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<br /> � Dorrower's escrow eccomt under the lederal Rsal Estste Settbment Proc�duroe Act of 197A as amended from tkne to tkno, 12 U.S.C. �:r._
<br /> � 2601 et 6eq. ('F�ESPA"),unlosa Nnother law that npplfe�to Iha Funds sets a b�ser emount. If so,LendHr may, et eny tkne,ColleCt Rnd •��4�=
<br /> hold Funde in�n emount not to exceed the lea6sr amount. Lender mey estYmte the amount of lunds due on the basfs ol curcant date , •
<br /> and reaeonoble est�ates ot expondituia9 0l lulure Escrow Ilems or otherwise �n accordance wRh eppl�abb law• � � �"
<br /> 7h8 Funds ehall be held In 8n In6tRutlon whose deposits ¢re Insured by fl �otlerel afloncy, instrumentality, or entily (IncNding �
<br /> Lender, If Lender Is su�h en fnstitutlon) or in eny Federal Home Loan Bank. Londer shnll apply tho Funds to pey the Escrow Items. �
<br /> Lender mey not charqe Borrower for holding end epplylnfl Ihe Funds,ennually analyzfng tho escro�v account, or verifying the E6crow ( ,,
<br /> Items,unless Lender pays Borrower Interest on the Funds nnd epplfcabb taw permits Lender to meke such e charge. However, Lender
<br /> may requMe Borrowar to pay i one�tMn9 Charpe for fln hdependant real estete t�rAportfnp serviCe ubed by Lender in connectlon with r , �., •.
<br /> thls lonn, unbss eppibeble law provides otherwfse. Unleas an ngreement Is mede or eppilCable kw requkes hterest to be pald, Lender , ' '�-�:��
<br /> � shall not be requkad to pay Borrower any Interest or earnnys on the Funda. Borrower and Lendar mey apr6o In v�ritlnp, however,that � .: -
<br /> �,...+� htsroet ahall bs ptld on the Funds. Lender shdl piva to 8artower, wfthout oherpe, an annual acCOUnthp of the Funde, showinp •f����J
<br /> . . ��ro credRs and debits to the Funtls and the purpose lor whbh eaoh debk to the Funds wss made. The Funds aro pindped fls addkbnd O ::�"-�_�.
<br /> securky far all Rums secured by thls Securrty Inetniment "
<br /> If the Funds hald by Lender exceed ths�mounte psrmkted to be hNd by epplbable law, Lender shall account to Borrower for the ;;'':°-
<br /> ..,.�ST1._-_—
<br /> exCess Funds in accordance with the requkements of flppl�abie law. If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at any dme Is not _ -
<br /> -� suNiclent to pey the Escrow Items when due,Lender may so nalily Borrower In writing,and, in such caso Borrower shall pay to Lender _�
<br /> , the amount necassary to make up the detbiency. Borrower shall make up the deffclency in no more than tweNe monthly payments, at ^"
<br /> A..:'
<br /> Lender's sole dlscretlon. a'----•-
<br /> Upon peyment in Iuli of all sums 6ecured by this Securky Instrument, Lender shall promptty relund to Borcower any Funds held by ��-'"`"
<br /> � ;t Lender. If, under parBprBph 21, Lender shall acquks or sell the Property, Lentler,prlor to the acquisitlon qr sale of the Property,shall ' -��,-�:
<br /> *.. appiy any Funds held by Lender at the time ol acqufsitbn or sab as n credit against the sums secured by this Security Instrument. •_
<br /> !! 3. Applic�tion of Paymenta. Unless epplbahle law provides otherwise, all payments received by Lender under paragrephs lG��
<br /> �� 1 and 2 shell be applied: fkst, to eny prepeyment charges due under the Note; Second, to amounts payable under paragreph 2; thkd
<br /> � t to Interest dua;fourth,to princlpal due; and last, to any lete charqes due under the Note. �;�
<br /> 4. Chergea; LIQ�B. Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessments, cherges, (ines end wnpositbns attributabie to the Property
<br /> whbh may attaln priorky nver this SeCUriry Instrument, end �easehoid payments or ground rents, if any. Borrower shall pey these ��"1'��
<br /> ,�� obligadons In the manner provided In paragraph 2,or If nol pald h that manner, Borrower shall pay them on time dkectly to the person _
<br /> owed payment. Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender flll notices of emounts to be pald under this paragreph. If Borrower makes —
<br /> these payments dkootly,borcower shall promptly furnlsh to Lender recelpts evldencing lhe payments.
<br /> • Borrower shali promptly dlscharge any Ilen whiCh has prloriry over thls SeCUrity Instrument unless Borrower:(a)agrees In wrNhq to
<br /> .� the payment of the obligation secured by the lien In a menner flcceptable to Lender; (b)contests �n yood felth the Ilen by, or defends
<br /> against enforcement of the Ilen in, legal proceedings wh�h h the Lenders opinlon operate to prevent the enforcement of the Ilen;or (o)
<br /> �' secures from the holder ot the Ibn an agreement satlsfactory to Lender subordinating the Ilen to this Security Instrument. If Lender
<br />—_,_ -.
<br /> ,..0
<br /> determhes that any part of the Property Is subJect to a nen wn�cn may attain priority ovnr ii,ia �i:u��ty �nsiru=8r2, LsssCcr may g,:e
<br /> Borrower a notfCe IdentNyinp the Ilen. Borrower shall sntisly the Ifen or take one or more of the a0tions set forth above within 10 days
<br /> - of the givhg of not�e.
