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��� <br /> _.,�_:: <br /> .. � nlR,+tW9�! Yhw . ,...� � g v�. u.:?�a o+wr,a+�'• __ <br /> ' _ . •�.•R�� ��4sS :E;{.t'�L�'ix.'. .r ir��.i <br /> -- — - :�7� ....__t�..i.. ._ .. .. �ma.-. <br /> _ .W- <br />__'-' .�ar.a.�.�[�.Y�"."�131�P1T" .'�L n•''u'szrr..- <br /> 98� 1�.2;;�� <br /> 1-4 FAMILx RIDEI2. <br /> Assi�nrnent o[RenW <br /> THIS 1-4 FAMILY R1DER is made this 10th day of D�a��r , 1998 <br /> and ie iucorparated into and shall bc dccmcd to amend and supplcinent thc;Vlortgage. Deed of Tn�st or 5�curi�y <br /> peed (the "Socudty Itutrutnent") of Ihe uune dRte given by the underoignod (the "Borrower") to ucure <br /> 8orrower'e Note w <br /> Hoa� I'�r�l 8wvinq� ar►d I.ou� 1►��ooiation o! Gsand Islan� <br /> 221 9outh Looust <br /> arand i�land, t�T! 68801 (tha"Lender") <br /> of the e�une date and covering the Property described in the Stcurity Instrument and Iceatal at: <br /> 214 80UTH CL71itK <br /> GRJIND I9L71NL?, ti'Z 6BE101 <br /> [Property Addrcs�� <br /> 1-4 FAMII.Y COVENANTS. In�ddition to the cov�nar►ts uxl�greement�msde in the Security Insttument, <br /> l3arrower u�d Lr.nder furiher covenutt u�d agree as fotlowc: <br /> A. ADn1TI0NAL PROPERTY SpBJECT TO'IT� SECURiTY INSl'ItUMENT. In �ddition to the <br /> Property described in the Sccurity In�tcumrnt,the following itema ue�dded to the Property dacription, and shdl <br /> aleo conatitute the Propecty covered by the 5ecudty I�strument:building metedals, appliu�ces and goods of every <br /> nuure whatsaver now or hereafur locatod in, on, or wod, or inteadod to be ueed in amnxtion wiU� the <br /> Property, iix:luding, but not limited to, those for the purpose� of aupplying or distributin� huting, cooling, <br /> electriciry, gs►�, wuer, air and light, fin prevenNon and eatinguiahing t�ppar�tus, aecuritY �crd �oeaa control <br /> appuatue, plumbing. b�th tuba, water heuern, wuer closete, sinke, ranges, stovea, nfrigcrators, dishwubero, <br /> dlspoa�ls, washere,dryers, awnings, storm windows, storm dnors, sccesna, blinds, sh�des, curtains end curtdn <br /> roda, att�ched minors,cabie�eta,panellin8 and attachod floor coveringa now or hereafter ettached to tt►e Property. <br /> �11 of which, including replxxments and aclditions ther�to, shall be deemed tv be aad nrotin a put of the <br /> gr�„y caza;.�t�� ihc Sxuris� ln:sramtai. .°.!!of the fotrg�ing tpo�tl�r with ►he Prooercy described in the <br /> Sxudry Inatrument(or the leas�hold estate if the Sceudty laatrument is on�le�uehold)ue refemed to in this i-M1 <br /> Funily Rider uid tl�ee Securlry Lnatn:mrnt iu the"Property.•• <br /> B. USE OF PROPERTY; COMPLIANCE W1TH LAW. Borrower sh�l� not sodc, �gra to or mRlce a <br /> change in the use of the Property or its zoning cleuificuian,unless Lender h�u agreed in writing to the�e. <br /> Borrower sh�ll compiy wlth all ls►we, ordinAncea, ngulRtions �nd requinments of �ny govemmennl body <br /> appdxable to the Propeny. <br /> C.SUBORDII�TATE I.IENS. Exapt as permtttai by federal l�w,Borcawer s1W1 not allow any lien laferior <br /> to the Srcurity Instcumeat to be perfecta!against the Property without Lender's prior written permiuioa. <br /> D.RENT L0�5.5 INSURANCE,Borrower sh�ll maintain insurancx�g�inat rent loss in addition ro the other <br /> hvuda for which inaunnce ia required by Uniform Covenant S. <br /> E,"BORROW�'.R'S ItiGHT TO REINSTATE"DELETED.Uniform Covenant IB ia deleted. <br />— F. BORROWEIt'S OCCUPANCY. Unless Lender and Borrower othenvise agrot in writing, the first <br /> sentence in Uniform Covenent 6 ccmceming Borrower's occupancy uf the Property ia deieted. All rem�ining <br /> cover�ants and agreements set forth in Uniform Covenant 6 sl�atl remain in effsct. <br /> — MULTI8'MTE 1-4 FAMILY RIDER�Fwx�N Mwlfndd�Maa UnMortn Imkum�nt Form 3110 3193 <br /> , hw t o1 2 <br />, �•67(93M1.01 YM�MORTWGE fOM15•IW01621•72Y1 INtIMa: <br /> _ �� .. . <br /> _ � . � . � <br /> a <br />,7 <br /> ''1-.-- �,....�.--�,.—r� .. - <br /> . <br /> ,: ' � , . . � . R . �.. <br /> . . . . '� . <br /> . , <br />. . . ' • � °�r n�.�7r!�`f:.:� . _.-�^ f���..lP`hk. - _o <br /> .. . . � �'.i � _ . <br /> •i�r`"� ` n ,._ <br /> ' ' " � " } � �o3i - <br /> . . �� � i� - <br /> . <br /> , , �,' �.•. 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