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� .� <br /> ��M A __ <br /> '�___. <br /> 1 " "._.�...e__.— <br /> . , ,1� �"�Cy''�3'. F��.1.4—'i-sz:.=__�_._ <br /> ' _�.V"=� 'Y��NiTRir —_ <br /> ..; _ ,4�i''v ,�' .-m--.'�^Fxr,�•�--- <br />�---°� - — -_��YAa!:��e�aefi --_--- —�_ <br /> �._:__����v=� -- <br /> 98- 1i2.'�4 <br /> HALI�OON RIDER �+aan No. 5-0 4 7 4 <br /> (CONDITIONAL RI�HT TO REFINANCE) <br /> TIIl5 f3ALL00N R1DBR is made this 10�h dey of DEC�MI3ER �__ <br /> 1 J98 , and is incorporated into and shall be decmcd to atnend and supplement the <br /> Mortgage, Deed of Trust or Deed to Secure Debt (the "Security lnstrumtnt") bf tho same date given <br /> by thc undersigned (the "Borrower")co sec:use dic B orrower's Note to M O U N T A I N W E S T <br /> FINANCIAL, INC. , A CALIFORNIA CORPORATInN <br /> (the "Lender")of the same date and covering the property described in the Sec:urity lnstrument and <br /> loceted aC <br /> 4330 EAST BISMARK, GRAND ISLAND, NEHRASKA 68801 <br /> (Property Addresa) <br /> The intecest rate stated on the Note is calted the "Notc Rate." Thc date of che Note is called thc <br /> "Nao Date." I understand the L�:nder may transfer the Note, Security Instrument and this Rider. <br /> Thc L.ender or unyone who takes the Note, the Secudty Instrument and this Rider by transfer end <br /> who!s entitled to receive payments under the Nate is called the "Note Holder." <br /> ADDTI'IONAG COVENAN75. In addition to the covenants and agreements in the Secudty <br /> Insuurnent, Horrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows (despite anything to the <br /> contrary contained in the Security Instrument or the Note): <br /> 1. CONDTI70NAL RIGHT TO RSFINANCE <br /> At the maturity date of the Note and Security Instrument (the "Note Maturi[y Date"), I will be <br /> nble to obtain a new loan ("New Loan") with a new Maturity Date of JANUAR7C 1 � <br /> 202 9 ,(the "New Maturity Date") and with an interest rate equal to the "New Loan Rate" <br /> detemuned in accordance with Section 3 below If all the conditions provided in Sections 2 and 5 <br /> t►elow aa rr�et (the "Conditional Ret►nancing uption�j. Ii ihosc wuJitiur►s ar� r�ct m.e:, I underst�^d <br /> that the Note Holder is under no obligation to refinance the Note or to modify the Note, reset the <br /> Note Rate, or extend the Note Maturity Date, and that I will have to repay the Note from my own <br /> resources or find a lender willing to lend me the money to repay ths Note. <br /> 2. CONDIfIONS 'PO OPTION <br /> [f I want to exercise the Conditional Ret'inence Optlon at maturity,certain cundltions rnust be met <br /> as of the Note Maturity Aate. These conditions are: (1) I must still be the owner and cecupant of <br /> the property subjeet to the Security lnstrument (the "Property"):(2)t must be current in my monthly <br /> payments and eannot have bcen more that 30 days late on any of the 12 scheduled monthly paymenta <br /> Icrunedistely preceding the Note Maturity Date; (3) there are no liens, defects, or encumbrances <br /> agilnst the Property, or olher adverse matters affecting title to the Property (except for taxes and <br /> spacial essessments not yet due and payable) arising efter the Security Instrument was recorded; (4) <br /> the Ncw Loan Rate cannot be mom than 5 perr.entage points above the Note Rate; and (S) I must <br /> m�ke a written request to the Note Holder u provided in Section S below. <br /> �. CAI.CULATING THS NEW IAAN RATE <br /> The New Loan Rate will be a fixed rate of interest equul to the Federal Home Loan Mortgagc <br /> Co�poratton's required net yield for 30-year fixed rate mortgages subject to a 60-day mandatory <br /> deliverycommitment, plus one-half of one percentage polnt (O,S�f,),roundect to the nearest one-eighth <br /> of one percentage point (0.12596) (the "New Loa�t Rate"). The required net yield shall be the <br /> MUL•TLSI'ATg HAI,LppN pIDgR (RBFiNANCR}SIn61e Family-FH[�lC UNII�(11tM INSCRUMHN!' �'�3191 10190 <br /> oo,�. sy��,trc.i�m�aiw� Page 1 of 2 <br /> -�—"_.r. -- �-r-- _-)m��aee�c.� � __- <br /> ��_�-- .ra+r--.^._.�—. . .� •�+. . ..... �•"•t•`;i���y. S �jr�nl `=. . �r _ <br /> . � . . ' .. 7..__:.�_iL..:YsriSl- - {�`,�1,�Yc�.�.�1�1�1NJt6ff6��� ----- <br />-. ... 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