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Mi�!a+a7;fb• t���'•�n- . .. . .,�}.'�:.'r'1 '�':� _ .. .. <br /> . 1:. , _ _ _ �y__.-_._. <br /> � � � � , ' �.� � , r, �_xa <br /> �=': � � + ,� <br /> � � . � �� :t w` c� us � �°ti�". <br /> i,i �n � i -.] C A ^�� � � <br /> (l :1. ��' I ' 6 � 0 = ,,,,� (� c�y M, '" <br /> ; � � W o O � � •,'-_ <br /> I � `�' O ''� � ;;`�';.i.': <br /> " 4. 1 ' �� � � a � � ,:-«_ <br /> �,\ ls �.-- <br /> � " �1 3 '_' �° O � ��F`�_ <br /> r.� I R ./) �\v �� 7� 4L3 =- <br />- r„��,,•�' r��T U�it � � ° �.� �.a � ��� <br /> ,�,..� : ,,�� LOP� �, � o : <br /> r,, _�� Iti�wcc AMwc'1'hl� M'urRecord6i�;Iln�ul -- ---� ,�,� <br /> \ ,�! <br /> � a Norwest Qank DEED OF TRUST `'�i��µ, �1�Cn��1�D�1 �• �`�`� <br /> ��--. <br /> . � PO Box 2440 w�, = - <br />_ � Umaha, NE 68103 <br /> �: _ _ <br /> � THIS DEED OF TRUST("Securiry Instrument")is made on Decamber 8, 1997 . The trustor is i <br /> �� Bonna Barton Wanek, a married person - <br /> ` .� . <br /> ("Bormwer"). Thc trustcc is Norwest Bank Nebraska, National Association <br /> '' ("Trustec").Thc henefici•rry i�idorweat Bank Nebraska, National Aasociation --- <br /> " which is exgnnizcd und existing undcr thc luws of United States of America .and whosc <br /> ____—___ addressis 202 W. 3rd. St. Grand Island,NE <br /> (..L.cnucr"i. Bunuwc� �iwc,Li:���i i�i�j,i'ii�.�F:i!.`.!!:!2 nf <br /> ' � • Twenty-five Thousand and no/10U-------------------------���'llurscU.S. Y25,000.00 �' <br />�.,, .. <br />- This dcbt i, cvidcnccd by f3c�rrowcr'� n�nc dutcd thc �aroc �l;iic a, thi, Sccurity Inxu•umcnt('Notc">, which providex for <br /> - monthly payments, with the full dcbt, if not paid curlicr,duc anJ payable un December 8� 2007 • <br />-�. . <br /> This Securiry Instrumcnt,ccures to Lendcr:(a)the repayment uf the dcbt cvidcnccd hy thc Nrn�, with intcrest.und adl renewuls, <br />:;:- - extensions und madificutions of thc Notc: (b) [hc payment of all other sums, with intcrest, udvanced undcr paragraph 7 to <br />-•- � protect the security of this Security Instrument: and (c) thr performance uf Burrawer's rnvenants und agreements. For this <br /> r'''' ' purpose, Borrower irrevocably grants and conveys to Trustee, in trust, with pciwer of ralc, the folluwing described prc�perty <br /> , � located in Hall County, Nebraska: <br />.s+: � �� ' Lot One (1) Riverside Estates Unit II, being a Subdivision of Lot Furty-Nine (49). <br /> ` � �'' Riverside BstaCes Unit I, an �tddition to the City of Grand Lsland. Hall County. Nebraska. <br /> - 5 • THIS DEED OF TRUST SECUI2ES AN OPBN 8ND REVOLVING LINE OF CREDIT. <br /> i= � SEE ATTACHED HOME BQUITY LINE OF CRL�DIT RIllBR. <br /> s� . <br /> , �:} which has thc addretis ot 1424 5tagecoach Rd. Grand Island, Isirc�c,c��yl. <br /> . Ncbrasku (�ggpl ("Property Addresti"); � <br />- � �%ip Cudc� — <br />- •l --. <br /> �' 'POGETHER W1TH ull the impravcmcnts now i�n c�reaher crcctcJ on thc property,and all casemcnts,appuncnances, und <br /> � '.