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{ •�1xb�lo:�,,... _:.�evxu.•w --_- <br /> ----_-_ _..,..--_ <br /> - --�-._ ,.,.� �. _ <br /> _ _ _�,�r' 1.{`d�?4�'_'..�,,_- <br /> .._"_"-.._.r1^'��+..-..,.�-�.........- ___ " "__"_____.. .-..�..,_.."' _."_". .-___ ... _._. <br /> gg- �1�s3i <br /> G. ASSIGNMENT bF�,EASES.Upon I.endcr's requeat, Borrower shall a�eign to Lender all leases of the <br /> Property rnd all secudry depa�it�m�de In connection wltt�leases of the Property. Upon the as�ignment,L.ender <br /> �h�ll h�ve the d�ht to modify,extend or tecmir►�te the existina leasea ux1 to eaxuce new leasea,in Lender's aole <br /> discrction, Ae uaod in this paregraph G,�he word"le�se" �hell mean"sublease" if the Security lastrunient is on <br /> �leauhold. L <br /> H. AS3IGNMENT OE REN7'3; APPOINTM�NT OF ItECE1VER; LENDER IN pOSSESSInN. <br /> Bortower�b�olutely and uncondittonally aaal�ns uxl tnnafcra ta I..ender�II the rente uid rovcnues("Renis")of <br /> the properry, r�gudleu af to whom the Rente of the Property ue p�yable. BorrowGr authoriva l.ender or <br /> I.ender'a agente to collxt the Rente, u►d agtees that aach tenuu of the Property ehall pay the Rents to Lender or <br /> L�nder's�gents. However, Boaower ahdl rec�ive the Rents until(i)Lender hsis given Aorxower notice of default <br /> purswmt to putgr�ph 21 of the Security lnatrument and(ii)Lender hns given notice to the tenant(s)that the Rents <br /> arc to be pdd to l.ender or Lender's agent. Thie asaignment of Rents consdtutes�n�bsolute esaignment and not <br /> an asalgnment for wdditional secudty only. <br /> If Lender gives natico of breach to Borrower: (i)all Rents cecelved by Borrower shall bc held by Borrower <br /> as trustet for the benefit of Lender only,to be appiied to the au�ra secu[ed by the Security Iastrument;(ii)L.ender <br /> shall be entitled to callxt snd recelve aU of the Rents of the Propeny;(iii)Borrower agreu that each t�nant of the <br /> Property ahall pay all R�nts due and unpeid to l.ender or Lender's Agents upon Lender's written demand to the <br /> ten�nt; (iv)anlesa appUcable lew provides otherwise, �ll ltonts collected by Lender or Lender's agents shall be <br /> �pplled firs�to the co�u of uking control of u�d man�ing the Propercy+wd colleccing the Reats, including,but <br /> not limited to, attorneys' fas, rcceiver's fas, premiums on receivox's bond+, repur wd maintenwna costs, <br /> inauru�ce pnmlums,wces. �utumet�p�nd ather chuges on the Property, and then to the sums secured by the <br /> Socurity Inscrument, (v)Lender.Lender'e xRenta or any judicially appointed receiver shell be li�bla to account for <br /> oaly those Rrnt� actwlly raxived; �nd (vl) Lender eh�ll be entitlod to h�ve a recetver �ppc►inted ta tAke <br /> poaaeaaion of u�d muuge the P[operty�nd collect the Rents u�d pmfits derived from tbe Prop�rty without any <br /> showing a�to tho inadequucy of the Property�s sxuriry. <br /> If the Itenu of the Property ue not sufCicfatt to cover the cost� of uJcing controi of tnd rn�ttag[ng the <br /> Ptoperty and of collxting the Rents any funds exoended by l.ender for such purposa shdl become indebtodness <br /> of Borrower to Lender socurod by the Securiry Instrument pu�suant to Uniform Covenu►t 7. <br /> Borrower npraents end warrAnta th�t Borrower tna not esxuted�ny prior assignneaic oi ine Rcnin�.,�t,as <br /> not�nd will not perform any act thu would prevent Lender from eaercising its rights under thia pangraph, <br /> L.ender, or Lender's agenu or a juclicially appointed receiver, ah�ll not be requiral ro ente� upon, tilce <br /> control of or malntala the Prope�ty before or after giving notia of default to Borrower. However, I.ender, or <br /> Lenda's�grnts or x judicially appointod reaiver,may do so at aay time when a defwlt occurs. Any applic�tion <br /> of Rrnta�h�ll not cure or wdve any dofeult or invalidate any other right or remedy of Lender.This a�aignment of <br /> Rrnt:of the Propecty�IW l terminate when all the sum�xcured by the Securiry Instcument u�e paid in full. <br /> I. CRQSS-DEFAULT PIIOVISION.Borcower'e default or breach under any note or agrexment in which <br /> Lender has en intereat sh�ll be a breach under the Secudty Instrument ar,d i.ender cnay invoke my of the rcmedies <br /> p�rntittod by the Security lnsttumcnt. <br /> BY SIGNING 9ELOW, Boaower accepts and agrees to the terms and provis{on� contained in thi� 1-4 <br /> Family Rider. <br /> � . �� <br /> +f' (Seal) <br /> DORBON L S!►IfYZIt9 -Durrower KAAI+A � 128 •Ciorrower <br /> ���) ���� <br /> -Borrower •Borrower <br /> �•67�oso+�.os r.o.s oi� Fam 31701l93 <br /> J � '{ . <br /> .. . ._..— .-: ,- ♦� - ----- .-.. <br /> �:.1 - ��J'i � � 1 <br /> .� <br /> .. . . . ', <br /> '4 a <br /> _'C_..J� ,.:. . .... _ . � _._ �Y�.}.1��(� _ <br /> . . . . '� . �{ ._ <br /> •..- .. . ♦ � t- --� <br /> ♦ <br /> '".' , ._ . ._. " <br /> �� �C� � ��(. L M <br /> � . �`�. ��..� ', r f9'�iY`L�Y <br /> � ' .�, r� • � � ' _ <br /> � . . . 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