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. ��14����9 <br /> � LC3AN #: 'I�17'I'I�65839 <br /> Pro�e�fy. lf�his Deed of Trust�s�n a I�asehvld, Ba�r��rer�hal�comply with al�the provis�ons of the lease. Borrower shall <br /> not surr�nder�he leasehold�s�ate an�in�erests h�rein cQn�reyed or t�rm�na�e or c�r�cel th�ground lease, Ba�rav�rer sha�l <br /> no�, �ithaut the express written cons�nt of Lender, a(ter or amend the ground lease, If Bvrrower acqu�res fee���[e to�he <br /> Praperfiy, �he [ea�ehold and the fee �it�e shall n�t merge un�ess Lend�r agrees ta �he merger En writin�. I�this L7eed ofi <br /> Tru�fi is�n a unit�n a ��ndominium or a planned �rnifi dev�l�pment, Borrov�rer shall perform a�l of Ba�raw�r's obligatinns <br /> under the �eclaration or covenants crea�ing or g���rn�ng �he condominium or plann�d uni� d�v�lapmen�, th� by-laws <br /> and regulatians Qf the �o�d�minium or p�anned unit d�velapm�n�, and cons�ituent docum�n��. <br /> 7. 1'rotect�on of L�nder's Secur�ty. �f Borrow�r fai(s�a perform �he covenants and agreemen�s��ntained in �his <br /> L�eed of Tru�t, flr if any acfion or proceeding is commenced which ma�erially aff�c�s Lender's interest in �he Prope�ty, <br /> then Lender, a�Lender's op��on, upan notice�o Sorrower, may make such �ppea�an�es, disburse such sums, inc�udir�g <br /> reasanable a��Qrney�' fees, an� �ak� such ac�ion as is necessary to pra�ect Lender's in�erest. If Lende� required <br /> mor��age insurance as a candi�ion of mak�ng the loan sec�r�d by�his aeed �f Trus�, Barrower shall pay�he premiums <br /> required �� ma�nta�n such insurance fn �ffect un�il such �ime as �he requiremen� for such insurance terrr��na�es in <br /> �ccordanc�wifih gorro`r�rer's and Lend�r's vr��it��n agreemen�or appl�cable �a�nr. <br /> Any am�unts disburs�d by Lend�r pursuant�a�his parag�aph 7,w�t� in�erest therean, at the Note ra��, shall become <br /> add��ional �ndebtedne�s af Borrovtirer secured by this D�ed of Trust. Un[e�s BorrovUer and Lender agree�a other fi�rms <br /> of paymen�, such am�unts shal� be payable upon notice from Lender ta Borro�rer�eques�ir�g payment�hereaf. No�hing <br /> c�ntained in thi� paragraph 7 sha�l r�quire Lender to incu�any expense ar�ake any acfii�n hereur�der, <br /> 8. �nsp��tion. Lender may make �r Gaus��� be m�d� r�a�anable en�ri�s upon and inspec�i�ns af the Proper�y, <br /> provided�ha�Lender sha�l give Bar�aw�r n�tice privr to any su�h inspec��an specifying r�asanable cause ther�fvr r�lat�d <br /> ta L��der's inte�est in �he Property. <br /> 9. Condemnatian. The p�vice�ds o�any aw�rd �r claim for damage�, direct or consequ�r��ia�, in cannection wi�h <br /> any condemna�ion or o�her�aking of the Prop�rty, o�part thereo�, a�for canveyance in lieu of candernna��an, �r� hereby <br /> assigned and shall b� paid �v Lender, �ubj�ct�o the �erms of any mortgage, deed a�trust or a��er security a�reement <br /> wifih a lien which has priarity aver this D�ed of Trus�. <br /> '��. Borrower Nn� Re[eas�d; For�earance By Lender Not a 1Nai�er. Exter�s��� vf fihe ��me for payment or <br /> modifica��an of amortiza�ion a�the sums secured by this C��ed of Trust granted by Lender t� any successor in �n�er�st <br /> of Borrower shall nat opera�e ta rel�ase, in any manner, the lia�b�lity o��h��riginal Barrow�r and Borrower's successor� <br /> in interest. Lender shall no�be r�quired ta �ommence praceedings agains�such succ�ssor ar r�fuse to exfiend time fo� <br /> payment ar atherwise madify amark�za��vn of the sums secured by thi� Deed of Tru�t �y reason �f any demand made <br /> by �he or�ginal Barrower and Borraw�r's suG�es�or� in interes�. Any forbearance by Lend�r in �x�rcising any r�gh� �r <br /> remedy hereund�r, or otherw��e affo�ded 1oy app�icab��la�nr, sha�l n��b�a waiver afi or preclud�fhe exercis�of any sucf� <br /> right ar remedy. <br /> 'I'I. Successors and Assigns 8ound; Joint and Se�eral Liability; Co-signers. The cov�nan�s and agre�ments <br /> h�rein contained �h�l[ bind, and the rights hereunder sha11 �nu�� to, the respec���e succe�sors and assigns of Lender <br /> and E�orrowe�, �ub�ectfa�he pro�isians of paragraph 1� hereo�.Ai�covenan�s and agreemen�s af�arr�wer�ha�l b�ja�nt <br /> an� seve�a�.Any Bflrrawer who co-signs�his Deed vf Tru�t, bu�dves not exe�ute the Nate, �a} is co-s�gning this Deed <br /> of Trus�only�o gran�and canvey�hat Borrower's inter�s�in �he F��vperty��T�usfiee under the fierms of�his