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,, ' " � l <br /> '.. . . . " . . .. / .{.�..![�l9+lwa.� <br /> � ,,,��,�� � ����. . . ��j � �'L.�:1E•`�.�� -�_ .. .._ _� . � — _—" -��—. ..___.���.-._.-. <br /> A •r� � ��rr . .. . . . .. .. . _.. .. v"^"-7 .--.. .--._-...__._______-—.� <br /> r.�ti..�r <br /> — <br />-�7�':,�;,,-6� <br /> �'� 8on�ow�r may cun wch � dNauk �nd nhtub, �� provld�d h pu�pr�ph 18, by cwsinp th� ectbn or prceMdinp to b� - <br />,„`�. <br /> � dfsmwt�d wNh �rulfnp th�t,h Und�s pood hikh diMamh�tbn,pnotud�s torhKun of th� Borrow�r's IntK�sl h th� ro y or <br /> ���'�'��~ � othK mataMl knp�kmmt of th�N�n crMt�d by thl� S�curky In�trum�nt or L�nd�� t�curky intw�st. Borrow�r sh�N �bo b�in <br /> `��' �r d�fauk M Bonow�r, durhfl th� b�n �ppNc�tbn prx�sl,paw rrNtKkNy f�k� or h�ccurnt�hfortn�lbn or�tat�nt�¢o Und�r(or --- <br /> :°�=' ' hlMd to provid� L�nd�r wKh any metawl inlorm�tbn) fn conn�otbn wNh th� ban evid�ncsd by the Note,hCludfny, but not. <br /> ' Wmk�d to, npn��nutbn� conc�rnhp Borrow�r's xcup�ncy ot th� Prop�rty �a a princlpal rseldmc�. II thfe S�curky � <br /> ,:Y. <br />,, r 4�, In6►NB1M1! 1{ on � Mu�hold, Borrow�r •h�N compy wkh �N th� pro��hbn� of th� I�+u�. If BorrowK�oqur�s N� tRM to th� � <br /> . P�opKty,th� IN6�h01d and lh�IM tkw �h�h not rnKp�unMf� L�nd�r �prMS to th�fMtper In wikinp. ' <br />=-�.w:; 7. Protection of L�nd�r'�Rlphts In tl» Prop�rty, ir eorrow.r t.w to pKlortn th• oown•ois �nd aqrNrnmts <br /> '� conuh�d h 1hR S�curlty In�t�um�nt, or�nK. �s • MOr� P�x�dh0 t��t�y abnNican�y an«:��.nd.r� r�pms h t►+• Prop�rty 1� <br /> ���� (wch a�r procaadinq In bankruptcy,probnte, for C4ndemnetbn o�Iorf�Aun or to�ntorco I�wa or refluylb�e),then L�ndor mny c <br /> do Nd p�y for wh�twrr b n�cKUry to prot�ct th�v�lu�of th�Prop�rty and LondM'6 rfpht�In th� Propsrty Lendsr's actbns <br /> :-.�.._:-�� may holud� p�yhp �ny eums ��CUrrd by a If1n whbh hu prbrky owr thb S�curity Inttnim�nt, app�arNp In court, P�Y�a <br /> _���� r�awn�bw attom�ys'Ips�nd�nbrhq on th� PropNty fo muk� npRkd.Akhouph Und�r may tl�k� �ctbn undw thfs pl�nqnph � <br /> 7, UndK dwe not h�w to do to. <br /> ;;.,�� My amount� ditbursed by L�nda under perapnph 7 thtN b�com� adtlkbnal debt of Bortowsr s�cund 6y thb S�curRy <br /> Instrurrnnt. Unbss BorrowM �nd Und�r ��M to othK brtn� of paym�nt, th�s� �mounts ehaA ba�r Int�rett from th� dat� of <br /> �• �� dhsburs�t�t th� Noto nta�nd ehaU b�psyabb. wRh Intareft,upon notfcs hom Lsnd�r to BortowK nqueslhp paym�nt. <br />=�"°.`S� 8. Mort��ye �11SlIf�I1CA. If L�ndx nquk�d moApap� htur�nc� �t a condkbn o} maklnQ th� bu► t�cund by thb <br /> -�•�, µy Insunnce in ofheL Il,lor�ny r�son,th� <br /> ,,'�.c S�curRy Instrummt, Bonow�r shall th�pnmiums rpuk�d to m�ht�ln the moAp�� <br />�y.� modpUp� Ineuranc� cowr�p� rpuk�d by lander lap�es or ceases to M h sMsct, Borrowsr shall pay ihs prwniums nquked to <br /> ;�;�• o6pin cover�ps eubeuntyNy �quhr�!M�t to th� mortp�p� inauranC� prsviouay �n eMsct, et a aoat subat�ntMy squfv�Mnt to the <br />-="��� cost to BorrowK of the mortp�� inaurrnc� prwiou�y h �fhct, kom �n �kern�te mort9ape Inaurer�pprov�d by Lender. If <br /> "°'�'=6�a substan►Mly �quHaMnt mortp�p� in�uranc�covenp�I� not av�IMbM, BorrowK shaN p�y to Lender each month � sum�qud to <br /> �a��9�� m Insur�nce pnmium b�lnp pdd by Borrow�r wh�n the haunnc� aown0�Ypsed or cNS�d to <br />- Ess ontlwNlth ot th�ywrly ortp�p� <br /> `<i�z" b�in �H�ct. Under will�cc�pt, u�a and nt�ln ih�i�pnym�nlc ea o bcc rosorvo fn Ibu of mortynpe haur�na�. Loas rosww _ <br /> -��' fnturanc� cover�pe(fn the amount and tor lh� p�rbd <br />"<3�-+ paym�nt� may no bnp�r b� rpuk�d, �t th�optbn ot L�nd�r, M mortp�p� <br />���t.'