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:J.. <br /> ���'�r}� .. <br /> .w �.v.. ,� . �, <br /> .. �.}:liL - . ': y YA`inK% . - '. .. .. � . - . �f.-.�'�$r• . <br /> ...; .• <br /> •'i�'��:L' 1'9���`�:.: � ' .. -�. . - . .. - - -- ' <br /> �''Y����1. . �. . . .. . . ..�., , ��-7�'._ <br /> � ,�,) �'�t�'h, ,�... I�. <br /> �ll 1 4� - �='�.YEIEO .. . . f ' � . . .. f Yl.� <br /> . .j C. �."-" <br /> �`�.F�� f <br /> ..�'.�:� � y2-os-1»e DEED AF TRUST , �8....�1�a05 � p� 4 �.;:: <br /> r ::�j l.oen No 843326 (Contlnwd) E'=T <br /> . ..�# �—� r.-. <br /> ..,,� . o�T�t. pf�. <br /> FURTFIER AS6l1RANCES; ATTORNEN-IN�FACT. Th�fdlowinp provklonf rNRllrp to furlhM a9sur�ncM�nd�tlorMy-In-I�C1 u��p�r1 M Il�h 1�y. <br /> �'�';•�•� D6ed o}Trust. �a,-- <br /> ;:.,:; <br /> �? FqA�r A�Nx�ncw. At�ny drrN,and hom tlrrN lo drr�,upon nquMl of l�nd�r.Trwta wu1 m�k�,�x�cut��nd dWwr,a wIM uus�fo tk .�.�' <br /> .t:� , rrud�� �x�cut�d or dMlwnd� to L�nder a lo Undw'f dMW►�, �nd wMn rpuMMd by LN►d�r,c�uN to M M�d�nead�d�rMMW� w _ <br /> .� rorocorded,as Ihe ceae m�y be,el euch Hm�o and In�uch oMVCM�nd plac�►o L�ndK m�Y d�m�pproprl�l�,�ny�nd�N IuCh m0�1p�pM� �. <br /> � • `�, d�q���t,�u�y�ds�s�curit�,l�p�MrrNnb,Ilruinqnp qaurr»nb,Conanu�tion N�Wnwnli,InckurrwnUl of further flssurance,ce�tMlre�, <br /> . �',,,5'.=11 <br /> � and othu docurn�nb a maY�In th��oM opinlor�ol L�nd�r,b�naMUry o�d�lr�bM In ord�r lo , IwN,compbM,pKNo��conMnw,a <br /> ' ' praKV�(w)IM obMpatloM W Trunta unWr IIw Nob,thb DMd ol Trwt,�nd Ih�RWbd Dxu �nd (b)fho N�rn�rid 6�curMV InMrMh <br /> �,�;w�!' crMNd bY thb DNd of Trutt u flnt�nd Prlor tl�ra on th�Prop�rfv�whNMr now ownld or f�afl�r�CQuk�d by Tru�lu, UM�P�ohWINd bY <br /> ai�.wa.;s-'. law a �p�sd lo tM conhary by L�nd�r In wriNnp,Tru�ta th�M roimbun�L�ndK lor�M cab�nd�xp�rnM Inci�rcW In conn�:MOn v+Nh IM <br /> - �' rrwNKS rNKr�d to In lhM pu�praph. <br /> � '!: Attan�lr�n-f�tl. II Truata MUt lo do�ny of tM thlnp�nl�rt�d to In tFw pr�WnG Pu�O��Ph,und�r rrMy do w lor�nd In Ih�n�m�ol <br /> •,.i� Truttor�nd �t Truslors�xp�rw�. FOr luch purpaa�Tnata hRr�by krwocabp appolnb L�ndK u�r�A k�l„i nMl dK��wi��oWn�o�o o — <br /> ot m.k�n�,.x.cuarq,awv.�rw���a,�•oaan��and dan�.�a��n��.a r.,.y b.�.