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I <br /> . . ,. , � � • -". <br /> .. . .-J:'•��y. .r.s1'- ... ; � . - . :.-°"�Lf�uCr:-_ <br /> } <br /> _ ' a i.r...,'.:+ww• � :i,. ,nR�Z9�.�1H� rrpi;-.l,... �5,. .f . .n• _ �..—_ <br /> ' %i,' ��� �`S'�_ � -P. _ ' � �447Y� l �k + �%, • � __ <br /> , .�f r.r..r��r11ri1 A��1f��e::..=__ _ - <br /> ,.-.- 9$� �1.2;i31 <br /> -#`=�� . ,. <br /> -„ <br />;::.;:.v�,_rj� <br /> '_��`a;;, 17.'IYanfer of the Property or�Beneflciwl Interast In Borrower.If all or any pan of ihc I'ropcny or any intereat in it <br />--""" is eold or traneferrcd(or if a beneflciel Intcrest in Borcawer is sold or transferrod and 9arrower ls not a natural person)without <br /> �-�="�° I.ender's prior written cansent, I..ender mey, at Ite optlon, require immaliate payment in full of all aums sxured by this <br /> "_�< 5ecurity lnatrument,Hawever,thi�option nh�ll not be eaercised by l.ender if �xercise is pr�hibited by federal law as of�he dxte <br />_;;_�{;��. of thi�Security Inatrument. <br /> • ri If l.cnder exerclecs thla option, Lender ehall give Borrower nodce oE accderation. The notice shall providc a perial of not <br />�'.r:yi,,. <br /> � , Iea� than 30 d�y� irom the date the notice is delivered or mailed wlthin which Horcower must pay all sums secured by this <br />-"';R�� Security Instrument,If Borrower fpU�to p�y these sutn�pNor to the cxplration of thla period,Lender may invake uny rcmodies <br />-;;s�� permitted by this Securi In�trument without further notice or demand on Barrower, <br /> - • ;����• 18. R�rrt►wer'� �I��! t� Retnnete. If Aorrower meele cerlain condi�lons, Borrower shall have thc: right to have <br /> -- - enforcement of thia Security Insttument dl�continued at any time prior to the earlier of; (a),S days(or such other perfod as <br />_,_.��`� a�pllc�ble law may speclfy for reinstetement) before aale of the Property pursuant to any pc�wer of sale c.7ntained m chis <br /> ;,�� Security luetrument;or(b)entry of n Judgment enforcing this Security Instrurnent. Those conditians are that Borrower: (a)pays <br /> - Lender�ll surtu which then would be due under thie Sxurity Irutrument ancl�he Note as if n� accelerati�n had occurred; (b) <br />: °i.�i cures eny defwlt of any other covenAnts or igreements; (c) paye all eapenses Incurced in enforcing this Security Instrument, <br />��•�"�., including, but not limited to, rensonable attomeys' fees; and (d)takes sucb acdon as I.ender may rcasona6ly require to assure <br />��'`,•4 :' that the llen of this Security Inatrument, Ltnder's rights in the Property and Aonower s obligation to pay t}ie sums secured by <br />-„�"=;�; thia Socurity (nstrument shall continue �mchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, thi�s Securiry Instrument and the <br />-�°•-_:;�;;;;a�,� obligations secured hereby shall remain fully effective as if no acceleration had occurced. However, this right to reinstate shaU <br /> -___��� not apply in the caa of accelerAtion under pazagraph 17. <br /> --�.n_ 19. SAIe of Note; Clwage ot l.oan Servicer. The Note or a partial interest in the Note (together with thi� Securiry <br />�:�,:..s„a. <br />•��=-.Rr��---:� Insttumeny mAy be eold one or more tlmes wi[houc ptior notice to Bonower. A sale may result in a change in the entiry(known <br /> --��=—� as the"Loan Secviar")th�t collects monthly payments due under the Note and this S�curity Instrument.There also may be onc <br />;=_��� or more chengcs of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note.If there ie u change of the Loan Servicer, Borrower will be <br /> given wrltten notice of the ehange in accordance wlth puagraph 14 above and applicable law.The notice will state the name and <br /> '�"�� addc�ess of the new Loan Servicer and the addre�s to which payments should be made. The notice will also concain any other <br /> --�_� informadon required by applicable law. <br />�-__���� 20. H�zardoua Substance+. Bonower shall not cause or permit the pnscna, use, disposal, storage, or