<br /> � ��14����9
<br /> L�AN #: '13'I'�'114fi5839
<br /> natice to B�rrower as pro�ided in paragraph 'I Z hereof specifying: �'I}the breach; �Z}the action required to cure
<br /> such breach; �3}a date,nvt�ess than 2�days fr�m the date the natice is ma�fed to Borrower,by which such breach
<br /> must b� cured; and �4�that fa�ilure to cure such br�ach on or before th� date�pecified �n th� notice may resu�t
<br /> En acce[eration of th��ums secured by this ❑eed of Trust and sale of the Property.The not�ce sha�l furth�r inform
<br /> Borrower of th�r�ght to r��nstate after acceleration and the right tv br�ng a court action to assert the nonexistenc�
<br /> �f a default or any other defense of Borrower to acceleration and sale, If the breach �s not cured vn or�efore the
<br /> dat�spe�c�fied �n the notice,Lender,at Lender's opti�n, ma}��eclare a11 af the surns secured by this ��ed of Tru�t
<br /> �o be immediat��y due and payab[e without further demand and may invoke the power of sa[� and any other
<br /> remedies permitted by applicahle law. Lender shal� �� entitled to co[[ect all reasona��e costs and exp�nses
<br /> incurred in pursu'rng th� remedies pra��ded in this paragraph '17, including, but not limited to� reasonabl�
<br /> attorneys'fees.
<br /> If the pflwer of sal�is inWvk�d,Trustee shafl recard a notice of default in each county in which the Property
<br /> ar s�me part ther�of is located and shal[ mail copies of such notice in the manner pr�scrib�d �y applicable Iaw
<br /> to Borrower and to the other pers�ns prescril��d by ap�licable 1aw. After the lapse of such time as may b�
<br /> required by appiicab�� faw,Trustee shall gi�e publEc noti��of sale to the p�rsons and in the manner prescribed
<br /> by applicable law.Trustee,without d�mand on Borr�wer,sha1E se�[the Proper�y at public auction to the highest
<br /> bidder at th�time and place and under the terms designated in the natiG�vf sa�e in one or more parcels and in
<br /> such order as Trustee may determine. Trustee may postpone sale of a11 or any par�el of the Property by public
<br /> ann�uncem�nt at the time and p�ace of any pre�ivusly scheduled sa�e. Lender �r Lender's designee may
<br /> purchase the Property at any sale.
<br /> Upon receipt vf paymen# of the pri�e ��d, Trustee shall deli�er to the purchas�r Trustee's d�ed con�eyin�the
<br /> Prop�rty so�d. The re�itafs in the Trustee's deed shall be prima facie e�idence of the truth of th�statements made
<br /> therein. Trustee sha[� apply the proceeds vf the sale in the following order: �a} to alE reasonable cnsts and
<br /> expenses of the safe, includ�ng, �ut not limited to, Trustee's fees actua�ly �ncurred of not more th�n
<br /> 0.0� °Io of the gross sale pr�c�, reasonable attorneys'fees and casts of title e�id�nce; ��}to al�
<br /> sums secured by this Deed of Trust; and �c}the excess, if any,to the person or persons legal�y�nt�tled th�reto,
<br /> '�8. Borrower's Right to Reinstate. No�iths�anding Lender's accel��at��n o��he sums s�cure�d by �his C]eed �f
<br /> Trus�, due to B�rra�ver's breach, Barrav�rer sh��! have the right to ha�e any proceedings begun by Lender�o�n�ar�e this
<br /> Deed �f Trus�discantinued at any �ime prior to �he earfier�a occur of �i} th� fif�h d�y �efore �he sa�e af�h� Pr�pe��y
<br /> pursuant ta the pflwer�f sale conta�ned rn this Qeed af Trust or �ii} entry �f a judgrr��n�enf�rcing th�s Deed of Trus� if:
<br /> �a} Barrawer pays Lender all �ums uvhich wauld be�h�n due und�r�his Deed �f Trust and t�e Nate h�d n��cce��ration
<br /> �ccurr�d; �b} Borrovver cur�s all breaches �f any o�he� cvvenan�s �r ag�eemen�s Qf Borr�vver confain�� in this Deed
<br /> af Tru��; �c} B�rrower pays all reasonable �xpen�e� incurred by Lend�r and Trustee �n enfvrcing the c�Wenants and
<br /> agreemen�s of Borraw�r con�ain�d in �his De�d ��Trus�and in enforcing Lend�r's and Trusfiee'� r�medie� as prov�de�
<br /> in paragraph �7 hereaf, i�cluding, b��nnt limited fio, re�sonabie at�Qrneys'fe�s; and �d} Borrov�e��akes such ac�ion a�
<br /> Lend�r may r�asonabiy requi�e ta assure tha�the lien of this Deed of Trust, Len�er's in�er�s� �n th� Pro�erfy and
<br /> Borrov�rer's obligatia� to pay the sums secured by th�s D�ed of Trus�sha�� cvnt�nue un�mpaired. Upan such paym�n�
<br /> and cure by Ba�rflwer, th�s deed of Trusfi and the ob�iga�ians �ecured here�y shal� remain in ful� farce and eff�c��s if
<br /> no acceleratian had vccur���,
<br /> '19. Assignment of Rents; Appointment of Recei�er; Lender in P�ssession. As addi�ional securi�y hereund�r,
<br /> gorrQwer hereby ass�g�s fio Lender th� rents of�he Prap�rty, pravided tha� BorraVver sh�ll, prior to accel�rafion t�nder
<br /> paragraph '17 he�eaf Qr aband�nmen�af�he Pr�per�y, have�he right to cal[ect and re�a�n su�h r�nts as�h�y ��c�me
<br /> du� and �aayable.
