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-.�. '�tra . �I - --'- - ..._ ._.•--- ..._._ .. _.._._.�.-_. _ . <br /> �Fi�#?x�`.3',1t^�'rC,,.. ...,,..,. - <br /> . . <br /> VB-- ���`� <br /> �pplkable net yleld In effect an th�date and time of day that the Note Holder receives notice of my <br /> elatlon to exercise the Conditional Refinance Option. If thie required net yield is na[ available,tbe <br /> Note Holder wUl determine the New Loan RAte by using comparable infonn.ation. <br /> 4. CAIiCUTATING THB NBR/PAY1�lBNT AMOUNI' — <br /> Provlded the New Lc��n Rue u calcul�ted in Section 3 above le not grearer than 5 percrntage <br /> poinu above the Note Rate and all other conditions requiral in Section 2 nbove are satisficd, the <br /> Note Holder will deterasine the amount of the monthly payrnent that will be sufficicnt to repay in full <br /> (a) the unpdd principal, plus (b) accrued but unpaid intorest, plua (c)all other sums I will owe under <br /> the Note and Securlty Inatrument on thr. Note Maturity Date (assuming my monthly payments then <br /> ere current, as requiral under 5ection 2 abovo), over the term of the New Loan at the New Loan <br /> Rate in eqwl monthly piyments. 'Ilie nsult of this calculation will be the new amount of my <br /> princip�l and interest payment every month undl the New Loan f s fully paid. <br /> S. EX�tQSR�IG A� CONDI'1'IONAL IiF,FIIdANCB OPTION <br /> The Note Holder will uotlfy me su lenat 60 calendar days in advaace uf the Note Maturity Date <br /> nnd edviee me of tbe princlpal, accrued but unp�td interest. and all other sums I am expected to owe <br /> an the Note Maturity Date. 'Ihe Note Holder also will advise me that I may exercise the Conditional <br /> Refiaana Option if the condittons in Sectlon 2 above are met. The Note Holder will provide my <br /> psy►na►t record inforniati4n, togcther with the name, title and address of the person repraenting the <br /> Note Holder thxt I must notify in orcltr to exercise the Conditionul Refinance Opcion. If I meet the <br /> conditions of Sxtion 2 above,I may exercise the Conditional Refinance Option by notifying the Note <br /> Holder ao eu'lier thAn 60 calendar days and no later tttan 45 calendar days prior to the Note Muturity <br /> Date. The Note Holder wilt calculYte the fixed New Lou► Rate based upon the Federxl Hotr� Loen <br /> Mortgage Corpotyuion's applicable publishal roqulnd uec yleld in effxt on the date and time of day <br /> nodfictuion Is roceivod by the Note Holder a��d es calculued in Section 3 above. I will then have 30 <br /> calwdar d�ys to pmvide the Note Holder wlth acceptable proof of my requirod ownership,occupuicy <br /> and property lien stxtus. Before the Note Matudty Date the Note Holder. will acivise me of the new - <br /> iuieieei ,.ta(ihc .":c�Lo;st P.^.:�)�a=:"sr:.'athl;gHymcn! A*!?��int and a date.Nme and uls�cce at which <br /> I rnuat �pg�eu to aign any documents ra�uirod to comple�e the required refinancing. I understand the <br /> Note Holder will chuge me a 5250 procesaing fx and the coats yssociated with the exercise of the <br /> Coadltional Refmance Uption, including but not lim:ted to the cost of updsuing the title insurance <br /> policy. <br /> BY SIGNING D�LOW. BORROWER r.capts a�id ogrees to the terms and coveaxnts contaiinod <br /> in thia Balloon Rider. <br /> /; -- .J►�—'� <s�) cs�) <br /> CURTIS MITTS -Borrower -Borrower <br /> ��� (5ea1) <br /> -Borrower -Borrower <br /> ���� — (Seal) <br /> -Borrower -Borrower <br /> MUI,77SfATg gAld,ppN it�Blt (RBF[PiANCSySingle F�mily17IIJiC UN�ORM QdS7RU1�t�fP Pora 3191 1OJ90 <br /> po�mwn Sy�tem.Irc.l�61A1362 P�gc 2 of 2 <br /> . .----- � ��.w�.�r���o�w��������. - .._.. . _. .. . . . _. <br /> .�.� Rvli�3�u°isi�u[.cnc�:.�—=------ -- - <br /> °.=.::;_4�?'hvcrt�f�R'T..?'�24z'�91]�a94[�YA3�xEl`L•:1��.Y..W_.= <br /> - -�-xs.._ti�r,a�.r__,��--"�_.'--.�aj=�--�-- -- -_- <br /> �--- "'^;:-'�S3RY�Ni�,K�VW�:fYA�►[Cd!'��au <br /> �'.�r.1"�►�>.I�x�+1c - � a __ _ <br /> .am.s � Xl� ,3'��i.�a'�..� ��rrYig��-_ �..� - --- ---- - <br /> - �� "�'R+Mf7`�'�' rA��`���"_L',r'^_'(�'"�" -� - — -- — - <br /> ✓g�e5rm i c �.��( 't3 r7,� iNS�4'6T��'�Jt��.�]!�!� - - <br /> +�,'"�} ;�t�"m�"'�y�'�j�;��}�� ��C��f�r,'���� _ — — . _. --�----- - <br /> e+wt� ��i•y0` r. `t <br /> -�;• 'st � �,tp '�q�riµ>�,7 7�.�.�.'�F�{r,'G�p vF�.. 7.n�?I+ ,+.� rt i "�� —. <br /> ��t�}�iC' r��` rr ti�-;i�4'� S��"�S{',����i`'� �''�.`+� sif � \ �a � _ -- -- -- -- <br /> ���N' a�' �; ;.�� :�. �• ��-�'�,����� -- -- <br />--'�'1�''r�.'• .C'Jr- 4ii.+r.�'1_..:Z .+J`..�• 4 �+ �.�. �� __— _ — . <br /> .t �Z� ,.F� �.+�i�"�' .�,�.��.` �� �� . .- <br /> �+.i�i+� � �-i +et f..J.a:O„� jy . <br /> �;, �. . . .. . . - . < ��h . 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