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, . • ,,:. .. <br /> '+�,�; -s . , . , .. <br /> ,:,. . . � <br /> , . , . . � •�.:. � <br /> �' � �rt',"�ii���'�:............a:.�i.. . ., .. _��-r.�$'Jn'+CkSfll'811HIEuh.••�.�n.w� r��c ...- ' _ .A,- <br /> ��� i: <br /> , :{� =1.n �_:_. <br /> �,-u <br /> ...+w._..,t� � -.-_ <br /> Pe�e 6 �=– <br /> - "�"'. ,' � ;• t2-�7-�99e DEED OF TRUST g8'— 112$82 <br /> ' - ''`� ;'�r Loso No a47913 (Conttnued) —= <br /> . � <br /> � � (b) A,e may b�pxmlHed by law,atter deducttnp ell cosls.,lees end expenses ol Trustee�nd of this Trust,Includirp casts ol�vid�na of " <br />�"'�� �''�� � fitN In canMCHon with sak,Trustes sFudl epply tM ptoasd�of a�N to p�yrrNnt of (i)aN eurm sxpenWd und�r Ih�twms d lhM Qaed cf <br /> - Ts�cund herWy�nd (NI)Qhe rsmainder,If�Y,t�o tha�IpKaonor p�raonslmi�Ny ent tNrl�retont and late chupes, (II)dl o1Mr sums thsn <br /> � (c) 7rusts�may In Ihs m�nnsr provided by law postpon�s�N of all or eny patlon ol Ihe PropKty. ___ <br /> ";:,`'':�;�?::�'' <br /> pRr��tlon+s s�cur�d by�iMs D d of Truet�d to sx�rcfsl�H rfyhts�Ind pow+sn und�r'hh O�ed of T ual�,undormM Not��und�r�any of thes <br /> ,,�.�,.�g� iiMaNd DocurrNnh,or und�r any oltwr apreartwnt or ony L^ws now or hereatter In forco; notwlthslnndinp,sume a all of such Ind�bt�dness � <br /> �,�- �nd obNpatbns tecurod by Ihis Dssd ol Trust may now or hNe�Mx be olherwls�s�cursd,wh�thu,by ma1p�Q�,daed ol trusl,pNdqs,Ilen, <br /> :.a..:�.,.T,-• <br /> ,yr�� - �sslpnment or otfNrwls�. Nelth�r th��xeptance of Ihls OMd otTrust nor Its enforc�rr»nt,whNher by eourt ectlon a pursu+nt to Itw pr�w�r o <br /> eal�a otMr pawaro conhined in fhis De�d ol Trusl,sFuM proJudi�e a In eny rru�nner aM�cl Trustee'e a L�nder's ripht lo rMN�upon or <br /> �n(ara�ny otMr s�curify naw a hsrs�M�r h�ld by Trus1M or Lond�r,it bNnq�prs�d that Truslw and L�ndsr,�nd each of Ih�m,shaH be <br /> mlifNd to�nfaa thls D�d nf 7ruat and�ny other security now or hxeafter held by Lendar or Trustee In such order nnd mannK a th�y or <br /> ' �M ,.�;� either of Ihem rr�y In thMr�bsduta dlacreHOn determine, Na nmedy confsrrsd upon or reserwd to Trustea or Lender,Is inl�nd�d to be <br /> * „ exclusfw of any o!her remedy In lhis Deed of Trust u by I�w proNded a permltted,but each sFuN be cumulaHve and slull be in adWtlon to <br /> �v�ry oth�r nm�dy qlwn In thls Deed of Trust a now w hereatter existlrp et low or In equity a by atatute. Every power cx nmedY piwn by the <br /> ;�,.;;..,���, NoU a �ny of ths RNated Documant� to 7rustoe a Lender or to wh�h slther of them may ba otherwlse entitled, may b� �x�rclsed, <br /> -:�„�F., concurt�ndy or independently, hom tims to tims and ss oAen�s may be deemed oxpedknt by Trustee or Lander,�nd Nlher of IMm mey <br /> ;� .Y; pursus Ir►conshtent remedles. Nothinp In Ihis peed of Trust �hsll be construed es prohibiAnp Lender hom sesk�nA n d�ficlencY J�d9ment <br /> _ ,-,.