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:�► , . .. <br /> ,.'� . .. -_- <br /> . �-- <br /> :,... . �_ . <br /> .�'�"��_•__ - - .., ., � , . . _ "�1- <br /> ., ,.:, <br /> -=- - .. . <br /> -��n.. . ..... . ... . .. :�:.,�.—.- <br /> , ���` -.. <br /> • ,Uhrtautrilly cyuiv:tlrni ���urtpa�r in,ur;irn•r ru�cr,i}�c i.m�i a���rn�«rr,lydl ��a� in Lrn�lr� .a.h muiHh :i,um rqu;d tu f''�=`�, <br /> . '�mr-I��rllth��I lh� yrarl� m�,�tea�.r nt,tuani�prcmituii hrinE(�ald hy R��rru�rrt ��hrn thr in,ui;ui�r.nvria�r la�„r�l nr�ra,�d t�, .,w.=�L" <br /> t�r in rlt�rt. Lcndrr��•ill ar�epl. u�c and relain lhc+c ��a�nt�uh a+ a lu,ti rcunr�n hru nl iuui�lt:il:� in�uranrr. Ln.. re,�•rvr �.�N <br /> �,;iy mrnt,iu:i� nn I�mErr h�� rrquircd. :d ihr�q�tiun nf I.cnJcr. if murlga�c in,wancr i���rra�r un ihr,�iuninu �ui�l I��r thc prrin�l `..z„.' <br /> iL,n L.•ndrr rcquiicv�nn�ulc�l h} an in,urrr uppi���rd hy I.cndrr:i;:ain Ikr�mir. ;i�.ul:ihle�inJ �,uhl.unrJ. liurru��u ,h:dl ��.i� . <br /> Ihr prciniunt�rryuir�•J ti�m.nnlaln nu�rl�!;i��imur,nrcr m cllc.:t,ui In pruuilc.i lu„ir,rnr. unUl thr iryunrinrnt Ini ninit�agc � <br /> in,ur�ner rn�l,in arr��r�l:mrc��nh;in� ��nitrn:igirrn��nt I,ei«�•cn fi��rrn��ci unJ Lrnd�r ur:ip��li�.ihlr L���- . <br /> 9. btspeclG►n. LrnJrr ur it,a�!rnl ne�� �n;il�r r�:i,nnahlc cnlrir� upun :mJ in.prcunn, nl Ihe Pn�prrl�. l.rndrr ,hall Eivu � . . , <br /> . Rnrrn�ticr n��tirr at ihr umr ul��r priur lu an intiprcli�,n,��ccd)in�r�.uunahlc rau.r lur thr m�prruun. .. <br /> ' 111. ('ondcnntulion. 1'hc prurcr�l, ul any a��:u�d nr rlaini G�r dattiagc,, dirrrl rn run.ri�urnlial, in rnnnrruun ��id� .in�, <br /> � cundrntnali��r.ur �rihcr tu6m� n(am p:ul nl lhr 1'ru�icrl).ur Il�r rnm•ryanr�� in liru ul rnn�lrmn:iU�m. ;u•� hcrchy auiEnrd ana� ... <br /> � ,liall hr pai�l lu I.�n�lrr. . . . . ,: <br /> r In thc rvcnt uf a tutal taking c�l thr f'�pruc.cJ,.h:dl he �ipplicJ tu thr �umti.rrureJ hy Ilu,lrrunty Intitrumrnl.� . ;"�vti: <br /> � '" �rhrthrr i�r ncH thcn Jur. ��uh :in) r�rr„ �;��a ��� f;urri�HCr. In thr c�•cni��I a p:u�li:il� nl ihc Pruprrty fn ��hirh thc I�iir� •- ;�,':��,;,--... <br /> � `:,�.. <br /> , . ,,,,�c m:u�kct �•alur nl thc Pruperl� inunrdia<<1} hrlure thc i�ryual lo ur granrr than ihr amuunt ul�thc ,um, .rcurcd hy thi� �`�r:n;�:. <br /> Securiry In�u�untcnt immcdiatrl� hclurc thr Iakin�!. unl��, H��rru���rr :m�l L�n�lrr uthcnvi,e a�!r�r in�t•riting. lhr+um.,rrurcd hyn . .c;`;:`..