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. a -- <br /> ' _�.,:_:::� .:. r- _- _ ......_ <br /> „�r =—.i,T —__---_ _'��'- — _— <br /> ,.. ___ �����..Qe�........e.��. -- <br /> subsuuiCally cquivulcnt mortgugc insurancc ce►vcragc is ne�t avnili�blc. I3nrn,wer tih;dl pay tu IAi�der cach month a tium cqwd to <br /> • i�nc-twclfth of thc ycarly mortg:�bc insuruncc premlum bci ng paid by Horr��wcr whcn thc intiur,in urc>vcrugc I:►pscd nr ccuscd to <br /> � be in rtfCct. Lender will uccept, use and retain these paymcros sis u Inss reticrvc in licu uC mor tgage intiw,ince. l.u,ti reserve •�.;;•.. <br /> � payments m�ry n��longer he rcquired, at the nption uf I..endcr,if m��rtguBc intiur,mre c��vcr.�gc lin ihc ,mn,unt iuid for d�c per��� ��. <br /> th'.�t I.endcr rcyuires)providcd by an insurer upprovcd by lAndcr ug�un hcr���rn�avuilublo �md isnhlain�il. Hurro�ti'cr sh,ill .� <br /> thc prcmiwns rcquired to m.iintuin mongagc insurnncc in a:ffcet. or to providc a lu,s rescrvc.unt ilihc rcyuircmcnt fnr murtgitgc � <br /> in,ur�mcc cnds in��ccurdiuicc with uny wriucn ugrcemcn�bc�wccn f3orruwcr,u�d I.cndcr�,r appli�;ddc I,n�•. � <br /> 9. Inspecllon. Lcnd�r or its agcnt maY mnkc rcasonahlc cntric� upon auid inspccti�in�uf th�E'ruper�y. Lcndcr shall givc <br /> Borrowcr noticc at thc timc of or prior to un mspcction sp�cifying rcasnnahlc cau+c f�ir thc in,pcuwm. <br /> 111. Condemnatlnn. Thc procccds of uny uw�rd or claim for Jamagcs. dircct or cunscyei�mial, in cunncctiun with any <br /> .:unJumnuti�m ar c�thcr taking c�f any ptu•t of thc Pr��lxrry.or for cunvcy:inre in licu of cundcnt n�iii�n.:u•c hcrrhy assigncd and -- <br /> shall bc puid to I.cndcr. <br /> In thc cvcnt nf�a totul tuking oP thc Property,thc procccds shull bc�tpplird tu thc sums�cc►antl F�y ihis Sccurity Instrument, <br /> whcthcr or nrn thcn duc, with any cx�:css puid to Borruwcr. In thc c�•cnt ��f a p:irti.d taking u��ihc Properry in which thc f.�ir � <br /> murkct valuc of the Property immcdi:Ucly b�fo�e Ih� takeng is cqual to or grc,dcr thun lhe ;mx�um c�f thc sui�ir sccurcd by this <br /> Sccuriry Instrumcnt immcdiately befnre the taking, unlcss &�n•owcr und L.r.ndcr othcrwisc ugrcc inwriling,�hc sums sccured by <br /> this Securiry Instrument shall be reduced by the umount of che proceeds multiplied hy the t'ollowing fi•action; (a) the t�tnl <br /> amount of the sunts sccurcd innncdiately beforc the tnking,dividcd by (b) thc fair market vatikof�he Properry inuncdiately <br /> before thc tuking. Any balancc shall be pnid to Borrower. In the event of a pxrtiul tnking ot ihe Properly in which thc fair <br /> murket value of the Aroperty immediatcly before thc taki ng is Iess than the i►mount of'the sunit ucurcd immediutcly befarc thc <br /> tuking, unless Horrower and Lendcr otherwise agrce in wri�ing or unless applicablc law otherwis�provides, the proccecis shall <br /> be applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument whether or not thc sums ctre then due_ <br /> If the Property is abandaned by Ri�rrower,or if,aftcrnotice by Lender to Aorrower that t txcc�ndemnc�r ofl'ers to make an <br /> uward or xetde n cluim lirr datnnges. Dorrower fuils to respsmd tu Lender within 10 d:►y�after�►x dutc thu nuticr iti givcn, <br /> L,ender is authorircd tn collect und apply thc procecds,at its option. cithcr tu restnration ur rcp:�irnf thc Pn,perry ur to thc sums <br /> secured by lhis Sucuriry histrument, �+�hether or not then due. