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i . . �� � , .. ' �;;?;'' <br /> . . .:hU:�r��i.�.2�- <br /> - _. r' :.i� �.l • - ` �f. . � •.\..i� w =i�: <br /> ,•• .7{• ��J t ;'i;�.4.�i11�$hl4A�iudl«.�. �y�n:�� -- ..�_.:�� '-_ <br /> . . r�, .t.r.w:+` -i P . . P•"- '+...•..�--+-rr�-.-�._ ... _ er_.-. <br /> -'-.t...�wJL . . CS° <br /> �.."�� _ <br /> _:�' <br /> �°-� DEED OF TRUST 98�--��.�iZ Pape 3 - <br />.'j;�i�.�,. 12-17-1l98 .. <br />'�.;,�;� , Lo�n No a47913 (Contlnued) <br /> ,. ,.,.,_.., <br /> �"���� EvMl�nc�of P�yrtNnl. Trusta shsN upon d�mand furMsh to Und�r SAtisl�ctory�Nd�na ol paym�nt of Ih�taxa or assnsrrNnb and�haA _ <br />:_�,-�;•:�;� authorisa th��ppropri�t�powrnrt►�nt�l oMcIU to dNiwr lo L�ndw at any urr�� writton stabrt►ant of th�t�xa and�ss�ssrrants aQalnsl Ih� <br /> •,:r.w•:-' Prop�rty. <br /> ' `!'' Motk�of ConNruetlon. 7ruata sh�ll notify Lmd�r�t IMSI MINn(16)days befor��ny wak b comm�nad,l�ny s�rvic�s u�furnttMd,a any <br /> •�� mabrl�b�r�tupplMd to tF►� Proputy, If any m�cFuinb'�If�n, m�brialm�n'e INn, or ath�r INn coWd b�as�rl�d on axount d ll»wwk, <br />-".}#�� arvfo�,or m�Milab. Truetor wiu upon nqwst of Lend�r furnlsh to L�nWr wdv�nc�assurancn a+disfactory lo Lsndsr lh�l Trusta c�n�nd wiN <br /> •`"� p�y tM cosl of tuch ImprowrrNnls. <br /> ' `�" PFiOPF.ATV DAMAGE IN9UR11NCE. The toAowin�prc)vis!ort�rMnNng t�insurinfl the Propsrty u��paH of Ihls D�sd of Trusl. L <br />'__a�il�. <br /> MleednlWwtc�of In�ane�. Trustor sh�W prxun�nd rrµlnt�ln pd�bs of firs insuranc�wlih slRnd�rd extend�d cowraq��ndore�n+�nb on• <br /> n <br /> ra{�Mo�m�nt basFs for 1M fuN Insurabk valu�covsrinq�N ImprowrrMnts on lhe Real Property In�n�mounl euMClent to avdd applicaNOn d any <br /> � Cdnsunnc�ckus�,�nd with a standRrd mortpeps�claus��n(ava of Lender,topeth�r wllh suCh othK he�rd and II�bIHty Insunna as L�nder <br /> ._ti;== mlly nston+�bly r�quln. PoNci�s sh�M b�wdtten In fam,amounts,covsnpes�nd b�als rwsonAbly�ccaptabN lo L�nd�r and Is�u�1 by� <br /> •:;�.��a company or comp�nl�s nasondbly�ocs{�tnbN to Under. Trustor,upon requsst of L�nder,wi�dNiwr to Und�r hom UrrN to NrrN th�poNCih <br /> . � or o�rffllc+�iq of Inswanc�In form satls}�otory to L�nd�r,Includinp stipulationa Ih�t coverdyN wiN not b�ca�icNNd or dlminisMd without al <br /> -�-•�';a� faast t�n(10)days'prior wriden notics to Lender. Eech Insur�ncs pol�y aiso slull Include an endasement proddirp that covenp�In hvor ol <br />-�--��.� L�ncNr wIN not be Imp�k�d In eny way by any acl,omiulon or delault of Trustor a any other person. Should tM Reai Prop�rty N any Hme <br /> �";i�` b�corrN locabd In an srsa dssipnatsd by tFw Director�f the Fsderal Emerqency M�na9ement Aqency�s a spxl�l Ilood hazard uoa,Trustw <br /> ---1�l� T. <br />"' •�C+i� a9rMe to obU�ln and rrwlnlaln Fed�rd Flood Insunr►c�for tlw fuN unpald principal bal�nc�of tM Iwn, up to tM maximum poN�y NmNS set <br /> ''z£`��`• undK the NnUOnal Flood Insurance Propr�m,or�s otherwfse requlred by Lender,and to malnuln such Ineurrnc�la tha tam of th�loan, <br /> ,u;,f.. +.