-�,� <br /> fixturc.r now on c�rcaftcr a part of thc propcily. All rrplaccmcnts and aJJiticm, .hxll alsu bc cuvcrcd by this Sccurity <br /> [nstrumcnt. AU e�f the furegoing i�rcfcrred tu in this Securiry InstNment a�thc "Prupeny." ,,_. <br />� BORROWGI2 COVENANTS that Borro�ver iti lawfully�eiseJ��f th�cstatc hrrcby cunvcycd and hati thc right to grant and <br /> - convcy thr Propeny and that thc Pruperty is unencumbcrcd, cxccpt for cncumbranrr�of nrurd. Borruwcr warrantti anJ will <br />� drienJ gcnerally the title tc�th� Prupeny against all rlaims anJ demands,subj�ct te�,uiy cnrumhranres of rrrord. <br /> ' TH1S SF.CURITY INSTRUMENT comhines unifurm rovenants fur nationxl u��and non-wiif'i�rm ruvcnant�with limitcd <br /> - vuriatium by juri,dictiun tu con,tiwtc a unifurm ycrurity intitrum�nl ruvcring mal pmrcrty. <br /> UNIFORtiI CQVENANl'S.Birrruwrr and LCnd�r r���•cnant and agre�a� liilluwti• <br />- 1. Pu}•tnent nf Arincipul and Intcrrst: Prrpuyment und I,ate Char};es. l3�irrrn��rr tihall prcnnptly �,.iy whcn Jur thc <br /> .. prinripul of and intcrest un thc d�ht r�•i��nc�d h�-lhr Nc�t�.ind uny prtpttynt�nl:tnd I.itc chargrr du�undrr th�Nc�li. <br /> � ---_• � N���d.ti�r Tn�xi�v nnd lacurunrc. Subicct to annlirahlr law or to a ���riucn ��•aivcr hv LrnJ�r. Burrowcr tihall puy to <br /> - � Lcndrr��n the d;ry m��nthly payments are Ju�undcr thc Nutc,until thr Nutr iti paid in tuli, a tium( i•unus"� tor. t:u ycany i.,xc. .- <br /> and astir.,mcnts whirh may auuin priurity ovcr tlii,Scrurity In�trumcnt a�a lirn un thr{'ruprrty: �n� >���ri�,i����i,�,<<i nay�„��,c� <br />� � ur grounS rcnts un tlic Prc,perty.if any: (rl yrarly ha�ar�1 ur prc�Fxrty in�uranrr prcmitnn,: ldl yrarly tlood in>uruncr premiunts. <br /> - � if any: cr)ycarly murtga�*r imuranrc premiums, i(any: and(11 any ,umti payahlr by Hurru��•cr a, Lcndrr. in .iccurdancc �vith <br /> - thr pravitiinn+of�,aragraph 8, in licu of thr paymcnt uf nwngugc in�uranrc prrmium..Thc,r itrm,ure rullcd "E:xr��N• Itcros.' <br /> . ' Lrndrr ntay. at any tiiu�, r��llcct anJ huld FunJs in an antuu►n nut to rxrcrd thr maxinmm amuurn a Icnd�r lur :� t'�Jerally � <br /> rclatcd mortgagr !oan may rc��uirc lin• Bi,rruwrr'� ruru�r acccwm undcr thc t'cdcral I2r:d f?+tatr Sctticmcnt Prcirc�ums A�t ul' <br /> - 197d ati.micndr�l Irom tirnr w lim�. I� U.S.C. Srrti�m ?(i01 rr sry. ("RfiSYA"i. unlcti, am,thrr la�a ihat applir�tc�ihr F�unJ� <br /> � tirtti a Irti+rr amount. 11�o. LrnJrr may, at any timr, rollrrt ainl hold Fund� in .in :unuunl not to csrrcd thc Icti,rr am��unt. � <br /> Lcndrr mav r+limalr thc am��uni ul'I�un�l,ilur un thr hatiiti ut�rurrrnt data and r�a��mahlr r�timatrti ul rtprmlilurr`ul 1'uturr <br /> i , k:tirru�r Itcm,��r��ihrr�ci�c in aciur�lanrc��ith applirahlr la�c. I <br /> = NEBRASKA•S�ngle Famdy�Fannle Mao!FruJdfo Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Form 3028 9190 <br /> � �NI 12T97 MTO VMVMONiFAGE�0���75 �.t>>�r�:is�oo �xuo���n ����� �.��n•���.+ Amended 6191 <br /> r <br />