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� , <br /> �� ' <br /> . � , - - °�-- <br /> , _ . . �av'��ch.,,�...::' , ._ � ;Wr�r�!:==:.. _ _._ . _-. _ _ <br /> . t , .�.;„� �: <br /> . _ .:`.1, QEED OF TRUST 98 i�.�i�+�+ Peye 2 - <br /> - 1�-'17-19gd —� - <br /> . Lo�n No 847913 (Contlnued) = <br /> � , �rrNnls uf, �nd �N subslilullons la—, �ny o��uch r and topallwr wllh all procNds (Includinp wllhoul Ilmllallon�II infurpnc� <br /> : ., p opKfy; - <br /> prpCNd��nd r�fundt of pnmlume)Irom anyKle a oth�r dlsposltion ol Ihe Property. <br /> � p�ppNl�l, Th�word"Prope�ty'means cdist�wty Ih� RMI Prpp�rly�nd 9M PKSOnaI Prop�rty. - <br /> �� pr , TM wwda"Rwl Propwty" rnwn tM prap�ty,InNns!s�nd riphls describ�d�bov�In Ihs"Conv�y�na�nd Oranl's�ctian. _ <br /> � AMI oP�AY <br /> q�I�IW pocunNnts. Th� wads "FiNal�d Documtnb' mMn�nd Iru:ludo wilhqul Ilmitatlon �N promissory notsa,credil ■prNrrwnts, loan <br /> '"�' " . � �prNrMnts,�nvkonrrMntal�prNrrwnb,OuanntiM,Neurfty�pr«menls,mortp�p�s,dNd�of trusl,�nd aN oth�r InslrumeMS,aqrNm�nls�nd = <br /> ; docurtNnls,wMther now a 1»nafl�r�xlsfinq,�x�CUt�dln Conn�ctlon wllh Ih�Ind�bUdn�ts. <br /> i� qMds. TM word'fi�nls"rr�Nns all pr�nl�nC Nlun r�nb,nwnu�s,incom�, issws�royalil�,prqfiis,and olher 6cnafils dorlvad Irom tho _ <br />_`:°�"'"_. prpp�rty' - <br /> TNMN.TtN wad'Trust�a"msans UNII'EUNEBRASKA BANFC�nd sny eubstilut�a succ�ssa trust�ss. <br /> ' TNqor. Tha word"T'rustor"means any�nd�N penons�nd�nfitNs�x�cutinp Ihis ONd ol Trust,Includiny wllhoul Iimitaliun�II Trustas named <br /> �- .� aeow. <br /> + TFMg pEEp OF TRU8T, INCLUDING TFIE A941facNAIENT OF REMTS AND THE SECURITV INTEREST IN TFIE RENTS AN� PERSONAL <br /> ppOPERTY�IS GIVEN TO SECURE 11)PAYINEMT OF THE INDEeTEDNE$S AND (4)PERFORMANCE QF ANY AND ALL OBLIGATIONS OF <br /> }_.,,_ ��`�� TpUSTpR IJNDER THE NOTE,TFIE RELATED DOGUMENT6.AMD THIS DEEA OF TRU9T. THIB DEED OF TRUST IS dIVEM AND ACCEPTED <br />;� ,' , O!1 T/�FOLLOWIka TERhiS: <br /> � PAYMENT AMO PERFORMl�NCE. Ezcspt as otlw�wis�proddsd In this Deed of Trusl,Trusta shaM pay to Lender aU�mounts securod by fMs nied <br /> �. d Trusl u ttwy b�corne du�,�nd ahall atrictty aad in �tlmNy mann�r psrform dl of Trusta's obHpations under►h�Not�,thls Dwd of Trwt,and II� <br /> - � RNd�d oxurtNnls. <br />�;�"';,;T.•� POSSEEEION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PROPERTY. Tnntor�pnas Ilul Truslor's poss�sslon and uss of the Pro�rty shall ba powrMd 6y <br />•., . .. tr»(oNOwlnp Provfs�ons: <br />- �''.� �.'.: <br /> pplMaf{on�rW Us�. Until the occurrence of an Evenl ot DoI�Wt,Trusiw may (a)remaln In possasslon and contrd of the Properfy, (b)use, <br /> �r ' :,`. pp�n��pr marupe 1Fw Properly,and (c)cdleCt eny Fi�nls hom ths Property. <br /> . .;'r�:i:. <br /> • � Duty to MMntaln. Trustor shall malntaln the Prope�ty In terunt�bb condilion and prompfly pKfam dl repairs, nptaamanls,and malnlsnarw� <br /> rwoossary to presetve its value. <br /> , � rw <br />�,��~�': �, fiwrdous SubitM�cea. The terms"hazardous w�st�,"huardous subslancs;"disposal,"'Yelsas�;�nd"1hre�kn�d rsleae�,"as us�d in Ihis <br /> De�d of Trust,ahaN have the same meanfnps as set lorth In the Comprehensive Environmental R�sponse,Cempensatlon,and LI�bWty Acl of <br /> "�� ,u,,r.