<br /> . ��14����9
<br /> L�AN #: 'I 3'I'I'i'1�C5839
<br /> T4GETHER ��th all the impr���m�r��s naw a� hereaf��r erec�ed �n the property, and all easements, righ�s,
<br /> appur�enances and rents�subj�c�however ta fih��i�hts and au�horities gi��n here�n�a Lend��fio collect�nd app��such
<br /> r�n�s}, a�l af whi�h shafl be deemed to be�nd remain a par�of the prop�r�y cavered by this De�d of Tru��; and a!I of the
<br /> �or�going, togethe�v�ri�h said property �or the 1�asehold es�afie �f�his De�d �f Trust is an a I�asehvld} are he�einafiter
<br /> ref�rred�o as the"P��p�rty". Bor��wer undersfiands and agrees�hat MER� holds only Iega[title�o the in�erests granfi�d
<br /> by Borro��r in this�ecurity lns�rumen�; but, if n�c��sary�o comply wi�h [aw or custam, ME[�� �as n�minee far Lender
<br /> and L�nd�r's succe�sor��nd assigns} has�he righ�: to exerc��e any or a[I o��hose in��res�s, includ�ng, but naf limited
<br /> �a, the righf to forec[ose an� se[I �he Prope�ty; and �o tak� any ac�ion �equired of Lender inc�uding, bu� not�imited �o,
<br /> �elea�ing �r canceling �this Secur��y ir�s�rument.
<br /> TC� SEGURE to Lender fihe repaym�nfi of�he inde��edness evidenced by Barrower's nv�e dated
<br /> December��, Z�'�3, and �x�ensions and r�ne�rsrals thereof�herein "Na�e"}, �n fihe principal sum af
<br /> U.S. $'�5,DD�.n4, wifih inte�es��herean, pro�iding for m�nthly installme��s�f principal and En�eres�, orsri�h �he
<br /> �alance af�h� ind�b�edness, if r�ot sooner paid, due and �ayable �n January 'l, ��'19, fihe paym�n�
<br /> of all ather sums, with interest�here�n= advanced in �ccordance he�ewi�h to prot�c�the security af this Q�ed ofi Trusfi;
<br /> and �he perf�rmance of fihe cavenanfis and agreemen�s�f�or�a��r her�in c�n�ained.
<br /> Borrower covenan�s tha� B��rovver is lav�rfully s�ised of�he estat� he�e�y cQn�eyed and has the right�o g�an� and
<br /> convey the Pro�erty, and �ha�th� Pr�perty is unencumbered, exc�pt for�nGumbrances ofi record. B�rrowe�covenants
<br /> tha� Borrovtirer warrants and will defend generally the �ifile �o �he Property against al! claims an� d�mands, sub�ecfi to
<br /> �r�cum�ranc�s of record.
<br /> U N IF�RM G�VENANTS. Barrowe�and L�r�der covenant and agree as falla�rs:
<br /> 'I. Payment �f Princ�paC and Inter�st. Borr��v�r�r shal! prompt�y pay when due the princip�l �nd infie�es�
<br /> indeb�edness evidenced �y �he Nflte and lat� charges as prflvided �n the Nate.
<br /> �. Funds for Tax�s and lnsurance. Subjec�to applicab�e ia�r or a�rr���en arvaiver by Lender, Borrow�r shall pay
<br /> fio L�nder an �he day mon�hly payments of principal and infieres�are payab�e und�r�he Not�, un�il the Note i� paid in
<br /> �ull, � sum ��erein "Funds"} equal to one-fiwe��th af�he year[y �ax�s and assessmen�s �including c�nd�minium and
<br /> plann�d unit de�relopment assessments, if any}wh�ch may a��ain priority over thi� Deed af Trust, and ground ren�s an
<br /> �he Pra�er�y, if any, plus �ne-�elfth of yearly premium ins�allmen�s f�r hazard insurance, plu� ane-twelf�h af yearly
<br /> premium in�tallm�nts f�r ma�gage in�urance,if any,all as r�asanabiy e��ima�ed ini�ially and from t�me fia�im�by Lend��
<br /> an the �asi�ofi a�sessmen�s and b�l�s and reas�r�able estimates�hereQ�. Rorrawer sha�� not��o�liga��d fia mak�such
<br /> payment� o� Funds �o Lender�o �he �x�e�f�hat Borrower makes such paymen#� t� the ho[der of a pri�r mortgage ar
<br /> de�d af trust if such halde��� an instit�tional lende�.
<br /> 1f Borrower pays Funds to Lender, the Fund� sha11 �e held in an ins�i�ution the depo�its or accoun�s of�rh�ch are
<br /> insured or guarant�ed by a�ederal or state agency �including Lender if L�nd�r is such an insti�ut�on}. Lend�r sha��apply
<br /> the Fund�to pay sa�d taxes, assessments, insurance pr�miums and ground rent�. Lender may n��charge for sa ha�dir�g
<br /> and applying �he Funds, analy,zing sa�d a�coun� or v�rlfj�ing and compiling said assessmen�s and b�l�s, un[ess Lender
<br /> pays Borrower�n�eres�on �he Funds and appl��ab[e law permits Lender fio ma�� such a charg�. Bar��wer and Lend�r
<br /> may agr�e in �rvr�t�ng at�he time of execution of�his Deed of Trust fihat�nfierest�n �he Funds shall be paid �o Borrower,
<br /> and unless su�h agreem�nt �s ma�e ar applicable [avv requ�res such interes�to b� paid, L�n�er shall nat be required
<br /> to pay Bor�ower any in�eres� or earn�ngs on �he Funds. Lender sha�l giv� �o Bo�ro�nrer, without �ha�ge, an annual
<br /> a��ounting af th� Funds �hawing cred��s and debits to the Fund� and �he purpos�for�v�ich each de����o th� Funds
<br /> �as made. The Funds are pledged a� additiQna[ secur��y�or the sums secur�d by this Deed af Trust.