•,. .a .; �palnst lhe Trustor to ths extent such ectlon Is permitted by4w. <br /> � �� Reqwit For lloNce. Trustor,on behalf of Truslar tnd L�ndsr,hereby requesl�Ihat a copy ot any Notice of Default and a copy of�ny Notice <br /> j":�'�;;,,�� of Sak under thb Deed of Trust be mailed to tMm ot the addresses set forlh in Ihe first paragroph ol this Dead of 7rust. <br />" "' � '�' W�Iver, Elecllon of Remedles, A waiver by any party ol a breach of a proWslon ot lhls Deed of Trust shall not consfilute�w�iv�r of or <br /> �,; �. , preJudA."s ihe perfy's dphts olherwise lo demand strfct comptlanco with lhat provislon a any other provision. Election by Lender lo pursue�ny <br /> -�.��":s�c'?:. �d an ePlectlo�lo ma o s pendl urres or oNake action o�pxtarm en oblipatlonf of Trus or lunder this OeedlolTrus�ffer h�l�K�o�rustadlo� <br /> " ' pgAorm shell nol affect Lender's right lo declare�default end to exercise any o}Its remedies, <br /> ." "'ly .,: <br /> - ANaMya'FNS;Exp�ns�s. II Lender Instliules any suit a�ctlon to rnforce�ny of Ih�lerms of tNs Deed of Trus1,Under sh�l bo�ntiHad to <br /> '".a�Y`f� recovM such sum es th�court may ndjudpa roason�bN�s atlorneys'Mss at lrlal and on�ny�ppeal. WhetMr or not�ny cowi�cHon is <br /> `_�.p:��� involved,�II roasonsbb ezpenses Incurred by Lender which In Lender'S opinlon ara neasury at�ny time for the protectlon of Its intu�st or ihe <br /> _�:�,, �n(aamsnt ol Ils riphls ah�U b�cort►�a put of th�Ind�bNdn�ss paY�bls on demand�nd ahall bwr interast at IM Note nle lrom th�date of <br /> -=-��-+�•.:� pcp�nditun untll rspald. Expanses cowred by thk pu•aqnph Include,without Nmitation, haw�wr subJect to�ny Nmits und��ppMcabN�►w, <br /> —��� � L�nd�r's�Itaneys'fa�e wMthx or not tMra Is a Wwsuit,Includirp ntlorneys'ie�c lor bankruptcy prxesdinps(Inciudinfl oMcrb to modily or <br /> _�'��':�' <br /> �.;,,,�,,;,,f: v�ab �ny outomatlo atay or inJunction), eppeals �nd my �nt�ipeted post-Judqment cdlection senAces, the cost ol saarchirp ncads, <br /> oblaininp Ntls reporb(Includinq toreclosun reports),surveyors'reports, eppraisal fees,title Insurence,�nd fees ta the 7rustee,to Ih�sxtant <br /> �;J� p�rmifl�d by appNCable law, Trusta also wNl p�y Rny coud costs,in oddition to eN other sums provided by law. <br />:�:�'!''�'�, Rlphtt of TruN�e. Trustee shaa have all of the riyhts snd duties of lender as set forlh In this seCtbn. <br />--_s•���;,� pOWER8 AND OBLIGATIONS OF TRt1STEE. The foNOwinfl provMions relatirq to the powers and ooNpaiion�oi TiusSo::re"v�s!c!!!:�^:."d Ct <br /> -- Trust. <br /> ""�:��� Pow�n of Truaee. In addiBon to all powsrs of Trustee uisinp as a maHer of law,Trustee shall have the power to ake the fdowinp acdons <br /> ---°--° wfth nspoct to the Property upon the written request of L�nder end Trusta: (a)Jdn In prep�dny�nd�Ilnp a maP or Plat d ttH RNI Property, <br />_�-`;�,;.