<br /> i -
<br /> � •,«.�u�►� . . .. ... . --—_ � . . . .
<br /> � ..r r
<br /> i • . .
<br /> � 18. Borrower's Rlght t0 Relnatate. �t Bortower meets cenain condiNons, eorrower shau have the r�ght to have
<br /> ' enlorcement ol this SecurNy Instn�ment dlsCGnthued at nny tlme prlor to the eariler af: (a) 5 days (or suCh other perlod as applbable
<br /> � law mey specNy for relnstatement) before sala of the Property pursuent to any powaz of sale Contalned in this Security Instrument; or .,
<br /> � (b) entry ol a Judgrnent onlorcing this SeCUrity Instrument. Those conditions ere thal Borrower: (a) pays Lender all sums whbh Ihen _
<br /> . I would be due under this Securiry Instrumont and the Note ns if no eCCelerfltion hed uccurre�; (b) cures any deteult of any othnr _-
<br /> covenant or apreements; (c) payy all expenses incurred In enforclnp this Security Inslrument, including, but not Imited to, reasonabl9 �
<br /> 1 ettorney5'�9es;and (d)takes suCh ectlon as Lender mey reasonebly requMe to es5ure that the��en of thls Securlly Insirument, Lender's �
<br /> rphts in Ihe Property and 9orrower's obllpellon to pay the sums secured by this Seeurity Instrument shell continue unChanged. Upon '
<br /> 1 relnstatement by Borrower,this Security In6t�umenl and tho obifpatlons secured hereby shell ramain fully eNectfve as �� no acceleretlun M .
<br /> had occurted. Howev�r, thfs rfpht to relnstate shall not appN � the CASe of eCCeler�tbn under parspreph 17.
<br /> 19,Sale of Note; Cherege of Loan Servlcer. The Note or e partlel interest �n the Note (together with this SeCUrity �
<br /> � Inst►ument) may be sold one or more tlmes wkhout prlor notfce t0 Borrower. A sBle meY result n e chanye in tho ontity (known as tha �
<br /> 'Loan Servfcer') that Collecta monthty peyments due under the Note and thls Secw�y Instrument. There fllso may be one Or more � �_`�+"
<br /> n I chanpes of the Loan Serv�er unrelated ro a sale of the Note. If there �S e chenye of the Loan Serv�er, Borrower wlll be phren wdtten O �--y^-
<br /> _� notbe of the chanpe In accordence wkh parayraph 14 nbove and epp��Cabie law• TAe notbe wlll state the name and address of the ;
<br /> new Loen ServiCer anA the addross to whbh payments should be mede. The not�ce will ulso contnin any other InformaUon requked by ��{
<br /> � epplbablB law.
<br /> 20. H8Z8�dOU8 Subate�cea. 8orrower shall not cause or permft tha pesence, use, dfsposa�, storage, or release nf any
<br /> Hazerdous SubstBnCes on or fn ihe Proporty. Borrower shall not do, nor allow any0no e1l eto he eresen ofl uese�or`storageeon the
<br /> is in violatfon of any Environmontal Law. The preceding two sentences shall not app Y P �—
<br /> � Property of sma11 quantRies of Hazardous Substances that are generally recognlzed lo be eppropriate to normal resldentlal uses and to
<br /> malntenence ot the Property.
<br /> � � Borrower shall prompty gNe Lender written notfce of any Investqation, claim, demand, lawsuit or other action by any govemn�ental -
<br /> , � or regulalory agency or prbete party Invobinp the Property and any Hozardous Substence or Environmental Law of wh�h Borrower has
<br /> actuni knowledge. If Bortower learns, or Is notlfied by eny govemmental or repulatory authority, that any removel or other remedlatlon
<br /> ot eny Hazardous Substance aH�cthg the Proporty is neCessary, Borrower shall promptiy teke ali neces6ary remedial nctlons (n
<br /> accordance wflh Envkonmental Law•
<br /> ' As used In this paregraph 20, "Hezardous SubstflnCes" are those substances detined es tox� or haz�rdous substences by
<br /> Environmental Law and the following substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or toxfc petroleum products, toxic pest�IdAS and _
<br /> " herblcides, volati!e soNents, materials contalninA asbestos or fortnaldehyde, and red'nactive rtiaterlals. As used in thls paregreph 20,
<br /> "Environmental Law" means federal laws and laws of the Jurisd�tion where the Property is located that relate to health, safety or
<br /> i� environmental protection. "
<br /> ' NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agreees follows: �;-<-_
<br /> . 21. Acceleretion; Remediea. Lender ahell gfve notice to Borrower prior to �cceleretion followin� ����
<br /> Borrower'a brench ot eny covenent or agreement In this Security Instrument (but not prlor to _
<br /> acceleretion under paragraph 17 unleas eppliceble lew providea otherwise). The notice ehall specify:
<br /> ' (a) the detault; {b) the ection required to cu�e the deteult; (c) e date, not leris then 30 deya from the __
<br /> date the notice Is given to eorrawer, by wi�ich ihe oe4nuii r�tsot S� cusa�+; en� {!�) tF��t }�ilurc to cur�
<br /> ti� the detnuit on or before the dete speclfied in the notice mey result in acceleretinn of the auma -
<br /> � � secured by thls Security Inetrument and eale of the Property. The notice ahall further iniorm �_
<br /> Borrower of ths right to reinstate eiter acceleretton and the right to bring e court ectfon to assert the �j :
<br /> non-exlatence of e detauit or eny other defenae of Borrower to ecceleretion and sel�. If the de4ault fa ,y4
<br /> � not cured on or betore the dete specified M the nottce, Lender at its option may require immediets �, �t.