<br /> Upan accelerat�on under paragraph �7 herea�or abandonment of�he R�operty, Lend�r, �n p�r�on, by ag�nt �r by
<br /> judicially appoin��d recei�er shal� be�n�itle� �o ente�upon, �ak� passession af and manage�he Prope�ty and �o cvll�c�
<br /> �he �+ents of the Proper�y in�luding th�s� past due.All ren�s cal[ect�d by Lender or the r��eiver sha�� be applied fii�st�o
<br /> paymen�of�he costs of managemen�of�he Property and collec�ion of rents, incfuding., bu�not limi��d�o, �eceiver's fees,
<br /> p��miums vn receiver's bonds and reasonable a��vrneys' f�es, and then to �h� sums secured by th�s Deed of Trus�.
<br /> Lende�and th� r�cei�er s�all be liable�� accounf anly far thos� ren�s a��ualiy reCeiv�d.
<br /> 20. Recanrreyanc�. Upon pa�ment �f all sums secu�ed by �h�s Deed of Trust, Lend�r shal! r�quest Trus��� ta
<br /> r��on�rey the F'r�pert�and shal[�urrend�r this De�d of Trus�and all nates evidencing indeb�edness secured by fihis Deed
<br /> af Trust fia T�ustee. Trusfie� shall re�an�ey the Property withau��rarranfiy and v�ri�haut charge to th� persan or pers�ns
<br /> lega![y en�i�led thereta. Such person or pers�ns shall pay all c�sts af�e�orda�ian, �f any.
<br /> �'I. Substitute Trustee. Lender, at Lender's op�ian, may from�ime to time rer�ove Tru�t�e and app�int a �uccess�r
<br /> trustee �� any Trustee appoin�ed her�under by an ins�rumen� r�eco�ded in �he caun�y in �hich thi� D�ed of Trus� is
<br /> recflrded. Without canveyance af tne Pro�aerty, the succes�or t�us�e� shalC succeed �o �ll the ti�le, power and dut�es
<br /> conferr�d upon �he Tr�u�tee herein and fay applicab�e �a�.
<br /> 22. Request for Natices. Borrovver reques�s �haf copies �f�he natice of defaul� and notice of�al� b� �ent �fl
<br /> Borrower's address which is the P�operty Address.
<br /> 23. Riders. AI� R�ders�o�his document are execu�ed by B�rroinr�r. The fa[Cowing Riders are to be executed by�he
<br /> Barrawer�ch�ck b�x as appl��able]:
<br /> ❑ Adjustable I�ate Ride� ❑ �o�dvminium Rider ❑ Se��nd Home Rider
<br /> ❑ Ballaon Rider ❑ PEanned Unifi DeW��apment F�ider ❑ afiher�s} [�pecify�
<br /> ❑ �-4 Fami[y F�ider ❑ �iw�ekly F�aymen� R�der
<br /> Borrov�rer and Lender r�ques�the h�lder af any mo�tgag�, deed af trust or ather en�umbrance with a��en�vhi�h has
<br /> p�ior�ty o�er fih�s Deed of Trust to gi�e Notic�ta Lend�r, a�Lender's address set forth �n page ane o�th�s ❑eed of Trus�,
<br /> af any defaulfi under the sup��ior�ncumbrance and af any sale or other fare�losure ac�tan.
<br /> Mod�fed by El�ie Mae,Inc. �nitiais:
<br /> Eliie Mae, Inc. Pag�4 of 5 N CSECDE �41�
<br /> �� �• , 1�123120�3�2:59 PM PST
<br /> ' ��
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