►r <br /> QocompNh tFN mattws rMund to in th�Pno�dln9 P�9�Ph. <br /> FU.L PEAFORM/WCE. If Trustor P+ri�11 th�Ind�blWr�u wMn du���nd oth�rwlw Pw�m1�N IM oblip�NOr�ImpoNd uPp^Tru�la undlr IhM <br /> �esci d Trud� L�nd�r tFwll �oucul��nd dWrrK to Tn�t1M�n4ws1 for IuN nconw►�na�nd �tMN�x�cuM�nd W1vM lu Tru�ta wI1�bM <br /> es UndM"�MctxNy InMrMt In fM R�nh�nd fh�Prr�orwl PropMty, Any <br /> siat�rrnnb d IKmin�qon of any Mandnp�faMm�M a►AN�Ad�nd^O <br /> � reconv�y�nu he nqulr�d by law shaN b�paid by 7rustor,if p�rmlH�d by applkabN uw. <br /> , r�;y DEFAU.Y. E�Ch ot th�foMowinp,�1 tM opdon of L�nd�r,�FN�N contdtut�an ownl ol d�fault('Ewnl ol DN�u�I')und�r th�Y D�l 01 TruN: <br /> . ��� Whult on Ind�bl�dMi�. FaUUn af Trustor to mak�RnY p�Yrn�nl whxn duo on tt+�InWblednes�. -- <br /> � ON�ult on OIIMr P1ymMtU. FWun of Tnntor withln fM tlrn�iyquk�d by thb DMd d TruEt to muc��nY WY�nI la taxM a irnur�nor�w <br /> any otMr paym�nt r�CUS�ry to pr�wnt flllnp of a to�M�c1 dhCh�rp�d�ny YMi. <br /> Cqnpll�nc�p�f�uM, Fallun of Trw1a to comply wllh�ny dMr Mrm,obNp�lbn,cowrwnt ov conddon conWn�d In thi�OMd d Trwt,tFn <br /> . ':;•:;;.' Nol�orin any of 1F►�Fblabd Docurtwnb. <br /> ._,.;.�J,�;�-,� P� SW�n�ts. MY w�rranty�nprwnlatlon o�tta��l rrMd�or furnkMd.ItMr nwv or at IM tlm�rr�d�a hxnMh�d.�DMd ol7ruyl, <br /> th�NoM or IM RNtMd DxurtNnb b hlp or rt�dinp In any m�1wiN ns�.�� <br /> - �'"�r:' dhctb�CoMN�Mlalbn. Thk Dwd d Trutt or�ny of th�R�4dW OxumMls ass«lo M In fuN foro��nd Nhc1(Ind�►dlrq hMun d�ny <br /> ,� ,r.l, col�t�nl docurrwnb to cnats a wlid�nd p�rf�cMd Ncurl►Y Int�r�t a N�n)�t�ny Nm�and fa�ny rw�son. <br /> �;,s't ol Trwtor'�prop�ly��ny <br /> _ �� DNth or In�olvsncy. TM dMth d Trusta�ttN�of�workout,�a�M caom�m�r ,iCw�n�d�� P� •���G �^�'�ny W1nkn�pleY a <br /> '_� '�?' auqnmmt for tFM b�rNllt of cnditon� �nY tYP� <br /> "'�'' ,'; InsdvenCy laws by ur�puinst TrWtor. <br /> --" ':«;~�= pa�c�p�yn,FortNtW��Nc. Comrn�no�rtNnt W tonciaun a iai:�tw:Nr�,::�r,;.��!�!tW!+:;��e�l ormwWna�NN-IM�P�nP�� <br /> ='•'w��..,.�. or�ny dh�r rrNthod�by any�x�d�ta of Tnxior or bY any powrnrrMnW W�ncY W��xt�ny of th�PYOpwb. Hovhwr�INa wbMCllon s1�M not <br /> .._-.�.:.s�-•. YPD�Y�tl»�wnt of�pood hllh dMpuM by Trwtor a lo lM wMd�N a naonabMn�a�a fM ddm which Is th�b�W ol tM londoiur�a <br />--w '2��f{k�� fa�INlun prooMCAnC�Provid�d tl►�I Tnntor plwt Und�r writMn notla ot wch cWm�nd furnithM r�ws a a tuntY bo�d fa IM cMdm <br />--""�"=� � SltlttatlaY�o LMCMr. <br /> -""�.