� <br />-��.�:•Y�d� <br /> :;-.;�s;�. AppNeMbn W ProeNd�. Trustor ahaM prompfly noNy Und�r of any loss or dama�to Ihe Proporty. Lend�r rru�Y maka proof of laa H Trustor <br />'`_"��-.• hfb to do so wltMn Mtwn(16)daya of tM c�eually, 'Nhether or not L�nders s�Clxlty 1s�mPak�d,Lmdu may,�t Ib Nsctlon,ncNw and ntafn <br />----�--z'r.�'�. <br /> th�procwds of any Insunna and�pply iM procNds to th�nducHon of the Indobtednosa,ptyrrNnt of�ny Ii�n�fhcNrp tM PropMty,a ths <br />.=��L'�;�� nstornHon �nd rsp�k of IM Property. If Land�r olseb to apply tFN procseds fo reslaatlon�nd ropalr,Trusta s1uiN np�k or np11�a th� <br />="������ damap�d or deihoyed Improvements In e menn�r sAHS(�ctory to Land�. Lender shaY,upon saHsfaetory proot ol such sxp�ndilur�,p�y or <br /> `��~'6��� t relmbun�Trustor hom Ihe proceeds fa the rsasoneble cost ol repalr or rsstoratlon If Trosta IS not In det�uft under this Deed of Trusl. Any <br /> _..��.� �y,�. <br /> _..v- procMd�w1Ach luvr not bMn dKbwsed within 180 days afl�r thsir nceipt and wh�h Lmde►hA6 not commitbd to►h�rapak or r�lonlbn ol <br />`� tFN PtopKty sh�N b�us�d fkst to p�y any�mount owlny fo L�nd�r under t h l s DM d o}Tr u st,lMn to pa y�ecn+�d�nt�nst��nd�Iw r�n�l^d�'-�M <br /> :;_�;� any,sh�M b��ppllsd to the princlpal belancs of tM Ind�bledn�ss. N Lender hdds any prxe�ds aM�r Payr►wnt In full of th�IndM�Ndn�s�,such <br /> -��� procMds sFwN b�p�ld lo Trusta ae Trustor's Int�nsts may+�ppar. <br /> "`n:;:_�4� Un�xpkW Inwr�ncs tl SN�. Any unexplred Insurance s1uUl Inure to ihe benefit of,and pass lo,ihe purchaser of tha Propsrty cowntd by thb <br />___- DeW ol Trust at any trustw's sab or other sak held under ihe provislor�s of this Deed of Trust,or et qny forsciosure sab ot such Propsrty. <br />_°,_�a� <br /> "- - EXPEHDITURES BY LENDER. If Trustor fails lo compiy wllh any provision ot this Deed of Trust,or II wny ar,lion or procealirp k comrn� t a <br /> �j�. would rrwt�ri�Ny�M�ct LMder'�Interssls U lhe Prop�rty,Lander on Trustor's befu�ll may,6ut s1uN not b�nquU�d to,li1k� �ny ac8on Ihot Under <br /> -~�%'-'�'��, dMms�pproprkta. Any�mount lhat Lenda exp�nds In so ddrp will bear Interest d the rate provicied fw in the Note hom ih�dat�Incurnd a pald <br />_:_:-��. by LendK to th�d�w of np�yment by Trusla. AN such expanses,at Lender's uption,wW (e)be p�yabl�on demand, (b)be add�d to th�Wlanco <br /> - ol th�Not��nd be�pportiorwd�monp and bs p�yabN with any Instsltment peyrrwnts to b�come du�durinp sither (q Ihe term of�nY appYC�bN <br /> =�„ya��,� insurana pdicy or (N)th�r�Ininp term of ths Note,a (c)bs trealad as e balloon p�ymanl wh�Ch wiN b�duo�nd payable�I th�Nob's nwlurity. <br /> — TY'iia Qiii�i�i}Ti(Sbi w�:o•:.:K:�;.::r:p=y:^cn!a!!h,^:s sm�:sn!s. ?!r!!!:h�nrnvfded for In Ihls avrapriph shaN be In addiAon to�ny other riphb a�ny <br />�--�'�_'! nrtwdha to whlch L�ntNr rtu�y b�sndtl�d on�aount of the default Any such�ction by Lender ahaH not be comvued aa curirq ttw o�nuii eo as io <br /> — __= bu L�rw1�r kom�ny nm�dy tfut ft