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.,� :K.� x��+r-rtt.... __,__�- <br /> __. <br /> li'�n`r"`rS�+s���r�a�_ __.._. - - - - — <br /> . , 98- 11�4 <br /> Loan No.: 5-0 4 7 4 Date: DDC�ER lO, 199e <br /> Property Address: <br /> 4330 EAS'� BISMARK <br /> GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA 6B801 <br /> Extllblt "A" <br /> I,egal De�cripi�on <br /> . <br /> Lot One (1)� G�me Blyd Subdlvislon, Iiall County� Nebra�ka, and tract at Innd comprietnQ a <br /> part o[ Lot Two (t), Game 81rd Subdlvlilon, Halt Caunty, Nebrnska, and more particularly <br /> described us followi: Beatnntng �t t6e Nortbwat coraer o[ s�ld Lot '11vo (t); thence �asterly <br /> alonQ aad upoa the North line of s�id Lot Ttvo (2)� a dletauce of'1\vo Huudred'I'hne and Six <br /> Hundredths (203.06) teet to a polat oa the proloaQadon of the East Ilae ot Lot One (1),Game <br /> Blyd Subdivblon; thence SouWerly a dlatance oL 11vo HuAdred Three and Forty-two <br /> Hundredths (203.42) teet to the Noctheast corner o� �ald Lot Ane (i)i lheace Weakrly, aloaR <br /> nnA ��non ti�e tVorth tine of �aid Lot One (1), a d1�Wnc� oI'L�vo Huadred Three and Thrce <br /> Huadcedtbs (230.03) teet ta We Northwe�t corner of eald Lot One (1); thence Northerly,nloa� • <br /> and upoa the West line of aRid Lat Z1ro (2),a dl�tance of Rrvo Hundnd (200.00) ieet to the goint <br /> o[beQinnlu�. <br /> A. P.N. # : 400364689 <br /> - -__ _ <br /> _"--_--,�.a.:�ffY"Iwic�_. ..-��-_--__—_—_-- <br /> - `�`�_ rr....i-TLI. _- _ — _ _ - <br /> .�. '12'E.��ia-^--'-Ziy _ - ..v��..— _ —_ <br /> i ����-'j -_�-_. ^C_�'�^l�.tr��aa_�..._•�^�mia�Yi.a�cv+..�.�_ _- _ <br /> f-?Y1la.F�_ ti_�1l/�IaTR.r_�—�----�___ _. � � _ <br /> `�S'��s� ..�__ __ _ <br /> _, �t,xa�a,� ��,..��--------- - _--_ -- ---- - ------ <br /> mo�av�A.7AS �.iT1l.'�!'4T3aGloR2-_..�� �� _R.- _....""__'_'--�._R -�,_._.___.� <br /> `�}Y��,T,,�4�� �� � --n,� --,Y.,_:���__ - <br /> -^�.s-'`d"+L�c._ �j ,.?t'. � }i,�Y'�e�. — -- j'a�i.L-" t�2�Un+.omaa'�'- <br /> r�ivrs7a '�'t � • "�3':�' � �-r�� <br /> .� ��'',':�l!�<. .::- = _-- — - — <br /> _7 �tCcSt��;�' �F:;,l`.� i�:,.'.'h.��a��t.1.'_.�...,* 1 i �ur�.svzL. <br /> � ,, , f�i .,'�j� <br /> � : = . �r d5�: <br /> h,s��R v .+� `� �'f,.: ., . '`a"� -- <br /> �x •�' •; : 5��i-� <br /> ,r6i� r.,� ��.` �.- • .+.� iY' {44 �t � x. ���'� <br /> � 3 ;'S±'•'f i n � �.� - ,pu�, � - <br /> '���.�,, !_ , •. � �f? �iY'k��"�L�,� � �'4��'�L�C�`.i' S�F'L!� i w.e�-- <br /> . 1 , , . .,;� „�,t +�l.t�. � t� . �1'iyfi'���) _" -__ <br />'�C •. .. .. . ' - . . ' . � .. .� ' . -i�,�.. ~--__--- -- - <br /> ', . ..' �, `.J,.':i � " ' , • ;.:. , ' ::',�i-r:. <br /> ,�� � . . . f . �r• �i <br /> -�-..� - � _ . , « . _ . . �.A:''��dw.'r.1..'.%w'N�16n��'Ll�:.i�Fii�h�.T��4iL�4.r�t:�ql�t��lLiar.1�'4}yJ�i, _-. <br />