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise ugree in writing, any upplication uf proceeds tu principal shall nut cxtend or <br /> postponc thc due date of thc monthly payments referred to in parugruphs 1 and 2 ur changc�lie:3nrount of such paymcnts. <br /> ll. Aorrower Not Released; Eorbeurance 13y I.ender Not u Wniver. Extcnsion of the t ime for payment or mcxlification <br /> of amortir.ation of th�sums secs�red by this Sccurity lnstrument grnnteii by Lender to any succe ssor in interes►of Borrower shall <br /> not operatc to rcleasc lhe liability of thc original Borrower or Borrower's successors in intcresC.Lcndcr shall not be requirccl to <br /> commence proceeding�against any successor�n interest or refuse to extend time for payment c-�rnthenvise modifY atnorti•r.ution <br /> of thc sums sccured by this 3ccuriry instrument by reason of uny demand made by thc c�rigin�l Borrower or Horrower's <br /> suceessors in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising uny right or remedy shull not be a waiver of or preclude the <br /> excrcisc of any right or remcdy. <br /> 12. Successors and Assigns Buund; Joint and Se��erul l.iubillty; Co-sl�ners. Thc c orenants �uid agrcemcnts of �his <br /> Security Instrument shall bind and benefit thc successors and assigns of Lender and I3orrow�r, subject to the provisions of <br /> paragraph 17. Aorrower's covenu��tsN nd fgrecments shall be joint and scverul. Any Borro��er SvSo �`a'�S�i dlconve uth�r <br /> [nscrumcni 6ui u:ws ����t cxccu•^ ••" ••�•-� ,... .c rn-cic�nine this Sccurity Instrument onl �o mort a c. g' Y <br /> Borrower's interest in the Property und�r the terms of this Security Instrument; (b)is not persanally obligaceii w pay ti�c sU���s <br /> sc�ured by this Security [nstrument; and(c)agrees that Lei�der and any other Borrc,wer may agnt to extend, mcxlify,forbear or <br /> make any acconnnoclations with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Alote with�ut that F3orrower's crnisent. <br /> 13. I.,oan Chs�rges. If the loan secured by this Securiry Instrument is subject to a law wliich sels maximum lonn charges, <br /> •ind that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loln charges collected or to b�rollected in ronnection with ihe <br /> loan exceecl the permiued linuts, then: (n)any such loan churge shull be reduced by the anwum necessary to reduce the eh:trge <br /> tu thc permitted limit: and(b)any sums already collccted froro Borrowcr which excecdeJ pe rmitted limits will be refunded to <br /> Borrowcr. Lcndcr may chouse to makc this rcfund by rcducing thc principal owcd undcr ihc Notc or by making a dircct <br /> paymcnt to Borrower. If a rcfund reduces principal, the reduction will bc treatcd as a �;irti:d prcpaymcnt without any <br /> prcpayment charge under the Note. <br /> la.Notices. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Securiry Insnvment chull be gi��cn t�y delivering it or by muilin� <br /> it by first class mail untess applicable law requires use of another methocl. The notice shall b�:Jirected to the Property Address <br /> or any nther address Borrower designates by notice [o Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by first class mail to <br /> L,cndcr's�iddress stateJ hcrein or any othcr address L.ender designates by noticc to Iiorrowcr.Any notice providcd for in this <br /> 5ccurity Instruntent shall bc dcemed to havc been givcn to Borrower or Lcndcr when given as prov idcd in this paragraph. <br /> 15.Governing Law; Severubllity. This 5ccurity Instruntent shull bc govcmed b��_ (aicral law and thc law uf Ihc <br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is located. hi the eveut tliat any provision c�r clause o(thssSecurity Instrument or the Note <br /> conflicts with applicable luw, such conflict shall not affect cther provts►ons of this Securiry In simrncnt or thc Natc which can be <br /> given cffcct without thc conflicting provision.To this end thc provisions of this Security Instminent and thc Note;�rc declared <br /> to bc scverablc. <br /> 16.Borrower's Copy. I3orrower shall Ix given one conformed copy of the Note and ef zhis Security Instrument. <br /> 17,Transfcr of thc Yropert��or a Beneficial Interest fo Borrower. If all or any part c�f ihc Property or any intcrest