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•� �' - <br /> ___ . <br /> _.� <br /> A "_ .'. .'___--_ <br /> tiilr:=.-,..._ <br /> H�M ..a�_._...�.�..�.mawai�...�- .���o��____' _ ".d..�___ �_ = ��� <br /> ri�/ u:ti:iiia'h�-:N.L'_s^.L2�`'__--- -_�___ <br /> VV� ���i <br /> G. ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES. Upon L,ender'a request, Botrower shall assign ta L,ender all leases of thc <br /> Property and all security daposlt�made in connection wlth leases of the Property. Upon the wsignment, Lender <br /> ah�ll hxve the rlght to modify, extend or terminAte thc existing leases and to exceute new leases, in Lender's sole <br /> discretion. Ae used in this paragraph d,the word"lease" shr�ll mean "sublease"if the Security lnstrument is on <br /> aleaaehold. _ <br /> H. ASSIGNMENT UF RENTS; APPOINTMENT OF IFECEIVER; LENDER It�i POSSESSION. <br /> Borrower absolutely and uncondltionally aasign�and transfe:s ta Lendcr all the rents and revenues("Rents")of <br /> the pcoperty, regudless af to wham the Rents of the Property ua payable. Bonower authorius Lender or <br /> Lender's agents to collect the Rents,and agraa that each tcnant of the Property shall pay the Rents to Lender ar <br /> I.�nder's agents. However,Borrower shal!receive the RenW until(i)Lender has given Bonower notia of dcfault <br /> purawnt to puagraph 21 af the Security Inatrument and(ii)Lender has given notice to the tenent(s)that the Rents <br /> u[e to be pald to Lender or Lenda's agent. This a�ignment of Rents constitutes an absolute as�ignment and not <br /> an assignment for addition�l security only. <br /> If Lender giv�potla of brcach to Borrower. (i)all Rents recoived by Borrower shall be held by Bonuwer <br /> as ttuatee for the benefit of Lender only,to be appliai to the sums secured by the Security Instcument;(ii)Lender <br /> nhall be entidod to collect and receive dl of the Renq of the Property: (ili)BoiTOwer agrees that exh tenant of�he <br /> Property ahal pay all Rents due and unpaid to [.end�r or Lender's agente upon Lendcr's writtan demand to the <br /> teruu�t; (iv)uniess applicablc law provides otherwise, aU Rents collected by I..cader or I.�nder's agents shall be <br /> tpplied firat to the coua of t�kin.g control of u►d managing the Property and collecting the Reuts, including,but <br /> not limital ta. attorneys' fees, rocelver'e fas, premiums on receiver's bonda, repur and mainten�nce costs, <br /> insunu�ce pnmiums, tuss, asassmenta wd other chuges on the Propccty, and then[o the sums securod by the <br /> Security Instrumenr, (v)Lender,Lender's agenta or any judicially appoiuted receiver shall lx Heble to�ccount for <br /> only those RGnq sctually rocetved; uid (vi) L.ender shall be entitled to hnve a receiver appolnted to take <br /> pos�sioa of snd mAnage the Property and collcet the ItenW and profita derived from the Property without any <br /> showing es to the inadequ�cy of the Prope�ty es security. <br /> If the Reats of the Property arc not sufficient to �over the costs of taking contral of and managing the <br /> Property�nd of colitcting the Rents any fun�ds expended by l.ender for such pucposes shall become i»debtedness <br /> of Borrower to Leacler secuiced by the Security Instrument purauant to Uniform Covenant 7. <br /> liorrower repreaenu a�warrw�i�iuut£�;«�we�h�r,o:aatc::s�c!^s:y pr.�r assi�m'r�r of�he Ren►s and has <br /> not and will noc perform any act that would prevenc Lender from ezercising its rigk►ts under this parag!aph. <br /> Lender, or Lender's agents or a judicially appoiated receiver. sh�ll not be requirod to enter upon, takc <br /> control of or m�int�ln the Prop�rty befare or after giving notice of default to Borrower. However, Lendsr,or <br /> [.ender'a agents or a}udici�lly�ppointod raxiver,may do so at any time when a def�ult occurs.Any application <br /> of Rrnts sh�ll iwt cun or w�ive any default or invalidate any other right or remedy of L.ender.Thia auignmtnt of <br /> Renta of We Property shall cerminAte when all the sums securod by the Socurity Instrument aze pai3 in full. <br /> I. CROSS-DEFAULT PROVISION. Borrower'a def�ult or breach under any note or asrament in which <br /> I„�n��has m Intereu e1u�U be z breach under the Security Instrument and Lender may invoke any of the nmodie� <br /> permitted by the Security Instn►ment. <br /> BY S1GN[NG BELOW, Borrower accepts and agroes to the terms and proviaions contained in this 1-4 <br /> Family Rider. <br /> (Seal) <br /> DOR84N L $J1MY�R8 -Bortower K71AIJ\ J RS -llorrower <br /> (Seal) _ (��) <br /> -Borrower -Borrower <br /> �•67�9sai.o� r.o.s o�2 Fam 3170 3193 <br /> , • • � ' <br /> -- - - _i,.r _ 4 �4� - �i�- '�r¢ f+,�4'�r`, '7+�,� --- <br /> 1 ,,• - __- — —_ <br />