olh�rwfs�would lu�w had. <br /> � ° WARAANTV;DEFENSE OF 71TLE. The foNOwinp provisions rslatinp to ownsrsMp of tha Property us e part of tMs Desd of Trust. <br /> - TItN. Trusta wamnts thal: (a)Trustor hdds qood und markelable title ol record to the Property In fes simpk,hs�I�nd cleu of�N N�r�s and <br /> '—'� favor d,�nd�icc�pt�d bytLe�In�con�neci on wlth th�ls Dssd of Tr�usl,and (bj Trusta h s�IhePuH�flht�pwar,�and authority t e acule and <br /> cMYwr this Ue�d of Trust lo Lander. <br /> WhnM of Tlth. SubJsct to the excsptlon In IFw parapnph abovs,Trustor wananh and wiq lonva dM�nd ih�titM to th�Prop�rly�W�nsl�h� <br /> law(ul deims of pM persons. In the eveM�ny�cNOn a proce�dirp Is comrrNncsd lFrl qu�sUans Trustors Hd�a th�IntK�st of Trusl�s or <br /> I.�ndM under tMs Oss�of Trust,Trustor sFUiM dshnd tM�cNOn�t Trustor's sxp�ns�. Trustor may b�tha naminal p�rty In such procwdkiQ,but <br /> L�ndK th�N be sndtNd to puHclpats In IM proceeWrq�nd lo be represanUd In tFw proc»dirp by counsN ol Lendw's own chda,�nd <br /> Trustar wiM dNiw►,o►cause to be deNvK�d,lo LondK such InstrurtMnts es Lender may requ�st kom tlms�o tlrrw lo perm8 such parUcip�tlon. <br /> Con�nq Wlth Laws. Trustor w�nants 11►af tM Propaty�nd Trusta's u_a of tM Property complk►s with 1�II �xlstirp applkabM lawf, <br /> adfrwnas,and rpul�Mcns of povernmsnhl�uthrxili�. <br /> COND�MNATION. The fdlowin{�provislnns rel�tirp to cond�mneilon procsedin9s ue a part of this De�d ol Trust. <br /> - °-� AppNcMlon of I�Nt ProeNds. If all or any part ot fhe Property b condemned by eminent dorrMln procsstNrps or by Rny procs�dnp or <br /> W— n�d�bt�d iiwss or MCrepak or nsFtdaHo�f ths Pr`opMty. TM n�et prx aseds ol theiwrrd sFuN1rr�ntths aw�d afler payrtwnt of aM r�10 b <br /> --���� cosb,�pa�sa,and�tlaneys'lees incurced by Trusle�ur Lender In connection with the Condsmn�tlon. <br /> _� ProcNdln�. If any procaedlnp In cundemnation fs filod,Trustor shall promptly notify Lendw In writlnq,and Trustor sh�ll prompdy take such <br /> sbps as may b�n�c�ssary to debnd th��cHon rnd oblaln ih��wud. Tr�stor m�y be lhe nomind puty In eueh proce�dl�p,but L�ndlr shaN <br /> ---- be sntiHed to parlkipete in Ihe procesdiny�nd to be npresanted!n the proceedinp by counsal of ifs own chdce,and Trustor wiM t1Wwr or <br /> -��;��. caus�to b�dsliversd fo Lendsr such InslrumenSs as rnay be requested by R hom fime lo time to permit such parl�lp�llon. <br /> `�'��L�� IMPOSITION OF TAXES,FEES AkD CHARGES BY GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITIES. Tha fodowlnp provislons relntinp la QovernmsnW taxes, <br /> _.,,�p,=-��� feea�nd charpss us a p��t of Ihfs Deed ol Trusl: <br /> .�¢��_.,.' Curnnt 7�xu,Fks�rW Charpe�. Upon roquest by Lender,Trustor sheil execute such documents In eddilion lo lhfs Deed of Trusf and t�k� <br /> what�vK other�ctlon Is requested by Lender to perfeet�nd continue lender's Ilen on Ihe Re�l Property. Trustor ShaN rNmburss L�ndu for�N <br />-_���'�.