in it <br /> is sold or transfcrrcd(or if a bcneficial intcrest in Borrowcr is sold ur transfcrrcd �`y Horrowcris nnt a uacur:il persnn)without <br /> Lender's prior wriuen consent, L.ender mt�y, at its option, require immeciiate � ment its full nf all sums secured by this <br /> Security Insh�ument.However,this option shall not be exercised by l�:nder if excrcise is prol�ibited by federal law as of the datc <br /> of this Security Instrument. . <br /> If Lender exercises this option, Lender shall give Borrower notice of acceleration. "fhe=�atice shull pro��iJe a periocl o not <br /> Iess than 30 days from thc date the noticc is delivered or mailul within wliich Borroa•cr aimst pay all sums securcd by this <br /> Security�Instrumcnt.If$orrower fails to pay thesc sorns prior to thc cxpiration of this perioci,Lendcr nmy imokc any rcmcdics <br /> pennittcd by this Sccurity Instrumcnt without furthcr tloticc or demand on Borrowcr. <br /> - IS. Borrower's Right to Rcinst�tc. If Dorrowcr mccts ccrtain conditions, Borro seer shall havc thc right to h�rvc <br /> enforcement of this Security Instrument discontinued at any time prior to the e.lrlier oL• (�1 S days (or such other perial as <br /> applicablc law may spccify for rcinstatcment) bcfore sale of the Vroperty pursuant to ar�v powcr of salc contained in this <br /> Sccuriry Instrument:or(b)cntry of x juJgment enforcing this S:c:uriry instrument.Thvtic co�iJiiious arc that Borrower:(a)p�ys <br /> I,ender aU sums �vhich then �vould bc Juc undcr this Security Instrument and the Note as i f iw acccleratian had orcurred;(b) <br /> cures tiny default of any othcr covenants or agreements(c) paYs all expenses incurceJ in cnforcin�, this Security Inslrument, <br /> including, but not limitai tu. rcasonablc utturncys'fecs;and (d) t.ikcs such action as L.cnd�.rmay rcasunably rcquirc ro assurc <br />:_.i that thc licn of this Sccurity Instrumcnt. Lciidcr's rights in thc Property.►nd F3urroa�cr'}ubligation tc�pay thc swns ticcurcd by <br /> ga this 5ccurity Instrument shall continuc unchangcd_ Upon reinstatcmcnt by F3c�rro�ecr, this Security Instrument and the <br /> __.��__�.. ..ti..11 � n Fullv rffr�tivn ac If I70 7CCC�l`PJIIOII�lad occurred.Kun�cvcr, this right to rcinsti:[C:��1J�� <br />_ Ob1168UUn�nccu�w�w�w� �.�..�. .�77::::..._..� ----- - <br />� not upply in thc case of acccicration undcr paragr,iph 17. <br /> - 19. Sule uf Note; Chunge of Luim Serviccr. 7'hc Notc or a partial interat in the Notc(togcthcr with this Security <br /> � Instrumcnt)may be so�d onc or morc timcs without prior naticc tu Horrowcr. A sale n�aJ�re�ult i n�chxnge in thc cntiry(known <br /> ' as thc "Loan Scrviccr")that collccts monthl��pay+ncnts duc undcr thc Notc anJ thi�Scrunty In�t�vmcnt."fhcrc atso may bc onc <br /> - ur mure changes of thc L.oan Ser��i�cr unrelated ti�a sule of thc Nutc. If Iherc is a change uf YIk Lo;m Scr��irer. 13orro���er will bc <br /> _ givcn writtcn noticc of thc changc in accordancc with paragraph 14 abovc and appli�ablc Iaw.Thc noticc will st.itc thc narnc cuid <br /> address of thc nc�v Loan Scrviccr and thc adJresS tc� a•hirh paymcnts shuuld bc madc.7'h c notice �+'ill alsu r�mtain any other <br /> informcUion rcyuircd by applicablc law. <br /> 20. Hi�r:►rcluus 5ubstnncu�. l3urro�+�cr shall ncn causc or permit thc prescncc, uu. dispc��;d, stur.igc. or rcica�c of any <br /> HazarJous Substinccs on or in tlic Pro{xrty. f3un•uu•cr �hall not do, nc�r aUo�ti� �inyone cac ro du, anything atfccting thc <br /> pn,perty th�+t is in viulatiun of any Em�ironmental L.���'. Thc prCrcding t��•t� yCntcnrcti shaEl nut apply tu thc prescnrc. usc, or <br /> sturagc un thc Ptopc��t�� i�f�maU yuantitics of I�lauu�dous Substanres that arr Ecncrally rccc�gnizcd tc�bc appropriat� to nurnial <br /> residcntial uscs anJ to maintcnanrc uf'thc Prc�perty. <br /> v,AO a oi a Form 3028 9190 <br />