<br /> � 6. Hezard or Property insurance. Borrower shell keep the knprovements now existktg or hero8fter ereCted on the
<br /> ��' Property �sured against loss by fire, hazards Included wflhin the term "extended coverage" and any other hazards, Inciudinp floods or
<br /> � � flooding, for whbh Lender requkes insuranCe. Thls hsuranCe shell be mahtalned In the emounts end for the perbds thAt Lender
<br /> requlres. The Insurance carcler provlding the hsurance shall be chosen by Bortower subJect to Lender's approval wh�Ch shall not be
<br /> unreasonably wRhheld. If 8orrower falls to malnttiln covcTage described 8bove, Lender may, at I.enders optlon, obtaln Coverepe to °
<br /> protect Lender's rights h the Property In accordance with peragraph 7.
<br /> All tnsurance pot{cies snd renewals shall be acceptnble to Lender and shall include e standard mortgage clause. Lender shall havo
<br />- the rfpht to hold the polfC(es and renewals. It Lender requires, Borrower shall prompty g�ve to Lender eli reCe�pts of pnld premlums
<br /> •• end renewal notiCes. In the event of loss, 9orrower shall gNe prompt notiCe to the InsuranCe Cerrier and Lender. Lender may meke
<br /> � . � proof ot bsS it not made promptly by Borrqwer.
<br /> � Unless Lender and Borcower otherwise egree h writinp, Insurance proceeds shell be appiiod to restoratlon or repalr ot the Property
<br /> , •�' dameged, if the resrorntlon or repalr Is eCOnomtcally feasble and Lender's seCUrRy Is not Iessened. If the restoration or repak Is not �`"°
<br /> econombelty feasWb or Lenders security would be lessened, the tnsurance procoads shall be applied to ttia sum� seCUred by this ���•
<br /> � SeCUrity �nstrument, whether or not then due, wdh any excess pald to Borrower. If Borrower abandons the Property, or does not �
<br /> !'r enswer within 30 days a notfC� Irom Lender that the h6uranca carrier has oflerod to settle e clalm, then Lender may collect the �'
<br /> _ �t insurance proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repflir or restore the Property or to pay sums socured by this SeCUrRy - -
<br /> `• Instrument, whether or not then due.The 30-day period wYl begin when the notbe I5 gNen. �--
<br /> � Unless Lendor and Borrower othenvise agree In writinq, eny applbation of proceeds to princlpel shall not extend or postpone the ------
<br /> . due date of the monthly peyments referred to in paragrephs 1 and 2 or chanpe the amount of the payments. If under paragraph 21 ���_
<br /> t the Property IS ecqulred by Lender, Bonower'S right to any Insurance poI1CbS 8nd proceeds resuRing Irom damage to the Property prlor ^�` -
<br /> � r� '� -�-
<br /> � to the aCqulsitlon shall pess to Lender to the extant of the Sums secured by this Security Instrumont �mmedlately prior lo the -
<br /> } acquisition. ��_
<br /> � 6. Occupency, Preservatlon, Maintenanae and Protection of the Property; Borrower's Loan �.�;;�;
<br /> Applicatlon; Leaseholds. Borrower shall occupy,e5tablish, nnd use the Property as Borcower'S pri�cipal resldence wkhh sbdy
<br /> days efter the execution of this 5ecurity Instrument and shall Continue to accupy the PropeAy as Borrower's prinofpal resldenCe for at .
<br /> I least one year after the date of occupnncy, unless Lender otherwlae agrees In writing, wh�h consent shall not be unreasonably
<br /> � withheld,or unless extenuating ckcumstences exist whfch are beyond Borrowar's control. Borrower shall not destroy,damage or knpair •
<br /> ; the PrOpeRy,ellOw the P�OpBrty t0 deteriorate, or comntit weStB On the Property. BOrrOwer Shall be kl de(eult If flny IOAeftut9 aCt10� 0�
<br /> � proceeding, whether Civll or criminfll, is begun that in Lender's flood leith judgment Could result in foAeiture of the Property or Otherw�se
<br /> materi�lly impeir the lien created by this SeCUrity Instrumont or Lender'S security intorest. Borrower may cure such a defeult and
<br /> relnstate. as nrovided in parapraph 16, by causfng the flclion or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling thet, �n Lender'S good faith
<br /> 1 determinatlon, prectud�s forteiture ot the Borrower's �nterest fn the Property or other material impairment of the lien craated by this '"'— "`
<br /> � SeCUrity InsUumant or Lender's sbCUri�y interest. Borrower shall elso be in defeult if Borrower, during ihe loan appliCetion process,
<br /> Igeve mpterially false or inaccurnte inlormation or statern6nts to Londer (or (8fl(�d to provicl8 Lender with eny meterial information) in .
<br /> i connection with the loan evidence4 by the Note, including, but not limited to, representations concerning Borrower's occupuncy ot tho
<br /> Property fls e principal residence. If this SeCUrity Instrumont is on a leasehold, Borrower shall comply with all the provisions of thp �
<br /> IeaSe. II Borrower acquires �Qe ti�le to the Proporty, the�easehold And the fee title shall not merge unless the Lender agrees to the
<br /> merger m wnting. F o��.� �oso eieo i
<br /> ' � F10201M0(�Oi07) F'agu 2 0l 5 �
<br /> � 6J5 �
<br /> �.1. . ..__ _.. . . _. _..
<br />