release of any <br /> --- -° Hazardous Substa��ces on or in the Property. Bonower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anything affecting the <br /> --- ° Property thet ia in violation of any Envimnmcntal The prxcding two untences shall not apply to the pnsence, use., or <br /> �__�-�=-- storage on the Property of small quantities of Hazardons Substances that arG generally recognized to be appropriate to normal <br />_ _ residenNa uses and to malntenance of the Property. <br />� Borrower shall promptly give Lender wntten notice of any investigation,claim, demand, lawsuit or other a..tion by any <br /> =:�s�o governmental or regulatary agency or private party involving the Property end any Hazardous Substance or Envirox�meutal <br /> ---- - of whlch 8orrower has actu�l knowledgc. If Borrower learns, or is notified by any�ovcrnmentel or reguletory authority, that <br /> = - any nmov�l or other remediation of any Hazardous Subs�ance affecting the Property ts necessary,Bonower ehall promptly take <br /> ,,;—��� all nocessary rem�edial actions in accordance with Fnvironmental Law. <br /> ,;:�� :o i:�:A ltll� pal'3sl3(!h ?Q, "H874TS3^'.!S$2lh9tflSlZ�S� 2SC[t!nc�gi1hct�nrr.e rin_fit_n��l a±e tn;jr nr�a�as�im�a�i�hctances hv <br /> - °�---- Environnxntal Law and the foliowing substances: gasoline, kerosene. otlaer tlammable or tozic petroleum proclucts, toxic _ <br /> - padcides and herbicides,volatile solvenW,material�containing asbestos or formaldehyde,and radi�active materials.As usai in <br /> this paragraph 20, "Environmental" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property le located that <br /> __: nlate to health,safcty or environmental protection. <br /> -- - NUN-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender funher covenant end agree as follows: <br /> ._ - - Zl.Aocder�tlon;Rcmedles.Lender slwll give natice to Borrower prlor to occeleratlon following Borrower's breach <br /> - o[ any rnvau�mt or �reanent in this Security Instrument (but not prlor to pccderation under ppragrAph 17 unleas <br /> applicable law provideu otherwiae).The notice shall spacity: (w)the def�ult; (b)the action requlred to cure the defaWh, <br /> __ _ _ (c)a date, not lesie thon 30 d�ya from the date the notice is given to Borrower,by which the default muat be cured;and <br /> -,.�..� (d)tl�t tdlure to cun tl�e def�uit on or betore the date specltied in the notice may resuit in �ccNastiou of the aume <br /> -. secured by Wis SecuMty Inatrument aad swle o[the Property. The natice shall further in[orm Borrower o[the dg6t to <br /> rdnet�te d�tar wcala�tbn and the rigbt to biiag a court Actlon to �.tsat the non•exbta�ce ot o default or any other <br /> delense ot Borrower to�xderatbn and eale.It the d�twult Is not curetl on or before the date specilied In the notice, <br /> Lender, at tta opbn, may require immedlaie p4yment In tull of pll surna secured by this SecuMty Iartna�ent without <br /> [uMher demand�nd may invoke the power of sale nnd any other remedid pern�itted by AppUcpble IaN. I.ender eh�ll be <br /> enUtled to collect dl expeneee tncurred in pur�win�the rennedies providul In thb paragraph 21, lncluding,but not limital <br /> to,�ble aKamya'Rea ond caets o[tltle evidence. <br /> I[tbe power ot�ale b invokM, Trwtee shall record a notice ot ciefoult In eACh county in which any pqrt o[the <br /> --� Pro�perty is IocAted and sl�wll mail rnple+ot such notice in the mAnner prescribed by npplicable law to Hoirower wnd to <br /> ---- the otha pen�ona prescribed by Appllcable IAw.After the time requlred by�pplkxble law,Trusta shwll give public notice <br /> --- - ot aAle to the pereons aad in the m�nner pre�cdbed by oppllcable law.'Itustee,without dam�nd on Borrowu,stwll adl <br /> --_"�- the Propaty ot publk Quction to the highcst biddcr At the time and ploce and under the termo designated In the notice of <br /> sale in one or more parcels�nd in Any order Trusta determines.Tnutce may postpope sale of all or an�porcel o[the <br /> - _ <br />