��� Includinp the d�dicallon of streels or other riqhls to the pubNc; (b)Joln In yr�rllnfl any wsement or crestinp nny restricdon on tFw RNI Prop�rty; <br /> "'-�h�'`�i�-i7� and (c)Jdn In eny subordination or other�flreement tffecNnp lhis Deed of Trust or Ihe Intensl of Und�r undsr lhis Dwd olTrtnL <br /> _-;°;r�y� Trwtt�s. Trus1M shaM mest dl qualifications roquirod}orTrusts�under applicabN Isw. In�dditlon to the riphts and remadlss�t falh abovs, <br /> _-" ,, wlth rqpsct to�N or�ny put ol the Prop�rty,ths Trusis�ahall h�ve ifw ri9ht to faeclosa by notia�nd sak,�nd Undar sh�ll Mv�Ih�riqht to <br /> ��;`,� tondos�by JudlclRl lasclosura,In aither ass in sccadana with snd to the full extent provided by�pplfc�bk law. <br /> _w,.`-.=_�-�� Suec�ssor TruqM. Lsnd�r,d L�nd�r's optlon,may from tima lo tima appdnt a suCC�ssor Trustee to any Trustee nppoinled hueundsr by an <br /> Instrum�nl wteCUlsd�nd�cknowledp�d hy Under�nd rkad�d In the offic�ot Ihe record�r of HALI County Nsbnska. The inst�urr»nt shaM <br /> __=�"�`� contaln,in�dditlon fo all o1Fwr maticrs rsquk�d by stRta 4w,the nomes of ihe oriqln�l Landar,Truste�,and Trustor,the bodc and pap�(or <br /> comput�r 6yst�m re}x�nce)where thls Dssd ol Trust Is ��caded,and the name and address of the succsssor lruatee,and th�instrum�nt shali <br /> b�wacut�d and aeknowbdped by aA the benetickrles under the Deed of Trust a thsir succesaas In IntKast. TFw successor trustw,with0ut <br /> —�� law V Th�procodure ta s bst tut on�of trustee sha Q'o ern lo the axdusiol of all other provisions la s bstltu`t o�d of Trusl�nd by�pplk,�ble <br /> '°�"°— NOTICES TO TRUSTOR AND O7FIER PARTIES. Any notkv under th�s Deed o}Trusl shall be in writinp, may be ssnt bY teiel�csimil�(unlssa <br /> ''_e� olMrwiss rsquired by law1,and shad be�HacNw when�ctwly deNvered,or when deposilsd wdh a natlonally recopnized owrniqht cowisr,or,ff <br /> '-`'=��-�i� maNed,shaN b�deemed N(eclivs when dsposited In the Unit�d Stales meN 8nt class,certi�bd a rep�stered m�H,postey�prepald,dlncl�d l01M <br /> -_-=:�:_-�� <br /> �-:,.�,�� addressss show�nwr tFw beylnninp of thls Desd of TrusL Any party may chanqe Its addras la naHas und�r lhis Dwd�f Trust by qivinp lamal <br />��:-_ writlan notic�to tha othsr pnrlies,speclrying lhst IM purposa d ttN noHca is to chanpe tM pa�s addr�. AN copl�s of notica of br�closun hom <br /> _-.,_s�z.,� the hddw of�ry INn wFdch hss prtalty ovx lhls Deed of Trusl shall I»sent to Lender's addr�ss,�s shown neu tM bpinnlny Of this Dn�d of Trust. <br /> _ For notke purposes,Trustor apress lo kesp Lender�nd Trus1N Infamed at aN times W 7rustor's currenl addnss. <br /> =—•� ; . <br /> - �'�`�tt."� <br />--� _,a. — MISCELLANEDl1S PFIOVISION3. The followinp misc�arNOUS proNSlons are a part ol thls Deed of l'rust: <br /> ;.,�,�;r►�."j�y. Am�ndm�nU. Thfs Deed of Tmst,topether with any R�bd Documenls,conslitutes Iha enlire understandiit�and apreem�nl ol th�ps�lies as <br /> 'e" '.:•-'! to tM maHers sst forlh In Ihis Deed of Trust. No UtKation of a amendment to thls�eed ot Trusl shall be ettective unless piven in wriHrp and <br /> `=' : ' slpn�d by th�puty a psrt�es souflht to be cMrped or band by Iho alterellon or emendrtwnt. <br /> �`.' "� �^r.. � Appikabls