�� ' �gep,u�rr�nd�d,42 U.S.C.Section 960L et:eq. ('CERCUI�,the Superlund Amendments�nd Reaulhorizdion Act of 1988, Pub,L.No. <br />�sir;��. <br />;��,��. gg.dgg�SAFtA'�,tM Hazerdous Matarials Tnnspatalbn Act,49 U.S.C.SecNOn 1801,et aeq.,IM Resoura Gonsrrvatlon�nd Rscovwy Acl, <br /> ,,�,;, . 42 U.S.C.S�ctlon 8901,�t sp.,or o1Mr appMCabN a44 or Fsda�l I�wa,rulss,or rpulation�adopNd purswnl to�ny ol th�(orpqirq. TM <br /> r*��t,.:; - t�rm�'h�zardous wasiP and'haLrdous substana" s1uR�ISO Include,without Ilmiiatlon,p�hai�um�nd p�trohum by-producb a�ny kacllon _. <br />��::':�u:�� tMnof�nd asb�stas. Trustor npr�nl5 and wunnb lo L�nd�r thsl: (a)Durirp IM p�riod of Trusta's own�nhip ol tM Prop�ty,lMn has <br />_�,�;v,�; W�n�a us�,o.r,.nno�,rtunulactun,storp�, trwtm�nt.dhposal,rels�sa or thrwNned rNMtN of�ny harardous w�sb a subftana by�ny <br /> w•��t puwn on,und�r,�bout a hom 11»Property; �b)Trustor h�s no knowkdp�of,w rwiaon to bN1�w that tMro lus bNn,�xc�pt as prwloutly <br />�,i�'r 'lr�' ��p��d+�Icnowlodped by Lender In wdlinp, p)any us�,peneralion,ms�uhcturs,storap�,trentment.disposal,rWeas�,a thnatsned <br />��,�: s ,F �. �'.+Y-. �)- Y <br /> y�f_.,,:,4ry_ ��bas�M�ny luw�raous wuie or suosiana on,11�OCt�MOtlili<�i iiu�Ti��'ie�fu'y'vi't'•j Zii•• i�...0`.'^C�C: ^^L'rSflti��t�'.Q Qf M �n <br /> wi <br /> -,=-;�, aqual or iMSabMd NIIq�Hon or ClAimb of�ny klnd 6y any p�rson relatinq to such matl�rs;�nd (c)Except�s pnvlously disclos�d to�nd <br /> � 47�3 ���p��by L�nd�r in wriHnp, (I) n�Yhar Trusta na any tenent,contrecta,�gYnl a othsr wthai�ci user of lFw Prop�rty tlwN use, <br /> a�ii''r��'�� � <br /> - p1r»raM,manufoCtun�store,treat,disposa N,or rNs��any hwrdous w�ste a subst�na on,undu,about or hom Iha Prop�ty�nd (M)any <br />�� � such�ctivity sh�M be r,onducted in complianca x+lh al appNCabM lede�al,stale,and local kws,rpulatlons and or�knar�s,Indudlrq wMhout <br />��,;;;�'�� Nmit�don ihose laws,rspulallons,�nd ordiMnce�doscrfbed�bow. Trustor wthail.e�9 L�nd�r and Its aysnts to �nter upon th�PropKty to <br /> Z4��'��j m�k�such InspecHons and lests,al Trusto�s e�ns�,as L�ndx rt+ay desm spproprlab to d�termirw compl4na of th�PrapMty wNh thb <br />==�`�' . s�ctlon of fhe De�d of Trust. Any Inspectiom or Usls m�d�by Lender shaN be(or Unti�r's purposb only and ah�il not be constru�d to cx�rts <br />�.°*�+°?