<br /> if�he amount of the Funds held by Lender, tage�her wi�h fihe fu�ure mon�hly ins�allment� of Funds payable prior to�he
<br /> due dat��af tax�s, a��essmen��, insurance prem�ums and grvund rents, �ha��exceed the amaunt required t�pay said taxes,
<br /> a��essments, insurance pr�miums and graund rents as �hey fal� due, such exc�ss sha11 ��, �� Borra�r��'s ap�ian, ei�her
<br /> promp�ly repaid �a Bor�ower or c�ed��ed t� gorrower�n mon�hly ins�al�r�nents of Funds. if the amaunt of fihe Funds held �y
<br /> L�nder�ha�����be suffic�en��o pay taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents a�th��fall �ue, E�orrawe�
<br /> shal�pay t� L�r�der any ar�r�ount necessa�y t�mak�up fhe��f�ciency in one or more payments as Lender may requi�e.
<br /> LJpon �ayment in full of al[sums secured by�his Deed �f Trust, Lender shall promp��y refiund to Bo�ra►�ver�ny Funds
<br /> he�d by Lender. if und�r�Oaragraph �7 h�reaf�he Proper�y�s so[d ar the F'rap�rt�1 is��henrvise acquired �y Len��r, L�nder
<br /> shal! apply, na I�ter t�an immedEately pr�or to �he sale of the Property or ��s acquisi�ian by Lender, any Funds �eld by
<br /> Lender a�the��m� vf ap�lica�ian as a cre�ifi against the sums s�cur�ed by�h�s De�d of Trust.
<br /> 3. A�plication of Payments. Unless appl�cab�e iaw p�aWides othe�wise, all paymen�s �eceived by Lender unde�
<br /> �he No�� and par�graph� � and � here�f shall b� a�plied by Lender first in payment of amnun�s payable �o Lender by
<br /> Borrower under paragra�h � h�reaf, �h�n �a interest payable on the No�e, and �hen �a the principal of�he Note.
<br /> 4. Pr�or lVlortgages and Deeds of Trust; Charges; Liens. Borro�►v�� �hall perform ail o� Barrower'� vbl�gativr�s
<br /> under any mortgage, de�� of�rus� or ather secur�ty agreem�n�wi�h a �ien which has �riority over this Dee� �f Trus�,
<br /> ir�c�uding Borro�ver's cov�nar�f� �o make payments when due. Borrower sha11 pay �r cause �o be paid al� taxes,
<br /> assessmen�s and ather charges,fines and impositions attributabl�to�he Prvperty which may attain a priari�y�ver thts Deed
<br /> of Trus�, ar�d lease�ald paymer�ts �r graund �ents, i�any.
<br /> 5. Hazard Insurance, 8nrrow�r shall keep �he imprv�em�nts now existing or hereafter erecfied on �he Prop�rfiy
<br /> insured againsfi loss by f�re, hazards included w�t�in �he term "extended coverage," an� such afiher haza�ds as Lender
<br /> may require and in such amaun�s and for such periods as Lend�r may require,
<br /> The�nsuranc�car�ier provid�n���e�nsurance shall be chosen �y Bo�row�r su�je���o approWal by Lender; pro�ided,
<br /> tha� such a�pr�val �hall no� be unr���onably v�rithhe�d. All insu�ance pa�rcies and renewals thereof sha�� be in a fnrm
<br /> acc�p�able��Lend�rand shall include a s�andard mortgage c�ause in fa�arof and in a form accep�able to Lender. Lend�r
<br /> sha�l have the righ�to hold the pa�icies and renewals thereof, suhjec�to th�terms of any mo�tgage, deed af trus�v�other
<br /> securi�y agreemen�with a �ien�hich ha� prior�ty over this De�d o�Trus�.
<br /> In �he even�of Ioss, Barrawer shall g�v� �r�mp�n���c��o�h� insurance Garrier and L�nde�. Lender m�y mak� proaf
<br /> af ioss if nat made prampfly by Borro�rer.
<br /> If the Property is a�andon�d�y B�rrawer,ar if Borrower fai�s�o respond�o Ler�der wi�hin 30 days frvm the da�e n�t�ce
<br /> is mailed by Lender�� Borrawer�haf�he insurance carrier of�ers �o settle a claim �a� insurance benefi�s, Lender is
<br /> au�hari�ed �� collec�and apply t�e insurance proceeds a� L�nd�r's opti�n ei�h���� ��s�oratian ar repair of�he Properfy
<br /> or to th� su ms secur�d by fih is Deed of Trusfi.
<br /> fi. Preserr�ation and Maintenance of Property; Leasehaids; Condominiums; P�ann�d lJnit De�elopments.
<br /> Barrow�r sha[[ keep�he Property in goad repair and sh�l� r�ot comm��waste or permit imp�irment or deter�ara�ian of�he
<br /> f.
<br /> NEBRASKA-SEC�ND MaRTGAGE-�IB�-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RNi 1N5TRU1111ENT Form 38�8
<br /> Mvdified by Ellie Mae, Inc. �n�t�alS:
<br /> EI[ie Mae, Inc. . Page 2 of 5 NECSECDE 04�2
<br /> � '1�1�312�13'�2:59 PM PST
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