-- <br /> � thi, Scrurity Intitrwn�nt �hall hr redurrJ hy thc .imuunt uf thc prurccd. nmlti�+licJ by thr li,llu��ing li•arti��n: �:U thc i�uxl� '••.�.;� - <br /> '� anwunt of th� sum�tirrurrcJ immcdiatcly h�f�ttc thc iakinE. Ji�idcd hy�h� thc I'uir markct �•.dur ul thc Prupert�� im�ncdialrly •.>,ti:°��-. <br /> ��_- <br /> hcfiir� !hc cakin�. Any halanrr +hall h� paiJ t��Hun�n�vec In lhc eecnl�,t� a partial� nl'thc 1'ruprrly in �+•hirh Ihc I:iir _`�i?r,�-M <br /> S market valuc��f Ihr Property imtncdiat�l� hcf�rrc thc laking iti Ic�y than Ihe .unuunt nl'thr �um�tirrurcd immcdiatcly hrtim lh� =___ <br /> � taking. unlctis B��rroN•rr and I.cndcr �,thcrai�c acrr� in ���riii�iE ur unlc�s arplicahlr la�c ntlicn+�iu pruvidrs, thc prucced�+hall �-"'�' <br /> , ,•� he appli�J to lhe tiunu s�rured hy lhi,Seruniy Intitrument x•hethrr c�r nc��ihc�umti arc thrn dur. �;;��;- <br /> � If thc Prupert� iti cihanilunc�h�� Burru��er.or if.:ittcr nc�tice hy I.rndcr a�ti�,rrrnaer th:n thr runJrmnor�, makr :u� �em -- <br /> t .nvard ur ticttic a rlaim tirr duma�rti. 8urrower lailti tn rr,��und t�, I_undcr ��iQiin 3U dayti :ilirr thr da�r th� nuuc� i� gi�•cn. � <br /> r �_, <br /> � '� [.cnder i,authuriicd to cullcet and apply the procec�lti,at iis c�ption. either to rr+tc�ra�iun ur repair ut the Property cir tu the�ums — `: <br /> ..� urured hy th+�Seruriry Instrument, whether ur not then due. _,.--�--_ <br /> • Unle�+ LcnJcr an�l Rurru�vrr uth�ra•iar agree in �+•riting. ainy ���rr�.���„„ uf }�roc��tlti tu principal .h,ill n�x cxt�nd cir ��. <br /> patitpunc thr dur datc�,f thr munthly p:iqmcnt�rel'crrrd tc�in Paragraph�I and 2 ur rh,uigc thc amunnt ul'tiurh puymcnt.r. ��i.q,' <br /> . � � 11. Borr�n�•rr Not Itcicused: Forbcarancc Bv I.endcr Not�t \Valcer. Gxtrn.i��n uf thc timc Ii�r payment or mudilir.iticm ��;�_ <br /> i nl:uiuirliiatiun nl Ihc,wu,u'i'UI'�'tl h)'�hlti SCCIII'll)' I�rilPUI11CIll�!f.1�1lt�I h) I.i'Ililrr lu an} �urrr,+��r in inlrrr�t�,f 13urruwcr,h�ill -•,�._. <br /> , 4 �.- <br /> ni,t nprratr l��relr:ur Ihr liahilil� ul�thr nnginal f3��rru��crur Rurr��urr••urce•,��n in inirrc,t. LrnJrr,hall n��t hr rci�uuc�l tu •,{, <br /> rununrncc��rurrr�linE• aE��imt .u��• ,urrr"rn• iu intrrc,l urrrftnr t��r�ctcnil lunr tur �rn•mrnl ��r��thrr��i.r nw�lil'y ;unuruiali�m <br /> � � �,I� ihr ,uiuy ,rrurcd hy ihi. ti�•runt} In,uumcnl h� rra���n al an� �Irmand in:idr hy ihr �n�i�iiril li„rruacr ur liurru��rr ti _,���;`.