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. . � <br /> ..a ' . � ., . � . �r . . . <br /> - � 1 �I!� - ' .. .. '�'1�': . - ��`� • �'�• --- <br /> `NI.r . . ... ..VnM/1MM?WYMwSw�N�I• ... ' . .. . � .. ... .... . :.'r."C'�le.. - <br /> '' * . .. . . ... .. . . . ... . .. ` -. <br />_ `, f..�. <br /> �l ��� t!.v.�.. <br /> ��r ° °� DEED OF TRUST 1�2��� Pepe 3 <br /> .. , ,z-o�-��e �:: <br /> �.. � • Lo�n No A433�6 (CnMinued) ��_ <br /> ;,. <br /> �iir EYWNIW 01 PM/nIMN� Truata thall upon Gmand furnbh lo Lendsr aolla}�ctay eNdence of payment of the taxe�a essessmenb�nd shall ��� <br /> - !R• �uthorl�Ih�Iylpro{xkN povornrrNntal oMcl�l to dNiv�r to L�ndK�t�ny Uma a wrltten stat�ment of►h�taxes and assesarrNnb ap�lnst tM "��' <br /> �, ��Y' <br /> ' �� ;� NINIO�Of�0luhuetbn. Trusftx�ha4 nntlfy L1ncNr�t Maft IIfIMn(16)d�ye Wfon�ny work fs commencad,any servfcea ara furnbM�d,or�ny <br /> mAqrlW�n�upp�d lo Ih� Prop�rty,If any m�chanb'a u�n, rtulKlalmen's Iien,or other Ilan coutd be asserted on account of tfw work, � <br /> � - � � NrNoM,a nwMr(�I�. Tru�ta wIN upan r�quKt ol L�nda furnkh to L�nd�r�dv�na�sswances sadsfactory to Land�r th�t Trusta an and wiN , <br /> p�y tMN cal of euch ImprowrtNnb, �<i <br /> PROI'�lITY OAMAGL IMiURANCE. TM tdlowlrq provi�lom rNaHnp lo Insudnp Iiw Prppwty are a parl of thls Desd ot Trust. �_:_:_ <br />_',�,_, , MYnMiwq�01 Inwnna. Trwta�h�N prxura�nd malntaln poWr.let of 8n In�ur�na with atandard exlendW cownpe�ndore�rtwnb on a <br /> r�p1�0�rrNM buh fa 11»fuN Insurabl�v�lw eowrlrp aM Improvsrrnnls on th�R�al Property In an emount au}Aclent to avoid�pplicaHon of any <br /> i��� oolnlunflo�o1�uM,and wlth��4ndard merqape�claus�In hvor of Und�r,topofMrc with such othAr haurd�nd Ikhllity Insur�nce�s L�nd�r ,._ <br />�,,,�,r.,_ - rrMy rN�pn�bly nqukt ppNclM�haM b�wrht�n In fam,emounb, Cowrapea�nd b�sis rbaaonably eCOept�ble to L�nd�r ind ktu�d by� E <br />_- .�� tomp�ny a comp11nIM rMwnubly atx�tabN to Lender. Truslor,upon raqusst of LendK,will dNiwr to L�ndnr hom Ilma to Hrrw Ih�polda � <br /> or p�rq6a1M of In�unnpi In form uiHslaotay to 4ender,includinp atlpulatlons that coveraflea will not be cancelled or dlminish�d wlthout at <br /> IN�I IM(10)d�yn'prior writt�n noNc�to Lende►. Each Ineurtnce polby also shall Include an endorsement providlnp thal cove►ape In favor of <br /> ` L�ndN wIM n01 W Imp�k�d In�ny w�y by�ny ilCl,omisslon a default of Trustor or any other person. Should the Reol Property at any Hme <br /> f; .� � brcoma loc,�t�d In�n uN d�lpnd�d by ih�Dlrector ol the Fedaral Emerpency Manapament Aqency as e speclal flood hoz�rd uee,7rustor <br />- .ti•�. � ApnN to obt�ln�nd malnlaln F�d Flontl Insunnce for iho tuu unpeld pdncipal bslance of the loan, up lo the maximum pd�y Iimfts sel <br /> - .. undM tF�PMtloMI Flood Irwunna ProprRm,or af MtwrwfN rpuk�d by I.�ndK,and to malntain wch Imurana fa tFN brm N tM loan. <br /> �' � AppNOrNq�of IkOOMd�. Trutla�h�M prompMy notFfY LmcNr of any losa or d�rrwpe to th�Fropwty. Lender may mek�proof of las M Trusta <br />' hN�b do�o wltMn MM�n(16)d�y�of th�dlu�lty, WMlfxr or nol LendK'e acurlly b Impak�d,Lender may,�t ib slecdon,nvsive�nd rolaln <br />�'i. .. : Ih�proondt ol�ny Inwnna�nd�ppy!M prawda lo tM rsductlon of tfM Ind�btedna�,Payrn�nt W�ny Il�n�M�cdnp ttN Prop�rly.or tM <br /> reaiatlbn�nd nQ�k of IIN Prr�rly. If I.