<� . '..;:;;�
<br /> I .�.� - � –'.� ' � .. . . . . . ... .. � �. . . ^,..... . . .. _. _. . ., . . •Jl�r���� ��I'���6`'.•
<br /> �l'h': . . .� �i._-..=.– '• °"--
<br /> ��- `'�.�'�_i..i_—=
<br /> � Thc Ftn1Jti ,hull hn c�ld in un in+titution wh�nc dc o�its arc intiurcJ h i frdrrul a��nr•, in�u•umrntalit •. �tt cntit �'R"u='=�=--�--
<br /> P Y � t- Y > Y -.�.e:�:;_.�,_-
<br /> (includin� l.cndcr, il Lru�ler i,.urh .in imtituliutU��r in iury f�cdrral H�,mr Luan Bauk. LcnJrr,h:ill apply thr i�un��i��pay tht • ..�':.:_:t..
<br /> . ,;t:..�. r�l�,
<br /> � Fi,craw hcnu. l.rndcr may n„1 rhartec fi�rcr��wcr F�u huldin� and applyin�th�Fund,. annually:uialyiin�, ihr c�rruw accuunt. or , �.s;:"�ia;°==
<br /> �•cnlyinE tlir fitirrn�� h�nt,. unlr.�I.rnder��ay�Hc�rrnwcr intcrc+t nn lhr{�undti and applirahlr I;i�� p��rmih I.rndrr t��makc tiuch . �"
<br /> ,� rh�ir�r. Iluwrrri. I.rndcr miiy rcyun'o B��rruwcr tu pay a unr-timc rl�:�r�c lur:in indrp�ndrnl rr:d r,tal�: I:ix r�pnrtin� ,rrvirc � . ,�, -:�r73�,:
<br /> _ u,rd hy L�ndrr in r��nncction wiih thi� lir,m. unlc,+ upplicahlc la�v prnvidr, niL•rn+itir. l�nlc„ an a�rrrmrnt i� madc ur :
<br /> :�ppliruhlr law rcquirc,intrrc,i t�,hc paid. L�:ndcr ,hall nut bc rcyuir�d tn 4r.q• Burru��rr��n�• intrrr.t ur ru�nin�.��n ihr Fund,. • . ;;`,i:-
<br /> Bun�n��•cr and I_rnd�r ntaV a�!I'« in �rriling. huwcver. thul i►t1el'�y[tihall h� p;iid nn Ihc f�un�lti. l.cndcr +h.dl gi�•c t�� fiurruwrr, � �%+�+Y�r".,
<br /> �rithuut chur�:c. c�n �innual acruuntin�! nl thr Fundti. +hciwing crcditti :�nd �Ichiu tu thr I�und, an�l thc purpu�r lur �ahich c.►rl , , ,E�c,,°
<br /> . � .��N.:.?' -.- .
<br /> d�hit tu lhr I�und.w;�+nr.iJr.'I'hr Fund,:u•e pkJged as additional +ecurity I�or all sum��ccurc�hy thiti ti�rurily IntiU'um��nt. r-�,,�-,x,.��.
<br /> II'Ihr Funil.hrld hy Lendrr cxrrrd IL'c amuuniti rerntittcJ Ic�hn c�ld hy applirahlr lat�. Lrndrr.hall arcc�unl lo H�n'r�nvep .,
<br /> ' tiir thr rxces+ I�wids in arr��rdi�nrc with the requiremems oC applicablc law. II the umuunt ��f thc f�un�lti hclJ hy LcnJrr at an � �,�;u.ic;,,
<br /> ' time i,not suffirient tu i the E+crciw Itcm���•h�n due. I ender nr� �o notif- Hurr�iti•rr in wriiin�. und. in tiuch rau Borruw '� �.-�----�".
<br /> p�y Y� 5 b �;r::�.�-,a.t��;::
<br /> ...""•""'`� : �h:tll pay ta l.rndcr tli�anwunt nccc„ary t�� makc up the dclicicncy. liurrowrr shull makc up thc dctiricnry in nu mur� tha� ;. :`�.
<br /> ~ �'., '."°` ' twrlvr monthly paymcnts. at I_cndcr'+solc diticretion. ---�_M.-_ '4'+.
