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��131�1�� <br /> . <br /> If Lender exerc�ses�his option, Lender sha��gi�e Borrovver notice of acceleration. The notice shall pravide a <br /> period of not less than 30 days fram the date the notice is given in accordance�rith Section 15 vvi�hin�vh�ch Sorrower <br /> must pay all sums secured by�hYs 5ecur�ty Ins�rument. If B�rrav�er fails to pa�these sums prior ta the expxratxvn of <br /> this perxod, Lender may in�oke an�remedies permi�ted liy this Securit�Instrument vvithout further nat�cQ vr demand <br /> vn Barrovver. <br /> 19. Borrower's Righ�to Rexnstate After Acceleration. If Borrvwer meets certain canditions, Borrower shall <br /> ha�e the right ta ha�e enforcement of this Se�urify Yns�rument discvntinued a�an�t�m�prior to�he earliest of: �a� <br /> #��e days befare sale of the Property pursuant to any po�ver of sa�e contained in this Secur�ty Zns�rumen�; �b} such <br /> other period as Applicable La�v might specxfy far the terminat�an of Borrower's right to reins�afe; vr (c} Qn�ry of a <br /> judgmen�enforc�ng this Security Ynstrument. Those condit�ons are tha�Borrawer: �a} pays Lender a�l sums�vhich <br /> �hen�rould he due under�his Securrty Instrument and the Nvte as if na acceieration had occurr�d; �b}cures any defau�t <br /> ❑f an�other cv�enants or agreements;�c}pays all exp�nses incurred in enforcYng thxs S�curity Ins�rum�n�,including, <br /> bu�not limited to, reasanable attorneys' fees,property inspect�on and valuation feQs,and a�her f�es incurred for the <br /> purpase of protecting Lender's YnterQst in�he Property and r�ghts under this Security Instrument; and �d} takes such � <br /> action as Lender may reasonably require tv assure that Lender's interes�in the Praper�y and rights under this Securit�r <br /> xnstrument,and Borrnwer's abligation tv pay the sums secured b�this S�curity Ins�rument,shall cont�nue unchanged. <br /> Lender may require tha�Borr�wer pay such r�instatement sums and expenses in ane or mare of the fallovving forms, <br /> as selected by Lender: (a}cash; (b}maney order; �c}certi#ied check,bank check,trea5urer's check ar cashier's check, <br /> pro�ided any such check is dravvn upon an institution whase dep�sxts are insured by a federa�agency,instrumenta�i�y <br /> ar enti�y;or(d}Elec�ranic Funds Transfer. Upon reinstatement by Barrower,this Secur�ty Instrument and obligations � <br /> secured hereby sha�1 remain fuii�r effecti�e as�f np acceleration had accurred. Hov�e�er,this right ta rein�fa�e sha11 <br /> not apply xn the case af acceleration under Sectian �8. <br /> - 20. 5ale af Note; Change of Loan Servicer;Notice of Grie�rance. The Note vr a par�iai interest in the Nate <br /> (tvgether vvith this Security Instrumen�} can b�sald on�vr mare times without prior notice�a Barrovver. A sale m�ght <br /> result in a change in the enti�y (knv�n as the "Loan S�rv�cer"} that callects Per�vdic Paymen�s due under the Nvte <br /> and this Security Instrument and performs other mortgage iaan ser�icing obligations under the Note, this 5ecurity <br /> � �nstrument, and Applrcable La�r. There a�so might be one or more changes of the Loan 5er`ricer unrelated t❑a sale <br /> ❑f the Nate. �f there is a change af the Laan Ser�icer,Barrvvver wil�be gi�en v�rritten na�ice of the change which v�ri11 <br /> state the name and address of the ne�cr Laan Ser�ricer, the address�v�vhich payments should be made and any ather <br /> information RESPA requires in connection vvith a nat�ce❑f transfer of serv�cing. If�he Note�s sald and thereafter <br /> the Loan xs ser��ced by a Loan Servicer other�han the pur�haser of th�Nvte,the mortgage loan ser�icing abligations <br /> to Sarrovver�vill remain�ith the Loan Ser�icer vr be transferr�d ta a 5uccessor Loan 5er�icer and are not assumed <br /> by the Note purchaser unless othervs�ise pro�ided b�the Note purchaser. <br /> Nei�her B�rra�er nor Lender ma�commence,jain, or be jo�ned tn any judiciai action �as either an indi�vidual <br /> litigant vr the mQmber of a class}that arises frnm the ather pari�'s acti�ns pursuant tv this 5ecurity�nstrument or�hat <br /> alleges that the othQr party has breached any provision�f, flr an�dut�r v�ved by reasvn of, this 5ecurity Ins�rument, <br /> until such Borrower ar Lender has notified th�ather party�v�ith such nvtice given in compliance v��th the requirements <br /> nf 5ectivn 15� nf such alleged breach and affarded�he vther par�hereto a reasanable periad aft�r the giving of such <br /> nvtice tn take carrecti�e actran. �f Applicable Law pro�vides a time perivd vvhich must elapse befare c�rtain a�tian <br /> can be taken, that time per�vd vv��l be deemed �o be reasonable for purposes of this paragraph. The noti�e of <br /> acceleration and apportunity ta cur�given to Borrovver pursuant ta Sectian 2�and the natice vf accelerat�on g�ven <br /> tv Bvrrower pursuant ta 5ect��n 1.8 sha��be deemed to satisfy the nvtice and apportunity to take correcti�e activn <br /> pra�isions of this Sect�vn ZU. <br /> 21. Hazardous Substances. As used in this Section 21: �a} "Hazardous 5ubstances" are thvse substances <br /> defined as toxic�r hazardous substances,pollutants, or v�astes by En�iranmen�a�Law and the fo�lo�ing substance5: <br /> g�soline, kerosen�, ather flammable or toxic pe�rvleum products, tvxic pesticides and herb�cides, �rolatile salvents, <br /> materials contain�ng asbestos ar farma�deh�rde, and radxoacti�re materials; �b} "EnWironm�ntal Lavv" means federal <br /> lav�s and Iavvs of the�jurisdictian where the Prapert�is located that rela#e to health,saf�ty ar en�ironmen�al pro�ectxan; <br /> (c} "Environmental Cleanup" inciudes any response actxon, remedia� action, ❑r remo�al action, as defined in <br /> NEBRASKA--Single Family--Fannie MaelFreddie IIllac UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT-MERS D�c�lllagic <br /> Form 3��8'[1�'I Page"!'I vf'�5 <br /> Ne3Q28.mzd.xml <br />
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