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'�. . ,. , �. � ,,, • , <br /> . �h..`•. . . .. . . ,,..•..w�,.,,..•, . .. , ,++ew71P11� . .,��n <br /> , .....,,. ., . . . . . • .�„f;. - <br /> " �- ��-os-t99e DEED OF TRUST ' 9��112�05 Peqe z „',.T- <br /> • . Loen No 843326 (CoMinued) �,.� ,.'°;�; <br /> , - — — --- .. , <br /> .. . :'S"=.. <br /> � rspl�corrNnb o�, �nd �1 wblUludoM (rx, any of euah proputy; and topetMr wlth ell proceede (Indudlnp wuhout umitatlon e11 Insurance ' <br /> prawdt�nd rNunds of pnmlums)kom�ny e�l�a oth�r dlsposliion of tM Proputy. � � '"'. <br /> � PropKty. TM wad"Prop�ri�l'rr�anf coN�ctlwly th�Ft�al Propwty and tFN P�nonal Property. ,.��` <br /> ' pMl Prpp�rty, Th�wadl"FiMI Prop�rty'rtwan tM prop�rty,Int�nsb and riphu d�scrib�d ebovo in the"Convxyence end Onnl"section. . . <br /> � q�1�Nd DoeurtlMfta. Th� wad�'RN�Md DocurrNnb"mMn and indud� without Mmltution aY promfssory nola, cndll apr»rrwnts, loan �� ,�,=�- <br /> cr- <br /> �prwrrNnb,anvkonrr�n41�qrNments,Qwranlle9,e�CUdly Ilflr»rtt�nts,moripaQ�s,d»da of trust,and all other instruments,�preements end "+�t':�';":*;r:_ <br /> dooumonlc,wFwlhw now or hwoaftor exlsNnp,exer,uled In connactfon with Ifie Indebtednesa. ••'�- •- = <br /> �C�.:1�...,_=°_,`_. <br /> � •'.���� RMU. TM word'fi�nb'mMns aN prswnt�nd futur�r�nb,revsnua,IncorM,Iseua,roy�lti�s,proAh,�nd o1hM ben�Ab dwived hom the _--- <br /> Prop�rly. <br /> ���� Tru�tN. TM wad'Trtn4�"m�ans UNITED NEBRASKA BANK and�ny eubstitut�or auccvsaor Uusts�s. �''�V., <br /> •�. � Trwta. 7ha word'fruslor'means any and f1N panons�nd andtNs oxacullnp Ihfs�eed of Trusl,includlnp without Iimitatlon ell Trustws named —a=-- <br /> ..� above. �-`-- - <br /> 7HI3 DEEO OF TRUST, INCLWINQ THE ASSICiNMENT OF qENTB AND THE BECUfiITY INTEREST IN THE RENTS AND PERSOMAL ___ <br /> �r PROPERTY,la OIVEN TO SECURE (1)PAYMEMT OF TFIE INDEDTEONEBi ANO (1)PERFORMMICE OF/WY AND ALL OBI.IQATION8 OF <br /> TRIJSTOR UNDE(i 7}E NOl'!,TF�.'RELATED DOCUMENT!{,AND THIS DEED OF TRUBT. THId DEED OF TRUST IS OIYEN AMD ACCEPTEO __ <br /> ;r a+r��ouowiHa T�Me: �. <br /> J PAYMENT AND PERFORMANCE. Excspt as otherwlse provided in lhis Q�ed of Trust,Truslor ehe�l pay to Lender qll amounb secured by Ihis Deed =— <br /> of Trust ss they become due,�nd sfwll strk:tly and In a timely manner peAorm all of Trustors obliqatlons under the Note,thls Deed o1 Trust,and Ihe —_ <br /> �� Related Documenls. <br /> � POSSESSION AND MAIMTENANCE OF TFIE PROPERTY. Trustor�prees thet Tru�tors possesslon�nd use of the Proparty shnll be poverned by <br /> the followlay provfslons: �- - <br />_ � ppiMSNon�fld UM. Until the occurronce of an Ewnt of Dahult,Trustor may (a)remaln in possession and contrd of the Property, (b)use, _-- <br /> oparata a man�po the Ropsrty,and (c)collaGt any Rants ham tFw Proparty. <br /> � � Duty to MldnWn. Trusta shaM maintaln ihe Prop�rty In tenanubls condition and promptly perform ell