Deed of T�ust, <br /> �b} is no� personally liabl� an the N�fie or under this D�ed �f Trust, and �c} agre�s that Lender and any ❑�her Barro�er <br /> hereund�r may agree t� ex�end, modify, fvrbear, �r mak� any ofiher acc�mmodafiians �ith r�gard t� �he terms af this <br /> Deed of Tru�t or�h� No�e, �vith�u��ha� B��rawer's �onsen�and wi�h�ut r�leas�ng that Borrower vr modify�ng this D�ed <br /> of Trus�a�to�hafi B�rrawer's �n�eres�in fihe Praperty. <br /> 'I�. Noti�e. Ex��pt fo� any notic� required und�r applicabl� �a�rv �o be given �n �na�her mann�r, �a} any notic� �o <br /> Bor�ower p����ded f�� in th�s De�d v�Trus� �ha�l �e given by deliWerin� it ar by mailing such not�ce by cert�f�ed mai! <br /> addressed ta Borrower a�tf�e Property Addres�or a�such other address a�Borrav�r�r may des�gna��by n��ice tQ Lender <br /> as provided herein, and �b} any no�ice �o Lender sha�l b� gi��n by certifiied mail to Lender's address sta�ed her�in or <br /> �o such o�her add�es� �s L�nde� may designate by na�ice �o Ba�rower as p�vvided herein. Rny notic� provided fvr in <br /> �his Dee� af Trus� sh��l b� deemed to ha�e be�n g�ven to Bo�r�wer�r Lender when given �n the manne�designated <br /> herein. <br /> 'I3. G�verning Larn�; Se�erabi[ity. Th� sta�e and local lav�rs applicab�e to �his aeed of Trus�snafl be fihe lavus �f�he <br /> �urisdicti�n in�rhich fih� pro��r�y is loca�ed. The foregain� sen�enc� shall n���imit th� app�icability o�federa� �aw to this <br /> C7e�d of Trus�. �n the event that any provision ar clause of this ❑eed af Trust or fihe No�e con�f�c��with app�icable la�v, <br /> such conf�ic� sh�ll no� af��c� ather pravis�ons af this Deed of Trust or �he No�e which �an be gi�en effect v�ifihou� the <br /> canfli��ing pr�visi�n, and to this end the pro��si�n� of�his D�ed af T�ust and �he No�e are de��ar�d to ��se�rerab�e.As <br /> used here�n, "costs,,' "ex�enses" and "attorney�' �ees" include al� sums�� the exten�n�� p�ohEb�ted by app�icable lav�r <br /> or�im��ed herein. <br /> 14. Barrawer's Copy. Borrower sha�� be furnished a conformed copy of�he No�e and af�his Deed o�Trust a�the <br /> time of execu�ian o�after reco�dation hereof. <br /> '15. Rehabilitation LoanAgreement. B�r�awersha��fu��ill al�flf Barrvwer's ab(igations underany hom�rehabili�ativrt, <br /> �mpra��ment, repair, or ath�r laan ag��emen��nrhich Borrovtirer en�ers into with L�nde�. L�nder, a�Len�er's ap�ion, may <br /> r�quire Borrower ta ex�cute and de�iver�Q Lender, in a fo�m accep�ab�e t� Lender, ar� �ss�gnment of any rights, claims <br /> or defenses which Bar�avUer may ha�e ag�insfi pa�ti�s who suppiy labar, materials or se�vi��s in connecfiion v�rith <br /> impravem�n�s made to the Property. <br /> 'I�. Transfer of the Property or a Benefic�al �nterest in Borrower. If af I or any pa�t af fi�e Proper�y or an}� in��res� <br /> in if is sold ortransferred ��r if a�eneficial int�rest�n B�rro�er�s sold o�transf�r��ed ar�d Borrower is na�a na�ura�p�rson} <br /> withaut Lender's pr�ar�rri�ten cansent, L�nder may, at i�s a�tivn, require immed�ate paym�n� in fu[I of all sum� secured <br /> by�his C�eed of Trust. H�v�r��er, this opfi�n �hall no� be exe�ci�ed by Lender�f exerci�e is pro�ibited by f�deral law as <br /> of the date of this Deed of Trust. <br /> If Lender exercises this op�ian, Lend�r�hall gi�� Borrow�r natice af acce�era�ian. The nvtice �hal[ provide a perrod <br /> of nat�es��han 3�days fr�m�he date�he n�tice is d�livered or mai[ed�ith�n whic� B�rrov�re�mu�t pay all�ums�ecured <br /> by�his D�ed �f Tru�t. lf Barravver fails to pay th�se sums p�ior ta�he expira�ion �f�hi� perivd, Lender may invake �ny <br /> remedies perm��ted by th�s Dee� �f Trus�withaut�ur�h�r no�ice or demand an Borrow�r. <br /> N�JN-UN1F�f�M ��VENANTS, Borrower and Lender further covenar���nd �gree as fol�ows: <br /> '�7. Acce��ration; Remedies. Exc�pt as prn�ided in paragraph '!� hereof, upon Bvrrow�r's breach of any <br /> co�enant or agreemeo�t of 6orrower in this Deed af Trust, including Borrower's failur�to pay, by the end af'�D <br /> ca�endar days after th�y are due, any sums secur�d by�h�s Deed of Trust, Lender pri�r to acc�l�rati�n shall gi�e <br /> NEBRASKA-�SEC�ND M�RTGA�E-�18Q-Fannie MaelFreddie�Ilac[JN�FORItiA 1NSTRlJMENT Form 3828 � <br /> � <br /> Modified by Ellie�ae, Inc. �tli�ialS: � <br /> E11�e Mae,lnc. F'age 3 of 5 ECSECDE o4�2 <br /> NECSECDE <br /> �� " 1212312a13�2:59 PM PST <br /> w �� <br /> . <br />