�".r�. , fax�s,�s dascrib�d balow, topelher wilh ell axpanses Incurred In recordinq, perfectinp or continulrp thk Dwd of Trust, Incfudinp without <br /> �'-:�`�'.•'i�4 umfqHOn�M laz�s,faes,document�ry stnmps,and other charpes for recordinq or reqisiKirp Ihis D»d of Trust. <br /> - `�`�+`�� `s Tmc�s. 7he foNowlnp shall conslitute taxes to whkh lhis section epplles: (a)n specllic tax upon thb type of Deed of Trust or upon N or�ny <br /> p�rt of lhe Indebtednsss secured by this Deed ol 7rust; (b)�speciflc tax on Trvsta which Trusta fs aulhorixed or requlrad to d�ducl hom <br /> ' p�yrrNnts on th�Indebtedness secured by Ihls type of Deed ol Trusl; (c)a tex on this type of Deed of Trust charpe�bk epainst lhs LMder a - <br /> • � the hdder of the Note;and (d)e spe:iNC tax on all or any porlion of the Indebtedness or on paymxnls of principal end intanst m�de by <br /> Trustor, <br /> ,�r SubNquent TRxss. If any tax to wh�h this seclion�pplies�s enacted subsequent to lhe date ol this Deed of Trust,this evenl sha!1 h:w Ih� <br /> sprrN�Hsct�s an Evenl u}Defeull(es daNned below),�nd Lendx may exercfse�ny a ail of fts aailable ramsdlos fa on Evsnl of DdauH as <br /> providad baow unkss Trusta elth6r (a)pays t1�e tax betore It becomes delinquent,or(b)contesls tM tax�s provided�bow In tha Taas�nd <br /> f,;,+d' .� LNna sscflon nnd dsposfts wilh Lender cash or a sufHCbnt corporete surety bond or other security saflslRCtory lo Lender. <br />__ ,__ _ 5ECURITY AGNEEM�NT;FIMANCING STATEMENTS. The following provislons re�ating fo Ih{s Deed of 7rusf es a security eqreement are�part of <br /> � - -` ,;ti- tnn oeeu ot t rus�. <br /> S�cu►ity Ay�esmenl. Thls insirument sheu constitute a seCUrity a9re9men► to the extenl eny of Ihe Property constilutes fixtures a other <br /> personal property,and Lender shall have ell of the riphts of e seCUred party under the Uniturm Cnmmercial Code ns�mended kom tlme to <br /> . Nme. <br /> Secuhly Interest. Upon requesl by Lender,Trustor shall execute 6nanclnp slatemenl5 end take whatever other eclion IS requested by L�nder _. <br /> � to perfer:t and continue Lender's security Inleresl In the Rents end Personal Froperly. In eddition to recordinq th{s Deed of 1'rust in Ihe real <br /> property records,Lender may,al eny lime and withoul furlher euthaizalion}rom Trusla,file axoculad Counlerp�rts,Cupi�s or roproducdOns Of <br /> Ihls Deed ol Trusl as x financinQ stetemenl. Trustor shall��elmburse Lender lor all expenses Incurred In periecting or Continulnq thh security <br /> InteresL Upon delaulL Trustor shall essamble Ihe Personal Proparly In e manner and et a place reasonably convenlqnt lo Trusta and Lender _ <br /> � end meke it evatlable lo Lender within Ihree(3)days aHer rec�ipt ol writtvn demand from Lender. <br /> Addresses. The mailing eddresses of Trustor(debtor)end Lender(secured party),��om which inlormallon concernlnq the securiSy Interesl <br /> � grented by Ihis Deed of Tn�sl may he obtelned(each es roqulrod by the Un�lorm Commerclal Code),aro as�teted on the first pege o!thb�eed <br /> � • , t <br /> I -.. __......___ - <br />