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� .• . ..�.,..k�'rP R-. <br /> , � r .. _:6ei�iE`_�:`. <br /> ' �f '... . _. . lf_Q:h!4�111M�e.�2iY6Y��=°"�t`-i�'_.,_.._ ..._.- -.�___. . <br /> . .,4 F� �I1.� _ —_ _ – <br /> - a , . .._ . _ . . . .r`°'-^ , �-- ._ -.. -� :-_.__^--_. <br /> .. .e l . . . . . -- <br /> i•. .;iu = <br />� � '"` .'#� ; 17. Tnnd�r of th� Prop�rty or �B�n�flcl�l Int�r�st In Borrow�r. If aA or any pul of ih• Prop.r�y or _ <br />; ' � eny htK�at In k b �old or tramhrtW(or M� Wn�fklll fntM�st fn Borcow�r b �ofd or tr�nsNrnd �nd Borrowor la not a n�tunl <br /> pN�on)wkhout UndM'� prbr wrkl�n Cons�nt, L1nWr may,�t Itt optbn,r�qut� ImrMdkb p�ym�nl h full Of�II sums t�cund by � W <br /> �� thb Stcurky InstrurtNnt. HAwwsr, thk optl�n shlM nol b��xsrch�d by L�nd�r M �xKCK� b prohlbR�d by NdKal 4�w as of th� � <br />� „ '� � d�.N Of thfs S�curky In�trumlr►t. � <br /> II L�rtdlr �rcba thb optbn, Und�r 1h�0 pFw BorrowK notb�ol �cc�Mnibn. Ths not{c• ahall provld� o perbd ot not M <br /> n c�� th�n 30 day� Irom lh� dal� th� notk� Is ONIvMSd or m�INd wkhh whlch 8orrow�r muet pay �II tums s�cund by thie <br /> � S�curRy In�trummt. If Borrow�r I�IIa to pay th�N sums prbr to thv �xpYnbn of thla p�rbd, Lender may hvoko any r�dMa <br />��. . � � pamkl�d by thb S�eurky Inttrummt wKhoui Iur1Mr nolb�or d�rn�nd on Borrow�r. <br /> 1s. Bor�ower'� Ripht W Relnttatt, u eorrow.r rr�wcs c•rt.„ condkbne, Borrower eholl h�v. ►n• �pni co n.w <br />�t. . �nlorc�rnMtt of thls S�curky Inttrumml dhcontlna�d�t �ny tM�» prior to Ih� wrlNr ot; (�) 6 d�ys (or such othcr parbd as � � <br />;r�s. :� �pplb�bM yw rr�y ap�ofy Por nlnst�t�nt)tsMa� HM of th�Prop�rty purwant to�ny powe of teM cantafn�d h thb S�curky <br /> In�trummt; or (b)�ntry o} �Judpnt�nl�nforchp Ihh�S�curRy Initrumsnt. Thoe�oondkbn� an th�t BorrowK: (a) p�Y�L�nd�r dl <br /> - wms whloh th�n wouW b�dw untNr lhb&�curky In�trum�nt �nd th� Not� u M no acc�Mntbn had occurc�d; (b)cuns any <br /> d�f�uk of �ny olh�r oown�nt or a�rNrr�nt�; (o)payl �u sx�nNS Incumd in �nforclnp thla Securky Instrums�t, includlny, but <br /> � not IImkW fo, r�sonabk atlom�ys' INa; �nd (d)tak�s euch �ctbn n Lender may re�eonaby requke to aasun lhat the Ilen of <br /> - . thk SacurRy In�trum�nt, Lend�r's rqhts In lhe Proplrty �nd Borrow�c obiiqallon to p�y th• eumt s�cured by thh S�curRy <br /> '��r�i�� In6tfU111K11 {hRN contfnw unch�n�d. Upon nhst�t�t by Borrow�r, Ihh Securky Instrum�nt �nd the oblipatbne s�cund <br />��?,rj*�_`tS.:� h�rsby eh�N nnufn fuNy efNcthre aa M no �cc�Mratkn h�d oCCUrt�d. However,this rfpht to refnatrte shall not epply in the case <br /> - • �,_ ; ot acc�Mratbn undsr panynph 17. <br />�I���.;•.�F.� , �9. Sele of Note; Chenqe of Lo�n Servicer. Th� Not� or s s partl�l Intsrsat In the Nots (top�ther wfth lhls <br />=,,�„7:;.''., S�curity Instrument)may be sold one or mcrs tYn�a wkhout prbr not�e to 8orrower. A sab may rosuR in a chanpe in ths entky <br />°r�:t.•i'.` (known aa the "Loan Sarvfcx")that coll�cte monlhy paymw�ta du� und�r th� Note and this Securky Instrum�nt. There alao msy <br /> �.��;`. <br /> be ona or mere chnn9es of tha Lo�n Servicer unnkbd to a sak of the Nots. If there fs a ch�np� of th• Loan er, <br /> �� +`''. Borrow�r wIN b�pNen wrkten notfcs of th�chNp�in �ccordano� wRh pu�praph 14 �bove and applbabw Ww. T'he notk;e wlll <br /> x• � ;-;,,•�, st�t�th� n�me�nd addreaa of ths new Latn SMVbK�►nd ths �ddro��to wh�h paym�nt6 ahould b�rtulde. Th�notbe wiN elso <br />_.