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<br /> 7.Protection of Lender'a Rights In the Property. n eo.rower iaus co pet�Orm me covenents a�d ayreemems W
<br /> contained in this SecurRy InStrument,or there fs a legel proceeding that m8y aqnllicanty efteCt Lender's rfpht6 In the PropeRy (such fls ,.,,`
<br /> e proceedinp fn bankruptcy, probate,lor Condemnation or foriekure or to enforce �aws or regu�atlons), then Lender may do and pay�or � _–
<br /> whatever Is necossary to protect the vafue of the Property and Lender's r{ghls in the Property. Lender's actlons may �clu�e paY„4 �
<br /> eny 6um6 ReCUred by e Ilen wh{ch hes prbrity over thls Security InStrument,eppeering I� Court, paYing reasonflble attorney's fees end ' _
<br /> anterinp on lhe Property to meko repaYS. ARhouph Lender rney teke eCtbn under this parayrBph 7, Lender doos not have to do so. � .,�'
<br /> ' Any amounts disbursed by Lender under thls paraqraPh 7 shail beuome fldditlonal debt of Borrower secured by thfs 5ecudty � ; £._y
<br /> instrument. Unle&s Borrower and Lender agree to other terms o( peymenl, these amounts shell bear Interest trom the date o� _
<br /> � , dlabur6ert►ent et the Note rate and shell be payBble, with hterest,upon not�co Irom Lender to Borrower requestinp paYment. � '�+W—
<br /> 8.Mortgage lnsu�ence. II Lender requfred mortgaqe h8urenCU as 8 condfllon ot m8kinp the IOan secured by this SecurllY � =--
<br /> ' Instrumant. Barrowor shall pay the premiums requMed to mainteh lhe mortqage Insurence In efiect. ��, for any reacon, the mortgepe :�,.-'r_
<br /> � insurance covernye requked by Lender t�pses or ceases to be In eHect,Borrower shall pay lhe premiums roqutred ta obtn�n covare4e ��
<br /> r,...X�. . >� __
<br /> substentlaly equNaient ro the moRgaqe insurance prevluusy h eHect, at n cost ovednby Lender�alfnsubstantlallY equNabntWmortp�fle ',',m-
<br /> `�" mortflape tnaurance prevlousty in e8ect. hom an akemate moRyap� Insurer tpp --
<br /> hsurance coveraqe Is not av8ilable, Bortower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to one�twaNth ot tho yearly mortptpe A
<br /> insuranee premium beMq peW by Borcower whan the fnsuranee eoverape lapeed or ceased to be In eNeet. Lender will eeeept,use end _`^ti_
<br /> retaln these payments 6e a loss reserve h Ileu of mortpape insurance. Loss reserve payments may no lonyer be requked, at Ihe :,
<br /> aptlon of Lender, M mortgape Insur4nce covorugo (M the emount and for the perlod that Lender requkes) provided by an Inaurer —
<br /> �--
<br /> +' approved by Lender again becomes avallable and is obteined. Bortower shall pay the premlums requked to mafntain mortgege _
<br /> •� Insurance M� eHect, or to provide e bss reserve, unUl the requkement for mortgago Insurance ends in acr.ordance wfth any written _
<br /> 4 agreement between Borrower and Lender or applbable Iaw•
<br /> 9. (f1EpECtlOti. Lender or fls agent may make reesonable entrles upon and inspeCtions of the Property Lender shall give
<br /> � Borrower not�e at the tkne of or prbr to en inspection apecfh�ng reasanable cause for the inspectlon.
<br /> l • 10. Condemnetion. The proceeds of any ewerd or Clakn for demages, dirf�ct or consequenY�al, In connectlon with any
<br /> fi condemnation or other tflklnfl of any part ot the Property, o�for conveyence h lieu of condemnBt�on, are hereby assignod and shflu be
<br /> �. pald to Lender. I�ed to the sum3 s9cured by this Security Instrument,
<br /> � In the event of a total taking of the Property, tho proceeds shall be epp
<br /> whether or not then due, wfth pny excess pald to Borrawer. In the event of a partlal taking of the Property in whbh the fak merket
<br /> � : value of the Property knmedfately before the taking is equal to or greater than the amount of the sums secured by this Securky
<br /> Instrument knmedlately betore the taking, unless Borrower und Lender otheiwfse agres !n wrkiny, the sums secured by this Securky
<br /> � Instrument shall be roduced by the amount o f t he proCee d s mu ft i pl l e d b Y the following fractlon: (a) the total emount of the eums
<br /> �� secured knmedlately betore the takinq, dNided by (b)tha fak merket value of the Property knmedlatety before the taklnp. Any bilanCe
<br /> shall be paW to Bertower. In the event of a partlal taking of the Property h whbh the talr market veiue of the Property immed�ately
<br /> � agrse h wrklnB ors ulesshgPP�8bb Iaw othervvise prov desedhe peo eteds shale beeapplled to�the sumsWeecured`bydthls�SecurRy
<br /> Instrume�t whether or not the sums are then due.
<br /> n the Propertv is abflndoned by Borrower, or if,atter notice by Lender to Borrower that the oondemnor ofler6 to make an award or
<br /> r � p topqact a d f applymhe proceeds,at fits optlonspe t ertto estoratbn o epair of ithe Property or4to the slums seCUrod by'thls 3eCUrky
<br /> � � Instrument,whether or not then due.