<br /> Upon paymcnt in full n( all �um+ scrurcd by this Security Instrument. Lrndcr tihall prrniipUy rclimd to B��rruwer any r,�,��--=-
<br /> „ i�=unds hcld by l.ender. If. unJer parigrapli�'1. I.enJer shall aryuire��r+cll the Propcny. L�nder. priur ta the urc{ui�ition ur tialc .....�- -
<br /> �..«�_-=�-�.
<br /> c�f ihr Proprny, shall a�ply :ury Fund�held hy Lrnd�r at thc�imr nl aryuitiiti�in�n•.alc a. :i rrr�lit ap:iin+t thr+um•.crur�d hy �;r�ka--------- -
<br /> , thiti Srrurily ln,trumcnt. -=
<br /> • ; 3. ,�pplfcallon oY Paymcnts.Unlc�s applir.thlc law pri�videti uth�r��i�c.all p:q�mrnt� r�cri��cJ hy l.cndrr undcr paragr:�phs -`;.-,�-
<br /> � 1 and :.' shaU hc appli��J: firsl, tc�:my prcpnymcnt rhargcti duc undcr thc Nntr: xcunil. lu antount, payahlr undcr paragraph ?: `:--, _
<br /> ;:i;;;��_.
<br /> i Ihird. lo intcrc�t duc: �i��rth.li� rrincipal due::tntl la+t.Iu an)'late ch.trgcs Juc untler thc Nut�. ��•,�.-
<br /> �3. Char�e.r, I.irns. Hun�owcr tihall � dl taxes. a+u„ments. rhur�e�, (inc+and im�o,itinnti :ntrihutahlc tu thc Pru �rt '�''°-�°
<br /> 1. P�Y � b I �' y :i,5�._.;
<br /> � � whirh may auuin prioriry u��er thi. Scrurity Instrumcnt. ancl Icuschc�ld pxytncnts ur�.*ruund rentti. if any. Bcirrowcr tihall pay =_
<br /> thc�c��hli�:uinn+ in thc m,�nncr proviJrd in paragraph 2. �,r if nnt paid in that manncr. f3urr��wer shull pay thcm�m timc directlY ----
<br /> . �1 � tu the per,t>n u+vrd��.q-ment. Hurruwcr,hull rrnmpdy liirnish tn l.cn�ter all notirr���f:muwnt.tn he psiid undcr thi�paragraph. ='� _
<br /> i,•.r::_�•
<br /> 1 t'B��rr��wer ms�kcs�hese payment,directly. Burrnwer�hall prmn�tly Il�rni�h tu Lendrr reccipt�e�•idrncing thc p�yments. z;,;,�_:-
<br /> �` � Hurr�»�•er�hall prumptlp diticharge any licn which hati priuritp uver Ihi,Securit�� Imtrununt unlrti�Borruwer. (a�ugrees in �?'-`_
<br /> writing tu thc paymcnt ul'th�uhligatiun xrured hy the liui ina manncr:ureptahlr tu [.cnJer: (hl runtcst�in gcufd t�aidi thr lien �-�;�
<br /> „ � hy, or dcfcnJs again,t cnlittr�nunt uf thr licn in. legal pr�uccding. �shirh in thr l.rnJ�r', �,pinian uprr.U� t�� prrvcnt thc �
<br /> � . . . . . . . . �.�,_,�;:—
<br /> �nfi�rrrmcnt of'thc licn:��r (r1�rcurr, fr�,m thc huld�r ul'thc licn an ugrccnunt tiatitifartory tu Lcndrr+uh��r�linating ihc lien to -:;�.,�rr:•.
