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.� , - „ . _. . . <br /> ,. ., .. <br /> � , <br /> ,� .... '�, <br /> ...,1�. -.�.,,. t'�� <br /> „� . .. ' - ,.�f,�.ylStA�'!C •e�-. <br /> �t� <br /> + t�r�ell�r,�«�we!� o-m. .. . . �k...... .. .,. ._-......_---- ii:.,: <br /> . . . �.r• . . .. . . - <br /> ES:' <br /> - ,} 18� BO��OWO�'� Hl�h1 to Reln�tete. If Borrow�r meets csrttln condklons, Borrower eh�ll h�ve th� riphl lo hs�� mforc�rtiMt of ��`y�'" <br /> �rl'. <br />-� .thb S�curRy Instrummt dfaCOnthwd �t �ny tim� prbr ro lNe wrlier of: (�) 6 dayc (or 6uch olh�r perbd �e eppl�abN laiw may sp�cNy for __, <br /> ;�� reh6talN►1M�t) b�fon s�M ot th� Prop�rty puroutnt to any power of srle contalned h thls SecurRy Inntrunwnt; or (b)�ntry of ■ Judpm�nt �..'L <br /> , �.� �nforclnq thls S�curRy In�trumr+t.Tho��condRbna �rs th�t Borrower: (a)P a Y s L e n d�r o l l s u m e w h b h t h e n w o u l d b� dw und�r this SscurNy �,-J <br /> InatrumMt and th� Note h�d no �co�Mntbn oCCUrced; (b) cures any d�huk of Any othsr Cov�nanl or �prNrt►snte; (c) paye �n �xp�n��s <br /> +. Incurt�d fn �nlorcfnp thls S�CUrky In�trum�nt, Includinp, but not Iknk�d to, re�aon�hls �ttorneys' fas; �nd (d) tak�s euch �Ct10� 16 LMdK� <br /> � may rsason�by rsquks to�ssun that the Ibn o1 thh S�curRy Inatrumsnt, Lendmr's rfphta In ths PropKty �nd BorrowK's ohlpatbn to p�y�, `_ <br />- -Y th� nums s�our�d by thls S�CUrNy Inetrurt�snt sh�N conlhue unchanysd, Upon relnetetsmeM by Borrowsr, lhis SecurNy InaVum�nt �nd the ( E <br /> obilpalbns secured hasby eh�ll nmah tuly eMecthre aa Y no accebretbn riad occurrad. Howsvx, thls riqht to nlnetat� eh�ll not app�Y � � 1 <br /> tha case of uccelaration undnr pArRc�reph t7. ��- <br />- o.t�C�• 19. ��E of Note; Chanqe of Losn SlfV�CEI'. The NOl9 or e pdrt41 Interest k1 the NOte (tOp�lnK wRh lhis SeCUrky <br /> '�`� Inatrument) may be sold one or mors tknes wkhout p►br nAtfca to Borrower. A sale may resuR fn�a chenpe h the entRy (known �s th� <br /> "Laan Servfcer") th�t coliects monthy peyments due under the Note end this 5ecurRy Instrument. There also may be one or more chanyes 1 <br /> ot the Loxn Servfcer unraGted to a sale of the Note. If thera Is e chanpe of the Loan Servicer, Barrower will be pNen wrkten natfce of the � <br />�� � chanps In accord�nca wRh psnyraph 14 nbove and applfcable law• The nat�e will stute the neme and eddress o1 the new Loan SsivY•er <br /> + and the address to whfch payments ehould be made. The notfca will also contain any other hformatlon requYed by applbable i�w. <br /> 1 20. H�dOUS Substances, 8o Bo ower shal�notadoe nor albw�enyonerelse to�dos anytihinp aHecthQ�tehe Property6ehat is h <br /> • Huardoua Substances on ar In the Property. <br />- vblatbn of any Envkonmental Law. The precedinq lwo sentences shall not epply to the presence, use, or storape on the Property of small <br /> "� quantRbs of Hazardous Substences that ere penerely recoynlzed to be appropriate to normal residential usea and to mahtenance of the <br /> �L Property. <br /> .�:: • .� Borrower shau promply pNe Lender wrkten nottce of any Investlpatbn, claim, demend,lawsuR or other action by any povemmenta or <br /> regulatory apency ar privete perty hvoNin9 the Proporty and eny Hnzardous Substance or Environmental Lew of whbh Borrower has �ctual <br /> ' knowledge. If Bortowsr leams, or Is notHfed by eny qovemmentel or repulatory authorRy, that any removal ar other remed4tion ot nny _ <br />��; . Hazardous SubSience affectinp the Properly is necessary, Borrower shell promp!y take all necessary rsmedial actbns h accordance wRh <br /> �• Envkonmental Law. <br />� � ���, As ussd fn tl�is parapreph 20, "Hazerdous Substances" ere those substances def'ried as tox� or heurdous subst�nces by <br />-'�"'''�`��•" Envkonn�tel Lnw and ths folbwinp substances: pasolhe, kerosene, other tlammable or tozb petroleum products, roxb pestbides �nd <br /> herbbldes, volatfle soHents, mnterlals contsfnhg asbestos or formaldehyde, end radbactNe materials. As used In thls parapreph 20, <br />�:���':.:;4; <br />;... , "Envfronmsntel Law" means lederal laws and laws of the Jurfsd�tbn where the Property is located that retate to heakh, safety or <br />��,:.,,,,:,:: anvironmsnUl proUctbn. <br />�t NON-UNIFOFMA COVFNANTS. Borrower and Lendu further covenent and aqree as folbws: <br />�.- �� 21. AcceleraUon; Remedlea. Lender �hall ylve notice to Borrower prlo� to scceleraUon followiny <br />- @orrower'� breech of any covemnt or ayroement in this Socurity InsVumeM (but not prior to <br /> '.``' ---- a�ae:e:a«�:! L[!�w� �,�s���,�nh 17 unless epplicable Iew providea otherwlae). The notice ahalt specify: (e) <br />'�y:Ci�.i .'.