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•' �,'��., `'��•: ,y` <br /> , - . . ..`,�'�' <br /> .... . �„�. ...... ,. ,r • . -- -- �---J---- - <br /> . :�c. •Y-�i,'v Y��'i`•'�;�> eq.�� _ <br /> . . . ,•.,•. . ... , <br /> � . . <br /> . w.. , . <br /> . . �.., ,.:s,. - - <br /> .... :. n . . ._ �".._"'. -^ _ - <br /> ��� �^^ <br /> -�d'i �'ha'. �,._. <br />`";�� 12�17 1�e DEED OF TRUST 9g_1i2582 P�°, <br /> _;;`:,�. Lo�n No 647l19 (Continued) <br />' r...�'���� Q'..- <br />�.�_�� <br /> •• W Trwt. �` <br />__r_e,,:�.;--- <br /> FURTF�A A8lfURAMCES; ATTOFMEY-IN-FACT. 'ftN foNOwlnp provlslone rN�tlnp fo furthK 1uw�ncb�nd dtarNy-in-faCt u��part of thb <br /> '',;..�: -�' DNd d Ttwt. _ <br /> �-` Fix1AM Aa�urar��. A1�ny HrrN,�nd kom krrN lo qrrN,upon nquKt of L�nd�r,Trwltx wNl mak�,�x�cu4�nd d�Nwr,a wW auiN lo b� _ <br /> -�^_�.••�.- • n►�d�,�cuMd or d�Nvu�d,lo L�nd�r or lo Undw� dKipr�, �nd wMn nquNMd by L�nd�r,causa to 1» M�d� rscad�M,n1�M, a <br /> - _�.>, � ��. <br />=,t,;: n;, rrr�x�d,�u ifN o�s�may b���I wch Hrt►M�nd In�uch of11oM and pl�a�a L�n<Mr rtuy dMm�pproprlaM��►ny�nd�11 tueh matp�pa� <br /> dNti�ol kuft,aCUrRy dNda,Ncurity�9rNrtNnh,flrwinclnp st�Mrt�ntt,ConHnwNon�UI�mMb,IMhurrNnh of furtMr�siunnc�b oKtMb�tN� � .: <br /> :�.���,.� � �nd Whu docurtNnh�f rt+ay,in IM�opinlon ol Londor,ba nacccsary or daslrabk Ire ader to ettectuate,Complete,Perfecl,CorMlnue,a �°-- <br />_-_� prN�w (�)fh�obNp�llons d Trtntor undM tM NoN,lhk DMd M Trusl,llnd tFN R�MMd �ocum�nb,.�nd (b)tiw NMe�nd MCtMfly Inluwb =- <br /> Cr�Md by thk OMd of TnJSt��fk�t and prkx Mem on tlw Prop�rfy�wh�►h�r now own�d or Mn�fMr�cquk�d by Trusta. Unl�ss prolAblMd by <br />-__�a��. I�w a p�Md lo Ilk coMrary Gy L�nd�r In wdNnp,Trwtor�h�N nNmbure�L�nd�r la W eab and�xP�nsN Incurnd In conMCtlon wHh Ih� <br /> rrMlbn rNM»d to In Ihk P�nprsph. <br /> _;.�,� Atlort�r-In-Faet. H Trwtor f�lis fo do�ny of tM thirp�nNK»d ta In IM pno�dinp panpnph,L�ndx may do sa lor�nd In th�narrw of - <br /> � TruNar and d Tiustor's n��na. Por wch purpaa�Tnnta Mnby krwoc�bly�pPdnb LMdw a Trustor�aNan�y-In-t4Ci la th�purpos� <br /> "'"" 01 m�k�rq,�x�eullnq, dWwrinp, Mlnq,ncordinp,�nd ddnp aM olh�r Ihinps�i rr�y b� rnonsary or d�sk�bN,In Under's sol�opinlon,to 4 <br /> ':'.;;:�j`?��' �ocompNih Ih�mntbrs rMKr�d to In th�P��^0 P��G«Ph. <br /> "� `�"��' FI�L PERFORMA!lCE. it Trustor p�.ys�N IM Ind�bt�dnas wMn du�,and olherwis�p�Aams p th�abNp�llon�Impos�d upon Trusta und�r thls <br /> -_--.. <br /> D»d pf Trwt, L�nd�r shaq�xeculs and dMivN to TruutM�nquMt for full raconwy�nc� �nd shaN �x�cuM �nd d�N�w to Trtqtor �ul1�bN <br /> n�� sl���m�nb ot 1�rmin�d�n d iny Aru�nclnp s►at�rrNnt on IIN��id�nclnp L�nd�r'a t�curiiy Intoral in tFw R�nh�nd tl►� PKSOnaI Proparty. Any <br />-.;�!