repalro,rbpl�caments,and ma�ntenence -- <br />- n�c�ssuy to pns�rw ibvalue, <br /> li�rlydou�Sub���.Ths brms�rdous wut�,""luzardoua substanco,""dfsposal,"'retu�a,"end'Yhnaferwd rMaaw;�s us�d in Ihis <br /> A <br /> - pasd of Trust,thaN how tFw�rrN rr►wninpa a s�t fath In tM Comprohansive Environmental Raponsa,Comp�naatbn,and LlabiYty Acl o} -�_ <br />- 1980,u arrNnd�d,42 U.S.C.S�cdon 9801,M s�q,("CERCI,A'�,the Superfund ArtNndrrNnb�nd FNauthaiudon Act of 1988, Pub. L.No. _ <br /> g9-49B("aAk1A'�,tM F4urdous Mat�riak Trar�portaNqn Act,49 U.S.C.Sscdon 1801,N s�q.,th�R�sowa Conswv�don�nd F1�covaryAct, <br /> 42 U.S.C.S�ctlon 8901,N seq„a other�ppliC�bla�tat�a F�d�r�l 4�ws,nde�,a rpuladons adoptsd punuant to any of tM lonqdng. The <br /> brma"h�rdow wasb"�nd"haxudous wba4nw"sh�N dso Includ�,without Ilmitatlon,pNroNum and p�hol�um by-producb or any kaction <br /> � thwwf�nd ssb�sla. Tructor nprM�nb�nd w�rtanb fo L�nd�r thd: (�)Durlrp th�p�riod of Trusta'a ownenhip of tM Prap�rty,th�►e luis <br /> ba�n no us�,q�n�ntlon,manuf�ctun,ata�pr,trNtrt►�nt,dispo�sl,rNwsa or thratun�d r�a of any hwrdous wata or aubstanc�by ony <br /> pwson on,und�r,aboul or hom tM Propsrty; (b)Trustor lus no knowledps of,or rMSOn 10 beNwa that th�n hiu be�n,excepl as pnviously <br />—�----_—f - l fllsdOiW t0 IInO�dtnaWNdp�G by��nder in rniiiny� (i}Kiiji GS6�('�iri�(diivii� 1"�nfiil�'v:i:..^.�L:OfII�C�/!.°,..�I!lTL�P.t���^�-�I �al�w}�,ff►IIVM11111Ad . _ , . <br /> rN�s�ol any hmrdou�waaa or suba4►nca on,undsr,about or irom the Propaty by any prior ownera or occupanls of the Prop�rty a (iq�ny <br />° aclwl or thnaun�d Iitlpdion or clalms of any kind by any pwson relaNnp b such mattan;and (c)Exapt�s prevlously dfsclosed to end <br />=� �• acknowbdp�d by Lendu In wANnp, (I)nelther Trusta nor any hnant,contnctor,�pant or otMr authorlx�d ua�r of th�Propsrty shall use, <br />-" penerab,manuhclur�,store,haaf,dispow of,or rNeaso�ny h�zardous wasta ar subst�na on,unda,about or hom tM Prop�ty and (il)�ny <br /> - � such�ctiviiy shall b�conducbd in complknce wfth�U�pplicabls feder�l,sfate,and lacal laws,rpulatlons and ordinances,includinp wilhout <br /> Iimitatlon those laws, rpulaHons, and adinances dascribod �bove. Trustor authorizes Lender and ib apants to enter upon tho Prcperly to <br /> rtuk�such Insp�ctlons ind bets,at Trustor'�s�q»ns��u Lender may dMm�ppropriats to d�brmirM compll�nc� of tFN Prop�rty with Ihis <br /> sactlon of tha Dwd of Truat. Any inspacdons a tash rn�d�by Land�r sh�N ba for L�nda's purposas oNy�nd sh�N not h�construsd io cre4te <br /> � ' �ny nsponslblNty or Ilab�ty on th�p�rt of Lsndsr b Trusta a to�ny otMr pKSOn. Th�npr�nhNor�s and wart�ntNs contalrNd her�in ue <br /> � '��` bas�d on Trustor't du�ddIN�O�na In Inv�tlpaHnp tM Pro�»rty fa hwrdous wuta�nd hwrdotn cubst�nca. Trustor Mnby (�)r�ses rnd <br /> as d <br />= waivN rny(utun ddmt�W to tind��ify and hdd harmNss Lo�der aphdns any d aM clalm�losa«sr Nab N�da, �pas,pen�lde�s,and <br />-�• �uch lawt, and (b) apws <br /> „. sxp�nsa whfCh I.