L�w. Thls[�d o}Trust ha been dellverM to L�nder�nd�ccepted by Lender In the Sttl�of NebreMu.ThU Deed of Troq _ <br /> - shril b�pov�rn�d by�nd conuruecl in�ccordanc�with Ih�I�ws ot the StNo of Nebra�u. __ <br /> -' . � C�pifon Headinp�. Captlon hendinqs In Ihis Deed of Trusl dre lor convenience purposes only and ere not to be used to interp�t a dNine 1M = <br /> _ . •: provisions of thls Deed ol Trust. _ <br /> �� ' � Merper. There shetl be no merger of the inlerest or est�le creeled by this Deed of Trust wilh any other inlerest a eslnte In th�Prop�rty�t any _ <br /> ' �. tims heid try a for tM bene6l ot Londer In eny capacity.wilhout the wrHten consent ot lender. _ <br /> . f. _ <br /> - �: INuflIpN PariM�. All ot>Ilqetions of Trustor under Ihis Doed of Trust shall be Jolnt and severel,and all references to Trustor shaY me�n e�ch and <br /> } evsry Trustor. Thls n�ens Ihat each of the persons siynirp below is responsible for�II oblipeHOns In Ihls Deed of Trusl. -. <br /> at� f SwN�bility. II a court ol Competent�urisdkllon finds �ny provislon of thls Dead ol Trust lo b�Invalid a unentoresabb as lo o�y person a <br /> "" �� circumslance,such tindlnq shall not render Ihat provlsion Invalid or unanforceable es to any olher persons a circumstencea. If Ie�sibH,any <br /> - ---- --- - ----__ ���rh o1rondirw nrovislon shall be deemed to be mod�fied to be within the Iimits of enlprce�bility or valid�ty;however,�f the oflendirp provislon <br /> .�._._. _.__—�-- �� --- " "---'-'-- <br /> .....i.....u.1�Ni�nlevwhln =- <br /> . cannot be so rtiodified,It shall be slricken and all other prowstons ot mis ueed oi i rusi in aii vii�a�es�Ma���=���...�... _,..__..__..-_.____ _ <br /> ' SuCtessOre Md Asslpne. Subject to the Ilmitetions sldad in Ihis Deed of TNSt on translar ol Trustor's Interest,Ihis �eed 01 TNSt shdl 6e _ <br /> bindinp upon und Inure la ihe benefii of ihe parties,ihelr Successo�s and essiqns. ��ownership of lhe Proprtrty beCOmes ves�Od In a per5on <br /> olMr Ihen Trustor, Lender, withoul nol�e lo Trustor,msy deal wilh Trustor'S successas vnlh re(erence lo this Deed 0�Trust and Ihe <br /> Indeb�edness by wey of forbearence or exlenslon without relenSlnp Trusta hom lhe ob;igetlons ol Ihis Deed of Trust or Wbflity under the <br /> IndebtQdness. <br /> TIm11�of the Essence. Tlme is ol lhe essence in Ihe performance of thls Deed of Trust. <br /> WMven�nd Conienis. Lender shall nol be deemed lo have waived any rlghts under lhls Oaed ol Trust(or under Ihe Re41ed Dxumenls) - <br />- unless such weiver is In writing and sbned by Lender. No delay or omisslon on the part of Lender In exerClsiny eny ripht shall openM as e <br /> � walver of such right or any olher right. A waiver by any puty of a proWsion of this Deed ol Trusl shalt nol conslitule a Walvar ol or pn�ud�e the <br /> ' dea i prlbetweenr Le de� andeT ustta t ha pconstitute�t wa� o1��nnyrofr Lender's r ghl�or nypofT uslo s�obligallonsn s t yanyulu ure <br /> .,� , �. Y <br /> � . . .. � <br /> I _ _ <br />