`. <br /> ,urrr�,ur, iu intrr�•,I. Am Inihr:u;�nrc I,� LrnJ�r in r�riti�in�! ❑ny riF�ht �,r irnu�l� ,hall rn�i hr :� ��airrr��I ur prrrludr �hr �*r_ <br /> �•, rr�rri,�nl nn� riEhl nr icmr�l�. --; <br /> 12. tioccestiurs und A+ri�us Bound: Jolnt w►d ticrrrnl I.iuhflit}; l'n-,i�!ncrr. Ihr :�,�rn:uu. :uid a�:rr�mrnt, nl thi� �;. <br /> tirrunt} In.lrunirni .hall hind and hrnrtii tl�.�IICCI'yti�ll�;�nJ ,iti�i�n� nl Lrnilrr ;inJ liurru��rr. ,uh��ri in thr pnrvi.iuu, �,I ��;�' <br /> .� p.u:i�:ra{�h 17. li��rru��•rr'+ ru�rnainl, :mil a�rrcntcrn> �hall hc juini :md �r�rr,il. Am linrrnarr �+�hu ru-tii�n, Ilit, �rcurity �,— <br /> - liitiuumrnt hut �I�u. n�H c�crrinr Ihr N��tc: �al f. c�,.iEnmF thiti tirrurn} In,Uwncnl unl)• tu nwrt}:a�c. t!rant :md r��m�r�� thal �p�; <br /> _ �. ..;5:::��rc::::c•. I�,.i���n���nr �In �.nut ncr.on:dh- nhlii�atcd tu pay thc+um� -- <br /> � fiUl'fUWI'I'� Illll`I'l'til 10 I�IC �'lu��cll) u�luci iuC iiiiii',., • . . - <br /> ?° ,rrw•cd hy this ticruriq�In�u�umrnt: and lrl ugrecti lh�it I.�ndcr and�any uihcr Bunmrrr may.igrce l�,rxtrnd. nuttlily. (unc�ar ur <br /> �'. m:d.�any arcuntirn�dutiuny�+ith ngurJ tu�hc tcnnti�d�Ihi+S��urity Intilrumcnt or thc Nute withuul ihut Hurruw�r'ti ronsenl. <br /> t l3. Loun Chur�ev. If thc loun ticcureJ hy thiti Src:urity In+u•ume:nl i, whjcri tu a la�s which sct� m�ximum laan cliargc�. <br /> � 'mtl Ihat law iti tinally intrrprrlcd w that thc inlrresl ur�nhcr luun chargr� rullcrlcd ur l�t hc �ullcctrd in ronnrclion wilh thc � <br /> loan crrced the prrmitteJ limit.. then: (al any,urh luan char�e.hall be reduccd hy lhe anwunt neressary tu reduce thc rharge <br /> . to the permiUCd limit: and (h) any ,wm :drrady callrrtcd from Burrr���•tr H•hirh excceded permittcd limit,will hc refunJrJ to <br /> Burru�ticr. L.endcr muy rhu�i.e tu make thi� refund hy reclucing �hc priticipal o��-cd under the Nate ur by ntaking a direct �� <br /> paymcnt t�� Barrowcr. II' a rrlimd reduceti principal. the rcJuction will he vcatcJ xs a partial prepaymcnt without any <br /> prcpaymcnt chargc undrr thc N��tc. <br /> , ; l4.Notices. Any nuticc tu Borrnwcr pru�•ided tirr in thiti Se�urity Intitrumrnt�hall hc givrn hy �elivcring it ur hy mailing <br /> � it U�� fint cla+ti ntail unlc�,applirahlr law rcyuirrs utic c�f anulhrr rocthixl. Thc nutirc,h:dl hr dircrteJ ta tlir Prn�xrty AJdres+ <br /> c,r an�� ��thcr uddresti Horro���cr dc,ignatc+ by m�ticc t��l.cndcr. Any nutirc tu Lcndcr tihall hc givcn by fir�t clatiti ntail tu <br /> Lendrr's address stated herein ur any ather addresti L�nJer Jesignatc,by nuti�c w Burrower. Any notice proviJcd for in thiti <br /> " Security Instrurnrnt tihall he deemed tu h:ivc heen givcn to liurrowcr��r I.ender whcn givcn ati pruvidcJ in this paragruph. <br /> , . 