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, .. �t"� -„ ��XXr':�.�i ._._.. <br /> � . . ..._.._..---:.e•: - <br /> ' j-Y�'-��„�g'.�Dr'1ta�'�.�`��'^-'"'_....,:•i4:;,,,;"dr. •:.,'�L_� ��.s�,��e!°' <br /> � '�''► <br /> � � n .. � <br /> ' ��i-nj � CO t� cn �j'3"� — <br /> n n `� � �� cc� %? ; t0 <br /> m c�'i� � .� �i_ � _ . � �0 <br /> '' � -�� ��� r't'1 <br /> � � � '�� � <br /> 1� �, (' � <br /> ,� ,� <br /> . <br /> ~ • � " ~ � <br /> � � ' ,,' � i. , � N ,y � <br /> hN F--• ' u� � <br /> `C�� , ' c� <br /> C� `'�' cr� ....� . �—+ � <br /> � gg- 112�18 � � p� <br /> � <br /> �8pau Abov�Th4 Lin�Far Mtordlnp D�1�� — <br /> THIS LOAN IS NOT ASSUMABLE WITHOUT THE C� <br /> APPROVAL OF THE DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS � <br /> AFFAIRS OR ITS AUTHORIZED AGENT C � <br /> DEED OF TNUST <br /> TNIS DEED OF TRUST(•s.curky inccn,manr) �a mad�on December 17th __._��--� <br /> Thq wator fs Devld R Feirb�nks an Unmerrled Peraon �•eorrower�). <br /> Th•tn,st.o ts N�tion�l Benk of Commerce Trust and Savinaa Assocletlon. 13th end "O" Street Llncoln,(?NQ`��, <br /> 6d508 ,whbh <br /> Th.b.r,.nokry ro The Overland N�tionel B�nk of Grand Island , �nd whoae address is <br /> �oro.n�.d .nd.x�aunp und.r ihe�.wa ot The United Stetea af Amerlca ��L��,� <br /> en� w..* Thl�.� Cfrw�t G�snd IalA11d, NE 6QS01 - <br /> Bonoww owss l�nd�r th�princi�al sum ol Nine�y One ThousQnd EfOht H DoNUS�(U.S.: 00/1uu 91,800.00),Thb d�bt <br /> ia avkfanad by Borcowers nota d�tsd the s�ms date as thfs Sscurky Inntrum�nt("NoN"), wh�h provldss for monlhy paym�nts,wkh th�fuA <br /> d�bt, M not paid wrl4r� du�and p�yahk on Jsnueirv 1. 2029 _.Thle S�curky Instrum�nt s�cuns to L�nder:(�)th• <br /> npayment of ths cNbt evidancsd by the Nots,wNh htenat,and�N renowab,uct�nsbna and modMic�tWn� of tha Nat�; (b)the p�ym�nl of QA <br /> oth�r sums, wkh fntenst, advancsd und�r p4rapr�ph 7 to protsct thd e�curNy of thls S�curNy Instrument; �nd (o) tM pertomwncs o} <br /> Borrowws cavenante�nd�preernsnts. For thb purposs, Borrowu Irrwocaby prants �nd convsys to Trusteo,In tNSt, wkh power of a�k,the <br /> folbwinfl descrMd propsrf/located in Heil Cvunty,NWnska: <br /> Lot One (1), Block Two (2), Southern Acres, an AddfUon to the Cliy of Grend IWend, Hell County� Nelxwfc�. <br /> In the swnt thb ban fs detsm�insd to be helfpbls lor Loan Guannty hy Dep�rtment ol Vetx�n's AMaks,this entin b�n may be <br /> dacl�nd dua and p�y�bk�t tha optbn of th�mortp�pw. The idtNndum to De1d ot Trust 4ttaCh�d hento�nd exsCUt�d ol ewn dat� <br /> h�nwith fa incorporated hKSh and ths covenants�nd�pre�rt►snta of the adds�dum ahaN emend snd supplsmMt th�cown�nta�nd <br /> - �prNnwnts of th� DMd of Trust a� M the add�ndum wsr•put henot. Grand Island <br /> whfch h�a th��ddnss ol 429 Wvandotte <br /> - u.•� Q1� <br /> - N�bnsk�_ 6SS01 ("Arop�rty Ad�ress"); <br /> Zlp C00• <br /> TOGETHER WITH �II improvernonts now or hxeaRer orected on the prop�ty, end eu easements, appuRenancas, and Hxtures now or <br /> herwftx a part of the property. AN repkcerrants and addRbns shall be Covered by thfs Securiry Instrument. AN of tho forapolnp fs ralwnd <br /> to in thb Securky Instrurrient as the "Property". <br /> �r BORROWER COVENANTS thet Bortower fs Iew�u�N seised ot the eslete hereby conveyed and has tM r�jht to prent and convey tM <br /> —� Property and that the Proparty fs unencumbe�ed, except lor encumbrences of record.Borcower wsn•ants and witl defend pener�Ny ths title to <br /> �� the Prope�ty apainst a11 ckfms snd demands,sub}ect to any encumbrances of record. <br />�� THIS SECU(i17Y IPI5TRUMENT combines unNOrm covenants tor nitbnd use anc' non•unMorm covenants wRh linited varintbns by <br />�-f� jurlsdictbn to constRute�unkorm security Inswment coverhfl reel property <br /> � UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrow�r�nd lender covenant and aqres as folbws: <br />_,�� 1. Payment of Princiqel and intereat; Prepeyment and Lllte CF1a�QEi. Bortovuer Shall prompty pay wnen aue �ne <br /> � principal of and fnterest on the debt evidenced by ths Note and any prepayment and fate charpes due under the Note. <br /> 2. Funds ior Taxea end Insurence. SubJeCt to applieable ww or to a wrilten wahrer by Lende�, Borrower shtlll pYy t0 Le�der <br /> on the day monthy payments are due undsr tha Note, until the Note is paid h full,a sum ("Funds') for:(a) yearty taxes and assessments <br /> whlch may etiain prbrily over thls Security Instrument os a Ipn on the Property; (b) yeary leasehold p�yments or qround rents on the <br /> Prop�rty, M �ny; (c)yeuy h�nrd or property insunnce premfums; (d)yoarly Ibod hsursnce prsmiums. H any;(a) yearry mortpepe insunnca <br /> prsmfum�, M�ny; �nd (i)any sums pay�bN by BorcoMbr to Lender, h a�cordance with the provfsfons of peragr�ph 9, h lieu of tlie payment <br /> ut mortp�ye Insunnce pr�nlums. These Rems an caNW"Escrow Items." <br /> � Form 9024 oi'DO <br /> NEBRA9KA•91nG�e K�mr.y-F�nni� M��IFr�Ed��Mac UNIFORM IN9TRUAIENT ' <br /> � F400G.LM0(10/oE) P�p�1 0l S <br /> � <br /> � BE19� <br /> � - _ _ . . _ . _ _ _ .. <br />