•�.. <br /> •i any nsponsib{Ny or li�bflily on the pert of Lmder lo Trusta or fo any other person, Th�repr�ntations�nd w�nanHss contalMd MrNn u� <br />�::!t', b�s�d on Trustors dw dilipenca in investiy�[r�p tiw Praparty for hwrdous w�ste �nd huardout substancos. Trusta h�nby (�)nlMws�nd <br /> _- .,�_�;,� wUvss�ny ry�►un clalms aqalnst Lsnder fa Mid�mnfty a Conbibudon In tM w�nt Trustor b�com�s Ii�bN for clNnup or oth�r cotb untl�r any <br /> ::.t�r•;-1°� Euch I�ws, and (b)�OrMe to InWmnify �nd hdd fwmMts L�ntNr apdrut any�nd aN ddms, lossss, UabWdq,darru�yss�pMwMhs�I�nd <br /> -- ;:-,.,�� ��s wh�h Lsnd�r may dlrecHy or Indrectly 3Wtain a sufNr resullinp Irom a brNCh of Ihis sscHon ol tM Desd ef Truat a �s � <br /> -'-;',,y,� cpns�qwna of any uss,peneratlon,manuhctun,sta�Qe,disposel,rebase a thneterNd rN�as�of�hanrdous wasta or substana on tM <br /> �� ---.�- prcp�rtks, Th� provfslom uf this s�cflon of tM O�W N Trust, Includinp the obllyaBOn to Indemnly, sh�l surviw the paym�nt of the <br />------ - Ind�bt�dnsss and tM s�Hsfoction and reconvsy�nee d th�flen of this Deed ol Trusl and shaN not be aMseted by Unctr�s ocquisitlon d lny <br />-�%r`'""� In4nst In the Property,wheiher by faectosue or olherwise. <br /> °�-�� Nul�,W�s11, Trustw shall nol cause,conduct or pormit any nuisence nor commit,permlf,or suMer a�y strippirp ot a w�sl�oa or to tM <br />�'�''yqx'���� prppirty or any portlon of ihs Properfy. wlAOUt fmitirq th�psnerality of fhe laeydnp,Trustor wNl r.ot ramove,or pr�nt to any o1Mr party ths <br />-�•-> -��`'',�r"�-,-. riphl to nmow,any timba,minerels pnctudup ol�nd qas),s�l,prpvel a rak produc►s without ths pria wriHen consent of Lender. <br /> 'a`''��`-'" R�movY of Improvements. Trustor shaU not demolish or remove any Improvements kom the fieal Property wilhoul lhe prlor writto,�conssnt <br /> -•..�s�:�" ol Londsr. As�Conditlon to the removel ol�ny Improvements,Lender may requlre Trustor to make arcanp�ments sallsfactay to l�nder to <br />-`•4<<��"�': , nplaC�such Improvements wRh Improvern�nls of d la�st eqwl value. <br /> -...�•�P�:.JIY� <br /> �"�`"• -- L��'s Rlpht to Ente►. Lender and Its psnls and ropns�n4tivos mny enter upo�IFw RNI Propwly at aN rwwnabl�dm�s to�H�nd to <br />-������ Und�t's InUresb�nd lo Inspect tho Properryfor purposts of Trustor's compli�nce wllh tM lums and condNione of thfs D�ed of Trust. <br /> -�.�ie�;�-; <br />:�;���,;; � Compll�nee wNh GovernrrNnt�l Requtremint�,Truslor�IUUI promptly comply w11h all wws,adlnar.ces,and rspu4NOns,now or h�raatter In <br /> eM�cf, of aN povemmental authorltbs appliabN to th�us�or occupQncy of the Properfy. Trustor may contest In pood hfth any such I�w, <br /> -"""?�%"`"' ' � adlnance,or rspuleNon and wlthhdd compf�nce durinp any proceedin�,Includiny�pproprials�ppeals,60 lonp�s Trustar has notffNd Lsnder <br />-�`�`t �y In wrlllnp prior to dolnp so and so lonp as,In Lender's soM opinl�n,Lender's Intoresh In lhe Propsrty are not jeopardlzed. Lender may nqulro <br />-' • � Trustor to post adeqwle security or a suretybond,r�esonably saflsfactory to Lenclxr,lo protect Lender's Interest. <br /> .