<br /> lhiti Srruriq� Imtrumcnt. If l.cndrr ilctcrminr.lhat anv rart ul Ihr Pruperty i+ tiuhjcu tu.i lirn whi�h may .�tt�in rriurii� ���u�
<br /> thi�Scrurity Imtrument, [.cndcr may givc H��rrowcr:�u��ucc iJcntifqing ihr li�n. 13urru�arr,hall ,,�uitil'y th� licn ur takc onc ur •�°""���
<br /> ��, nwrr nf ihc.irtium•cl tia•th ahi���c�vithin I(1�I:i��ul thr gn•ingnf�nutirc. �� -
<br /> S. Ha/uYC1 nr Hroptrt�� Insui•uncc. i3��rruucr ,hall kccp thc inipn��•rmrnt� nu��• rxi.iing un c�rral'trr cr�rl�il �m thc C
<br /> Pruprrty in+urc� a�.until luti. ht• lirr. huiaril, in�ludr�l wilhiuih�irrm ".xleu�Ir�I r����rragr�. and any �uhcr haiartl�, inrluding �'�; -
<br /> +� I lun�h ur fl��uiling. fur whirh LcnJrr�ryuirc, fn,uranrr. 'I'hu m,uranrr�hall hr maintuinrd in thr amuunn an�! fin• thr periud, �-
<br /> � thai Lrndrr rrNuirr,. 'fhc in,tu•anrc r:in•rcr �,rncuJing lhr imur,incc�hall hr rhnun hy N��rru��•rr uihjrrt tu Lcndrr'.nppnwal --
<br /> .,I....I. .1...11 n..� h., i .�n•�hlv ����hli..l.l 11 R.vrvur..r L•�il�I�� nciinl:�in �•n�rr:tur J�•�,•rihr�l :d�nvr ��•nt�rl' Ill:iv :11 �.Clli�i•l'•� .
<br /> - _. * upliun.uhtain r�n•rra�r�tu prulrcl Lcndcr'.ri�ht. in thr Pru�i�ny �n�irr��rdanrc�eilh r:u.�gr,�ph 7 " _
<br /> � All intiur:inrr ��nl�cir. an� rruc��:il� ,h.ill hr �icrcptal�lr w Lrndcr,ind tih,Ql inrludc a ,t:u�dar� murt�:��c cluu.r. I.rnJcr
<br /> ;; �h:dl ha�•r thr ri�:ht t��Iwl�l thc�iuhcir,an�l rrnc��al+. II'I.cn�ler rryuirr,.B�n•ru��•rr tih:dl prunirth•�:ivr tn l.�ndcr all rrrciptti ol
<br /> • paid prcnuunu und rrnrwal nuUceti. In thr e�•rnl��(lo�.s. Hurru�aer,hall�ivc pr�,mpt nuticr iu thr in�urance carrier anJ l.ender. _
<br /> I.cnJrr may tnakc pronf nt'In., if nnt mxdr pramp�ly hy [iurru��rr.
<br /> Unl�ss l.rndcr and F�rn•r��w•cr othcr�vitic agrcr in writing.mtiurancc prorccd+shall hr uppli�d t��rr.,turation ur rcpair uf thc
<br /> Prc�p�rty JamagrJ. it'thc rc,tur.ttiun ur rcpair iti cron�miiccdl�•Iea:+iMc.md Lcndcr's ticcuriry i�nut Ics,cnrd. If tlic rr�turati�m ur o�,:
<br /> . rrpair i� not rconomicadly tcatiihlc ur Lrndrr'ti tircurity wuulJ hc Ir+,rned. thc imw•ancr pmrccd. ,hall hc appli«I tu thc+umti
<br /> - �rrured by thix Sccurit}� histrwncnt. whcth�r or nut thcn cluc. wi�h an� cxccsti paid tu Hurrow•rr. If B�xruwcr cihandan� thr _
<br /> Prup�rty. or does nnt,intiwcr�vithin 30 d:rv.a rn�tirr I're�m Lcnder th,it the in,ur,uue rarricr hati olfer�d tu ticttic a rlaim. th�n
<br />� �, l.rndrr may cc�llect the in,ur.ince prorcrd�. Len�icr may u,e the pruceeJs tu repair ur resture the Pruperry or to pay sum�
<br /> ,rciurd hy this Security In+trumrm. �vhrthrr i,r n��t thrn Jur. Thc 10-clay periud �eill hcgin u•hcn thc noticc is gi��rn.
