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� •� . . ,��.i{l: <br /> . <br /> � , . <br /> �• -'- .._y __._�._..",..:,�.-- ' °------------- -- —�_...�, – – __ <br /> {... �_s.-,:�„,e� <br /> ,�, _ , �� <br /> . . , � f,,.,,e.f..–..,.-� _--._. <br /> i � �_ <br /> '+n •_'°i <br /> --fi�� �� � TOQETHEH WITH �N th� Ynprownwnt� now or hK�aftK �r�ct��on th� prop�rty, �nd all w�«nante, �ppurt�n�nca, Nnd -- <br /> �ii? fbcfurn now or h�rpft�r a p1►A of th�prap�rty. AN npMc�rtwnts�nd �d4kbnt thdl�ko b�cawr�d by thb SYCUrRy In�trum�nt. <br /> . �' � ' AN ol th�forpolnp b r�f�rnd to h thh Sscurky In�trummt �t th�"PropKty.' a <br /> • ••� BOF�iOWF.R COVENANTS lh�t Borrow�r b 4�w1uNy s�Wd of th���t�t� h�nby conwyed �nd haa th� rfpht t0 prNnt �nd =-- <br /> .,• . Conv�y th� PropWty �nd th�t th• Proparty Is un�ncumb�r�d, sxc�pt lor sncumbranc�a ol r�cord. Borrow�r wunnta �nd wIN __ <br /> � �' d�bnd p�nrraMy th� Ikl� to th�Prop�rty�paln�t all oMfm� and d�ndf,subJ�ct to any�ncumbr�ncw of ncord. <br /> , THIS SECURITY INSTFlUMENT combha unMOrm oown�nN tor notbnal uee �nd non•unMorm cov�n�nts wRh IImN�d � <br /> � " v�rktbn�by jurk�iCtbn to conttkut��unNortn s�curNy instrum�n►Covlrhp rMl prop�rty, <br /> UNIFOHM COVENANTS. Borrow�r�nd Urtda cownant�nd�prN�a folbw�; � <br /> '�,}f � � , 1. P�y m e nt of Princi pal �nd Intere�rt; Pre p�yment �nd I.�te Cl��e�. 8orrowK ehall prort�ty p�y wh�n � <br /> due the rincipal ot�nd fntw�al on Ih�d�bt wld�ncsd by the Not� and Rny pr�paymmt �nd bt�chup�a du• und�r th�Not�. <br />,_;_� 2. �unds for Tpxe4 snd Insur�roCO. Subjxt to opp�Cnbb law or to a writton waNer by Lende�, Borrower ehell p�y � �_ <br /> � to UndK on th� d�y monthy p�ym�nt� �lr�du+1 undM th�Not�,untY th• NoN N pUd fn fuM,� sum ("Funds') for: (�) yMry <br />`��:� ' � tuna �nd �os��tmsnte whbh mny athh prbrky owr thb S�curAy Instrummt �e l N�n on th� Prop�rtyl (b)yMrly bu�hald <br /> p�ym�nt� or pround nnta on th� PiopMty, {I�ny; (o;yNrly hwrd ur prop�►ty heur�na pnmlume; (d)yNry fbod Intur�nc� <br /> _• _ _ ,,,�i pnmlums,M any;(�)yMrM mortp�p� fn�unnc�pnmlumf, N�ny;�nd (q any tum� p�y�bM by Bonowrr to L�nd�r In accordana N <br /> " �� wNh th� provfabns o1 p�r�praph B, In Ii�u ol the paym�nt of mortpapl fntunnc� prwnlums. Thsi� R�mi an calMd "E�crow <br /> Items' L�nd�r may, at �ny tim�, colbct �nd hold Funds In �n amount not to �xco�d th�maxlmum �mount u Mnd�r for a <br /> fedxaly refatsd mortpepe loen mey rsquks for BortowK's ��crow account undrr lh�I�tNrl�l Rwil EetRte S�ttMrtNnt Proc�dur�e <br /> :";.�> Act af 1974�t�msnd�d from tkn�to tYn�, 12 U.S.C.8 2601 �t tp. ('RESPA"), unM�s �nothK law th�t �pplMs to th� Fund� <br />..;;-,. ..:. . <br />:,-��,;.`., s�ts a MasK �mount. If so, Und�r rtu�y, �t�ny tkrw, colMct �nd hold Funda In �n amaunt nat to ucc�sd th� IKiK unount. <br /> �, Lendsr may �stim�ta th� �mount of Funds dw on th�basb of current dat�and rs�aon�bM atimnt�t o1�xp�ndRuns of luturs <br /> '-':�+.':,; Eacrow Itsmn or othwwis�In �ccord4nc�wRh�pplfcahM I�w, <br /> �� ; � Ths Funda shsll be held In�n In�tkutbn whoae d�posk� an InsurW by a fsder�l sp�ncy,Instrumsnulity, a�ntky(Includhy <br /> r�• j �• L�nd�r, N Und�r ia �ur,h �n InetRutbn) or M �ny F�daal Horrw Laan Bank. L�nder sh�ll�ppy the Funds to p�y th� E�crow <br /> 1il'G`".?�.