{ .,��. <br />-�. „ puty to Prot�ct. Truslor eprees nelther to�ba�don na Iww unatlended the PrnpKty. Trustor shaN do ell othsr 4ds,In sdditlon to Ihose act9 <br /> srt faih above In thls sectlon,wh�h hom Ihe c hencter�nd us�of lM Property�ra re�son�bly necessary la proNct�nd presurve tM Property. <br /> ' DUE ON SALE-CONSENT BY LENDER. Lender mey, al Its optlon,dec:lare Immedlatety due and payabb all sums secured by thls De�d of Trust <br /> � �; upon th�snN or transfer,wfthout IhH Lendor's prlor wriRen consant,of all or any pert ol Ihe Re�l Property,or any Interast In the Real Properfy. A <br /> � �Is or h�rnf�r"meens lhe Conveyance of Feal Properly or�ny rfpht,UHs a Interest thereln;whether kyal,bene8Cla1 or equltnble;wheth�r vdunlary <br /> i or Involuntery;whelher by eutrlght sale,deed, Inslaflm�nt 511a contncf,land contraCt, contr6ct for desd,laesehdd Inlenst wlth�term pnabr than <br /> �hros(3)yMrs,le�so-option contract,or by sab,assqnr�ant,a tr�nsfer of any beneNClal Interest In or lo any land trust hddlnp fiNo to tFw Real <br /> �• proparly,or by any other method of conveyar►a of Renl Prop«ty Intxest. If any Trusta Is a corporatlon,partr�shlp a Ilmlted IiabNHy tompany, <br /> tnnshr Uso Includes any chanye In ownership ol vnae tlun twsniy-fivs percenl(2696)of the votlnq stxk,partnerslilp Interests or IImINd Wabllity <br /> � �pmp�ey�n►erasts,�s the case may 6e,of Trusta. However, thls optlon shall not ba ex�rctsed by Lander It such exercfse Is prohlbfted by hdenl <br /> . qw or by Nebryk�y I�w. <br /> _ _ - <br /> 7AXES AND L��MS.'Tf►�h�lowlnp provislons re���lnp lo the laxes and Ilens on the Property are e part of lhls DBed ol Trusl. <br /> l p/JITQIII. Trustw shall pay when due(aM In e�evenTS prla to oolinquency)an iazes,speciai ia�ces�essessmunid,c:n�ry6S i�iR;iuv'nry���e� <br /> end sower), Hnes�nd Impos�tlons le�/ed apafrisl or on aceount oi tho Property, and shall pey when due QII clslms for work dorw on a for <br /> SgniCOS rendered or materlel turnlshed lo Ihe Property. Trustor shall malnteln the Prqperty hee of ell Ilens havinp priorlty over or eqwl to lM <br /> Inlerest of Lender under thls Doed of Trust,exaepl lor Ihe Ilen ol toxes and essessments nol due and except as otherwlse provlded In Ihfs Deed <br /> ol Trust. <br /> Rlpht To Ca�teat. Truslor may withhold pnyrnenl of eny lex,essessment,or clalm In connec;tlon wlth a qood lalth d�spute over fhe ohlwatlon i <br /> � to pay,so lonq as Lender's Inlerest In Ihe P�operly is not�eopardlzed. If e lien arises or Is 6led as o result of nonp�yment,Truslor sh�M wlthln <br /> I fiAeen(16)days ettet the 118n erlses or,If e�en Is hled,wllhln fifleen(15)deys aRe+Trustor hns nol�e of lhe fillnp,seCUre the dlscharps of Ihe <br /> ! lien, or II requesled by Lender, deposlt wi�Lende�qsh or a sufficlenl corporsle surety bond a ather security setlstectory to Lendor In en <br />_ Iamuual sulticlent to dISC•herpe the Ilen plus nny tnts�nd�tiorneys'fees or other chxrQes thaf could eccrue ns a result ol e foreClosun or sale <br /> � under Ihe lion. In nny contest,Truslor shel defend ilselt ond Lender and shall salisy eny adversc Judgment befae enforcert�ont�{yl�lnst tM <br /> I property. TniStor shall name Lender a5 a�eddilional obli9ee under nny surety bond furnlshed In the Contesl proceed�ngs. <br /> • <br /> � � � <br />