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.��' , ,. .. . • <br /> � YI <br /> . � .. ,rti.:_. •_� , <br /> .ti ' � .. .. _---'_' _ <br /> � , , �.....� .._� <br /> ar.'.•r S - �..�.._ .. _ <br /> - ,y;,.,',v �.n�V'oF� • - � ' .. . <br /> `.A __c... . <br /> � i�i«L;.NEr(iiva�LlMAYnhinwar -=-=.� . :.i. 'i. -..� �... ����:�. <br /> 7 1� . _. ..�.�_.. . . � <br /> ., U. <br />— �.r.v�. <br />_ ` � ' F�'� Aorrowcr shall prnmpAy givc I.cndcr writtcn noticc of uny invcstigation, claim. dcmand, luwwit or ��thcr uctiun ny uny _ <br /> : • ( governmentul c�r regul�rtory ugency or privute party involving the Pruperty und uny Flucardnuti Substancc nr Envirunmcntul Law <br /> x af which Hurrowcr has acwal knuwlcdgc. If Borrc�wcr Icarns,or i,nutificd by any govcrnmental or regulatory auth��rity, that <br /> g �nty rc��tuval�rr uthcr rcntcdiatiun of uny Ha�ardo��s Substancc al'icclin� thc Pn��urly is nrrr��ary, Hurr�n+•rr sh;dl promptly tak� - <br /> •. all nccesvary rcmcdial actions in accordancr with F.neirnnmcntal <br /> " " • Ai uticd in this parugraph 20, "Huxardous Substunces" arc th�»c +uh,tancrti Jclincd u. ioxic ur hararduus suhstancc� hy� — <br /> ' `-' Gnvironmental Law an�l thc lidlawing substanccs: gusoline. kcrotienc. othrr tl�mnnahle ur ti�xir pctrulcum prudu�ts. taxic� <br /> '` pesticides und hcrbicides, v�ilutile satvents, materials containing utibestos ur tiirmaldchyde,and radioactive muteriul,.As uticd ii1 <br />_ i�.� this paragraph 20, .,Gnvironmental" m�;tns fecieral luws and lawx uf �he jurisdiction whcrc thc Prc�perty is located thu� - <br /> relute tu health,safety or cnvironmentul prntection. �, <br /> � NON-UNIFORM C�VF.NANTS. Horrnwcr and Lcndcr funher ce,vcn,�m and;igrce:�+fi,llrnti-�� � <br /> ; r����f„�`t� 21. Acceleration; Remedtes. Lender shuU give notice tn Borro«�er prlor to acceleration Pollnwing 13orrower's breucK.D <br /> oP any covenunt or n�reement in thts Securtty Instrument (but not prlor to ncceleratlon under paraRraph 17 unles� <br /> .�.,M��' applicable luw pr�vldes otlierw(sej. The m�t(ce sht►!I specify: (a)the defuult;(b) the action rec�uired tu cure the defaultQ <br /> ' '�- (c)a datN,not less than 30 days from the date the nottce is given to Borrower, by which the default must be cured; and _ <br /> � � (d) that failure to cure the defauU on or before thr date specitied in the nottce may result in acceleration af the sums - <br /> secured by this Security Instrument and sale of the Praperty. The nutice shall further inPorm Borrower of the ri�ht to __ <br /> �•� �` reinstate nPter acceleration and the ri�ht to brin� a rourt ection to nssert the nnn-existence of a defs�ult or Any other � <br /> ' `' defense of Rurrower to accclrration uud sAle. If thr default is nut cured mi nr bcforc the date sp�YiFied in the noticc, _- <br /> ls'' l.ender, at its uptiai, may reyuire immedii�tc pnyment in full of aq sums s��cured by this Security Instrununt withnut <br /> � & further demand und may Invoke the p�nver uf sale und any other remedics permitted by appllcable laa•. l.endcr shall be <br /> entltled tu collect ull expenses Incarred h�puryuing the remedies pruvided in this puru�ruph 21,inctudin�;,but nut li�nited <br /> to. reusonuble atturncys'FMS und cotits oP t(Ne cvldence. <br /> �• ?� IP the p��rrr of ss�le(s invoked. Trustee shnll rrcord a notice uf defuult in euch county in �vhich uny purt of the <br />` ' 1'roperty Iti lucuted m�d sltnll muil copies of sucli nodce in the munner prescrlbed by uppllcublc luw to Korro��•er und to <br /> thc oN�cr pcnoi�s pr�wcribcd b�•upplfci�blc luu•. Aftcr thc tfmc rcquirc�l by�uppUc.iblc laa•.Trustcc shull};Irc pubUc m►Ncc � <br /> _ of sule to fhe per��ms uad fn the munner prexcribed by ��ppllcuble Is�a. 'frustce. �ti(thnut demnnd on Borrnwce�, tihull scll <br /> thc Pro�xrtv ut pul�llr uucUon to tlte hl�;hetit blclder at tlu Unu�md placc cu�d under the termti desi�nuted In the notice oF <br /> " ti�Qe In �►m nr murc p�u•cek und in uu}• ord�r'1'rutitec dctermineti. '1'rutitec nm�• �w+t�wne tinle of ull or unS• ��urcel uf the = <br />- � Pru�xrty by publlc unnounccmcnt i►t thc tlntc imd plucc oP unp p�•c�•Inusly 4hcdidcd titdc. l.cndcr or its dexl�;ncc may - <br /> '. •"+,.