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.. ..�n �,: . , � . <br /> � . .�..y{�.a,-_.-.-._- <br /> ��z�..:_a-�.:—.__. <br /> y;�.�.- ::i- rr.yC':,t� . . k"• ';,y��til�ll•)L,:tKL]{HM1v5�,�.w•-,-�:r--.�.,�._��----- ----� --'-.. .... _. <br /> a. F �...,. � _--'... ... _ _ . _. .���'�T,;�x;�q�Ttir,____"._—�___. <br /> .i . ..}, ' '_ '" " ' . <br />. `.�'6"',C.`Y� <br />-'==�g,�,�.`��� � Uhd�r rr�y� �t �ny tkn�� colMCt and hold�und• In an �mount nol to�xc»d th� m�xknum �mount � IK►du lor� IWsrdy nlAtFd mortp�p� <br />.:51QS."�".�,tkll' <br /> r.�x.,�x . b�n may nquk� for Borroww� �tcrow 1�ccount und�r tho fed�ral RNI E1tab S�ttkm�N Froc�duroa Act ol 1974 �� am�ndsd hom t to <br /> r-+•.art th►i, 72 U.9.C. 2801 �t�W ("��A"b unMta anothK Mw that applks ro the Fu�ds sete a b�aa�mount. II eo,UnWr may� at�ny tkn�;•�3� _ <br /> �y�, � calNct �nd hokt Fund� In an amount not to �xcwd ih� lesser amount. L.end� may oatknate the flmount of }unda due on the bRils of�� _ <br /> � current dat��nd rwton�bM�Nkn4to�o} ��ndRuros ol future Eecrow Items or othKwlae In accordanc� wRh applic�bM 4w. <br /> � 7h• Fund� ah�N b� h�ld h �n h�tRutbn whot� d�po�Ns ��� Ineund by�feder�l ay�ncy, InetrumonulRy,or entRy (ncludhp L�nder, N� <br />."���'�^��.r L�ncNr k �uch �n fnstRutbn) or h �ny F�d�r�l Horr►� Lo�n Bank, Lender ah�l Rpply ths Fund� to p�y th� E�crow Itsmb. Undu nuY not l <br />---'"'`' ` � � oh�rp� 8artowM fa holdiny �nd applyhp th� Funds, �nnuaNy �nty=lnp the �scrow eccount, or vKHyfnp th�Eacrow Itema, unfesa Land�r�j <br /> =�r.s_.,�,�. <br /> pRys Bortowsr intenst on tha Funds and�pplfCabb law permR6 Lender ta mak�such a charpe. However,Lendsr maY rrqufre Bonowor to <br />_;,, •�� pay�on♦Ilm�ohup�(or�n Ind�prnd�nt nal�at�ts tex rsportinp servk:e usod by Landor In connoction wRh th�s ben, unless applbabls law i � <br /> °� provid�s oth�rwh�. UnNee �n apnern�nt la nuds or �ppl��bb I�w requt�a Intoraat to bs p�ld, Lend�r ehall not b� requksd to p�y <br /> dortowK any htK�st or semhps on th� Funds. Borrower end Under may aprN ki wrkfnp, howavor,th�t ht�►e�t shUl b�pa{d un tha Funds. � <br /> -��d=� Und�r �hIIN pN�to HorrawN,wNhout charg�, �n�nnud accountlnp o1 th�Funds. ehowlnp credks end d�bks to tho Funds and th�purpose � <br /> r-.-�- , <br /> ��-� for whfCh�ach dsbk to the Funds w�t m�ds. 7he runds are pbdped aa addkbnal securky for ell sums secured by thls SecurRy netrumen. <br /> :;"�.*r"�?��a If th� Funds hNd by L�nder �xc�ed the amounte pamkted to be held by opplb�ble law, Lender sheN account to Borrowx for the <br /> -,1'�:t;j`.�' �xasa Funda In �ccord�nc�wNh th�rsyuP�ment�of applbeble law. If tho amount of the Funds held by I.end�r at any tkne Is nol suHbfent <br /> +k�.f.`'; to p�y the Escrow Items whsn due,Lenda msy so notNy Bortows►in wrRkiq,nnd, In such case Borrower shnll pay to Lendsr the emount <br />� �+�'�°�� nac�as�ry to mak� up the defbkncy. Bortower Bhall make up the detfciency In no more than tweNe monthy p�yments, at Lenders sofa <br /> �:.H,mt�.•. <br /> ���'�� discrstbn. <br /> Upon paymsnt in fu�� of aN sums seCUred by this Security Instrument, lender shell promptly refund to Bortower eny Funds held by <br /> --_;;,;,�� Lendar. II,und�r p�npnph 21,Lendir shall acqulre or�all the Property�Lender. Prbr to tha acqulskbn or sale of the Propsrty, shall epply <br /> -_=�==- '� any Funds h�ld by Lend�r at the tirtN of rcqulsitbn or erle es A cradR�pafnst the suma secured by lhfs Socurky Instrumsnt. <br />_:r..:r:f2�� <br />���'Y�'�,..'��� 3. Applic�tlon of Peyments. Uniess eppifceble law provides otheixise,all PaYments recoNed by LM�der under parayrapha 7 end <br />_�.�:�Y�-�y 2 eh�B b�rppN�d: flnt, to �ny prepiyment charpes due under the Note; aecond, ro amounts p�y�bb undu panoraph 2; thkd ro Intxost <br /> .