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�. _ _ _. <br /> _,.._�__.�,�.. _ ._..�=-_�K�:�zs.;�`°'__. <br /> S ,p�o'-�a. _ - - _ _ - — _ <br /> E�.a'. <br /> 9$- �a�szs�s <br /> Upop recdpt ot paymeat of tbe prke bid� '1'nuta ehnll dellve� to the purchuer Tnutee'e deed cAnveyiq� the <br /> Propa�tY.Tbe recitab In the Treate�'�deed slull be primp tpcle evidence ot the truth of the eMtdnenw m�dt thet�eln. <br /> Trwtee slrli�pply the proceed�af tbe ule In thc iollowlrq{order:(i)to pll cadi�nd czpetaes of exercislu�the power of <br /> ak� �nd tk Mle�IadwQn�the payma�t ot the Tnatee's tea pctunlly incurred,not to excred � <br /> ot tbe prirclp�l aaouet of the note�t tF�e time ot the decl�r�tbn ot det�ult,�nd raw►nable�ttorney�' fea �s penniKed <br /> by I�w; (b)to dl eun��ecuca!by thM Security l�tnuaeat►�►�(c3 aay exca�to the pereon or per�au leplly erHNlal to <br /> k. <br /> 22. Reconveyeace. Upon payinent of �ll suma secund by this Security insirument, l.,ender shell request Trust�e to <br /> reconvey the Propeny aad ahall surreader thi: Secudty Instrument and dl notes debt cecured by thfs Socuriry <br /> Inatrumatt to Tnutee.Tnuta�k�ll reconvey the Pro{xrty without warrancy and witlaut charge to the perwn or peraom leg�lly <br /> endtled to It. Such penoa at perxmi ahill pay any reco:dulon costs. <br /> 23. 9rb�tlt�te'Cru�ta. Lender, u ita option, m�y from tlme to time nmove Trustee and appoint e aaccessor tnutee to <br /> wy Truaia appointed dereunder by�n imtruroent recorded in the counry in which thls Security Instrument is raocded. Without <br /> i pon Tnuta herein <br /> convryu�ce of the Propaty, the succeaaor truita shall succad to all the title, power snd dut es conferred u <br /> and byappllcable l�w. <br /> ?A. R�quert far lYoNce�. Borrower requeata that copies of the notica of def�ult and sale be sent to Borrower's ddress <br /> whicl�is the Froperty Addm+. <br /> 2.5. Alden to t6d Security Iaetrument. If one or more ridera are exxuted by Borrower and recorded together with this <br /> Security lwtnuneat,the coven�qu and�greements of each such rider shall be incorporeted into u�d sh�ll unend and supplcmrnt <br /> the covewats ud�reetnents�f thie 5ecurity Instmment es if the rider(a)were a part of this Security Instn�ment. <br /> [Check sppUcable box(ea)] <br /> �Adj►at�ble R�te R1der Condominium Rider � 1-4 Family Rider <br /> �UMuued Ptyment Rider �Planned Unit Developmeat Rlder �Diwakly Payaient Rider <br /> &Jloon Rider �Rate Improvement Ride� Second Honx Rickr <br /> (�VA Rider �Other(t)[�j�Yl <br /> BY SIC3NING BSI.UW,Borrower acceptx uKi ugrees to the tetm�and covenanu contained in this Securiry Instrumnt and <br /> in any rider(s)eaecuted by Borrower and recorded with�t. <br /> Witnasee; —o <br /> i � 5llrr..,�s.l�n'1' fSeill <br /> �Rg� Z, ��gg •Borrower <br /> / <br /> �) <br /> J •Bocrower <br /> ���) — ��� <br /> -Borrower •Aorrower <br /> STATE UF NF.HRASKA, HALL County ive; <br /> The foregoing iasuumcat w�s acknowlMged before me this 10TH day of OECE�IBER , 1998 , <br /> by DORSON L SAWYERS AN[� KARLA J SAWYERS. HUSBAND AND LUIF • <br /> Wiroe�my huxi and notari�l s�al at GRAND ISLAND i said Counry,tLe date aforeaaid. <br /> My Commicsion Expires: <br /> Noary Pubiic <br /> CENEAAt M�TAI►r•Sl,te ol Nebnst� <br /> pONNA L.pUNTER <br /> M�Ca�.Eq, �"t^C1Q- <br /> �•6RINE)��1tll.o� rp.�o�a Form 302! 8/90 <br /> ' 1� �J <br />- ., 6 . <br /> --- � . � \a.�'�i ...+��i .�i�c.��ai�Z"sr� - _..- .. . <br /> __ _ _ . _ _._._ . . <br /> y,�.�aA`Su,-,� '�`'.'�'.'.`v.�'j t r '"'� „'?�- _ � _�.. -°- � <br /> " .+„t�� � 1e�.::,.;� "`'S k s��t i�'�W-a�eeA,iriaiiv�� <br /> �s� ! . � �... ...�,,. .�_� z .,y"���,{j�F�,��l '+wWfdH�.�Gt.u.l. '"' _ --- <br /> _�i.i���r Y_. .f�:c: ` +�i•'Y�;rS3�'1�2�Li����i --- —__ - <br /> ___ .•.q. .— . -,, -- - : ,�,,,�. .r.� - . �._ — - - <br /> ~ � • t f '~���t+ "! N: _- <br /> t-w9v.�. ,�� y, ^C���t"' -.-. — <br /> 614; _ . . � 'YC'fl({�1f;(5..,`.kJ ��v �r,� _— — <br /> . ���i t:� Y•' r e�� tr Y� a4�...K...'x ------_e� <br /> '- 4 -i _ . . � . . . � ti 7..f1 tf i-.i - L�.� . - <br /> < . , � . ;�L t;�� fn�.\`� _ . t s-k; �' '�'' •yRi...�s._ - <br /> . . .- <br /> .. ,. _ . . . :. ^,i'::_ <br /> y � <br /> . .i��r^� ii� . <br /> F } ,�-,� <br /> • . . ai. . . .�.:5"� _ <br /> ••+ • <br /> � r t�� .-y-s � <br /> x ; :,ve �w 3� ' .. _ <br /> �.,` . .. ' . �' kPt7"a4'c'���� �,•x,M�+''� : - ----__ <br /> . . �:. � , r fi �,R:.� .� - <br /> � ' , - - . _._ � _ .•r `.`y. �ti '10.1� <br />.� _ ,. . , � .� � . - „ _ � . �. .. . ' ��rc;�:nesw�ve�s �`�src�'+��- —. <br /> l�� _ � . .. � ._ • . .. ' . � � +. t� , m�ur RY�L`157f��`�`_ — <br /> � , ' , �=���-�s� -_._.�____�._�.- <br /> . � . , �_.--_ <br />��. . .. .. „ . ;':Fb.f- _ _w�l{�L9a��.._-- <br /> !'1 . � . �� . . . .. . � "�� — — -� _— - <br /> � �� - . . � ��� c_ <br /> ' .. 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