• purchn,c tNc Properl}•ut uny s►dc. • <br /> _ UEwn r�tielpt of puyment ��f the En•Icd bld, 7'rutitce sh�►II dcllvcr to thc purcliuscr 'Prustce's dced camveyin�; the _ � <br /> , � Pro�xrty. '1'hc rxcituls in the 'I'rustee's deed shnll be prlmn Pucle evidenre of the truth of thc sts�tements�nnde thercln. _, <br />• Trustce rhi�ll upply the prnceedti of the sule In the folloa•In�;order: (tU tn ull cnst+and cxExnx�w of excrcisin�! tl�e power i►f _ <br /> sule,uud thc sule, includinF the puyment of the Trustec's Pecs uctuullv bmurrcd, not to exceed the�jof 50.00 or � `�o <br /> _ oY the princlpal un�ount of the n��te ut the Nme nf the declurntiui�of defiiult,und reusunuble attorney�' fees as permitted <br /> by la�r. (H)to ull swns secured by thiti Security Instrumcnh,und(c) an�• exc�ws to the pe�:tion or persmis Ic�!ally cnt(tled to <br /> „ i it. <br />= 22. Rcec►m•eyunce. Upon payment of ull sums sccureJ by this Serurity Instrununt, Lender xhall rcyuetit Trustec to <br />-� reronvey the Property und shall surrendcr this Security In�trwnrnt anJ all nntes cvidencing debt sccured by thiti Securiry <br />_`' Instrumcnt to Trustcc.Truttcc shall rccunvcy du Propcny without warranty und«ithout chargc tci thc person ur persons Icgally <br />:,' .. _ entiUc�cl tu il.Such per,cm or pertiuna shall pay uny recurdntiun casts. <br />- ' � 23. Substitute Trustee. i.cnder, at its option, muy from[imc to timc removc Trustec and up�x>int a yucccssc�r uustcc to <br />;:��� r.. . any Trustee appointed hercundcr by an instrumcnt rc�orded in the wunty in which this Security Insu•ument is rccordeJ. Without <br /> T''�" ` conveyance of the Properry,the tiuccessor trustce shall succecJ to all the title, power and duties confrrred upon Trustec hercin <br />=`'"'' ' and by upplicablc law. _ <br /> 24. Request for NoHces. Borrower reyuests that copies of the notices of defauh and sule br sent to Borrower's uddress <br />- - ° ' • which is the Properiy Address. <br /> " � 25. Ridcrs tu thls Securlty Instruntent. It unc ur murc riders arc cx�ruteJ by Borrower and recorded tc�gcthcr with this . <br /> ' ' `. Security Insttvmcnt, the�ovenunts and ugreements��f cuch such rider shall be incorporated into and sh:tll amend and supplement <br />_ -•s �:•s. the covenunts and agreements of this 5ecurity Intitrument as if the rider(s)were u part of this Security Instrument. <br />`� - ' - [Chcck applicablc boz(es)� <br />-- , aw <br />_. . �Adjustablc Ratc RiJcr �Condominium Ridcr Q 1-4 Family Ridcr = <br />�: . L�GruJuxted Paymcnt Rider C�Planned Unit Dcvelopmcnt Ridcr �$iweckly Payment Rider <br /> = -- ❑Balloon Rider 0 Rate Improvement Rider C�Second Humc Rider � <br /> - • , �V.A. Ridcr [}�Othcr(s)(spccif'y� <br />~�}` —�iome Equity Line Rider <br /> r;,:� ���,y <br /> . � BY SIGNING BELOW, I3orrower accepts and agrees to(he terms and re�venants cuntainrJ iii thiti Seruriry Intitrumcnt nnd � <br />-� in t�ny rider(s)executed by E�arrower and recorded���ith it. �' <br /> W it ncx�e�: <br /> � �v���.(sr J�-v ��c,c.-,...i-�— <br /> -'-�— �— --�- ----�Scal) <br /> X Bonnu Barton tdanek i;�,rm���cr <br /> - ---- -- ��/!_�� _(Scal) � <br /> _—.__ __ _._... _ _._ John Mich�l Wanek i+��rm��cr f <br /> ' � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> , ---�------ ------- --- - - -- -------� - - -- . . - --- -- - --- ------- ---- (tic.d) <br /> � -�-�-- iinnnwc� rinnaxcr - <br /> ti'I'A'1'F.UF NM:RRAtiKA, (',���i�t� xti: Hall <br /> Thr t��rcge�ing instrumcnt ��;u arkn����•Ir�lgr�hclurr mr thi. �th �I:i�-ul llecember . 1997 . <br /> , �,� Bonna Barton Wanek and John Michae7 [danek, husband and wife . <br /> 1Wiinr,ti m�•h,utd:�tiJ notarial tiral ;il GYand Island, Nebraska in+:ud Cl�un�p. thr.l;Ur ali�rr+aid. <br /> ht� C�,mnm.i�,n lierircti: CENERAlNOiARK - . �� , � � <br /> � � YICKtGOETj t6qSRo �,��.��, ���a.i�� . - . <br /> ; December 23, 2000 ��^m•E+�D•Det.y3,ppp0 <br /> � <br /> � , �•-�•����••� � Form 3028 9�90 <br /> i i <br /> _ I <br />