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, _ . <br /> . .. .. Y.. - - . ' � •�2tre.r.fc�cifYO�="�-. <br /> y7.� . . �--�..::�^':I"�3.Y�'.}I!:_:-`- — " - . <br /> . • ,, ,,,.. -- . <br /> • . .. �. . • ,. <br /> . :,��. . , ' ... t*,..__,�-,�...-..._�____----- <br /> . . . . <br /> _ -.,..:a-s . .. ��-. — <br />_.',f�Ir <br />'����+�?!.`•�h, � � 7,.Prot�ctfon af Lende�'� Rlqhb In the Property. It Bnrtow�r htb to pMform and �prMnwnts oonuhw h � <br /> ;x.u e*� <br />:�U;;��� .ihN S�curky Intlrurtwnt, or th�n k � Ipal prxMdinfl th�t m�ly •IpnMfc�ntly eM�ct UndK'� rlpnt� in th�f'ropWtY (aah u� ptoCMdhy <br /> „;�°A�,ti bankruplcy,prob�t�, lor cond�mn�tbn or lorf�kun or to mforc� kws or rpuAtbnc), thcn Lend�r rtwy do�nd p�y lor whdwM h n�cH��ry <br /> ;�.,,^e � to protect th� valu� of lh� Prup�rty �nd L�nda'� riphN h ih� Props�'ry, Und�r'e �otbne moy Include p�ylnp �ny �ums acur�d by � IMn _ <br /> whl�h h�a prbrky �wr this S�curky InstrurtNnt, �ppMrhp In court, p�yhp rNton�bM attorn�y'� INa �nd �niKk�Q on th�PropeAy to m�k� <br /> --' �� =��" nppk�. Akhouph L�nti�r rr�y tak��otbn und�r thb parlprYph 7,L�nd�r do�f not h�w to do �o, <br />�u,.f,?.�;;. <br /> My�mounS� dbburs�d by 4�nder und�r lhb pu�pnph 7 sh�M b�corr��ddNbn�l d�6t of Borrow�r t�cund by thM S�r:urRy In�trumrnt.•.;�.. <br /> � 't':�^-� UnN�f Bortaw�r�nd UnWr aprM to oth�r twsn� of p�Ym�nt, lh��� unount�l �h�ll bMr htsnet hom th� d�t� of dbbureanent �l lh�Nub <br />�".�:�1^Y?�. <br /> reto and�h�N b�pay�ble, wkh fntK�st,upon nolfc�kom L�ndw to Borrow�r nqueetinp p�ym�nt. <br /> _:,,,�� �, Morty�qe Inwr�nce. it �..nd.� r.�,r•d n,on�� �nsu�a�co oc o condltbn oi mnklnp tho loan sxured hy m� sec�rny �D �- <br /> ._ - Inatrument,BorrowK�h�A p�y th�pnmlums nqulnd to mahtah th�mortp�pe Inwr�na In�fhct, If,for�ny rN�on,th�moriy�p�hsunnc� � <br /> cownp� rpukW by L�nd�r laps�s or es�E�a to b� In �fhct, Borrow�r eh�N p�y th� pnmiums nqufred to obtl�ki cowr�ps tiubst�ntkMy � <br /> 'r� squN�Mnt t0 th�mortp�pe In�ur�nc� pnvbuly h sMect,�t �coat eubst�ntfally equNabnt to th�cost to Bor►owN ol ih� mortpapl haurana <br /> ,.— prwbusy in �Mect, hom an nksmat� mortpn� Ineurer�pprowd by l�nder. It subetantkly squNabnt mortp�pe heunna covK�ps b nol � <br /> <;s��;�-`c°�i pv�Wi6M, Bortow�r sh�ll pay to Under �ach month a �um squ�l to ontrtw�Mlh of the ysarly mortp�p� insunnc� pnmlum b�hp p�id by r <br />���Y�_•�f Borrow�r wh�n ths heunnc� cownp� I�psod or caacod to bo In otroct. Londar will ar.capt, use and ret�ln thef� p�ymente as � loss� <br />:��+r� � <br />-•:�q,,� roawve h Nw of mortpap� hsunncs. Losa r�s�rw poY�ts may no lonp�r be requk�d, at the optbn of Land�r, H moRflap� sunnc� <br /> --..�;•'� covK�ps (In th�amount and for the p�riod th�t Lendor rvauins)provkl�d by an Ineure approwd by Land�r�paln b�corrMS�vaYWl��nd b <br /> -- „ � obtaln�d. Borrowar shall pry lh� premlums r�quked to maint�h mortp�pe Inaunnce h afNct, or to provlde a bss rassrve, untA tha <br />-cc.s.��q, <br />-=—'..r" requkernsnt for moRp�pe fnsurance ends h accordance wkh�ny wrRtsn�preerrient bstween Bortowsr and Lendor or appl��bb law. <br /> �--'-"�`i 9. Intpsctlon. Lsndsr or Rs ap�nt m�y rrNke ressonabM �ntrk: upon �nd incpoctbna of the Prop�rty. L�nd�r eh�ll Ilw BortowK <br /> "`�—°� not�e�t th�tlm�of or prbr to en Inapsctbn spacMyfnq reasonable c�uss lor the Inspectbn. <br />���?�� 10. CondemneUon� The proceedr ot any �ward or ck�Im for damepes, dkect or con6equenll�t, In connxtbn wkh any <br /> ---- condMnnatbn or other t�khp of eny pert of the Propedy, or tor convayancs in Il�u of condsmnatbn, en har�by �6Elpned 1u�d �hdl b�pald <br /> �;;..�.�� to Lender. <br /> --; In th�avmt of�total taklnp o}the Property,tho prxeeds shall bs applbd to the sums secured by thfs Securky InsWme�t,whelher or <br /> .,;-�°� not then due,wkh sny excass p�kl to Horrower. In th�went of a partial qkinq of the Property in whbh th�hlr muk�t wlw of lh� Properly <br />� �� '"7A1�1 knrtwdytoty b�fore the t�khp fa equal to or preatar than th��mount of ths suma 6ecurad by this SecurAy Instrum�nt knmsdl�tsry belors ths <br /> - <br />