15.Governin�; Li��ti•: Srver�bility. '�hi� Sccurit}� Insn�umm�t �hall hc governcd hy fcdcial law and thc luw of thc <br /> juritidi�ti��n in which thc Property iti luratcd. h� tlir cvcm thal any provisian ur rinutie c�f thiti Srcuriry In�trumcnt ur thc Notc <br /> � conflicts wilh applieahle law, such runflirt shall ncit af'fcci uthcr pruv�tiiunti of lhiti Sccurity Instrumcnt ur thc Nc�tc N'hich�an bc <br /> givcn��ffc�t�vithout thc runtlirting pnTVi,i��n.T�� thi� cixl thc prcwisioro uf thiti Scrurity In,trumcnt und thc Note arc dcclurcd <br /> ' �� � t��hc tic�crahlc. <br /> l6. Burrowcr's Cnp�•.Aurruwcr tihall hc given onc�ontirrmcd capy ul ihc Notc and��I'thi�Scrw�ity Intitrumcnt. <br /> � � 1 17.Trimsfer of thc Yropertv or►► Benetic�al Inteirst in Bcirro�ser. II aU or:uiy part c�l thr Prnprr[y ur any intcrest in it <br /> F i.+old ur transf'crrcd (ur if a hrncficial intcrc�i in Burr�,�rer iti wld ur u�an�IcircJ and Burruwrr i�nat a nawral person)���ithout <br /> � ' Lendcr'. prior ���rittcn r�mticnt. [.endrr muy, at it� c�piiu�i. rcyuir.; immeJiate p:rynunt in full of all tiums securcd hy thi� -- <br /> � Sccurity� Intitrumcnt. Howrvcr, thi,uptiun.hall not bc rzcrriticd hy LcuJcr il cxrrrisr i�prohibitcd by f'cdrral law a,uf thr ctcuc ,_–_-- <br /> � ul'thi,Sccurity In>u•umrnt. •.- _,� <br /> �.:.�. <br /> If[.cndcr cx�rcixcs thiti upti��n. l.cndcr thall givc &�rrci�err twiicc of aacleratiun. 'fhc nutirc�hall pru�-idr a p�riuJ of nut --_ <br /> 1 ICtiti than �l)dayti I'rum thc datc thc noti�c i�dclivrr��l ur mailcd�vi�hin ��•hirh Burm���cr nwtit pa�• all �um� yCCUred hy this �.,�v_ <br /> 5ccurity In,n•umcni. II'13i,rru�►-rr I:iilti tu pay�hc,r u�nt>pr't�tt lo thc czpir:itinn ul this prriixl. Lcndcr may invc,ke any rcm�Jic, ':'<�.�--�__ <br /> permi�trd h�•thi�Scruritv Imtrumrnt�vitlwut lurthrr nuucc ur drrnai��un Borrci�ecr. ... .: . <br /> I8. Borro���cr's Iti};ht lu Itcinstutc. If Hurr�����cr mcctti r�rlain cunditiun�, f;urruwcr tihall harr thr right to havc • •� . <br /> cnl��rrcmcnt uf thi+ Srcurit�• In.u�ununt Jiticontinucd at any tinu prior tu �hr cu•licr ul�: �a) 5 d,iy. (�,r wch uthrr periud a, :5 : <br /> I applirahlr law may ,(kril� fitt rcintil:it�ntcnll hclorr �al� ul thc Prnprrt� pur�uanl to any ro���cr �,1' salr cuntuincd in thi� <br /> Se.uri��• In.irumm�t: �rr Ihl znu�r�,I a iu�l�mcnl�nfuning thi.Scrurity In�trumrnl. 