�nd�r may dinCtly or Indk�cdy 6ustain or suM�r rosulNnp kom � brwch of thb s�cdon o!tM DMd ol Trust or as a <br /> consaqwnca ot any us�,pernration,rru�nufactura,ttor�po,dispos�i,r�sa a thrMl�nad rM�as�of�hwrdow wiut�or substana on lhe <br /> R�..�''.i;,:�; propertla. Th� provbions ol thb secBon of tha Daod ot Truat, Includlnp lhe obllpallon to Indamnify, shaA turviva lM p�ym�nt ol lhe <br /> ,,,,�,:;�,..,,�; Ind�btadness and ths s�tlsfacNOn�nd rsconwyance of the Iien of fhis Desd ol Trusf and shaN not M�ff�cNd by Lsnde's acqutsltlon al�ny <br /> - intenst In the PrOpYrty,rht�ther by lorscloeur6 or othsrwlae. _ <br />_y_J'r.,,:-... , . <br /> ` NWw�c�,Wats. Trusta sfuA not cauae,conducl or parmlt�ny nu7sana nor comrNt,permit,a sulter any strlppinp of or wuta on or ta the _ <br /> • � Proparty or any patlon of the Properly, Without Iimmnp tM p+naraldy o1 the taeqolny,Trusta wlll not ramovo,or prant ta�ny other pariy ti�e - - <br /> ripht to rsmow,any HmMr,minerab(Includlny oil and ps�),sdl,prnvel or rock producls wfthout tlw prior written Consent of Lander. __. <br /> a;;;� ,. R�mOVM of Improv�nwnts. Trustor shall not dsmdish a remova any Improwrtwnb hom the Raal Propaiy without lM prior written consent _ <br /> " of L�ndK. As�conclitlon to ttw nmoval of�ny Improv�menls,Lqnder may requlre Trusta to make arranpsrrMnts a�flslactory to Lander to <br />- nplaa euch Improwmmis wHh Improwrr»nb of�t Wast�qwl wlua. <br /> � ;�_��r-;••,� L�rwl�r's Rlpht to Entw. Lond�r and Rs ap�nls�nd npr�ntadws may�nt�r upon fh�ReU Prop�rty at afl nason�bl�tlma to ettend tu _ <br />�' - Und�r's IMantls and M Insp�ct th�Prop�riy for purposa of Trusta's Compllar�wifh 1M lerms�nd condlHons ol thls Daad of Trust. <br /> T -� ` <br /> Compllme�wflh CiovlmmMthl RpWnm�nts. Trustor shaN promptly comply wNh all kws, ordinancss,�nd rpukUOna,now or Mrsaflw In <br /> �!�- . eflacl,of rll Oa+�nmanul authorfdes�pp�labk b tha us� a occupancY ot th� Prop�rty. Truttor rtwy conbst In pood hith�ny such I�w, <br /> ordinanc�,or rqulatlon�nd withhdd compliance durinp�ny procwdiny,Includinp�pproprlata�ppaaN,so lonp�s Trusta ha�noMMd Lender _ __ <br /> In wridrp prlor to ddnp�o and s0 lorp�s,In Unda's sol�opinion,Landir'�Intenats In tM Prtlperty u�nol Jsopudl:�d. L�nd�r nwy nquira �� <br />- • Trustor ta post uNquaq saaudty or a aurety bond,ro�son�bly caNst�ctory to Lond�,to prot�ct Underb Intersst. <br /> Duty to Ptotact. Trusta aprees nolther to ab�ndon nor leavo unatlended the Proparty. Trustor shall do all other ects,In addition fo Ihose ects _ <br />- set forth above In this S�cHon,whlch hom the character and use of the Property nro re�sonably neCessary to proteCt and pressrve the Properiy. ____-- <br /> • DUE ON SALE-COMBENT BY LENDER. Lender may,at Its optlon,declare Immediately due and payabb all sums secured by thie Deed of Trust '����r.:,�_ <br /> � • upon the sale or Iransfer, wilhout Ihe Lendw's prla wridon consenl, ol ell or nny pert of tho Real Property,or�ny Interest In�he Real Property. A ` `r��,,,_J� <br /> "cek or U�nsfar'm�ans tF►�convsy�nc�of Real Prop�rty or�ny rlyht,dtN or InlerssllhKNn;wtNihK Mpal,b�n�flcW or Wuitabf�;whNh�r vduninry 2__ <br /> or Invduntuy;wh�thK by outrlphf uk,ds�d,InsWirr»nt saN contract,I�nd contnct,conlracl lor dNd,laasahdd Intxast wlth R!Km aronter Ihan ''��it <br /> thna(3)yMn,I�aa♦-apUOn contr�ct,or by wN,�sslpnmeM,a tr�nsfe of any b�nellciel IntK�st In a to any land trust hddiny dH�to the Real =�:_,� <br /> Property,or by any oth�r melhod of conwyanw of Hwl Propaty Intenst. If any Trustor Is a corpaltion,p�rtn�rship or 8mited 14b11ity compeny, �` ;,�.:- <br /> - trensfK also Includes any ch�nye In ownsrship of mon than lwenly-Ilve percant(26x)of the votinp stcek,pulnersMp Interests a Ilmited Ikhility �r� <br /> company Intxesb,ss the cue may be,of Trustor. However,thls optlon shall not be exerclsed by Lender if auch exerclse Is prohiblted by fedsrel <br /> - law or by Nebrask�Ipw. _ . . <br /> - —__ _.__ ' _....... ......�1.,.: ,.�.:'�.,,...�.,...,...,.i.i..,,..dew,r,►r,iha taYUS�nd Ilons on the PropertY are a p4r1 of thls Dead of Trust. " <br /> .... _ _—__—' IMC�7/V�VLIG�o. ���v�v�v.....y�..�..�.�..�.�.�..._�.� � . <br /> _ .. _ . .______.....___.. <br /> . Payment. Trustor shell pay when due(snd In ell events pria to delinquency)all texes,special laxes,assauments,charpes(Includinp water <br /> end sewar),fines end Imposltions levled epalnst a on eccount of the Property,snd sh�il pay when due�II clUms for work don�o�a fur <br /> - services rendered or rn��oriel furnished to the Property. Truslor shall meintaln the Property hee of an Ii�na havinq prlority over or squal to the <br /> Intereat vt Lender under this Deed of Trust,except for the Ilen ot texes end essessments nol due�nd except as otherwise Provided In this Deed <br /> ' of Trusl, „ <br /> , � Rlpht To ConUst. Trustor may withhdd peymant of any tax,assessmant,or clalm in Connoction wilh a qood failh dispute over tFw oblipetlon <br /> i to pay,so lony es Lender's Inlerest in the Properfy Is not Jeopudized. If a Iien arlsas or Is filed es a result of nonpayn�ent,Trustor shall within <br /> i fiftean(16)days�fter�hn Ilen srises w,II a Ilen Is f�Wd,wlthln AReen(16)days stter Trustor has notfce ot the flllnp,secure the discherpe ol the <br /> Ilen,or If requestad by Lender, deposif with Lender cash or e SuMClent corpaete Surety bond or olher securlry satisfaCtory fo Lender in an <br /> • amount sutM1cienf lo dlscharpe Ihe Ilen plus any costs and�ttanays'lees or other charpes that could eccrue as e resull of a fareclosure a snle <br /> • property, Tr stor shall nime Lendert s enea'dd onel Iob ipee u der nny iaety bo dtil�ns hed�lo he contost proceedinqs forcement aqalnsl the . <br /> _ � � � • <br /> - i ., <br />