� - <br />;";���i`;�fiY Itema. Lend�r may not charpe Borcowx tor holdinp �nd aFpylnp th�Funds,4nnu�My�nayzfnp th��scrow account, or wrMyhy <br /> "',:,y��;;: th8 E3CfOW Iteme, unlese Lender pey6 Bortow�r htK�st on th� Funda �nd appl��bk kw psrmks Lender to rruk� such a <br /> _yl�,�,�,� charpe. Howwor, Lsndsr rtuY roQuke BorroK�x to p�y 4 on�-tfms olurpe for an Ind��ndenl rral aatal� tnx nportfnp s�rvic� <br />: , ,�,z,=•. ut�d by Under In conn�ctbn wkh thb ban, unwta �pplfca6N Mw provld�a oth�wk�. Unkas �n �pr«nwnt is made or <br /> ' '".:f, appl�abN law rsquk�s intxoat to be paid, L�nder�h�ll nol b� nquk�d to pey Bortoww any ht�nst nr Mmfny� un th�Fundt. <br /> '}` � Borcowsr �nd Lender may �pros M wrkfny, howevsr, that htsnst shiN bn pald on the Funde. L�nder ehall piw to Bonow�r, <br />�-=t,� wRhout chups, en �nnuel �ccountlnp of the Funda, ahowlnp cndks�nd debka to Ih� Funds�nd the purpos� for whbh s�ch <br /> ,;:., <br /> ��•��.='. debR to tha Funds was made. Tha Funds Are pkdfled as addkbnal slcurky for all sums sscured by th• urAy n6irumen. <br /> _ _,._..... • <br /> ,.ig��� If the Fundt held by Under sxceed the amount� permktsd to W held by applk�bk I�w,Lend�r ah�N account to Bonawsr <br /> for th� excesa Funds fn �ccordanc� wkh tho rsqukertisnts o} �ppllCabM law.N the �mount o1 the Funda hdd by Lendsr Rt�ny <br /> •�'�°"�•• tkn� la not au}Ncbnt to p�y the Eacrow It�rns wh�n dus, UntNr rtwy 6o notffy Borrower h wrRhp, �nd, in such cae� Bonow�r <br /> .z,.,�, <br />_ sh�N pay lo Undsr th� amount n�caasary to maks up th� ds(bkncy, Bortower sh�ll rtuke up ths defbbncy In no more th�n <br />:-.A�T.'d�'�. <br />..��_T�Y,��' twNve monthy p�ym�nts,at Lsnder'e aoM dfscntbn. <br />_.;�.;,,;,Y Upon p�ym�nt N tuN of all sums secund by thb Security Instrum�nt,Lend�r shall prompty rslund to Bortow�r any Funda <br /> -:�.y�aF�l�! hdd by LendK. If,under pu�flraph 21,Lendsr eh�ll�cquin or sell ths Prop�rty, Lender,prbr to the �cqufsNbn or seb of the <br /> -- •� Prop�rty, sh�A�ppy�ny Funds h�ld by Lentler at tn�tkM Ot�CqUbAqrl Of�QM ib l cr.dii r���at i��:ou���a ec�.ur.� �y ih» <br />°J?�%i� S�curky InttrurtNnt. <br /> =t:a�:�i� 3. Applicetlon of Psyments. UnMts �pplbabM ww provldea othsrwb�, aN paym�nts nc�N�d by L�nd�r und� <br /> - ___ - puRpnphs 1 �nd 2 ehaY b� �pplMd: Nret, to �ny pnpaym�nt ehdrpee dw und�r th� Not�; acond, to wmountt payabM und�r <br /> _-- puapraph 2;thPd, lo ht�ra4 dur,fourth,to prinolp�l dua; end 4tt, to�ny yts Chup�a dw undK th� Not�. <br /> v 4. Ch�rqea; Llena. Bortow�r th�u p�y all taxn, atc�s�m�ta, chupa, fina �nd knposkbns �ttributabM to th� <br /> ���■ Prop�rty whbh mny�tt41n p►brky ovK thls S�curky Instrummt,�nd M�s�hold p�ym�nts or proun�nnt�,k anY• Bortow�r�h�M <br /> � � p�y th�N obNp�ltbn� fn th� m�nn�r provid�d In panpraph 2, or M not pdd In thlt m�nnK, Bonow�r thall p�y th�m on tYt» <br /> �-- - dlncty to th� pKeon ow�d paymmt. Borrow�r ehrq promptry fumNh to L�ndK�1 not��s of amount�to b�ptld und�r thM <br /> -=��.—y pWapreph. If Borrower m�ksa th�e� paymMts dY�cty, 8orrow�r �hRH prompty Nmbh lo L�nd�r nc�ipb wld�ncinp 1h� <br /> --- paymMb. <br /> ' BorrowK ehaN prompty dlachup� any N�n whbh h�� priorky o+�r thh S�CUrky Inshum�nt unMss Borrpwer. (�)�OrN� h <br /> - - wriliny to th� paymint of the obUp4tbn cocurod by th� IfN� fn� m�nn�r�cc�phb4 to L�ndu; (b) cont�st�In p0od hkh th� <br /> � Ihn by, or d�Nnda �p�ln�t �nforcwn�nt of th� IMn In, Iptl prxMdYps whfch In th� Undwt opinbn op�nt� to prw�nt lh� <br /> -_�.6ee �nforc�rt�nt of the Iqn; or(c) s�cune kom th� holdu of th�Nw� �n aflr�r�nt satlshctory ro L�ndK wbordinatlnp th� IMn to <br /> -- thM S�curky Instrummt.If Lsnd�r dstsrminee that�ny part of th�PropKty Is aub;�ct to �Ibn whbh rrKy attah prbrky ovsr thb <br /> S�curky Instrumw►t,L�nder may phn Borrow�r a notb� IdmtHyinp th1 Ifsn.Borrow�r shal R�tbfy IYi�Nsn or t�k�on�or mon of <br /> -Y th��ctbna aM forth above wkhfn 10 daye of ths pNlny of notic�, <br />--''_.�� 5. HSZM'd or Property Insurance. Borrow�r thal kssp ths ImprowrrNnt6 now�xfstlnp or hKeUt�r�nctad on ths <br /> -' <br />