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`�!te�d - . <br /> L _.. <br /> •• _ __ _w�l{�lv�_ -_. __ <br /> ..�.., ., " _ '.�-.iutrs��.'a;nbi.�vi6+1�'93L"..�..,...�.�..��—��._ .–_– — <br /> 9�� i�2s2� <br /> Home Equity Access Line Rider <br /> BANKS ��y77�1c� 1�� 1? �/l-�� � � <br /> • <br /> (Open end cradit with verleble rate lnteiestl . <br /> Th1s Home EqultyAccess Llne Rlderls deted 11/20/�998 <br /> and is+n amendment to the <br /> Mortyege or Deed of Trust("Mortyeye"10l[he seme date ylven by ihe underslgned('Borrowe�'1 to secuie Bo�iower's Home <br /> EqultyAccess LineAeieement wlih NO��.^ <br /> T o*��v uc�non4KA _�I���^„�``,aT AGGOGTATION <br /> l'Lender") <br /> ol the seme daia cove�inp the property descrlbed/n the Mortys�e and located af: <br /> T1f�WT➢HAN NE .`°e"J <br /> Mop«ry�dd++u <br /> ln sddidon to the covenents and apreements msde!n the Mortgage,Bonawei end Lender luriher covenant�nd syree as Iol%ws: <br /> 1. The word "Note,'as used!n the Mortyepe and ihls Rlde.•, re/ers to the Nome Equlty Access Llne Apreement. <br /> 2. The Note evldences an open end revolvinp line ol credit agieement between Borrower end Lendei The amounr ststed!n the <br /> Mortgaye as tho pr/ncipel sum o/the Indebtednessls [he credlt 11mlt/or the line o/credlt. All advances mede at any time by <br /> Lenderin accordence wlth the ierms nl the Note,end ell Interest on the advonces,�hall b@ secured by the Mortyage. <br /> However, ai no time shel!the princlpal amount of the lndebtedness secured by the Mongeye,not lnc/udiny sums advenced In <br /> eccordence wlth ihe mortgayo to p�otect the secual y of the Mortgage,exceed the stated credit limlt /o�the line of credit. <br /> 3. The Note provldes/or: � <br /> a varleble rate oilnterest expressed as a dslly period/c reie equa7 to 1/366 o/en ennuel rate of o 50 <br /> plus ihe "lndex Rete." <br /> The da!!y pedodlc rete mey increase ll�..ri?ti�°°°"' nnr�y� onTF ---- <br /> nTmr TatrFD IN THE WAT T• RTREST ' � <br /> (the 'lndex Rate"I Irtcreases. The rnitlel deily perlod/c iete Is 023287 %. Thls conesponds to an annuel <br /> percentage rate of ���,Q_`N�• The annua/percentege rate wlll never be inoie then 18%, The delly periodlc rere w!ll <br /> be nd/ustod on the/I�si buslness dey of every munth,using the'lndex Rete!n e/lect on the/ast buslness dey of the prior <br /> month.An lncreese/n the deily perlodic rate maylncrease the monthly payment due, <br /> NOT/CE:TH/S MORTOAGE SECURES CRED/T/N THE AMOUNT OP S 3 0.0 0 0_ <br /> .LOANS AND ADVANCES <br /> UP TO TH1S AMOUNT, TOGETHfR W/TH MITiEREST,ARE SENIOR TD/NDEBTEDNESS TO OTHER CREDITORS UNDER <br /> SUeSEQl1EN RECORDED O fILE�MORTGAGES ANO LIENS. <br /> yy���/ ,IIQfC�Q,Q �•�/l n� <br /> eorrow 9�/pn+tuti <br /> 's twv <br /> , <br /> _7 <br /> �'� <br /> =1 <br /> , <br />�i� <br />:r> <br /> �� <br />_0 <br />_•� <br /> ; <br /> '. <br /> NC IT/51 MIO I��98�2/�181J1 Pll <br />