collect all expenses Incurred In pursuing the remedles provided bi this puru�ruph 21, indudln�;,hut not limfted <br /> to,reasonable attorneys'fees und costs of tltle evldence. <br /> I[the power ot sale Is Invaked, Trustee shall record u notice of default in euch county in which any pwrt nf the <br /> Property is loc�►ted pnd shull mall copies af such notice in the mauner prr.x�rlbed by appltcable IAw ta Dr►rrower and to <br /> the other persons pnscribed by applicable law.Atter the tlme requlred by appUcuble law,Trustee shall glve publlc notice <br /> of swle to the persons and In the manner pre�scribed by appllcable law. Trustee, wlthout demAnd an Borrnwer, shAll sell <br /> the Property pt publk auctton to the highest bidder et the time anc! place and under the terms d�lgnuted In the notice ot <br /> sale in one or more p�mis and in any order Trastce determines. Trustee may postpone ss►le of al!or wny �wrcel of the <br /> Property by public�nnouncement at the time pnd place of ony previously scheduled sale. Lender or its designee mAy <br /> purchpse the Property at my swle. <br /> _ Tlpon receipt of pAyment of the prlce bid, Trustee shall deliver to the purchASer Trustee's deed conveying the _ <br /> Property. The recitals in the Trustee's deed shall be primA fs�cie evidence of the truth oE the statements m9de therein. <br /> 'I'rustee slu�ll wpply Ihe proceeds of the s�le in the following order: (a)to s►11 costs and of exercising the power of <br /> snle,And the 4ale, including the payment of the Trustee's fe�.s actually incurred,nut to exceecl the�o f 50.00 or }�% <br /> ot the princl,pwl wmount of the c�ote at the tlme of the declaration of default, and reasonable uttorneys' fe�s as permitted <br /> uy IAw;(bj to s�ii sums saurerl oy inis atx:uniiy inairu�urui;uiiu(c};,r,y i����s io.he�:�:�o:�:,c�ss :t�»::;;.r.:i::�:a <br /> it. <br /> 22. Rxonveyance. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Security [nstrument, C,ender shull request Trustee to <br /> reconvey tfie Property and shall surrender this Security Instrument nnd all notes evidencing debt secured by this Security <br /> Instrument to Trustee.Trustee shall reconvey the Yroperiy without warranty and without chargc to thc person or persons legally <br /> entitled to it.Such person or persons shall puy any recordation costs. <br /> 23. Substitutc Trust.e. Lender, at its option, may from timc to cimc rcmove Trustce and nppoint n successor trustee to <br /> any Trustce appointod hcrninder 6y an instrument rccorded in the county in which this Sccuriry Instrumcnt is rccorded. Without <br /> conveyance of thc Property, the successor tnistee shall succe•,ed to a11 thc title, power nnd dutics conferrcd upon Trustee Itcrein <br /> and by applicable law. � <br /> 24. Reyuest for Ndlces.Borrower requests thut copies of the notices of deflult and snle bc sent to Borrower's address <br /> which is the Property R.ddress, <br /> 2S. Riders to thls Stcurity Instrument. If one or more riders are er.ecuted by Borrower and recorded together with this <br /> Security Instniment,the covenants and ngreements of each such rider shall be incorporated into and shall amend and supplement <br /> the covenunts and agreernents of this Securiry Instrument as if the rider(s)were a part of this Security Instrument. <br /> [Cl�eck applicable box(es)J <br /> �Adjustable Rat�Rider �Condaminium Rider � I-4 Fuinily Rider <br /> �GraduAtcd Peyrnent Ridcr CJ Planned Unit Devclopmcnt Ridcr 0 Biwcckly Payment Ridcr <br /> 0 Balloon Ridcr O Rate Improvement Rider O Seconcl Home Ridcr <br /> �V.A. Rider Q Othcr(s)[spccify] <br /> Home Equity Access Line Rider <br /> BY SIGNING BELOW,Borrowcr accepts and ugrees to the tcrms und covenants containcd in this 5ecuriry[nstrument�nd <br /> in any rider(s)executed by Borrower and recorded with it. <br /> Witncsses; <br /> s-� •�'r'�'�—� ._(Seal) <br /> Wgyne �. nesman 'B"nOWOt <br /> �.it�0.Ca_.�. i�f.�-�cc+'t� (Scal) <br /> Janelle L. He9man -Bormwcr <br /> t�:�l� - --. ._ (Se:d) <br /> — — •Ilorn���rr -l3ormw•cr <br /> S7'A'PF OF NEHRAS3{A, Cuunt}•+.ti: Adams <br /> 'i'hc forcgoing instrumeni was ackno�vlcdgcd Ix:forc mc this 20th t���Y��t� November • 1998 • <br /> �Y Wayne L. Hesman and Janelle L. Hesman � <br />_ Wiuicss my ha�r�l ai�l notarial scal at in said County.Ihc datc iiCnresaid. <br /> n�y Cummissi<m Expires: .��""'C-,•"' �'�1 ��+�r�'�� <br />_ , : , II GENERAL NOTAHK,1flh�f N�p��1y h� .iry Puh�ir <br /> KAi►K�EN M.pE�R <br />_ . MY Comm.E�, u p1 <br /> ,�oS:,i a Fonn 3028 9/90 <br />