=-�" BrNCh of Oq�A�rMm�M. My broach by Tru�ta unda tM tarmt of any othK�pr�nt bNwnn Tnuta�nd UndM th�t k�.an�N�d <br />_;"��^'''�� withln ieY 9�Pw�P�avicNd tMrMn,Indudlrq withoul NmltaUon any�prNrtwnt eonardnp�ny Ind�bbdn�a or olt�obwp� <br /> -'�°'p:`�`^:�'�� toLandu.wheth�r�datlnqnoworkMr. <br /> - ��'"a� Ev�nb AfNCtlno fiwr�ntor. Any d tF�pr�dln0 w�nb ocCtxe wHh r�sp�cl t4�ny Ouannla d any of tlw Ind�blNin�N or any(iuu�nta <br />�:��;-��';:� dbs ab�coma Incomp�bnt.a ravdc�s or disP�tM wNdity of�a II�bNftyundK��ny Owranry of tFw Ind�bt�dnae, L�ndK,�t Yb opHon, <br /> ---�•�":�x�'� rrwy. bul ahaM not b�nqulnd to,pKrt�ft lt»Owu�ntors Kktr to assurtM uncon�idonaMY th� ob►IWHorn �rlNnp und�r lh�pwnnly In� <br /> _'�'',�°�r� m�nrwr wtisfactory lo Und�r,rnd,in ddnp so,cun tM Ewnt of DNu�I. <br />-_-'.:=.`'`,r���� InNeurHY. Und�r in pood faith d�ns Its�H Ira�CUn. <br /> � .,..,;�,-.'��'�'� w�n tha praadlrq iwaw(1)month�R�may b�c�d(�nd no Ewet/d DM�uN wW havo oocurnd)M Trutb���I,�^c1�r Mnd�ol T�� <br /> -�'�''�f!�A��� nodc�d�mandlnp cun of tuch faNa�: (�)curM lN�hMun wilMn MM�n(16) dYY��or (b1 M IIx cun nqu�nt mo»th�n Mlan(16)d�yt� <br /> Immedkt�ly InfMatu N�ps�uMcwnt lo cun 1M hllun and 1h�1Mr aontlnuM�nd comPhNt w n�°^��^d"��'������110 <br /> m����5� produa complkna a soon a nasonabh�P���. <br /> � ,�.�. <br />- '"'�� RI(iFiTB /iMD REMFAIES OM DEFAI�.T. Upon tM oocurnna of�ny Ewnt d Ddault�nd at Rny tlrrN tlwndMr.Tnnl»a l�r►d�r��t Ib ePMOn� <br /> �^�-���-�.,: may�c�rcb�any orw or mon of th�fodowlr�q dphb�nd nrt�,in�ddltlon to�ny o1Mr rlphb or nn�D��d�d by kw: <br /> - '�~� Acc�Nntbn upon D�hutt; AddRbnM R�db�. If any�wnt ol d�fault occun af pK Ih�I�rrtw of tt►�Noa Neund h�nby,L�ndw►nrY <br /> �'�"�' d�clan all Ind�bt�dn�es t�cund by thfs Dwd of Trust to b�dw and p�y�bN and IN�wrt»�►►au t►wnu�►on Wc°^w dw u+d P�Y���w <br /> } '�� �+ eny prssntrrNnt,d�mand,protsst a noria of any kind. TMrMMr,L�ndw rrrY: <br /> _:_.�� <br />-°�es+: - (�) EltfNr In p«son or by�p�nl,wfth or wNhout brinplrq any�CNOn a Pr��^Q�a by�r t�h�wf�n Ib ownynl�rrM a M»Mrtw <br />.�'a�';::_t.•� rpard ta th��d�4wcY of Its Mcurfly��ntK uP�n�nd tak�p�on d tM Prop�ty�or�nY P� <br /> .-. <br />--,�a,�!�!'�".• d Trustee��nd do any acts wNch ft dwma n�awY a��t�Pr�w th�valu��mark�bNNY or nn1�bM�H of th�PropMlfr�a W <br /> - ':°.Jt.j.• dth�Prop�rtY a InMrqt in tM Prop�tY�Intx�as�tM Incorr»hom tM Rep�rN a P��tM MCUrf1Y of tM PropKty;�nd�LvNh or wilhoul <br /> . Wclnq poss�sslon ot ths PropMty�eus for a otMrwis�coM�cl tM nnb,Issws�nd P� of Nw PropKb�lndudlnp thoM P�t du�and <br /> . .. b�thfs�Da�d�Trust�a�n sueh�ordK u L n�tMt��r». TM on�wrin0�upon a���^0 pMSMSIon ol tlM Prop�'�Y�th�CoM�cdon <br /> Y <br /> ol euch nnb,issu�s and protlb,and tM�ppllcaHon IMnof thap not cun or wtlw�ny dMaull or noUa