�,� due;fourth,to princfp�l due; end IQSt,to eny late charqes due under the Not�. <br /> 4. CI1�QQ�; Llens. BorrowK sh�N pay�u tax�e,asssasments,charpls, thes end knposRbns attrbutahl�to th�Prop�rty whbh rtuy <br /> --",;.'f�r�, <br /> att�h prlor'Ry over thfa Securky Instrumen6 and kasehold peymenta or pround rents, M any. Horcower sheN pay thesa obNpatbns In the <br /> _�.:�� m�nn�r provided h p�r�pnph 2, or H not pald h th�t rr�nnx, F3orcuwer ehall pay them on tNrN dincty lo th� p�rson owod payment. <br /> J=:..�i Bortow�r sh�M prompty fumbh to LencNr all notices of emounte to be pald under thls paraqraph. If Bortower mekes thsae p�ymenta <br /> �-_,.�� dPecty, Bonowsr eh�A prompty lumbh to Lender recapts evldenchy the paymonts. <br /> Bortow�r shall prnmptly dlscharpe any Ilen whbh haa prbrNy over thfs Saurky Instrument unMss Bortow�r: (�)aprMS In wrRhfl to ths <br /> _ __= payment of ths obllplitbn secursd by th�Nen h a m�nnx accsptabb to L�ndx;(b) conteste In pood hkh ths Wn by, or defenda ap�Inst <br /> —�p uiifvi�wTiGiit 0�Z�v�.�".� :1���'�fC�Lr��"•:e yyhNh h Ihe Lentkf'S oahbn opuate to pravent the enforcement ot the Ifen; Of(C) SECUfOS kORI <br /> y�-�ii <br /> -���� th� hokMr of tha Ibn �n aprewnent�atisirctory to Londsr subordlnntinp th�Ifen to lhfs Securky Instrume�t. If Und�r d�t�rmin�s tn�t �ny <br />_-__--_ _ part of tl» PropKty fs subJ�r,t ro a Me� whbh rtwy attaln prbrNy ovsr thb SuurRy Inslrumsnt,LencNr rtuy G�w 8orrowx a notbe Id�ntMyhp <br /> '` th�Nan. Borcowsr shatl satbly the INn or take ons or mora of the actbns set lorth abovs wkhin 10 days of th� qNinO of notic�. <br /> 5. Hiz�rd or Praperty Insurence� Borrower sh�Y keep ths improverr�ente now exhthp or herMitK erscled On the Property <br /> - fn�und �palnst bsa by fin, h�urdf Inclurdod wkhin lha tortn 'eztendad cowray�" and any othsr hwrds, Includhfl Hoods or fbodinq, for <br /> whbh L�nde�nqufns hauranc�. Thls Msur�nc�ehaN be malntahsd in the omounts �nd for th�p�rbda ih�t UntMr r�quins, Th�inaurencs � <br /> -- c�rtMr provldNp th� hsuranc� sh�N be chosen by B�rrower subject to Lendsrs epprovd whbh shaN not be unnaaon�by wkhheld. II <br /> "� Bortow�r(aAs lo m�lntaln covarap� d�scrbed above, Londer maY, a► Lenders optbn, obteln covsnQe to prouct Lsnd�s rqhts In th� <br /> �- Prop�rty h �ccordanc�wRh panpnph 7. <br /> AN insuranee polfeba and rsnew�la ehaA bs eeeeptable to Lsnder�nd ehall heiuck a st�ndard mortpap�el�use. Lender shaN haw th� <br /> ripht to hold th�poNCbs and ronw+Us. II Lendar nqufn�t, Borcower shall prompty piw to Lendsr�II neaiPla of p�k!premluma�nd nnwv�l <br /> notic�s. In the w�nt af bss, Borcower shall qMa prompt notfce to the Insunnc�carrNr and Lender• Lvnder may mak� proof of bss M not <br /> mad�prompty by Bortower. <br /> --- Unlas Londer and Borrowar otherwisa aprae In wrRiny, Insurance praeeds shan ba �pplhd to restorotion or ropalr of ths Property <br /> dtmpp�d, N th� restoratbn or rep�k Ia sconomfcaly feaslbb and Lenders securicy fs not less�nsd. If lhe nstor�tbn or npak fs not <br /> � ----- economfeaNy fs�abN or Lenda'a s�curily would be Ie�s�nM,lhe Nsurance proceeds shaR bs applNd lo th�sums seCUnd by thb S�CUrRy <br /> — Instrument, wh�thw or not than due, wkh any oxc�ss pald to Bortower. II Bortow�r abendons tha Properly� or does not�nawK w8hh 30 <br /> dlys a notice hom LendM that th�hauru►c� curfer has othrsd to seqle �claM, then LondK may calMct ths Insurnncs prcc«da. Lendar <br /> �— may us�ths prxwds to repalr or restors the PropMy or to pay sums skured by thls Sscurity Instrument, whethu or not th�n dus.The <br />_�����i 30�day pKbd wW bapin whea lhe notic�is plwn, <br /> == <br />