<br /> payment in full ot ell sums secured by this Security Instrument without further demand end may k,�
<br /> " fnvoke the power of sele end any other remediea permitted by applicAble lew. Lender shall be
<br /> entttled to collect all expenaea incurred in pursuing the remediea provided In thie paragraph 27, _
<br /> fncluding, but not Iimited to, reeaoneble ettorneya' feea end coats of tltle evidence. —��--
<br /> � If the power ot eale Ia invoked, Truatee sheU record e notice of defeult in eech county in which ---_
<br /> eny pert of the Property ta loceted end ahall metl copiea of auch notice tn the menner preacribed by
<br /> ' eppticeble lew to Borrower end to the other persona preacribed by eppliceble lew. ARer the time —
<br /> requlred by applicable lew, Trustee shall gtve public notlae ot aate to the �eraona and In the menner _�
<br /> prescribed by applicable taw. Trustee, wlthout demend on Borrower, shall seti the Property at public ��.�,,,:
<br /> auction to the hlghest bidder at the time end place and under the terms designeted in the notice of 66�w�:'
<br /> aale in one or more parcels end in any order 7rustee determine�. Trustee mey poatpone sale of all �_�--=v_
<br /> , or any percel of the Properry by publlc announc@ment at ihe time and place of sny previously =T
<br /> scheduled sale. Lender or Its designee may purchese the Property at eny sele. ��;;,�„�
<br /> Upon recefpt of peyment of the price bid, Trustee shall delWer to the purchaoer Trustee's deed �_;__-
<br /> conveying the Proper4y. The reoftals In the Trustee's deed shali be prtma tacie evtdence of the truth --__ �I
<br /> of tha statements made therein. Truatee shall apply the proceeds of the sale in the following order: �„r,,�,g.,�,,,�
<br /> (e) to all costs and expenses oi exercising the power of sale, and the sele, Including the peyment of ���
<br /> the Trustee's faes ectuelly Incurred, not to exceed 3 °�6 of the principal emount of the note �.`� . . ..
<br /> a,�`,. . � .�•:....,•,
<br /> at the time af the declaration of detnult, end reasonable attorney's tees as permitted by law; (b) to all ' r';'•�;;._;:, . ,....
<br /> sums secured by this Security Instrument; and (c) any excess to the person or persans legelly :
<br /> entitled to it. �`�,
<br /> 22. Reconveyance. Upon payment ol all sums ser,ured Gy this Security Instrument,Lender shail request Trustee to reconvey .
<br /> the Property and sha0 surrender this Socurity Instrument end ell notes evidencing Oebt secured by this Security Instrument to Trustee.
<br /> , Trustee shall reconvey the Property without warranty and without chergo to the person or persons tegally entit�ed to it. Such per5on or
<br /> � porsons shell pay any recordalion costs.
<br /> �
<br /> 3
<br /> 23. SUb8tltut@ T�UStC@. Lender, ot Rs option, may from tirne to time remove Trustee and appoint e successor irustee to
<br /> � any Trustee appointed hereunder by en fnstrument recorded in tho county in whiCh this Security Instrument Is recorded. Wdhout
<br /> conveyance of the Property, successor trustee shall succeod to all the t�tle, power and duties conferred upon Trustoe herein and by
<br /> � appllcable law.
<br /> _ . _ . . .._.,___ _ _ __._ .�_. _....�... ..��HD.,n��+ac nf dA}AUIt 8nd S8I8 b0 SBflt IO BOffOWBf S HddfOSS
<br /> �i Z4. rtequest rvr IVUIIGCtl. ovtrowor �n4ueaw u�u.....NR.., ... ..._.._.— r .. . . ._. - . - �
<br /> ; which is the Proporty Address. I
<br /> , 25. Riders to this Security Instrument. If one or more riders are executed by Borrower end rocorded together with
<br /> � lhis Security Instrument, the covenants and agreements of each such ride� shall be ncorporated into end shell emend and supplement j
<br /> ! the covenant5 and apraemenls of this Sncunty Instrument as it tho rider(s)were a Pad o1 this Sec�rRy In�trument. �
<br /> �
<br />� Fo�m�0?!B�UO ,
<br />. . �ioloiMQ I�Oe71 Pag� a.,i s
<br /> 6:15
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