��r�, thot L.�ndsr r�Guins)provld�d by �n Incunr approwd by Lsnd�r�p�in becomss �valahia and Is obtahW. Borrower eh�N pay <br />,_„•�H ' th�pr�niums roqufnd to maintth mortpape fnsurRnce In eflect or to provfds • bss roservs, until the requYennent tor mortpeip� <br /> InsurRnc��nd�In accord�nco wkh�ny wrkten �prs�nt betwNn BaROwar ond Lender or eppHcabN law, <br />•��-� 9. In�pectlon. Lender or Rs apent may rr�k�ree�onabb�ntrbe upon and hspectlone o1 the Properly. Lender ahaN phn <br /> 8arowK not���t th�tkn�o}or prbr to�n fntp�ctbn sp�cMylnp nasoneble causa for ths inap�atbn. <br />�:�� 70. Condemnstlon. Ths proce4ds o}�ny �w�rd or a�kn for damap�s, dkect or conasquentYl, in conraatbn wMh any <br />`,-.� cond�mn�tbn or olh�r Wcin4 of any p�rt of th� Propety, or for conwy�na In IMu of condKnnatbn,�re heroby usqn�d and <br /> --- --- sh�l M pdd to L�ndK. <br /> -- - In th� wmt of a totRl t�lcin0 a� ths Prop�rty, th� prxNd4 �h�ll bs �pplMd to the sums s�cund hy thb S�curky <br /> Imtrummt, wh�thK or not th�n dw, wkh any�xc�s�pald to Bortow�r, In th�wmt of� p�rtkl t�kinp of th� PropKty In whbh <br /> — ihe!n!!n+�!*!��•W�of ih� Proq�rtY fmm�dfatsy bMon th� ukinp Is �qud to or prNtK th�n th� amount ol tM��!h�:sms <br /> -- by thb S�curky In�trumml kiwrNdl�t�lY bMon the takinp, unMt� Bortow�r �nd i.�noK oinwwn: :w�:�• �� <br /> � s�curyd by Ihh 3�curity Inrtrum�nt shaN b�nduc�d by th��mount of th�prxMds rtwkiplMd by th�lolbwhp kiwtbn: (l) th� <br /> toul �mount of th�tum�wcurW Irtx►Nd�by b�fon th�Wclno, dNW�d by (b) th�f�M rturkM valu� ol th�Prop�rty Imm�dM►bN <br /> Wipn th�t�lchp, My Wlu►C�th�N W pliid to Borrow�r.In th�w�nt Of�{►�RI�I t�lck►p of th�PropMty fn whbh th�hk m�rlcM <br /> - v�lw of th� Prop�ty k�xrwdyuN b�fon th�t�kh�M INt than th� emount of tM sum� s�ound IrtxMdhMM bMon th�tdcinp� <br /> �-- unNas BorrowK �nd I.�nd�r oth�rwfN �prN h writlnp or unlN� appMo�bM Mw othwwiN provldN, th� proc� •haY W <br /> �ppM�d to t1►�wm��ecund by thM S�ourky In�trumm!wh�th�r or nol Ih��um�u�thm dw. <br /> If th�PropKty k �b�ndon�d by 9orrow�r,or M,afl�r nolb�by UnWr fo 8orroww that th� condKrna oMwo to rn�k� �n <br /> �w�rd or tMtw � CMkn la dUmep�s, BortowK f�iN to ntpond to L1nd�r wNhin 30 daYt �h«' th�dwb th�notb� b Olv�n� <br /> L�ncf�r k wthorir,�d to colMot and �ppy th�proc»ds, �t k� optbn,�RhK to nttontbn or rrp�k ol ttN Prop�rty or to th� <br /> sWns Ncund by thk S�CUrNy In�trurrMnt,wh�thK a not th�n dua. <br /> UnMu Und�r �nd Bortovwr oth�rwb� �M In wfMinG� ��Y �PP��tbn of prxMd� ta principal t/uN not �ocbnd or <br /> pottpon�th�dw d�t� ot 1h�monlhy p�yrtwnt�r�Nrnd to In pu�pr�phs 1 �nd 2 or chanp�th�arr:ount ol tuoh paym�nu. <br /> 11. Borrowe Not Rel�aed; Farbear�nc� By L�ndtr Not � W�Iver.Ext�nebn ol tM tirtN for paym�nt or <br /> ��� modMfc�tbn of amortlzatbn of th��ums s�cund by thb S�curky InsWm�nt pr�nlsd by Land�r to any suctrssor in Int�nst o� <br /> 8orrow�t �haY not op�nt� to nfM��th� II�bINty ol th�oriph�l Borrow�r or Borrow�r'�suCC�ssors Mt htentt. L�ndw sh�N not <br /> �_ �; W nquind to oommwna Procwdfn0d �Wh�t a^y suca��or h InUnst or rNus� to axtmd tirrN lor p�ym�nt or oth�rwlp <br /> _-,- — Borroww'e w c��torst h int�nat�My o rbwr�enc�uby L�nd�r ht�x�r bhp �y�qht ora�r�dy eh�Mtnot b��al wnhr�r of or <br />_-�"�� pncbd�lh�ucKCk� of�ny rlpht or rerrNdy. CO-�����,Th� cownant� �nd <br />--- -�-—� 12. Succeaor� �nd Awtyns Bound; Jolnt �nd Sever�l Liebility; <br /> "'" --� �pruMttentf of thk SsCUrily Inttrumant ehab bNd and b�n�fR ths tucc�eson end assipna ol Lend�w'�nd Barow�r,subJ�Ct to th� <br />.��___�ii provbbns of panQnph 17. k3ortowars cownante I�nd �pr�nenta eh�ll bs Jolnt and sevsnl, My BorrowK who oo•sqn• thb <br /> .+ S�curky Inatrumant hut does not�xecute th�Not�: (�)b co•slpnfn9 thfs S�curky Instrumsnt only to mortqnp�,O�ant�nd conwy <br />--T�f�=�'+�,�1 th�t Borrow�'s fnt�nat h th� Prop�rty undsr the terms of thls Securky Inatrum�nt; (b) fs not psnoeaM/obMpat�d to pay th� <br /> ,��; •� <br /> + xT aums secund by thia Sscurky Instrummt; �nd(c) aqre�s that Lender�nd �ny othx Borrow�r mq �Gne►e uctend,mod , <br /> `-"�"�`=�� lorbear or rn�ka any accommod�tbns wkh roqard to tho twms of thls SacurNy Instrumant or th� Nol� wXhout that Borrowar's <br />- .�.yeY,y�; <br /> ..:,'r:tr.-... COntN1t. <br /> -• •-s•�� � 13. L01111 ChafQei. If th� ban s�CUred by thla Sscurky Instrumsnt Is sub}ect to a kw whfch sNS maxirrwm ban <br />- - ����;�� charp�a, and that kw fa finally intvrprot�d so thet tha intenst or othK b�n chupsa colleoted or to be colMct�d In Conn�ctbn <br /> wlth th� b�n sxcMd the pMmkt�d IImRs, then: (�)any suoh b�n chupa shall ba reduced by the unounl n�c�saary to raduce <br /> th� charpe to the permkted �knR� end (b)eny sums nkeady collectsd from Borrower wh�h exceedad psrmNted wnRs wlll be <br /> dlrsct payrnsnt towBo ower. I�e retund reducasepr cipal�the reductlonOwlll•ber Miated�as a pa f�it p,�aymantbwtthout�eny <br /> ; pnp�yment chup�under th� Nots. <br /> 14. NOtICC�. Any nolbe to Borrower provided for In this 5ecurRy Instrument shall be ph»n by delHrrinp k or by maflin9 R <br /> by Ikst class maN unless aPP�fcable laW requYes use ot another method. The not{ce 6haM bs dkected to th�PropOrty Addnss <br /> �•w''� or eny other nddress Borcower despnates by not�e to Lender, My notVice to Lender eh�ll be pMsn by first cks6 m�Y to <br /> ' �..,,w�� oddrn,►s smtei herein or any other addresa Lender daslpnol�s by notke to Bortower. Any no�ks prov{dud for In thfs <br /> � ' Securky Instrumsnt shdl be desmed to have been pNen to Borrower or LM10er wnen piven ee prvv�iw'v ��i��o;,a_,,,_..•.• <br /> � ;� 16. Governinq Lew; Seversbillty. Thls SeCUrity Insttument shall be povemed by federel �w �nd the Inw ot the <br /> �uriadlCtbn In whfch the Property Is bcated. In Ihe event that a�y provbbn or clause of thls SeCUrRy Nst�umsnt or ths Note <br /> contl�ts wRh appl�able law, such Conllbl shall not aHeCt other provislon6 0} this SeCwity Instrument or lhe Note wh�h can be <br /> piven eHoct wkhout the conllbtinp provislon,To this end the provlsions of thls Security Instrument end the Note are doclared to <br /> � be severable. <br /> �'� 16. BOffOWCI''d COpy.Borcower shell be pNen one conformed copy of the Note end of this Security Instrument. <br /> � ,�j t , <br /> I <br /> Fis�e.�MO(+o/ee� H.q�a o�s — <br /> , 'I <br /> eeziz <br /> '� ___ _. <br /> � _ <br />