<br /> . ' Unle,ti l.cndrr anJ k3urr�,wer utherwisr a�ree in writin�. any appliratinn ul' pruc�cdti t�� prinripal +hall ncx extend ur
<br /> pu,ipimc thc du� dutc nf thr m�,mhly p.iymrm, rcfcrre�i i�, in�iaragraph, I and 3 or changc thc amuwn of thc paymcnts. If
<br /> : undrr p��r.i�raph ?I thc Pr��prrly i,airquired hy Lcnd�r, Borro�ccr'�rigM tc�an�� in�uranc�pulirirti and prurccd,rc�ulting t'rom
<br /> r �famagr n,thc Property prinr tu thc aryui.iti�,n tihall p:l}y tu l.cndrr tu thc rxtcnt uf thr tiumti srcured hy this Srrurity Irstrumcnt
<br /> immc�liatrly priur t�� thc acyui�itiun. -�-
<br /> � 6. Qccupancy, Preser��iUion.111uintenunce und Protectlon of the Propert}; I3m•ro���er's Loun Applirution: Lcaseholds. - -
<br /> -- � Borro�crr tihall uccupt•.r�t:.ihli.li.anJ u,r thr Pruprrly a� f3i�rn��rcr'�prinriral �c�idrnrr �vithin�ititp�la�'ti aftcr lh� rscrutiutt ul ��"�` -
<br /> thiti Sc�urity Instrumcni an�l tih:ill rcmtinur l��urrupy Ihr I'rci�rty a, E3�,rrei��rr'�, prinripal r�sidenr� fiir al leatit une ycar atter
<br /> �• th�datc uf urrupanr), wilr,. !_rndrr c�lhcr��i.r;igrc�. i�i wrilin�. �vhirh rcm�cnt �h:dl nul hr um•ca�an:ibly �vilhhcld. �ir unlc+s
<br /> ' ,. � cxlenuatin� cirrunttitanrr� r�i+t ��•hirh .u•n c�yund Bnrrower'ti cnnUvl. Burm�vrr �hall nol dc,lruy. d.utta�:c or inlpair lhC _
<br /> Propert)•. allu�v thr Pn���crn in Jctrri�,r:ar. �,r commit �va+tt��n thc Pr���icrlp. liorruwcr �h.dl hc in dcfault il.�ny furlriturc �.�- -
<br /> u�ti�m nr prucrcding. ��h�lhcr ri�d �,r rriminal. i, I�r�un Iha1 in I.rn�rr'ti �uud I:iiih judErornt �uulJ r��ull in furfriiur�uf th� �':•"-"°"`"""—.."'
<br />- , Pruprrty or othrrwitir matc�•iall� fmpair th� lirn crcalyd hy thi�Scruritv In.trunum ur I.rn�lcr'��rruriq imcr�:,t. l3urro��•rr inay �a�4=--===
<br /> rurr tiurh a Jrtuuh and r�in�lair. ,i� �,ru�i�lc�l in r:u�agrarh I H.I,� cau�inE thr aru�m nr�,rnrrrdin�tn hr�Iitimi�+cJ ���iih a rulin� CN46'�`-°-`_-
<br /> c�,.'yr.-:°��.
<br /> th:it. in l.rnilcr'. �!��ud L�i�h Jrtrrn�in:W„n. prcrlu.lc, li,rl'riWrc nl thr R�,na��rr'+ intrrr.� in thr Pn,�u�rl� ��r „Ihcr nt:n��n:d �r�.`r•:�;+r�=j;
<br /> iiup:iirmrnl ��I Ihr lirn r�c:u.d h� thi, Srrw•ii� Imu•uinrui ��r I.�•nJcr'. ,riunt� in���rc.l. 13��n����rr ,I�.dl ,il.0 Ik� in�Irl;iult il '�:�t:.;�t�,.
<br />; li„rrn;�rr. itinfn�Ihr I„an :i��plir.dunt ��r��irti�. •�a�r m.uricilh lal.r��r in,ii�uralr inl��nnalinn��r�tat��mrnli 1�, Lruilci ��n'Giilyd . ..ti�r:.
<br /> l��pru�ulr l.rnJrr��ilh am mat�n�J ml�,nuaunn) in rnnn�ru�ui��•id� thc luan��ulrnicd b� Ihr Nutc, inrlu�lin�:,hul nnt lintitcd • . .
<br />= t��. repre�rntatiuns r�,ncrr�iin�, f3��rru��rr',��r.•up.uii� ��I thr Prnprrl�� :iti a prinripal rr�idrn�r. If thiti tirruril� lntiu�umrnt iti i�n a .
<br />_ Ic:iuhnld. R��rrrn�rr �h:ill rnnt��l) ��flh ,ill lhr ��I'c��i,i�m� ��I lhr Ir:i�c. II� f;url'o��rr aiyull'r� ICr llllr t�� lhr I'rc�prrll', lhr
<br /> Ira,rhulil an�l th�fcr IiUc .hall n�,t n�rr�i•unlr•.l.rn�l.�r agrcr�i�� d��m�r�rr in �rrfiinz.