«'L�� nconwy�na IN nqWr�d by kw sh�ll b�pald by Tru�ta,M p�rmltt�d by�pplicabw I�w. <br /> -=`_„�� DEFAIi.T. E�ch of tM foNowinp,at the option of L�nd�r,sh�M conslNuN an�wnt ol dNaull('Ewnt of ONauIY')untNr thk ONd of Trust: <br /> _},� WMKNI o�InMbtedn�N. F�ilun of Tru�tor lo mak��nY p�Yrrwnl wh�n du�on Ih�Ind�bt�dnKf. <br />'�� � D�MuH on OtMr P�ymint�. Failw�of Tr�xtor within lM drr�rpulrsd by Ifde DMd ol Tru�l to m�k�any p�yrrwnl lor taxes or Iruuranca,or - <br /> - .�z..,. <br />_"-� any dFwr payr►Nnt n�a�aary to prawnt ffNnp of or lo�M�cl dischup�ol any INn. <br />-'� �qnpNlne�pNrult. F1llun of Trustor to compy with Rny oth�r tsrm,oblip�don,cown.anl a eonWdon cont�ln�d In Ih{a DNd d Tnnt,IM <br /> �,,.,_•,, Noh or In eny d tM RN�t�d Dxumsnb, <br /> �.;r�:�e FNN SfM�m�nts. Any wamnty,npr�ntadon a s4t�rrwnt nud�or fumfshed lo Under by a on b�hali ol Trusta und�r thls DMd of 7rusf, <br />_.:�,� :�'m!�'a 1M NoM a the RNal�d Documsnts Is felss or mfsls�dlrp In�ny m�t�rl�l resp�ct,NtMr now a at fhe Hme made a fumisMd. <br /> _��;�;�� p�hGMvs CpIIM�r�q:Mlon. Thb D�sd of Trost a�ny of th�R�tW DxurrNnb cNS�s ta b�In fuM lorc��nd Mhc!(indudlnp hNun of any <br /> �_-;� co1l�Nnl docurrNnts to a�ate a v�Ad and p�rMct�d eecurity InNrat or Ikn)at�ny Hrt►��nd fa�ny rwson. <br /> -'`+ DNth or In�olvtncy, Tho death of Trustor,tFw Insdwncy d Truslor,lha�ppdntrrwnt d�noMwr for�ny put of Trusfor'a prop�rly,�ny <br /> _� <br /> — --= astiannMnt for Ih� b�r�fit ol croditcxs, any typa of cndilrx wakout, a Ihs comrrNnconwnt of�ny prawdlnp uncNr �ny bankrup or <br /> -�'_ IrKOlwney I�ws by or�ydnst Trustor. <br /> - Fonebwn,Fahlture,etc. Commencer►Nnt ol foncloaun a�ortelturs procsedir►ps,whNh�r by Judcial procNdirq,seN-hslp�r�patw►slon <br /> ""=�'�.� .�u �T �,. v�r 1 I nunr �rulntl�nV d fFM Pf HOW�YM.lhh 6UbNCdOf1 SfNN fl01 <br /> ------- a■�y W��iw��wi���,:,y sr.•�cr:,.�,c�o. .rus.�ar b;sr.;�^.._.r.xer..s.e�_..:y_._ �Y• <br /> �� — j porpN�iljun p�pcwe�d�ny,proWdedt that Trustor��ives LsndK wr��n��in to�Ce of such cl�l and fwnlshes Whessrvss�sursty bond kr f�h�e4iim <br /> � �allshelpry lo Unclsr. <br /> DrNe11 of OtfNr AprNmenl. Any breuch by Trusfor under Ihe lerms of any other ap�Mment betw�en Truslor�nd L�ndsr th�t Is nof r�dl�d <br /> within any praa psriod provided lherain,Includinp withoul Ymit�ann any eflreement concsrnirq any Indobt�dness a�other oblly�don of Tru�ta <br /> - _-= to L�nd�r�WtwthK�xlsHrp now a latar. <br /> -- Ewnb Afhetlny Gwrmtor. Any of the procedinfl avsnb occurs with respect to�ny Guanntor ol any of ths Ind�btedness or�ny Gwranta <br /> dws or bscom�s Incortqstent,a revokes or dlspulss lM wBdiry ot,or IIeblNty undsr,�ny Gwranly ol lhs IndN�tWn�s.