d dNaull undK thl�DMd of Trwt <br /> . or Irndldab any�ct dorn �art�hpi coM�ctlonu reoelpt:a�p�`iic`�.no�a nnb, ksws a hproffb Tr�usM�i��L�nd�r�h�NCW �inWNd to <br /> possesslon of ths Proparly <br /> �xercis�avery ripht prCVidod la In ths Nota or 1F►�RNatad Dxurr»ntf a by uw upon IM oocur»na of�ny�wnt of d�huM,�ndutMrW�M <br /> � �qht to exerclss ti»pOwer of u�a; <br /> �� (b) Commence�n�ctlon to lasclase this Doed ol Trust es n mortpapo, apPoinl�recelver a spscN�Cn�ly enlorce�ny of th�cown�nls _ <br /> � fKr�oh,�nd <br /> (o) Ddiv�r to TrwtN a wrlit�n c!�darl�tlon of dN�Wt and d�mand tor M1��nd�writt�n nMlo�d dMauM ond N�ctlo�lo uuN Trutla'� <br /> : i Inlerest In 2he propwty to ba sold,whbh notia Tvusbs shdl caus�to b� duly ffNd for ncaru In IM�pp�oPrl���eflfas t�f�h�County ln <br /> � : whtch tM Propsrly h loc�ted;�nd <br /> , .. , <br /> '- _ r,�� wun r•snoct to ell or enY po�of tM Psrsonal Prop�rty,Lender slu�l fxw dl th�riqhts�nd nm�tllM d�s�cur�1 W�Y untl�r <br /> :__ r ,_, ... _ . <br /> • Nebraska Unifam Commercle�Code. <br /> For�closure Ay Power o}Sale. If lender elocts to foreclos�bY�+x�rclsa ot tha Pow�r o1 Sak MrMn conUln�d,L�nd�r�MM notlty TrtniM and <br /> shaA dapos��w�th Trustoa this Deed of Trust and the Nots and such r�lpte Qnd wid�nca n�oxP�nditura rtwd��nd s�currd by thf�DMd o� <br /> Trust�s Tiustee mey raquire. <br /> � (a) Upon recelpt of such nol�e hom Lender.7rustee shan cause to be recorded,publishsd�nd ckuwr�d�o Trualor tuch Notiq o�DNeull <br /> and Nol�e of Sale as then requlred by law and by thls D�ed of Trust. Trutl�e shYll,without damand on Truela,�nK s�h Ilrr�a�maY <br /> Ihen be requlrsd by law end efter reeordaUon of such NotN�of Default�nd e11K Nofla of Sal�hwlnp�wn awn a rpuk�d bY I�W�sM� <br /> I Ihe Property et the time nnd place of saie thcsd by It In such Nol�e of SaN,at►»r u�Who��a in�nN lob a puc�N or���m�u <br /> ' Truslee shall deem expedienl,and in such ader as It may determine,ot publb�ucdon tn Ihe hlqhvst biddK la c�sh In lawful mor�y o� <br /> IIhFi United Slales peyable at Ihe tlme ot sale. Trustee shall deUver to such purchaser or purchssKS IhK�ot Ib pood�nd euMcNnt dMd a <br /> I deeds conveyinp the property so sold,but witliout any covenant or warranty,express or ImplWd. The roclials In such dMd ol�ny mpHoro <br /> � a facts shall be conclusive proof ol the tnithtulness thereof. Any persdn,IncluCinp without Nmitelion Truetor,Trust�, a L�nd�r, mey <br /> , purchase el such sele. <br /> ; , <br /> ' � <br />