�nd�r Nsoh fo�pply th�proot�da to ratoratlon and np�lr,Trustor 6h�N rep�k or npl�o�tM <br />� dam�p�d a dMkoy�Improv�rnMls In� minrNr saibioctory to Lender. lanclor shell,upon sathiactory proof al duCh expsnd�tur�, p�y or __ <br />_`_} ,, . rMrnburN Trwla kom IFN prooM�l�fa tl»rKwnabN cost of npalr a restaaticn If TruSlor Is not In d�hull undar thfs DNd ol Trust. Any � <br /> • prooMd�whfch h11w nol bMr1 dllburNd wNhin 1E0 day�RftK thNr recelpt�nd wl�lci�Und�r has not commilled to tha rspak or rata�don of _ <br /> - ttw PropNty�IMN b�uMd Anl lo p�y any amount owirq to Undor under thb Deed of Trust,then to psy sccrued InMrsst,�nd the nmeinder,If <br /> -- any,�h�N b��pWMd lo tM prindp�l ba4np of tM Ind�bl�dness. If Lender hdds any procesda after payment In fuN of lhe Indebtednesa,such - <br />�'+�;�t;` proo�b�MiN b�p�ld lo Trurla u Tru�ta'�Int�r�tb nwY MPKr. <br /> : Unoxpk�d In�unna M{W. Any urMxpk�d Insurana clu�ll Inure to the berwfit of,and p�ss to,tha purchaser of tha Properfy coverad by tn1� <br />_�x't�a' DMd of Tr1N!�I�ny MMIM9 uN a o1M�r MM M�d untNr tFw provlslons of this Da�d ol Trust,or at any fonclosure wl�of such Prop�ty. <br />�`�'=+r EXPENDITI�iE�SY LENOl11� If Trwla hIN to Comply wl�h any provlslon ol thb Deed o(Trust,or II�ny acHon or proceedlnp b commanad tFu�t <br />-'�T wpuld rt►�Mri�My�M�c11.�ndK'�Int�ab In th� Prop�rly,l.�nd�r on Trusta's boh�M may,but ehaN not b�nqulnd to,taks any�cdon thal Undw <br />-�*k:�^�' , dMmt�ppraplaM. My Rmaunt th�t LMd�r�qNeds In w ddnp wIH be�r inter�st at Ihe nte provlded for In lhe Nots hom ttN dab Incurr�d a pald <br /> ':�":='-�� '� by L�ndK to fh�d�M of nQ�ynwrN by 7rusid. A�tueh�ru�s,et l.�nder'e optlon,wiN (�)b�p�yobl�on d�rrwnd, (b)b�add�d to ttN b�l�nce <br />'``.:^'+' o11M NoM�nd W�pporlbrNd�monp�nd b�p1Y�bM wNh any InsfaMment p�ymenb to b�com�dw d�ulrp�fthx (I)ttw term of�nY ePPMcabk <br /> w,� - • <br />-�°?�'�,� Iniurana pWby a (N)IM nmdNnp Mrm d Ih�NaM�a (o)be trw►�d ns�balloon payrn�nt whtch wNl be dw and pay�bl�at tM Nol�s matu . <br /> ',;',,`'- TM�DMd Of Trwt�NO M/w NCUr�paYm�ni d iitw�smouriii. Ti�i�'h7t N piG:'�d!C�:.^.:h!s;,.•1ph.h•x!�s!n edd!H�n tn��y nlhn.r�hl�o►�ny <br />�.�,,.�.:: r� nrtNt1M�b whbh L�ndK m�y W�nMN�d on u000uM d�1»dMauH• Any such Rctlon by Urd�r shaN not be constrwd�s cudnq lhe delaufl�o as to <br /> =:'.,.k� <br />?.r-...,, bor L�ndK kom�ny rMn�dy Ih�t N WMrwls�would haw ha . <br /> ,s c!Y5l1` <br />_���� yyAqpANry�plfENk pf T�iLE, 7M�oNpwl�p prauylorM nl�tlrp to ownrnh�p of tM Prop�ty u��p�rt of thb D�ed ol Trust. <br /> TMN. TnKla w�nM th�l: (�)Truata hold�Oood end m�rk�fabl�1itN ut ncad lo th�Proparly In f�a timpl�,hw�nd clwr qf dl Il�ns�nd <br />-�;;;i�;';.�,"�� �ncumbnnoM dh�r th�n(hoM MI forth In Ih1 RW Prop�r�Y dMalpdon or In Rny dd�Inaw�nc�pdbY�Ntl�rsport,a Ilnd UW oPlnion Iasu�d In <br />—�- hvor d,�nd�oo�pNd by,LMdK In conn�etlon wllh thK DMd o}Trust,and (b)Trustor has th�fuN rlyht,pow�,�nd�ulhority to ucecute and <br />=�':"""'� d�Nwr thh DMd of TrIMI lo I.�nd1r. <br />'""�-'°'�'-��� DMiMU�of TIIN� SubJ�ot lo tIN�Ma�111o�In tM D�►�OnPh�bow,Tr�tor w�rtanh and wIN fonwr dN�nd ths dtl�to 1M Prop�rty aflalntt the <br />=:a:�w`� 11�wfu1 CNIrtM ol NI p�orN, In Ih��wnt Iny �cyon a Pro�w�M^0 b commsnad that qus�flom Trustor's Ntls or tM Int�nst ol TrutiN a <br /> �__��;,�� l�nd�r undw thk OMd of Trthl,Trwta�hM d�1M►d fh��ctlon d Trustor�apsru�. Trusta rtu�y b�tM nomind pvly In such prooMdirp,bu1 <br /> -V°�� ��r�1�N 1�Mqq�d Io p�ryplp�y In tM prool�cfirp and lo b� npr�ntsd In fM prooMdnp by counsN of Lsndsr�own chola,and <br /> _ <br />