^,. L�nd�r,�t Ns opHOn, <br /> _ __ rtwy, but sh�N not b�rpuired b, permil tha awn�ta's sst�N to�ssume uncondiliona�y the obNpatlons �Aslnp undsr thr qwnnty In a <br /> �""--�— mannw fatkfactory to Undar,and,In ddnp so,cun tFw Ewnt ol Dafault. <br /> InNCUrlly. L�nd�r In pood hith dpms itaelf I�s�cun. <br /> ""'� Alpht b Cw�. If such i faNUre is cur�bN and if Trusta has not besn plwn�notfa of a brMCh of Ihs aur►�provf�lon of thb D�ed of 7rust <br /> wMhin th�pnadinp M�Iva(12)months, k may b�cund(and no Ewnt of Default wiN !uw oocumd)N Trusta, afNr L�nd�r s�nds wridsn <br /> ---- noHa d�rru�ndinp cure of such hNun: (�)curas tM MMUn witMn filleen(15)days;or (b)M tlu cun nqukN man tluin IfM�r►(16)d�ya, <br /> Imm�dl�tely InIH�t�s steps sulACbnf to cure Ihs f�NUn�nd Ihen�Mer continuss and compNNs aA rwsonabla�nd n�asaary sbp�tufAcMnt to <br /> l��' produa CompN�rx��s soon�s rMSOn�bly pracHcal. <br /> � �---- p�(iHTS/1Np qEMED1ES 01!DEFAU.T. Upon fhs occumna of�ny Event of DeiaWt and wt�ny 11rrN thersafNr,TrustN or Lsnd�r,�t Ib optbn, <br /> _-==� rn�y��ny orw or mon of IM foNowlnp rlqhts�nd rsrt»dfu,In�ddiHon to�ny otMr riphta a nmsdNs provld�d by I�w: <br /> ~���-�"'� Acc�Nr�tlon upon Delwlt;AddlHonal Remedles. H�ny ewnt of de}ault occurs as per the terms of the Nof�s�cund hereby,L�ndw mnY <br /> _�'+�`•� dafu�aM Ind�bfadn�ss seCUred by this Deed of Trust to 1»du�and pnyeble and Ihe ume sh�N Iheriupon b�corrN due and payWN without <br />--°�mr'.�;Sr"x�. �ny pnssntrrwnl,d�rtund,protest or notice of any klnd. ThKwfIK,Lender may: <br /> +sr��.-w��a <br /> -�_- (�) EItMr In p�rson cx by�pent,wilh or wilhout brlrpinp�ny�cNon a proceaNnp,a by a ncalver�ppdnt�d by�Court�nd without <br />,_,�.�y,;� rpud ta th��d�quacy of Ifs secudty,snter upon�nd tak�possess�on Of 1M Prop�rty,a any put therwT,In Rs own narrN or M tho nanN <br /> - r_�� :�. pl Trustw,and do�ny�cts wh�h It duems necsssary or dKlrebk to preserv�th�valw,rt�rkNtbility a nntability of th�PropKty,a p�A <br /> -.g�� of tM Prop�rty a Interest In the Proparty;incre�s�the Incqms kom thu Prop�rty a proNCt tM Meu�ity ol tM PropKiy 1�nd,wNh Or withouf <br /> ,.�-F__ {r� hking pussssslon of th�F'roperty,sue lor or otherwfss cdNct the renls,Issues and proMs of the Propsrly,Includinp thos�p�st du�and <br /> �:;-�,:r± _- •� unp�id,and appty Ihe same,less costs and expenses Af operstlon and coll�ction,includlnp�ttaneye'fees,to any Indsbl�dnas wcund <br /> ':?,';:.