�i1�•'. . <br /> '= � iht defeult; (b) the sction requlred to cure the defeult; (c) a dste, not lew tnan �u days Ram ii,a ud« u�o <br /> "''``°°-�' � notice Is yfven to Borrower, by which the defeult must be cured; end (d) that failure to cure the defsult on <br />�%�t'���°•' or before the dete apecifled in the noUce may �esult In acceleretlon of the eums secured by this Security <br />�''����� Instrument and sale of the Property. The notice ahell iurther Iniorm 8orrower of the �Iqh1 to relnsUte aiter <br /> sfv.ra--�X:�.^;'r <br />'��-' :'y ecceleratlon end the rlpht to brinp a court action to assert the non-existence of a defeult or sny othe� <br />�?��"'�''��:°� detense ot Borrower to acceleraUon and wle. If the deisult Is not cured on or before the dete apeciiled in <br />-'�'`��"��'�" the notice, I.ender et IU opUon moy requlre Immedlate payment In tull of all sum�secured by this Security <br />�a ,�._. <br />�"�;�: • Instrument without turther demend and mery invoke the power of sele and eny other remedles permitte <br />��;; .;'?` by �pliceble law. Lender shall be enUtled to collect all expense� incurred In pursuln� the recnrdles <br /> �'AI:T".��� � provided In thls perayrsph 21, Includin9,but not Iimlted to, reasone�ble attorneys' fees �nd cests of t1Ue <br /> __- ..Slu�a� <br /> _°�-... � evidence. <br />--�:ss�.��� <br />�°��'�'`�%%�'�� If the power of aale is invoked, Trustee shall record e noUce of detault in eeeh county in whlch sny <br />'4"��--=-- pert of the Property Is located and shall meil copiei of such notice In the menner prescribed by sppllceble <br />�:M yr-,:;� p Ilcsble law. After the dme requlred by <br />�� .,;, -.-� lew W Borrower end to the other eraons preacribed by spp <br />-��-"".,': eppllcablo I�w, Trustee ehaU pive public notice of sale tu the perewns end In the manner prescrfbed by <br />,;�•4-'_..:;;.' sppliceble lew. Trustee, without demend on Borrower, ahall aeU the Property at publlc auctlon to the <br /> -- :�,�r_..� hfahest bldder at the Ume and place end under the terms dealynated In the noUce oi a�le In one or more <br />-�•�'';.�"' r p�rcels �nd in sny order Trustee determines. Trustee may postpone ssle of all or any pevicel of the <br /> - �...,._ <br /> "�=-i� -'r Property by public annnuncement st the tlme and place of any prevloualy acheduled tela Lender or b <br />——.���-�� <br /> �:,�_�� dai�nee m�y purchase the Property et my aale. <br />��."'"�°'; " Upon recelpt oi payment of the prlce bld, Trustee shall dNiver to the purchaser Trustee'a deed <br />�__-�'!(:(!'r:... <br /> _ �•_.�. conveying the Property. 7h� recltati In the Trustee's deed shall be prims fecie evidence of the Vuth o <br /> ` ` the stetements made thereln. Truttee slwll apply the proceeda of the sale in the t�ollowinq order: (a) to all <br /> costs and expenses oi exercislny the power of sale, and the sale, Includinq tha payment of the T�ustee's <br /> � tees ectuslly incurred, not to exceed three % of the principel emount of the note at the time of <br /> ` � the decla►aGon of defeult, and reesonsbla attorney's fees as permitted by Iew; (b) to all sums secured by <br /> • � � thls Security Instrument; and (c) eny excess to the person or persons legelly enlltled to It. <br /> � <br />- 22. Reconveyence. Upon payment of all sums seCUred by thfs Securily Instrument, Lender shflll request Tivstee to reconvey the <br />_ � � Property and shaN surtender thls SecurRy Instrurtient and all notes evidencng dobt secured by this Securi�y Instrument to Trustee. Trustee <br /> sh�A reconvey ths Property wRhout wflrranty and without charqe to tlie person or persons legn�ly eMNled to R. Such person or persons shaN <br />_ ' � <br /> pay sny recordotlon costs. <br /> " - -----1 __ _ _ .._ _ _ _.__ _. ,._ __.�.. ....,.. M,,,.� �ti„o �n eima remove Trustee flnd apDaht a SuCCessor trustee lo flny <br /> _ _ _ 23. �ll�5Gil1iC �ru�saee. i.emom� a� ��� .,r,�•••�� .•..•r <br /> Trustee nppohted herounder by an instrurnent recordecf h the county � whfch this Security Instrument fs reCOrded.Hlithout conveyance ol <br /> the Property, successor trustee shall succeed to ell the title, power and cluties conterred upon Trustee heretn and by applicnble lew. <br /> 24. Requeat ior Notices. Borrower requests that copies of the notices of defauR and sale be sent to Borrower's address whfch <br /> _- is the Prqporty Address. <br /> 25. Ridera to this Securiry InsVument. i� cne o� more �ide�s are ex9CUted by Borrower a�d reCOrded tOg9thgt wilh IhlS <br /> = SeCUrily Instrument, the covenants end s9reements of each such dder shall be incorporeted hto and shell amend and supplement the <br /> { covenants and ep��ents of this SecurRy Instrument as �the ridor(s)were a part of thfs SeCUrity Instrument. <br /> � Fo�m aoze e,co <br /> IFlJO9.lM0(10/B!) P�9��o�S <br /> I <br /> SJ�B� <br /> i _ <br />