<br /> � 7. 1'rotcctiun of Lcndcr'c Ri�;htti in thi�}'rupert}. II iiurn,�+cr fail.t�,��rrinnn ihr r�,�rn:�nt�:inJ:icr�•rmrm. rnntainrcl in
<br /> - thi. tirrurn� In+UU�tt�nt. �,i ihrrr i• a li•�al �aurrrdui� th.it ma� .i�nilirantl� a17rr� I.rn�lri', ri�ln� in ihr I'rn�irrt� ��unc �u;i
<br /> ��n,:�•rdin� in hanhruplc�. ��n�h:iic. I�n ���n�lrmnaUun �u• I�n•Icnurr ur iu cnlurrr I:n�. ��� rrttul;iii�,u.i. Ihrn I.rn�lrr ma� J„ anJ - -
<br /> -. Irn Inr ��h:dr��r i� nrrr.�ai� l�, �,n,lri� ihr �;du�„I Ihc I'r�q�ctt� .nul Lrndrr'. n��hl� in Ihr I'in�,rrl�. LcnJrr�. ai�Uun. m;n•
<br /> fn.hiJr ��a�in}� .m� .um� .�•iurrd h� .i liin ��hirh h;i. ��nunt� n�rr Ihi. tir.uni� In,uuinrnl. :q���r�inng in ��,urt. pa�fn�
<br /> rc,i.��nahlc an�unr�.' Irr, anJ rrnriin� ��u ihr I'n��mil� �u ni:il,r rrpairti. ,Uih��u�h I.rnJri ma� ia6r aruun unJ�r ll�i���ara�raph
<br /> _ - . {.�����i�� �„���, ��,.� � ., . . ,,._ —_-- -
<br /> ,\m anuuntl. �If�hur.rtl h� I rnJrr un�lrr Ilu, ��,iractaph 7 .hall hr���mc ,;�IJiUc,n:�l tlrhl nl Hrnrrn�rr .r�•ui�t�1 h� thi�
<br />.- �iiul��l\ I�ril��tlllk•IIt. l'nl�•.. R„��nt�t•�'.�nil I Cndi•�� ,��'��Ci• ht iqhC� IC��:m nl �r,���ni•nt. thCti� :ulutU�ll. .Il;�ll hi•.��� �nIC�-C�I If�qtl IhC
<br /> il.iir ��I �If�hur.rmrnl :u t,ir tiuir r:dr anJ .h.dl hr ��a�.ihlr.�i ith nurrr�i. u���m n„ii�r li�nn I.rnJri i„ li�,in�����r rryur�ting
<br /> ��.i�nirnl
<br /> - R. �lurt�:��;c In�ul'anre. II L.•n�lrr i�i�uurd nunt�:;ige imur:incr ,i,a�nnJiuun��I in:il�int ih�luan .:iui�•.I h� tlu. Src�nm
<br /> - In.uumrnl. fl��iiu��rr •hall �,a� ihr ��rrnuunn ir��uirr�l i�� rnaintain Ihr iiwilr;irr in•ur,in.c in rllrrl. II. lui ;m� i�:i•nn. Ihc
<br /> - I ni��iitarr �n.ui:in�r :�,��raLr rryuur�l h� LrnJrr I;ip,r� ,u �r;nr, in hr in rlkit. H��ii�,��ri .h;dl ��,i� ihr ��iriniwn. rcyuiirJ lu
<br /> ��M,nn :�,�rr.irr �uh.ianUall� ryui�alrnl in lhr ni„uea.�r ui.w:in�r��rr�inu.l� in rllr�l. .�i .i .n,l .td�.l;inu;ill� rqut�.Jrnl I�, Ihr
<br />_ . �.i i�� linii����ii ��f ihr muii�_:i�:r imurvi�r �ne�i��util� in rllr�l. liuin .�n ahrin;dc �rnuira�i inwii•r .q���i„ted h� I.en�lrr- II
<br /> _ 1 �
<br /> �
<br /> � � � Forrn 3028 9�90 I
<br /> ' f
<br /> _: �
<br />