��{4�T�. by thfs Dwd of Trust,�n In such order�s Lender may dotKmina. The sntedrq upon�nd feklnp poss�aslon of tM Proporty,tM CoA�Ction <br />�s:: . of such nnls,Issu�s ond proMs,and tM applicallon fh�rool shall not cure or walw any dat�ult or notla of dMauit uncNr thls Owd of Truat <br /> ' pr Im�Ndat� �ny�ct dorN In rssponse to 6uch d�f�,ilt a pur6uanl tu suCh notlea ol d�Nult;�nd,notwithstandlny IFN conMnu�na in <br /> � �x�r�evsry riUht proN�d lor'In Ihe ote or th�e Rektsd Dxulme�nts arf by I w pon�lhe ooCUrronCe of'�ny�vent�d�laWt Indudnp th� _ <br /> � • " ripM to exerciss the power of sale; _ <br /> (b) Commencs�n nction to foreclose Ihis Oeed of Trust es a mortpepe,appdnl a r�calver w speciNCally entorce eny ot th�cownanls � <br />: INreot;�nd - <br /> • �: (c) DNiver to Truslse e wdtlen declarelion of dsfaull tnd demand lor sale Ynd o wrillen notbo ol de1�uR�nd Nectlon to caus�Trustor'S F- <br /> ; InlKSSt In tFw Praperty to be sotd,whlch nolice Trustee sh�ll cause to be duly fibd (a rscad In the approprlale oHicss of tM County In � <br /> , i wh�h the Propsrly fs Ixated;and E <br /> .x"� (d) With respect lo all or any part o)lhe Persorul Prop�ty,Lender shall heve dl ttH riphts and rem�dles of a s�cursd pu1Y under the � <br /> �, __ __ NWnska UnlfamCommsrclal Code. � <br /> _-_ -_-- �- � <br /> Forecbwre by Power of Sale. If Lende��elects to lorec�ose by exsrdse of the Power of S+le heran contalned,Lendx snan noniy 7rus��e ana = <br /> ' shaM dsposit wfth TruslN thls Deed ot Trusl qnd lh�NoN and such recelpts and�vidence of enpendilures mads�nd sscured by Ihlt Ds�d ol <br /> 7rust os Truslee may requlre. <br /> (�) Upon recelpt of such not�e hom Lender,Trustea shwN c�use to be recorded,pub�shed and delivered lo Trustw such Notic�ol DefeWi <br /> " � and Notkv of SaM as fhen requlred by lew and by Ihk Oeed of Trust. i ruste9 shall,without demand on Trustor,atter such drr��s m�y <br /> then be reqWrsd by law and nNx rocordalion of such NoNa of Default�nd aHer Notic�of Sale havinq beun pfven es requlred by I�w,seN <br /> " the Prop�rty at tM time and place of sale Axod by II In auch Nol�e ol Sab,either ae�wfids,or In sspenta bb or parah or fl�ms a <br /> Trusfe�sh�N deem sxpedtent,�nd In euch adK u ft m�y determine,el publlc�uction lo tM hphest bldder fa cesh In I�wfv!mon�y of <br /> tla Unlled Slates payeble at the time of sale. Trustee shaN deliver lo such purchesE+r a purchasers thnreof fts flood end sutfiCNnt deed ar <br /> deeds convflyinp Ihe property so sold,bul wilhout eny covenanl or warrenty,express or Implied. The recllals in such deed o��ny metters _ <br /> or(acts�hall be conclusive proof of Ihe truthlulness thereaf. Any person, inctudinq without limitation Trustor,Truslee,or Lender, may <br /> purChase at such sale. <br /> • , <br />. . I , � <br />