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_ ��131�1�� <br /> , <br /> Environmental Lav�; and �d} an "Envirvnmental Candi�ion" means a condxfion that can cause, contribute to, ar <br /> �therv�ise trigger an En�iranmental Cleanup. <br /> Sarrov�rer shali not cause or permxt the presence,use,disposal,starag�,nr reiease of any Hazardous 5ubstances, <br /> ar release an�Hazardous 5ubstances,on or in the Property. Borrov�er sha�l not do,nvr allow anyone else <br /> to da, anyth�ng affecting �he Propert� (a} that is in vialation af any En��ronmenfa� Lavv, (b} v�hich crea�es an <br /> En�iranmental �ondition, or (c} which, du� ta the presenc�, use, or r�iQase af a Hazardous Substance, creates a <br /> cond�tian that adversely aff�c�s the �alue ❑f the Propert�. The preceding �o sentences sha�� no� app�y tv the <br /> presence, use, ❑r s�orage an�he Praperty of sma�1 quantities�f Hazardous Sub��ances that are generai�y recognized <br /> tv be approprxat� t❑ norma� residential uses and tv maintenance of the Property (including, but no� l�m�ted to, <br /> hazardous substances in consumer praduc�s}. <br /> Borrov�er sha11 prvmptiy gi�e Lender vvritten notice of�a} any in��estigatian, claim, demand, lavvsuif ar other <br /> action b�r an�govQrnm�ntal ar regulatflry agency❑r pri�ate party xn�al��ng the Property and any Hazardous 5ubstance <br /> or Envzronmental Law of which Borra�rer has actual knovvledge, tb}any Enviranmental Condition, including bu�not <br /> lim�ted�to, any spilling, 1eak�ng, discharge, release vr�hreat of r�iease of any Hazardvus Substance, and (c} any <br /> candi�.vn caused by the presence, use or release af a Hazardous Substance vvhich ad�ersely affects th��alue af the <br /> Property. Zf Borravsrer iearns, or is notif�ed b�an�governmen�ai or regula#ory autharity, or any private part�, that <br /> any remoWal or other remedia�ion of any Hazardaus 5ubstanc�affecting the Praperty is necessar�,Borrov�er shail <br /> pramptl�take a11 necessary r�m�d�a�actxons in accordance�vith En�ironmental Lavv. Nathing herein shall create any <br /> vbligation on Lender for an En�ironmentai Cleanup. <br /> N�N-UN�F�RM C[]VENANTS. Barrawer and Lender further co�enant and agree as follows: <br /> 22. Accelera#�an; Remedies. Lender shall gi�e notice to Borrower prior �o acce�erativn fallowxng <br /> Bvrrawer's breach af any covenant ar agreement in th�'rs Security Instrumenf�but nvt prior to a�celerat�on under <br /> Sec#ion 18 unless Applicable Lavv pro�vides o�her�rise}. The noti�e shall speCify: ta� �he defatt��; �b� �he action <br /> required to cure the default; (c}a da�e,not less than 3U days frorn the date the natice is gi�ren to Borrower,by <br /> which the default mus�be cured; and td} that failur�tn cure the default on or before the date speci�ed in the <br /> no�ice ma�result in a�celeration of the sums secured by#his Securit�Insfrument and sale of fhe Propert�. The <br /> not�ce shall further inform Borrovver af the right to reinstate after accelera�xon and the right to bring a court <br /> ac�ion to assert�he non�ex�sfence af a default or any other defense of Borrower to acce�eration and sa�e. If the <br /> default is no�cured an or befare the date spec��.ed xn�he not�ce, Lender at its aption may require immediate <br /> payment in fu1X of a11 sums secured b�this Securxty Instrumen�without further d�rnand and may Yn�oke the <br /> � power vf sale amd any ather remedies perm�fted�y Agplicab�e Lavv. Lender sha11 be en#at�ed to Collect all <br /> expenses�ncurred in pursuing the remed�es prov�ded in this Section 2�,including,but not l�mited tv,reasonable <br /> a�torneys' fees and costs of#it�e e��dence. <br /> If the pnwer of sale is in�oked, Trustee sha��record a not�ce of defauit i�n each count,�r in which any part <br /> of#he Proper�is located and shall mai�capies vf such notice in the manner prescribed by Applicable Law to <br /> Borrower and to the ofher persons prescribed by Applicable Law. After the t�me required by Applicable Law, <br /> Trustee shall gi�re pubxic notice of sale to the persons and in the manner prescribed b�Apglicable Law. Trustee, <br /> withaut demand on Borrower, shall sell the Property at pu��ic auction to the highest bidder a�the�Yme and <br /> p�ace and unt�e�the �erms designated in �he natice vf sale in one or more parcels and�n any order Trustee <br /> determines. Truste�may postpone sale of a�I or any parcel of the Proper#y by public announcement at the t�me <br /> an�.p1ac�of an�prevxously scheduled sa1e. Lend�r or ifs designee may purchase the Praperty at any sale. <br /> Upon rece�pt of payment of the prx�e�id,Trus�ee shall de�iver ta fhe pur�haser Trustee's deed can�vey�ing <br /> the Praperty. The recitals in the Trus�ee's deed shall be prima fa��e e�idence of the tru�h of the statements <br /> made therein. Trus�ee shall apply#he praceeds of the sa�e in�he following order: �a}to a���osts and expens�s <br /> of exerc�sing the pvwer af sa�le, and the sale,inc�uding#he payment of�he Trustee's fees actua��y�ncurred and <br /> reasona��e at�orneys'fees as permitted by Appli�able Law; (b}fv all sums secured�y th�s Security Instrument; <br /> and (c} an�ex�ess to�he person or persons legally en�i�led ta i�. <br /> NEBRASKA--Single Fam�iy--Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT-MERS DvcAl�agic a <br /> Form 3Q�8 �!D� Page �2 of�5 w ww.docmagir.eorrr <br /> Ne30�8.mzd.xml <br />