<br /> Un{ess Lender and Borrower otherwise eyree in writing, any applfcatlon of proceeds to principal shall not extend or postpone the
<br /> � � due date of the monthly payments reterred to k� peregrephs 1 and 2 or chenpe the amount of suCh payments.
<br /> � 11. Borrower Not Released: Forbearence By Lender Not e Weiver. Extensfon of ene ime ior p¢yment or
<br /> ' modNiCatbn of flmortiratfon of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any sucCessor In Inle�est of Borrowe�
<br /> ��' shan not operete to release the Ilebilky of the original Borcower or Borrowers successors �n interest. Lender shall not be requlred to
<br /> �.
<br /> commence proceedinps aqalnst any successor In Interest or re(use to extend tYne lor payment or otherwise modHy amortlration of t e � ,
<br /> , � sums secured'brY� 8has�CSeCU��LendBrrinmexercfsing 8ny rightflor remedy she notbbet3 waHernot or�preceudert eoe eyrclse of any rfyht or
<br /> *, Interest. Any Y
<br /> %;� remea2 Succeasora end Aaaigna Bound; Jolnt end Several Liebility; Co-signera. The covenants and
<br /> � agreements ot this Security Instrument shell b�nd and benefit the suCCesso�s and assipns ot Lender end Bortower, SubJect to the
<br /> � provislons ot paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be Joint and several. Any Borrower who Co•slpns this SeCUriry
<br /> + Instrument but doos not execute the Note: (a) IS co•signing this Security Instrument ony to mortyape, prant, and convey that
<br /> � � Bortower's Interest M� the Property under the tertns of this Securky instrument; (b) Is not personalty obllpated to pay lhe sums seCUred ---
<br /> •• . by ihis Security Instrument; end (c) agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may apree to e�Aend, modity, farbear or make any
<br /> , :� accommodutions wRh reyard to te�ns of this Socurity Instrument or the Nole wlthout that Bortower's consent. —._.__
<br /> �-� � 13. Loan Charges. If ihe loen SeCUred by thls Security Instrument IS subJect to a law whbh set5 mexknum loan cherpes,
<br /> t and that law Is finalty Interpreted so thet the Interest or other loan charpes coiiected or to be collected h connectlon wfth the loan —
<br /> f exCeed the permkted IImRs, then;(a) eny such loan Charges 6hflll be reduCed by the amount necessflry to reduCe the charge to the __
<br /> an ums alread coltected hom Borrower whbh exceeded permitted Iknfts wlll be refunded to 9oROwer. Lender F i,�f��-�M1_
<br /> , permitted Iimft; and(b) y = Y �' -
<br /> ' may choose to make this refund by reducing the princlpal owed under Ihe Note or by making a dkect payment to Bonower. �� a ��,Y
<br /> • refund reduCes principal,the reduCUon will be treated as a partial prepayment wRhout any prepayment Charge under the Note.
<br /> � 1 4. Notices. Any not�e to BOrrower provided for in this Security Instrument shull be gHen by doliverinp it or by mailing it by
<br /> firsl class mail unless app��cnble taw requkes use ot another method. Tho notke shall b�en if b te�S�t��ass maipeoYLendero'ssaddress -
<br /> � other flddress Borruwer desfgnales by notice to Lender. Any not�e to lender shall be g Y
<br /> s4ated heroin or any other addres° Lender designates by not�ce lo Borrower. Any notfce providod for in this SeCUrity Instrumont shall
<br /> ' be deemed to have been gNen to Borrower or Lender when gNen as provided in this paragreph.
<br /> 1 b. Governing Lew; Severebiliry. This Securlty Instrumenl shA�� be govemed by federel law and the law of the
<br /> jurisdfctlon h whiCh the Property is loCated. In the event thet any provision or clause of thls Securfty Instrument or the Note ConfliCts
<br /> with eppli�able inw, such conflfCl shau not aHect other provisions of thk SeCUrfiy Instrument or Ihe Note which can be glven eflect
<br /> � without lhe confl�ting provlsion. To this end the provisions of this Socuriy Instrument and the Note aro declared to be severabb.
<br /> 16. eorrower's Copy Borrowor shall be g�ven one contormed copy of the Note and o(Ihis Security Instrument.
<br /> , y� Trwnster of the Property or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower. u au o� any part o� me Property or eny
<br />_ .,. _._ �. g noturnl oArson) .--_-.-.
<br /> � intore5l in it is sold o� transferred (or 8 a bene��cial interest in Borrower Is souf or transienau m�u �3�o��: := "
<br /> � wilhout Londor's prior written consont,Lender may, ut its optlon, requir6 immediate peyment �n full o(all sums 9ecured by this Security
<br /> ,
<br /> Instrument. However, this optlon shnA not be exercised by Lender if exerr.ise is prohibited by �oderal law as ol the date o�this Secunty
<br /> Inslrument.
<br /> If Lender exercfses this oplion, Lendor shall pive Borrower nolic;e ol acCeleretion. The notiCe shall provide a period o�not less I
<br /> than 30 days irom the date the notfce is delivered or mailed withh which the Burrower must pay all sums socured bv this Security i
<br /> Instrument. If Borrower fafls to pny these sums prior to the expiretion ol Ihis period, Lender may invoke any tarnedie5 p9�Fottmd,by�I�hi�
<br /> Secunty Instrumenl without �urther nolice or demend on Borrower. :
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