'i'hutic cunJiuun.:u•r tha� F3urrciwri°l.0 peryti <br /> L�n�lrr:dl tiuntti ��hirh thcn ��uulJ h<<luc undrr thiti SrruritJ• I�tstrttnknt ;mJ thc Nutc ati il�n�� arrrlrratiun had orcurrcd: (b) <br /> 1 curcti anp dcfaull ul' am ���lirr cu�cuant,nr agrrcmcnt�:(c) pay�all r�E�rnx> iniui:rJ in cnli�rcin�; thi� 5ccurity Intilrunt�nt. <br /> inrludin�. hut nnl IiiiiurJ t�,, �ra�un;�hlr:itturnr„' Irc.::t�ul 1�I) iakr,wrh:irUun a� LrnJcr m,ir rr,nunahl�• rr�µnrr lu ati�urr <br /> tlic lirn ul tlu.tirrurm In,lrumrnt. I.cnJrr�� n�ht,in lhc f'ra��rrl� and finrrm�rr', ��hli�ati�m lu �r,i)• Ihc .unn xrurccl h)• <br /> � thi, tirrtirii� In.lrumrnt •hcill <<,nunur unihan�t�d. l!pun rrin,t:ucmcnt h� 13urn,��rr. thi, ticrunt� In�u•umrnl ai��l thr <br /> f uhliy�aUun+xrurrd hrrrh� .hall i�main liilly cl�l'��i li�r ,n i f nu:irrcicrali�,n ha�l urrurrc�L Ho�c��cr. thiti right tu rcinstatr .hall <br /> . i not appl� in tlic r:i.r��I arrrlrraUun unilrr��:ira�r,q�ii i 7. .'--- <br /> IN. titllc uf\utc: C'htln{;c uf Lrnm ticl'�'iccr. 'llir N��Ir ur .�p.irlial inlrnr�t in U�r N��tr llo�.rdtcr �+ith lhiti ti�rurity <br /> �' Instrumcnll niay hr•uIJ �,nr�,r murc titnr, ��ith��ul��riur nuurr l�,li�xn,��rr. A �alr ma� rr,ult in a chan�c in Ihr rntitr lkncn�•n <br /> � ci��hc "Lnan Srnircr..�thai r��llcc��mnnihl� paymcnt�Juc undrr ihr V�nr anil thiti ticrurm In,lrumcnt. 'I'hrrc:du, ma�•hr unr <br /> ��r nturr Ihc I.��:�n Scr��irrr uiurl:urd t��a�.ilrnt�thr Nulc. II Iltcrc i� a rh:mgr��I'Ihr Lu:ut Srn•ircr. kiurn���•cr will hc <br /> gi�cn��rinrn iiulirc�,I lhr ih:uiEr in arr�,nlanrr ��ilh {r,ua�.iaph Id ah„�c ,md a��plirahlr la��. 'I'hr nolirc��ill ,lal�Ihr namc an.l <br /> i :id�lrru �,f Ihr nr�� Lu,in ti�r�irrr :mJ Ihr aJJrr,•t�� �chi�h p,iyinrnt�.hnuld hc ma�lr. "I'hc nnlicr ��iU :dti�� runtain :m� �,Ihrr <br /> fnl��nn:W��n rrc�uu�J h� appliraldc la�+. <br /> I 20. lluzi�rdou� tiubstunccs. R�,rrui�rr.h.�ll n��t rau,r ur pernui lhc prr�rnrr. u•r. Ji,�� ,i��ragr. �,r rcicatir nf :im• <br /> � Ilaru'Jnu� tiuh�lanrr� nn ur in Ihc Vmperl). I�urn���tr .hall nut dn. nur ull„�+ au�nnr rl,r l�, J��. :imtltin� affrrlin� Ihr <br /> � I'n�prrl� that i� in ciuLitinn �•I;ui� F-n�in,nmri�t:il I.a��- '1'hc��rrir�hn� I��u �rnt�itre• •h:dl nnl a��pl� I�� Ilir prc,rnrr. u,r. ui <br /> � �I�,rugr un thr 1'run�rly ul�mall ��uanlflic� ul Harutl��u, tiub.l:inrr,ih:�I ,irr ±�rnriall� irr�,env��f 1�� hr a��pru��rialr tn n�n�mal I <br /> � rc�iJrntial u>rti anil t�,maintrnanrr ul thc 1'roprrt�. <br /> ' �„ � ,� Furm 3028 9�9U � <br /> �i_ _ __ _ _ ___ <br />