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��131�1�� <br /> , <br /> under th�s Security�nstrument unless Lender agrees to such re�ease�n wr� The co�enants and agreements af this <br /> Security 7nstrument sha1�bxnd �except as prv�ided in 5ection 2�} and benefit the succ�ssars and assigns nf Lender. <br /> 14. Loan Charges. Lender may charge Borro�er fees for ser�ices performed xn cannectivn�i�h Svrrnv�Qr's <br /> default, for the purpose af protect�ng Lender's in�erest in the Froperty and rights under th�s S�curit� Ins�rument, <br /> inc�uding, but no�1im�ted to, att�rne�s' fe�s,property inspectian and�aluation fees. In regard ta any oth�r fees,the <br /> absence❑f express authority in th�s Security Instrument tv chargQ a specific fee to Borrowver sha11 no�be construed <br /> as a prohibi�xan on the charging of such fee. LQnder may no�charge fe�s that are expressly prohibited by this Secur�ty <br /> Instrument or b�Applicable Law. <br /> Yf the Loan is subject t❑a la�v vvhich se�s maxxmum�aan charges,and tha�law is finally interpret�d sv that the <br /> interest or other Ivan charg�s coilected or to be co�lected�n cannect�an vvith the Loan exceed the perm�t�ed lim�ts, <br /> then: �a} any such laan charge shall be reduced by the amoun�necessary to reduce the charge to�he permitted ixm�t; <br /> and �h} any sums already caXlected from Borro�ver v�hich exc�eded permit�ed limits wi11 be refunded ta Barrower. <br /> Lender may cho�s��o make th�s refund b�reducing the principal ov�ed under the Nvfe ar by making a dxrect payment <br /> to Borrovsrer. �f a refund reduces principal, the reductian �vill be trea�ed as a partial prepayment �ithou� any <br /> prepayment charge (vvhe�her❑r nat a prepayment charge is pro�ided for under the Note}. Borrower's acceptance of <br /> any such refund made by direct payment to Barro�ver w�i� constitute a�vaiver of any right of ac�ion�orro�er might <br /> ha�re arising out of such a�ercharge. <br /> 15. Notices. A��notices gi�en by Barrawer or Lender in connection�ith�his 5ecurity�nstrument must be in <br /> wrx�ing. Any natice to Bvrrvwer�n connection v�ith this Security Instrumen�sha11�e deemed to have been gi�en t� <br /> Barr�v�rer vsrhen mailed by firs�class mai.� or�hen actuai��r deli�ered t❑ Sorrov�er's natice address if sent b� other <br /> means. Nvtice tv any one Bvrrv�er shali cvnstitute notice ta all Bnrrowers unless App�Ycable Law expressly requires <br /> other��se. The natice address sha11 be the Propert� Address un�ess Borro�er has d�signafed a substi�ute notice <br /> address b�notice t� Lender. Barro�er shall promptly nat�fy Lender nf Bvrrov�rer's change af address. if Lender <br /> specifies a procedur�for reporting Barrav�er's change af address,�hen Barruv�er sha11❑nly report a change af address <br /> thraugh that spec�f�ed procedure. There may be onl�one designated not�ce address under this Securx�y�nstrument <br /> at an�one�ime. Any notice�o Lender shail be gi�en by d�lx�ering it or by mailing it by first class mai�ta Lender's <br /> address stated herein unless Lender has desxgnatQd an�ther address b�nvticQ to Borrov�rer. An�notice in connectian <br /> with this 5ecurity�nstrument shali not be deemed ta ha�e been gi�ven to Lender until actualxy recei�ed by Lender. <br /> If any notice required b� this Securit�r Instrument is a1s❑ requYred under App�icab�e La�nr, the Applicable Lav� <br /> requirement vv�i1 sat�sfy the correspandYng requirement under this Security rns�rument. <br /> 1fi. �a�erning Lavv; Severabilit�; Rul�s of�ons#ruct�vn. Th�s 5ecuri�y�nstrument shall be go�rerned by <br /> federa�law and the lavv of�he jurisdictxon in�rhich th�Propert�xs�ocated. All rights and nbiigations cvn�ained�n <br /> this S�curity Ins�rum�nt are subject to an�requir�ments and limita��ons vf Applicable Lavv. Applicable La�rv mlght <br /> expiic�t�y or implic�tly allow the parties ta agree by cantract vr it might be silent, but such silenc�shail not be <br /> construed as a prohibition against agreement by cantract. Yn the even��hat any provisxon or clause af thuis Security <br /> Instrumen�or the No��confl�cts wxth Appl�cable La�v,such confl�ct shall not affect ather pra�isions of�h�s 5ecuri�y <br /> Ins�rument ar#he Nvte vvhich can�e gi�en effe�t�ithvut the conflicting provisian. <br /> As used in this Securi�y Ins�rument: �a}�vords nf the mascul�ne gender sha�i mean and inc�udQ carresponding <br /> neut�r v�ords or�rords of the feminine gender; (b} vWards in the singular sha�l mean and inciude the plural and vice <br /> versa; and �c} the v�rord "may" gi�es sa�e d�scretion vvithou�an�❑bligatian�o take any actifln. <br /> 17. Barrawer's�opy. Bvrro�rer shali be g�ven one cap�of the Nate and of this 5ecuri�Instrument. <br /> 18. Transfer vf the Proper�or a Benefcia�Interest in Eorrower. As used in th�s Sectian 18, "Inter�st in <br /> the Prvpert�" means any legal or beneficial in�erest in the Property, including, but no�Xxmited to, those beneficial. <br /> interests transf�rred in a bnnd fnr deed, contract for deed, ins�allment saies contract❑r escrov�agreement,th��ntent <br /> � of v�rhich is the transfer af t�tle b�r Sorrov�er at a future date to a purchaser. <br /> Zf a��or any part af the Prop�rty ar an�Znterest�n the Praperty is sold or transferred �or if Borrav�r�r is not a <br /> natural person and a benef�cial in�er�st�n Borrower�s s�ld ar transferred} vvithout Lender's prior wrxtten consent, <br /> Lend�r may require immediat�payment in fu��af aIl sums secured b�this Security 7nstrum�nt. Hawe�er,this optian <br /> shal�no�be exercised by Lender if such exerc�se is prohibited by Applicab�e La�rv. <br /> NEBRASKA--Singie Family--Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UN�FnRM [NSTRUMENT-MERS p���y���� <br /> Form 3D�8 '!1�'[ Page��of�5 www.dacmagic.�om <br /> Ne3028.rr�d.xmi <br />