� ' ..� „ contah any other Infortnatbn requlred by epplb�bb I�w. <br /> - 20. H�ZlfdOUS Substances. BorrowK ah�ll not caua� or psrmk the proaance, use, dlspoaRl, itonp�, or nbas� of <br />;:�,;�� ony Huirdous Subst�ncee on or In the Proprty. Borrow�r sh�ll not do, nor aibw anyone else to do, �nythNq aM�ctfnp ►he <br /> `—'�-' ' Prop�rty th�t fa h vblatbn of�ny Envkonmenul Law. The prec�dinp two smtsncea ehsll not appy to th� pnaencs, u�e, or <br />�a�} stonpe on th�Property ol srru�ll qu�ntitka oi Hazudou� Subauncss that ars penera�y recopnizsd to tr� �pproprkt�to normal <br />�..,-;� <br /> z�r�_�.". , nskkntlal usss�nd ro malntsn�nce ol th�Prop«ty. <br /> x�}�ti,,� BoROw�r dull prompty pNs Under wrkun not�� of any hwstipatbn, clafm, damand, Inw�uk or oth�r actbn by any <br /> -'!`��'=;:f� povwnm�nld or rspuktory�y�ncy or prN�l� puty fnvolvinp th�Propwty �nd �ny Hazardoue Sub�t�nc� or Envkonm�nt�l Law of <br />_�:�� ' whbh BonowK h�t �ctu�l knowf�dp�, II Efqrtow�r IMms, or k natMlW by �ny powmm�ntal or rpuwtory �uthorUy, lh�t�ny <br /> -%:��g� ;.�;��! �.�i�=. �.m.�tw�hn nf wny H�nrdou� Substanc� afl�tln0 PropKtY Is n�casury, Bortow�r �haM prompty tak� �N <br />'�.�„� �' n�c�tsuy nrtwdlal aotbnt h �ccord�nc�wRh Envkonm�nt�l, <br />----- -- M uNd in thw pu�Qraph 20, "H�rdou�Sub�luuM" u�thoN subttanC�s d�th�d �� tOxb or hlWrdoul�ub�tanCN by <br /> -� Envtonm�nt�l Law �nd Ih� folbwhp wbsWic�f, Wso11n�, kuo��n�, oth�r fyrtKnabM a toxb p�trolwm produot�, tox� <br /> ---- p�stbkNs md h�bbkNs,voktlb toN�nt�,mallrlak contahhp ubNtos or fortnald�hyd�, �nd ndkvctiw rtu�tKl�l�. As utW fn <br /> ,��,.,,.m�.� pW�prtph 20, "Environmmtal Law" m�am f�dual wws �nd I�wt ol lh• JurbdVctbn wh�n th� Propwty a Ioc�tW th�t nyu ta <br /> —--_— Makh,salNy a�nvkonm�ntal prot�olbn. <br />� NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrow�r and l�ndM lurth�r cown�nt�nd a0����a�W=� <br />-___x�� 21. Acceterstlon; Remedle�, Lmd�r sh�ll pivs notice to Borrower prior to �cceteratlon <br /> --���� followinp @orrow4r'� breech of eny covsn�nt or ��reement in this Security Instrument (but not <br />�`�°`� prlor to �ccel�rati�n under perpr�ph 17 untess �ppllc�ble Iew provldes oth�rwise). The notice <br />--- "'=�� �II apecly: (�) the dsfeult; (b)tf� wction requlred to cure the default; (c) � d�te� not lesr than <br /> � 30 d�ys trom the d�te the notics li qiven to Borrower, by which the default must be cured; �nd <br /> ��� (d) that fallu�e to cure the deiwlt on or beior� the d�te �pecltled In ths notice m�y reault In <br />--__ - �cceler�don of the sums secured by thlt Securfty Inttrument and s�le of the Property. The nodce <br /> - -=1�-�� ahall Turther Intorm Borrower o} tha rlqht to relnst�te eSter ecceleraUon md the riqht to brinQ a <br />"""�=-"� court action to saert the non-exist�nc• of � d�hult or any other dsfenss ef Borrower to <br />—v'��'� �casler�tlon and sale. IP the default I� not aured an or before the dete apecified In the notice� <br />�=�li;:�� <br />-- ,,.,s,.�s,� Lender et Its opUon mey requlre Immediate peyment in tull of ell sum� secured by thla Secur ty - <br /> �;� Inatrument without further dem�nd end m�y Invoke the power of a�le end any other remedle� <br />� -�— permiri�d by appliceble law. Lender sh�ll bo enUtled to collect all e�enses Incurred in pursulnq _ <br />�"''-'� <br />